1,215 research outputs found

    Dermatologische Radiotherapie

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    Zusammenfassung: Die dermatologische Radiotherapie basiert im Wesentlichen auf den ĂŒblichen physikalischen und strahlenbiologischen Grundlagen. BezĂŒglich der StrahlenqualitĂ€t wird sehr oft der Bereich 10-50kV eingesetzt. Als Faustregel hat sich in der Dermatologie die Gewebehalbwerttiefe eingebĂŒrgert, d.h., diese sollte der Eindringtiefe des Tumors entsprechen. Somit besteht nicht die Gefahr einer Überbestrahlung der Hauterkrankung. Innerhalb der bösartigen Hauttumoren stellen die ausgedehnte aktinische Keratose, die Lentigo maligna, das Lentigo-maligna-Melanom, das Merkel-Zell-Karzinom, das Kaposi-Sarkom sowie die kutanen T-Zell- und evtl. B-Zell-Lymphome neben Basaliomen und Spinaliomen die wichtigsten Indikationen dar. Wichtig ist auch eine lebenslange Nachkontrolle nach Bestrahlung bösartiger Hauttumoren. An dermatologischen gutartigen Erkrankungen werden v.a. chronische Ekzeme, Psoriasis und Keloide behandelt. Hier sind ebenfalls einige Grundregeln vor der Bestrahlung zu beachte

    Acquiring Translation Competence through the Use of Subtitling. Enhancing Language Learning through Translation and Translating.

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    The research work presented here is the result of two interconnected factors: on the one hand the results of a preliminary study on the skills of students of the degree courses “Mediazione Linguistica e Culturale” [Linguistic and Cultural Mediation] and “Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne” [Modern Languages, Literature and Cultures] to analyse and assess the translation of audiovisual products and on the other hand the analysis of the most recent literature on language learning and audiovisual material, in particular interlingual subtitling. The first shows that the competences acquired during the three years of study do not always guarantee satisfying language and translation skills – in particular, a rather literal approach to texts persists –; while the second presents encouraging results on the use of subtitling in foreign language teaching, although the studies conducted so far are few and on small samples. Hence, the need for students to abandon their word-for-word approach and the intrinsic characteristics of interlingual subtitling and of audiovisual texts (i.e. the time and space constraints imposed on the text) are the starting point of this dissertation. Although the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) acknowledges translation as part of the activities necessary to language learning, its status is not yet clear since it is sometimes included in reception and production skills. The lack of specific descriptors then, makes the role played by translation in language learning still uncertain. To this end a methodology based on the use of two pieces of software was designed and implemented, namely LvS 2.5.2 a subtitling simulator for didactic purposes and Translog 2006 that allows to record all cursor movements and keystrokes. The first was used to analyse the processes and products of the translation of audiovisual texts, while the latter to create subtitles from English to Italian. One of the innovative aspects of this project lies precisely in the combination of these two pieces of software for the survey and development of language and translation competence for English L2 learners. The first stage of this investigation consisted in a pilot study with 18 volunteers of the third year of the degree course “Mediazione Linguistica e Culturale” over three lessons. The main purpose of the pilot study was to test students' reactions to the use of LvS and Translog and improve the methodology, as well as the quality of the learning material. This provided us with positive reactions on the part of students and with preliminary data on translation processes that proved helpful to the trial. The most striking datum found is that around 40% of the students observed do not read the text before translating, with negative consequences on the working speed and quality of their translations. The trial had a larger sample of students (27) and took place over a period of about two months (10 lessons). Students underwent an initial profiling activity, so that their translation style and initial competence and were instructed on how to use LvS and Translog. The activities carried out during the trial were structured according to the main stages of the translation process (orientation, drafting and end-revision). Therefore, every lesson would entail three stages: a group watching of the material and students' comments on the content and possible translation problems, then the translation with Translog and a transposition on LvS, and finally a group discussion with students' proposals. The material was administered on the basis of the learner-centred approach in which the teacher was a mere facilitator and encouraged a critical dialogue among students as much as possible rather than impose her own perspective. The definition of competence the study and the analysis refer to is that proposed by the PACTE group (“the underlying system of knowledge required to translate”). The audiovisual texts propose to students were selected on the basis of a number of “Rich Points”, which were then the specific object of the qualitative and quantitative analysis. Special attention was paid to the three basic stages of the translation process and their evolution, the duration of pauses, number of re-elaborations and the quality of the solutions of Rich Points. Moreover, the trial group's translation performance was compared to that of a control group to allow better data validation. The results of the study have contributed to gather precious information on learners' translation style and techniques and seem to encourage the use of this practice in foreign language teaching through the analysis and translation of audiovisual material. In fact, the trial group outperformed the control group both as far as the general approach to translation is concerned and specific problems considered representative of the most common translation difficulties

    Terminology Extraction for and from Communications in Multi-disciplinary Domains

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    Terminology extraction generally refers to methods and systems for identifying term candidates in a uni-disciplinary and uni-lingual environment such as engineering, medical, physical and geological sciences, or administration, business and leisure. However, as human enterprises get more and more complex, it has become increasingly important for teams in one discipline to collaborate with others from not only a non-cognate discipline but also speaking a different language. Disaster mitigation and recovery, and conflict resolution are amongst the areas where there is a requirement to use standardised multilingual terminology for communication. This paper presents a feasibility study conducted to build terminology (and ontology) in the domain of disaster management and is part of the broader work conducted for the EU project Sland \ub4 ail (FP7 607691). We have evaluated CiCui (for Chinese name \ub4 \u8bcd\u8403, which translates to words gathered), a corpus-based text analytic system that combine frequency, collocation and linguistic analyses to extract candidates terminologies from corpora comprised of domain texts from diverse sources. CiCui was assessed against four terminology extraction systems and the initial results show that it has an above average precision in extracting terms

    A linguistically-driven methodology for detecting impending and unfolding emergencies from social media messages

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    Natural disasters have demonstrated the crucial role of social media before, during and after emergencies (Haddow & Haddow 2013). Within our EU project Sland \ub4 ail, we aim to ethically improve \ub4 the use of social media in enhancing the response of disaster-related agen-cies. To this end, we have collected corpora of social and formal media to study newsroom communication of emergency management organisations in English and Italian. Currently, emergency management agencies in English-speaking countries use social media in different measure and different degrees, whereas Italian National Protezione Civile only uses Twitter at the moment. Our method is developed with a view to identifying communicative strategies and detecting sentiment in order to distinguish warnings from actual disasters and major from minor disasters. Our linguistic analysis uses humans to classify alert/warning messages or emer-gency response and mitigation ones based on the terminology used and the sentiment expressed. Results of linguistic analysis are then used to train an application by tagging messages and detecting disaster- and/or emergency-related terminology and emotive language to simulate human rating and forward information to an emergency management system

    Adjudicating Labor Mobility under France's Agreements on the Joint Management of Migration Flows: How Courts Politicize Bilateral Migration Diplomacy

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    France’s agreements on the joint management of migration flows (AJMs) figure centrally within studies of bilateral migration agreements. With their origins in friendship and navigation treaties of the late 19th century, the AJMs are successors to the postcolonial, circular mobility conventions of the 1960s, and are uniquely positioned for periodizing the evolution of bilaterally negotiated labor mobilities. Nonetheless, due to the European Union’s reluctance to embrace mass regularization and the EU Member States’ legislative powers over labor markets, they have time and again scotched France’s ambition to leverage preferential labor market entries in exchange for more cooperation over irregular migration. Through documents and statistical data analysis, this Article studies the case of Senegal’s negotiation of additional pathways to France for its lower-skilled workers. At the center is France’s administrative court of appeals, which has confirmed the broad margin of discretion over Art. 42 in the AJM between France and Senegal. This jurisprudence has decoupled the automatic linkage between a job listed under duress in France under the Annex to the AJM and the entitlement to exceptional admission. We argue that France’s courts have removed a privilege of Senegalese workers, which has re-politicized France’s migration diplomacy with Senegal. At the same time, retention of the prefectorial discretionary power has levelled the playing field among West and North African countries that have concluded similar bilateral agreements with France. This Article adds to the research on bilateral migration agreements by proposing a multilevel legal analysis, which studies AJMs in the context of France’s common law, EU labor and return directives, and the multilateral of WTO/GATS liberalization

    Cross-cutting best practices for new product development (NPD) in turbulent environments: the effects of integration and co-creation

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    Purpose – Continuous understanding of the best practices associated with new product development is a constant research opportunity to advance knowledge in the field, as far as changes in the business environment and the increasing turbulence level in different market segments create and reposition the importance of practices over time. Design/methodology/approach – Based on a systematic review, the study aimed to analyze the 100 most relevant articles published in international journals on new product development (NDP), identifying new patterns on the best practices for new product development and the types of relationship involved in NPD. Findings – Among the several practices observed in the literature, the analysis point to a larger group of studies that converge on the identification of a positive and significant relationship in integration – simultaneously – between supplier, company, customers and strategic alliances and the performance of NPD. Research limitations/implications – These results support integration as a cross-cutting and structural best practice for NPD, as long as it is constituted as a capacity, mainly applied in highly turbulent environments. This approach supported the proposition of a new framework. Practical implications – Organizations will be able to implement the proposed framework to NPD strategy in order to prioritize resources in best practices, aiming to increase the performance of new product development. Social implications – The adoption of integration and co-creation practices for the development of new products expands the possibilities of economic and social development, based on the involvement of the actors in this network. Originality/value – This model had not yet been proposed in the literature, filling a gap in the agenda for future studies

    Nouvelles de la SSDV / Neues aus der SGDV

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    Im Rahmen des nationalen Programms zur BekĂ€mpfung von Hautkrebs richtete die Krebsliga Schweiz einen Bus ein, der sich in verschiedenen StĂ€dten aufhielt. Dabei wurde die Bevölkerung ĂŒber die verschiedenen Hauttypen sowie Massnahmen zum Schutz vor Sonnenbestrahlung informiert. Besucher mit verdĂ€chtigen HautlĂ€sionen konnten kostenlos einen Dermatologen konsultieren. Im Jahre 2003 wurden 6725 Besucher empfangen und 3662 davon untersucht. Die Kampagne erfĂŒllte die drei gesetzten Ziele: PrimĂ€rprĂ€vention, SekundĂ€rprĂ€vention und klinische Untersuchung. Die weiblichen Besucher waren mit 60% in der Mehrzahl ausser bei Aktionen am Arbeitsort. Die HĂ€lfte der Besucher war zwischen 15 und 44 Jahre alt, und 40% galten als besonders gefĂ€hrdet. Die beobachteten soziodemografi schen Unterschiede hingen wahrscheinlich mit den PrĂ€senzstunden und -tagen des Sonnenmobils in den verschiedenen Regionen zusammen. Dank der Kampagne wurden 108 tumorartige LĂ€sionen entdeckt, davon 21 Melanome. Bei den Untersuchungen konstatierte man mehr Hautkrebserkrankungen bei MĂ€nnern, bei ĂŒber 65-JĂ€hrigen und bei Personen, die starker Sonnenbestrahlung ausgesetzt waren und in ihrer Kindheit wiederholt SonnenbrĂ€nde erlitten hatten. Anschliessend werden die Grenzen und Aussichten dieser Art von PrĂ€ventionskampagnen kurz diskutiert. [Autoren]]]> Melanoma; Skin Neoplasms ger oai:serval.unil.ch:BIB_26981FA4B21E 2022-05-07T01:13:15Z <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:oai_dc="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"> https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_26981FA4B21E Pathogenic Variants in PIGG Cause Intellectual Disability with Seizures and Hypotonia info:doi:10.1016/j.ajhg.2016.02.007 info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/doi/10.1016/j.ajhg.2016.02.007 info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/pmid/26996948 Makrythanasis, P. Kato, M. Zaki, M. S. Saitsu, H. Nakamura, K. Santoni, F. A. Miyatake, S. Nakashima, M. Issa, M. Y. Guipponi, M. Letourneau, A. Logan, C. V. Roberts, N. Parry, D. A. Johnson, C. A. Matsumoto, N. Hamamy, H. Sheridan, E. Kinoshita, T. Antonarakis, S. E. Murakami, Y. info:eu-repo/semantics/article article 2016 Am J Hum Genet, vol. 98, no. 4, pp. 615-26 info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/eissn/1537-6605 urn:issn:0002-9297 <![CDATA[Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) is a glycolipid that anchors &gt;150 various proteins to the cell surface. At least 27 genes are involved in biosynthesis and transport of GPI-anchored proteins (GPI-APs). To date, mutations in 13 of these genes are known to cause inherited GPI deficiencies (IGDs), and all are inherited as recessive traits. IGDs mainly manifest as intellectual disability, epilepsy, coarse facial features, and multiple organ anomalies. These symptoms are caused by the decreased surface expression of GPI-APs or by structural abnormalities of GPI. Here, we present five affected individuals (from two consanguineous families from Egypt and Pakistan and one non-consanguineous family from Japan) who show intellectual disability, hypotonia, and early-onset seizures. We identified pathogenic variants in PIGG, a gene in the GPI pathway. In the consanguineous families, homozygous variants c.928C&gt;T (p.Gln310( *)) and c.2261+1G&gt;C were found, whereas the Japanese individual was compound heterozygous for c.2005C&gt;T (p.Arg669Cys) and a 2.4 Mb deletion involving PIGG. PIGG is the enzyme that modifies the second mannose with ethanolamine phosphate, which is removed soon after GPI is attached to the protein. Physiological significance of this transient modification has been unclear. Using B lymphoblasts from affected individuals of the Egyptian and Japanese families, we revealed that PIGG activity was almost completely abolished; however, the GPI-APs had normal surface levels and normal structure, indicating that the pathogenesis of PIGG deficiency is not yet fully understood. The discovery of pathogenic variants in PIGG expands the spectrum of IGDs and further enhances our understanding of this etiopathogenic class of intellectual disability

    Dermatologische Radiotherapie. [Dermatologic radiotherapy.]

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    Dermatologic radiotherapy is based on the standard physical and radiobiological parameters. The radiation quality most often used in dermatology lies between 10 and 50 kV. Another important parameter is the half-value depth which should correspond to the depth of the tumor below the skin surface. In this way the skin is not over-exposed to radiation treatment. Indications for radiotherapy of malignant skin tumors include basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, severe actinic keratoses, lentigo maligna, lentigo maligna melanoma, Merkel cell carcinoma, and Kaposi sarcoma, as well as T- and B-cell lymphomas. Most patients with malignant skin tumors require life-long monitoring after radiotherapy. The most common benign lesions where radiotherapy may be indicated are eczemas, psoriasis, and keloids, but its use should be carefully weighed in these settings

    Ecos da boca do tĂșnel : arte contemporĂąnea e fotojornalismo em Camisa Brasileira (2010)

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    Esta pesquisa pretende desenvolver uma reflexĂŁo crĂ­tica sobre as relaçÔes entre a arte contemporĂąnea e o fotojornalismo, compreendendo quais recursos foram apropriados para a construção da obra Camisa Brasileira (2010), uma sĂ©rie de fotografias de Gilberto Perin (1953). Como metodologia, serĂŁo utilizadas a realização de entrevistas, a anĂĄlise de conteĂșdo, leituras de imagem, anĂĄlises comparativas e revisĂŁo bibliogrĂĄfica.This research aims to develop a critical reflection on the relations between contemporary art and photojournalism, understanding which resources were used for the production of the work Camisa Brasileira (2010), a series of photographs by Gilberto Perin (1953). As methodological procedures, interviews, content analysis, image readings, comparative analyses and literature review will be used
