2,381 research outputs found

    Profiling genes in the ICU: Are we there yet?

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    Effects Of Migratory Geese On Nitrogen Availability And Primary Productivity In Subarctic Barley Fields

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    Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1996Agricultural areas are important for migratory geese, providing easy access to high energy foods. Geese affect agricultural production by removing biomass and by depositing fecal nutrients. This study used \sp{15}N as a tracer to examine the quantitative effects of fecal nitrogen contributions on agricultural production. During winter 1994-95, 12-week lab incubations were conducted to determine net nitrogen and carbon mineralization potentials in soils amended with barley straw, grain, and goose feces. The greatest rates of nitrogen mineralization occurred in the soil amended with goose feces. Carbon mineralization occurred at the greatest rate in the soil amended with grain. In comparison to barley grain and straw, goose feces provided the greatest amount of available nitrogen to the soil and to subsequent crops, and consequently higher barley yields (59 and 62% increase, respectively). However, supplementary fertilizer is still necessary for farmers to obtain maximum barley yields. <p

    A lei da TV paga como garantia dos espaços religiosos na mídia fechada

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    1º Congresso Internacional Epistemologias do Sul: perspectivas críticas - 7 a 9 de novembro de 2016, realizada pela Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA).A proposta de pesquisa aqui relatada foi desenvolvida durante o primeiro semestre de 2016, a partir do trabalho conjunto com a orientadora da pesquisa, professora doutora Ana Keila Mosca Pinezi, bem como a partir das discussões promovidas na disciplina de Métodos e Planejamento de Pesquisa

    Phospholipase activities associated with the tonoplast from Acer pseudoplatanus cells: identification of a phospholipase A1 activity

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    AbstractThe study of phospholipase activities associated with the tonoplast of Acer pseudoplatanus was performed in vitro with sn-2[14C]acylphosphatidylcholine (PC) as a substrate. The hydrolysis of radiolabelled PC into [14C]phosphatidic acid and [14C]lyso-PC demonstrated the presence of phospholipase D and A1 activities, respectively, associated with the tonoplast of Acer pseudoplatanus. The vacuolar sap did not show any significant phospholipase activity. In a second step, the properties of the phospholipase A1, activity was studied using tonoplast endogenous PC labelled in vivo with [l4C]choline as a substrate. The phospholipase A1 showed an optimal activity at pH about 6–6.5, did not necessarily require divalent cations, but was stimulated by Mg2+ and particularly by Ca2+. This work presents the first evidence for the presence of phospholipases A1 in plant cells

    Representing Atypical Music Notation Practices: An Example with Late 17th Century Music

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    From the 17th century towards the first decades of the 18th century music notation slowly looses all influences from mensural music, becoming virtually identical to what we would consider common modern notation. But in these five decades of transformation composers did not just suddenly abandon older notation styles, but they were used alongside the ones that would become standard. Void notation, black notation and uncommon tempi were all mixed together. The scholar preparing modern editions of this music is normally forced to normalize all these atypical notations as many software applications do not support them natively. This paper exemplifies the flexibility of the encoding scheme proposed by the Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) and of Verovio, a visualisation library designed for it. The modular approach of these tools means that particular notation systems can be easily added whilst maintaining compatibility to other encoded notations