681 research outputs found

    Solanum lycopersicum cytokinin response factor (SlCRF) genes: characterization of CRF domain-containing ERF genes in tomato

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    Cytokinin is an influential hormone in growth and developmental processes across many plant species. While several cytokinin-regulated genes have been well characterized in Arabidopsis, few have been identified in tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. Here a tomato family of 11 highly related cytokinin response factor genes designated as SlCRF1–SlCRF11 (Solanum lycopersicum cytokinin response factor) are identified and characterized. SlCRFs are AP2/ERF transcription factors and generally orthologous to Arabidopsis CRF clade members (AtCRFs). Some SlCRF genes lack a direct Arabidopsis orthologue and one SlCRF has a unique protein domain arrangement not seen in any other CRF protein. Expression analysis of SlCRF1–SlCRF11 revealed differential patterns and levels across plant tissues examined (leaf, stem, root and flower). Several SlCRFs show induction by cytokinin to various degrees, similar to AtCRFs. Additionally it is shown that some SlCRFs can be regulated by other factors, including NaCl, ethylene, methyl jasmonate, and salicylic acid. Examination of SlCRF proteins in transient Agrobacterium infiltration experiments indicates they can be nuclear localized in planta. Using a bimolecular fluorescence complementation (split-yellow fluorescent protein) system, it is also shown that SlCRF proteins can interact to form homo- and heterodimers. Overall this work indicates that some SlCRFs resemble previously identified CRFs in terms of structure, expression, and cytokinin regulation. However, SlCRFs have novel CRF protein forms and responses to abiotic factors, suggesting they may have a diverse set of roles in stress and hormone regulation in tomato

    Aging and path integration skill: Kinesthetic and vestibular contributions to wayfinding

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    In a triangle completion task designed to assess path integration skill, younger and older adults performed similarly after being led, while blindfolded, along the route segments on foot, which provided both kinesthetic and vestibular information about the outbound path. In contrast, older adults’ performance was impaired, relative to that of younger adults, after they were conveyed, while blindfolded, along the route segments in a wheelchair, which limited them principally to vestibular information. Correlational evidence suggested that cognitive resources were significant factors in accounting for age-related decline in path integration performance

    CRFs form protein–protein interactions with each other and with members of the cytokinin signalling pathway in Arabidopsis via the CRF domain

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    Cytokinin is a plant hormone essential for growth and development. The elucidation of its signalling pathway as a variant of the bacterial two-component signalling system (TCS) has led to a better understanding of how this hormone is involved in general plant processes. A set of cytokinin-regulated transcription factors known as cytokinin response factors (CRFs) have been described as a potential branch emanating from the TCS, yet little is known about how CRFs actually interact with each other and with members of the TCS pathway. Here the interactions of CRF proteins (CRF1–CRF8) using the yeast two-hybrid system and bimolecular fluorescence complementation in planta assays are described. It was found that CRFs are readily able to form both homo- and heterodimers with each other. The first analysis of CRF versus TCS pathway protein interactions is also provided, which indicates that CRFs (CRF1–CRF8) are able specifically to interact directly with most of the Arabidopsis histidine-phosphotransfer proteins (AHP1–AHP5) further solidifying their link to the cytokinin signalling pathway. In addition, the region of CRF proteins involved in these interactions was mapped and it was determined that the clade-specific CRF domain alone is sufficient for these interactions. This is the first described function for the CRF domain in plants

    Expression Profiling of Cytokinin Action in Arabidopsis

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    The phytohormone cytokinin is an important regulator of plant growth and development; however, relatively few genes that mediate cytokinin responses have been identified. Genome-wide analyses of Arabidopsis seedlings using the approximately 8,300-element Affymetrix Arabidopsis GeneChips (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA) to examine cytokinin-responsive genes were conducted, revealing at least 30 genes whose steady-state level of mRNA was elevated and at least 40 that were down-regulated at multiple time points after application of cytokinin. The cytokinin up-regulated genes include the type-A Arabidopsis response regulators (ARRs), which had been shown previously to be cytokinin primary response genes, cytokinin oxidase, which encodes an enzyme that degrades cytokinins, and several transcription factors. Cytokinin down-regulated genes include several peroxidases and kinases and an E3 ubiquitin ligase. We identified a common sequence motif enriched in the upstream regions of the most consistently cytokinin up-regulated genes. This motif is highly similar to the optimal DNA-binding sites for ARR1/ARR2, type-B ARRs that have been implicated in the transcriptional elevation of the type-A ARRs. Additionally, genome-wide analyses of cytokinin receptor mutants (wol/cre1) revealed large-scale changes in gene expression, including down-regulation of the type-A ARRs and several meristem and cell cycle genes, such as CycD3. Mutations in CRE1 reduced but did not eliminate the effect of cytokinin on gene expression for a subset of cytokinin-responsive genes and had little or no effect on others, suggesting functional redundancy among the cytokinin receptors

    Composition of secondary alcohols, ketones, alkanediols, and ketols in Arabidopsis thaliana cuticular waxes

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    Arabidopsis wax components containing secondary functional groups were examined (i) to test the biosynthetic relationship between secondary alcohols and ketols and (ii) to determine the regiospecificity and substrate preference of the enzyme involved in ketol biosynthesis. The stem wax of Arabidopsis wild type contained homologous series of C27 to C31 secondary alcohols (2.4 μg cm−2) and C28 to C30 ketones (6.0 μg cm−2) dominated by C29 homologues. In addition, compound classes containing two secondary functional groups were identified as C29 diols (∼0.05 μg cm−2) and ketols (∼0.16 μg cm−2). All four compound classes showed characteristic isomer distributions, with functional groups located between C-14 and C-16. In the mah1 mutant stem wax, diols and ketols could not be detected, while the amounts of secondary alcohols and ketones were drastically reduced. In two MAH1-overexpressing lines, equal amounts of C29 and C31 secondary alcohols were detected. Based on the comparison of homologue and isomer compositions between the different genotypes, it can be concluded that biosynthetic pathways lead from alkanes to secondary alcohols, and via ketones or diols to ketols. It seems plausible that MAH1 is the hydroxylase enzyme involved in all these conversions in Arabidopsis thaliana

    Cytokinin response factor 6 represses cytokinin-associated genes during oxidative stress

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    Cytokinin is a phytohormone that is well known for its roles in numerous plant growth and developmental processes, yet it has also been linked to abiotic stress response in a less defined manner. Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) Cytokinin Response Factor 6 (CRF6) is a cytokinin-responsive AP2/ERF-family transcription factor that, through the cytokinin signaling pathway, plays a key role in the inhibition of dark-induced senescence. CRF6 expression is also induced by oxidative stress, and here we show a novel function for CRF6 in relation to oxidative stress and identify downstream transcriptional targets of CRF6 that are repressed in response to oxidative stress. Analysis of transcriptomic changes in wild-type and crf6 mutant plants treated with H2O2 identified CRF6-dependent differentially expressed transcripts, many of which were repressed rather than induced. Moreover, many repressed genes also show decreased expression in 35S:CRF6 overexpressing plants. Together, these findings suggest that CRF6 functions largely as a transcriptional repressor. Interestingly, among the H2O2 repressed CRF6-dependent transcripts was a set of five genes associated with cytokinin processes: (signaling) ARR6, ARR9, ARR11, (biosynthesis) LOG7, and (transport) ABCG14. We have examined mutants of these cytokinin-associated target genes to reveal novel connections to oxidative stress. Further examination of CRF6-DNA interactions indicated that CRF6 may regulate its targets both directly and indirectly. Together, this shows that CRF6 functions during oxidative stress as a negative regulator to control this cytokinin-associated module of CRF6-dependent genes and establishes a novel connection between cytokinin and oxidative stress response