94 research outputs found

    EMG Modeling

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    The aim of this chapter is to describe the approaches used for modelling electromyographic (EMG) signals as well as the principles of electrical conduction within the muscle. Sections are organized into a progressive, step-by-step EMG modeling of structures of increasing complexity. First, the basis of the electrical conduction that allows for the propagation of the EMG signals within the muscle is presented. Second, the models used for describing the electrical activity generated by a single fibre described. The third section is devoted to modeling the organization of the motor unit and the generation of motor unit potentials. Based on models of the architectural organization of motor units and their activation and firing mechanisms, the last section focuses on modeling the electrical activity of a complete muscle as recorded at the surface

    The M waves of the biceps brachii have a stationary (shoulder-like) component in the first phase: Implications and recommendations for M-wave analysis

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    Objective. We recently documented that compound muscle action potentials (M waves) recorded over the 'pennate' vastus lateralis showed a sharp deflection (named as a shoulder) in the first phase. Here, we investigated whether such a shoulder was also present in M waves evoked in a muscle with different architecture, such as the biceps brachii, with the purpose of elucidating the electrical origin of such afeature. Approach. M waves evoked by maximal single shocks to the brachial plexus were recorded in monopolar and bipolar configurations from 72 individuals using large (10 mm diameter) electrodes and from eight individuals using small (1 mm diameter) electrodes arranged in a linear array. The changes in M-wave features at different locations along the muscle fiber direction were examined. Main results. The shoulder was recognizable in most (87%) monopolar M waves, whereas it was rarely observed (6%) in bipolar derivations. Recordings made along the fiber direction showed that the shoulder was a stationary (non-propagating) feature, with short duration (spiky), which had positive polarity at all locations along the fibers. The latency of the shoulder (9.5 ± 0.5 ms) was significantly shorter than the estimated time taken for the action potentials to reach the biceps tendon (12.8 ms). Significance. The shoulder must be generated by a dipole source, i.e. a source created at a fixed anatomical position, although the exact origin of this dipole is uncertain. Our results suggest that the shoulder may not be due to the end-of-fiber signals formed at the biceps brachii tendon. The shoulder is not related to any specific arrangement of muscle fibers, as it has been observed in both pennate and fusiform muscles. Being a stationary (non-propagating) component, the shoulder is not reliable for studying changes in sarcolemmal excitability, and thus should be excluded from the M-wave analysis

    End-of-Fiber Signals Strongly Influence the First and Second Phases of the M Wave in the <i>Vastus Lateralis</i>: Implications for the Study of Muscle Excitability.

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    It has been recurrently observed that, for compound muscle action potentials (M wave) recorded over the innervation zone of the &lt;i&gt;vastus lateralis&lt;/i&gt; , the descending portion of the first phase generally shows an "inflection" or "shoulder." We sought to clarify the electrical origin of this shoulder-like feature and examine its implications. M waves evoked by maximal single shocks to the femoral nerve were recorded in monopolar and bipolar configurations from 126 individuals using classical (10-mm recording diameter, 20-mm inter-electrode distance) electrodes and from eight individuals using small electrodes arranged in a linear array. The changes of the M-wave waveform at different positions along the muscle fibers' direction were examined. The shoulder was identified more frequently in monopolar (97%) than in bipolar (46%) M waves. The shoulder of M waves recorded at different distances from the innervation zone had the same latency. Furthermore, the shoulder of the M wave recorded over the innervation zone coincided in latency with the positive peak of that recorded beyond the muscle. The positive phase of the M wave detected 20 mm away from the innervation zone was essentially composed of non-propagating components. The shoulder-like feature in monopolar and bipolar M waves results from the termination of action potentials at the superficial aponeurosis of the &lt;i&gt;vastus lateralis&lt;/i&gt; . We conclude that, only the amplitude of the first phase, and not the second, of M waves recorded monopolarly and/or bipolarly in close proximity to the innervation zone can be used reliably to monitor possible changes in muscle membrane excitability

    Electromyographic, cerebral, and muscle hemodynamic responses during intermittent, isometric contractions of the biceps brachii at three submaximal intensities.

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    This study examined the electromyographic, cerebral and muscle hemodynamic responses during intermittent isometric contractions of biceps brachii at 20, 40, and 60% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Eleven volunteers completed 2 min of intermittent isometric contractions (12/min) at an elbow angle of 90° interspersed with 3 min rest between intensities in systematic order. Surface electromyography (EMG) was recorded from the right biceps brachii and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to simultaneously measure left prefrontal and right biceps brachii oxyhemoglobin (HbO2), deoxyhemoglobin (HHb), and total hemoglobin (Hbtot). Transcranial Doppler ultrasound was used to measure middle cerebral artery velocity (MCAv) bilaterally. Finger photoplethysmography was used to record beat-to-beat blood pressure and heart rate. EMG increased with force output from 20 to 60% MVC (P &lt; 0.05). Cerebral HbO2 and Hbtot increased while HHb decreased during contractions with differences observed between 60% vs. 40% and 20% MVC (P &lt; 0.05). Muscle HbO2 decreased while HHb increased during contractions with differences being observed among intensities (P &lt; 0.05). Muscle Hbtot increased from rest at 20% MVC (P &lt; 0.05), while no further change was observed at 40 and 60% MVC (P &gt; 0.05). MCAv increased from rest to exercise but was not different among intensities (P &gt; 0.05). Force output correlated with the root mean square EMG and changes in muscle HbO2 (P &lt; 0.05), but not changes in cerebral HbO2 (P &gt; 0.05) at all three intensities. Force output declined by 8% from the 1st to the 24th contraction only at 60% MVC and was accompanied by systematic increases in RMS, cerebral HbO2 and Hbtot with a leveling off in muscle HbO2 and Hbtot. These changes were independent of alterations in mean arterial pressure. Since cerebral blood flow and oxygenation were elevated at 60% MVC, we attribute the development of fatigue to reduced muscle oxygen availability rather than impaired central neuronal activation

    Estimation of the neuromuscular fatigue threshold from an incremental cycling test using 1-minute exercise periods

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    The objectives of this study were: 1) to evaluate the method used for estimating the neuromuscular fatigue threshold from surface electromyographic amplitude (the PWCFT test) during a single incremental cycling workout using 1-minute exercise periods, and 2) to investigate the possible associations between PWCFT and metabolic (onset of blood lactate accumulation [OBLA]) and ventilatory (ventilatory threshold [VT] and respiratory compensation point [RCP]) variables.Sixteen cyclists performed incremental cycle ergometer rides to exhaustion with bipolar surface sEMG signals recorded from the vastus lateralis. Subsequently, participants performed one constant-workload exercise test at 100% of their PWCFT.During the incremental test, the power output at PWCFT was not correlated with that of OBLA (P>0.05), but it was positively correlated with those of VT and RCP (P0.05). The average duration of the constant-workload exercise was 8-9 minutes.The application of the PWCFT method using 1-min exercise periods could lead to overestimation of the neuromuscular fatigue threshold most likely because this stage duration allows insufficient time for the sEMG response to manifest

    The filling factor of the sEMG signal at low contraction forces in the quadriceps muscles is influenced by the thickness of the subcutaneous layer

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    Introduction: It has been shown that, for male subjects, the sEMG activity at low contraction forces is normally “pulsatile”, i.e., formed by a few large-amplitude MUPs, coming from the most superficial motor units. The subcutaneous layer thickness, known to be greater in females than males, influences the electrode detection volume. Here, we investigated the influence of the subcutaneous layer thickness on the type of sEMG activity (pulsatile vs. continuous) at low contraction forces.Methods: Voluntary surface EMG signals were recorded from the quadriceps muscles of healthy males and females as force was gradually increased from 0% to 40% MVC. The sEMG filling process was examined by measuring the EMG filling factor, computed from the non-central moments of the rectified sEMG signal.Results: 1) The sEMG activity at low contraction forces was “continuous” in the VL, VM and RF of females, whereas this sEMG activity was “pulsatile” in the VL and VM of males. 2) The filling factor at low contraction forces was lower in males than females for the VL (p = 0.003) and VM (p = 0.002), but not for the RF (p = 0.54). 3) The subcutaneous layer was significantly thicker in females than males for the VL (p = 0.001), VM (p = 0.001), and RF (p = 0.003). 4) A significant correlation was found in the vastus muscles between the subcutaneous layer thickness and the filling factor (p &lt; 0.05).Discussion: The present results indicate that the sEMG activity at low contraction forces in the female quadriceps muscles is “continuous” due to the thick subcutaneous layer of these muscles, which impedes an accurate assessment of the sEMG filling process

    Electromiografic (EMG) activity during pedaling, its utility in the diagnosis of fatigue in cyclists

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    Producción CientíficaLa fatiga muscular tiene múltiples definiciones, pero con una misión especial cual es la misión protectora, avisando al organismo sobre la debilidad o la aparición de una incapacidad funcional. En esta revisión se hace un análisis de las aplicaciones de la electromiografía (EMG) como técnica para comprender los patrones de activación musculares durante el pedaleo y la aparición de fatiga muscular. Se ha realizado una revisión en la cual se analizan las variaciones de la actividad EMG durante las fases del pedaleo. El movimiento del pedaleo ha sido estudiado exhaustivamente y se ha legado a distinguir 4 fases en el pedaleo que originan la propulsión y el recobro. Mediante el uso de la EMG se pueden describir los patrones de activación típicos, en cuanto al nivel de actividad y el tiempo de activación de los principales músculos de las extremidades inferiores. La actividad muscular y la coordinación pueden variar entre personas a lo largo de un solo ciclo de pedaleo y entre diferentes ciclos de la misma persona. También se examinan los principales factores que pueden influir en estos patrones EMG durante las fases del pedaleo. Asimismo, se describe la influencia de factores como la potencia de salida, cadencia o frecuencia de pedaleo, pendiente y postura, interfaz calzado pedal, nivel de entrenamiento y fatiga muscular, que producen alteraciones en el tiempo de activación y coordinación muscular. En conclusión, la EMG permite detectar la aparición de la fatiga muscular, bien de origen central o periférico. También, estimar el umbral de fatiga de neuromuscular a partir de la amplitud EMG durante un test incremental en un cicloergómetro. Al aumentar de la amplitud para intentar mantener la fuerza y una disminución del espectro de frecuenciasMuscle fatigue has multiple definitions, but with a special mission what is the protective mission, warning the body about weakness or the appearance of a functional disability. In this review, we present the applications of Electromyography (EMG) as a technique to gain insight into the activation patterns during cycling and the onset of fatigue. A narrative review has been carried out in which analysis of the EMG activity during the different phases of the pedal cycle. The movement of the pedal has been studied exhaustively and has been able to distinguish 4 phases in the pedaling that originate the propulsion and the recovery. By using the EMG it is possible to describe the typical activation patterns in terms of the activity level and activation time of the main muscles of the lower limbs. Muscle activity and coordination can vary between people throughout a single cycle of pedaling and between different cycles of the same person. Moreover, we examine the main factors that can influence these electromyographic patterns during the pedal cycle. We also describe the influence of factors such as output power, cadence or frequency of pedaling, slope and posture, foot pedal interface, training level and muscle fatigue that produce alterations in the time of activation and muscular coordination. In conclusion, we believe that EMG can detect the occurrence of muscle fatigue, either of central or peripheral origin. The method used to estimate the neuromuscular fatigue threshold from the EMG amplitude during an incremental test on a cycle ergometer is presented. In general there is an increase in amplitude to try to maintain the force and a decrease in the frequency spectrum

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    Determinants, analysis and interpretation of the muscle compound action potential (M wave) in humans: implications for the study of muscle fatigue.

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    The compound muscle action potential (M wave) has been commonly used to assess the peripheral properties of the neuromuscular system. More specifically, changes in the M-wave features are used to examine alterations in neuromuscular propagation that can occur during fatiguing contractions. The utility of the M wave is based on the assumption that impaired neuromuscular propagation results in a decrease in M-wave size. However, there remains controversy on whether the size of the M wave is increased or decreased during and/or after high-intensity exercise. The controversy partly arises from the fact that previous authors have considered the M wave as a whole, i.e., without analyzing separately its first and second phases. However, in a series of studies we have demonstrated that the first and second phases of the M wave behave in a different manner during and after fatiguing contractions. The present review is aimed at five main objectives: (1) to describe the mechanistic factors that determine the M-wave shape; (2) to analyze the various factors influencing M-wave properties; (3) to emphasize the need to analyze separately the first and second M-wave phases to adequately identify and interpret changes in muscle fiber membrane properties; (4) to advance the hypothesis that it is an increase (and not a decrease) of the M-wave first phase which reflects impaired sarcolemmal membrane excitability; and (5) to revisit the involvement of impaired sarcolemmal membrane excitability in the reduction of the force generating capacity

    New insights into the potentiation of the first and second phases of the M-wave after voluntary contractions in the quadriceps muscle

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    We investigated the mechanisms underlying the potentiation of the first and second phases of the compound action potential (M-wave) after conditioning contractions. M-waves were evoked in the knee extensors before and after isometric maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) of 1 s, 3 s, 6 s, 10 s, 30 s, and 60 s. The amplitude, duration, and area of the M-wave first and second phases were measured during the 10-min period after each contraction. The magnitude of the M-wave first phase was enlarged only after MVCs of 30 s and 60 s, whereas the second phase increased after all MVCs, regardless of their duration. The enlargement of the first phase remained for longer than 2 min, whereas the potentiation of the second phase lasted only 20 s. Potentiation of the first phase is the result of fatigue-induced membrane changes, whereas enlargement of the second phase is probably related to shortening of muscle fascicles. Muscle Nerve 55: 35-45, 2017