2,352 research outputs found

    Optimasi Kombinasi Asam Sitrat dan Asam Tartrat sebagai Zat Pengasam pada Tablet Effervescent Ekstrak Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea batatas L)

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    Purple sweet potato has the content of anthocyanin compounds that are efficacious as antioxidants. To deliver these efficacious compounds, formulations of effervescent tablets are required as antioxidants with a combination of citric acid and tartrate acid to accelerate the solubility of the drug. The research aims to optimize the combination of citric acid and tartrate acid as a sourgent on effervescent tablets of purple sweet potato extract using the simplex lattice design method. The manufacture of tablets using a direct pumping method with effervescent powder evaluation includes flow rate test, silent angle, compressibility, and powder moisture. Evaluation of tablets includes organoleptic tests, uniformity of tablet weight, hardness, fragility, and soluble time of tablets—data analysis using simplex lattice design software design expert version 10. The results of effervescent powder evaluation include a test of flow rate, quiet angle, compressibility, and moisture of powder in each formula that already meets the requirements. The physical evaluation results on the effervescent tablet weight uniformity test on F3, F4, and F5 have met the requirements. The evaluation of tablet hardness F1 and F2 also meet the requirements. The results of the evaluation of fragility and time dissolve tablets have met the requirements of all formulas. The simplex lattice design analysis results obtained F5 as the most optimal formula with a concentration of citric acid 103.25 mg and tartrate acid 44.25 mg. The combination of citric acid and tartaric acid affects the evaluation of hardness, fragility, and time-soluble effervescent tablets of purple sweet potato extract. The optimal concentration based on simplex lattice design analysis was obtained in F5 with a citric acid concentration of 103.25 mg and tartrate acid of 44.25 mg

    Dispersi Padat untuk Peningkatan Laju Disolusi Natrium Diklofenak dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Polivinil Pirolidon K30

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    Diclofenac sodium is included in the class II category based on the biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS), sodium diclofenac has low solubility and high permeability. Low solubility will affect the absorption of drugs in the body because the rate of dissolution will decrease. Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone (PVP) K30 is an inert carrier that dissolves easily in water and can affect the solubility of an active drug substance. To know solid dispersion system increasing dissolution rate of sodium diclofenac by adding variations concentration of PVP K30. Solid dispersion uses a solvent method with variations concentration of PVP K30 1:3, 1:5, 1:7, and 1:9. Test physical properties of solid dispersions using a moisture test and compressibility. Solid dispersion dissolution test using type 2 dissolutions test and determination of concentration using UV-VIS spectrophotometry. Test results were analyzed using One Way ANOVA and continued test. Solid dispersion has a good physical whit moisture percentage not >5% and compressibility not >20%. Solid dispersion of sodium diclofenac with the addition of PVP K30 can increase dissolution rate compared to pure sodium diclofenac (p<0,05) with the highest ratio 1:7. Each comparison has a significant difference (p<0,05) except in ratio 1:9. Solid dispersion of sodium diclofenac with PVP K30 can increase the dissolution rate of pure sodium diclofenac

    Pengaruh Kombinasi Polimer Polivinil Pirolidon dan Etil Selulosa terhadap Karakteristik dan Uji Penetrasi Formulasi Transdermal Patch Ekstrak Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine palmifolia (L)

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    The transdermal patch can deliver the active substance with good bioavailability, then made formulations of such preparations from dayak onion extract, which has a compound content of flavonoids, with a combination of polymer PVP K30 and ethyl cellulose to produce transdermal patches with good physical evaluation and penetration. The research aims to carry out the effect and ideal formulation of transdermal patches of dayak onion extract with a combination of polymers PVP K30 and ethyl cellulose based on physical evaluation and penetration—manufacture of transdermal patches using the solvent evaporation method. Physical evaluation includes organoleptic testing, weight uniformity, thickness, folding resistance, and moisture testing. Then evaluate the penetration of the active substance using Franz diffusion cells. Analyze data with One Way ANOVA. The physical evaluation results of weight uniformity, patch thickness, folding resistance, and moisture test of transdermal patches on F1, F2, F3, and F4 meet the requirements. As for the results of penetration tests, F1, F2, F3, and F4 can be penetrated from 120 minutes to 180 minutes with the concentration of active substances that are linearly penetrated. The combination of polymers PVP K30 and ethylcellulose has affected the physical evaluation of transdermal patches of dayak onion extract. Based on the physical evaluation and penetration test in vitro obtained, the most optimal formula results are F3 with comparison PVP K30 and ethyl cellulose (100:300)

    Pengaruh Efek Samping Obat Off Label terhadap Kualitas Hidup Pasien Lupus di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin

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    Lupus Eritematosus Sistemik merupakan penyakit inflamasi autoimun kronis yang belum jelas penyebabnya, memiliki variasi gambaran klinis yang luas dan tampilan perjalanan penyakit yang beragam. Penggunaan obat-obatan off label seperti kortikosteroid untuk pengobatan SLE dapat mengakibatkan potensi efek samping yang besar terhadap pasien Lupus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh efek samping penggunaan obat-obatan off label terhadap kualitas hidup pasien lupus, mengetahui tingkat efek samping penggunaan obat-obatan off label serta mengetahui tingkat kualitas hidup pasien lupus. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode potong lintang (cross sectional) dengan cara survey menggunakan intrumen Algoritma Naranjo dan instrumen kuesioner Quality of Life (WHOQOL)–BREF dengan responden pada penelitian ini berjumlah 28 responden. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa penggunaan obat-obatan off label pada terapi lupus dapat memunculkan resiko kemungkinan besar terjadinya reaksi obat merugikan (ROM). Kualitas hidup yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil bahwa tingkat kualitas hidup responden masuk dalam kategori baik. Hasil analisis pada penelitan ini menyatakan bahwa efek samping penggunaan obat-obatan off label tidak mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan terhadap kualitas hidup pada pasien lupus atau dalam kata lain tidak ada pengaruh efek samping penggunaan obat-obatan off label terhadap kualitas hidup pasien lupus. Data penelitian menunjukkan nilai r hitung (pearson correlations) adalah -0,016 dan nilai Sig (2-tailed) adalah 0,936. Hasil analisis pengaruh efek samping penggunaan obat-obatan off label terhadap kualitas hidup pada pasien lupus sangat jelas menggambarkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan signifikan antara efek samping penggunaan obat-obatan off label terhadap kualitas hidup pasien lupus, namun pada korelasi ini terdapat hubungan yang tidak searah, dimana apabila nilai efek samping yang dialami responden tinggi maka nilai kualitas hidup responden justru rendah. Sebaliknya apabila nilai efek samping yang dialami responden rendah maka nilai kualitas hidup responden akan tinggi


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    This article presents a novel approach to understanding the relationship between intellectual intelligence, Adversity Quotient, religiosity, and employee performance in Islamic banks. While previous research has focused on examining the individual impact of these variables on employee performance, this study explores the potential mediating effects of religiosity. The study was conducted on a sample of 141 employees at Islamic banks in Palu City, and the data were analyzed using PLS-SEM. The findings indicate that religiosity mediated the relationship between Adversity Quotient and employee performance, while the relationship between intellectual intelligence and employee performance was not mediated by religiosity. These unique findings highlight the importance for Islamic banks to provide worship facilities and hold Islamic studies to enhance employee religiosity, ultimately leading to improved performance. Overall, this study adds novelty to the literature by offering a fresh perspective on the dynamics of employee performance in the Islamic banking sector


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    This article presents a novel approach to understanding the relationship between intellectual intelligence, Adversity Quotient, religiosity, and employee performance in Islamic banks. While previous research has focused on examining the individual impact of these variables on employee performance, this study explores the potential mediating effects of religiosity. The study was conducted on a sample of 141 employees at Islamic banks in Palu City, and the data were analyzed using PLS-SEM. The findings indicate that religiosity mediated the relationship between Adversity Quotient and employee performance, while the relationship between intellectual intelligence and employee performance was not mediated by religiosity. These unique findings highlight the importance for Islamic banks to provide worship facilities and hold Islamic studies to enhance employee religiosity, ultimately leading to improved performance. Overall, this study adds novelty to the literature by offering a fresh perspective on the dynamics of employee performance in the Islamic banking sector

    Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Kombinasi Infusa Daun Sirih (Piper betle L), Ekstrak Etanolik Tanaman Bundung (Actinuscirpus grossus) dan Kulit Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantifolia)

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    Piper betle L., the leaf, is the most often used for treatment and has been scientifically proven to have antibacterial activity. Actinuscirpus grossus plants are commonly found in Kalimantan and have antimicrobial properties. Citrus aurantifolia peel has antioxidant effects and nutritious chemical compounds in medicine. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of antioxidant activity in a combination of Piper betle L., leaf infusion, ethanolic extract of Actinuscirpus grossus plant, and Citrus aurantifolia peel. The research method was experimental by making Piper betle L. leaves infused with water solvent. Simplisia powder of Actinuscirpus grossus plants and Citrus aurantifolia peel extracted by maceration with 95% ethanol solvent. The combination of the three plants was then tested for antioxidants by the DPPH method. Quercetin is used as a positive control. The results showed that the combination of the three plants had moderate antioxidant activity (IC50 128 ppm), but the antioxidant activity was smaller than quercetin (IC50 16.88 ppm). The combination of Piper betle L., leaf infusion, ethanolic extract of Actinuscirpus grossus plant, and Citrus aurantifolia peel has a moderate antioxidant category

    Phytochemical Screening and Antimicrobial Activity of Bundung Plants Extract by Dilution Method

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    Bundung plants (Actinuscirpus Grossus) are widely spread in Borneo and used by society empirically as antimicrobials. Nevertheless, the use of Bundung plants as traditional medicine has not been equipped with convincing data, because there is no research that is related to the plants. In order to the use of the plants accountable, it is necessary to conduct research about phytochemical screening studies and tests the antimicrobial activity of ethanol extract of Bundung plants to staphylococcus aureusandEschericia Coli bacteria. Moreover, extraction does with maceration method. Secondary metabolite groups which are contained in the ethanol extract of Bundung plants were determined qualitatively using several of phytochemical reagents. The result of phytochemical screening test showed that ethanol extract of Bundung plants contains a group of secondary metabolites; namely flavonoid, tannin, saponin, phenolic, steroid and terpenoid. The method that was used to test antimicrobial activity to Staphylococcus aureusandEschericia Coli bacteria was a liquid dilution method with variations in extract concentration of 0,5%, 1%, 2%, 4% and 8% by considering at the clarity of each sample. The result of antimicrobial activity of liquid dilution to bacteria had inhibition at all concentrations and the biggest inhibitory activity was shown at concentration 8% with the clearest level and the MIC grade of the test is at a concentration of 1%. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that ethanol extract of Bundung plants has the potential of activities of an antimicrobial, especially from secondary flavonoid metabolites


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    ABSTRAKKebutuhan akan listrik baik untuk kalangan industri, perkantoran, maupun masyarakat umum dan perorangan sangat meningkat. Tetapi peningkatan kebutuhan listrik ini tidak diiringi oleh penambahan pasokan listrik. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, energi surya dipilih sebagai energi alternatif untuk menghasilkan energi listrik. Alat yang digunakan di sini adalah sel surya, karena dapat mengkonversikan langsung radiasi sinar matahari menjadi energi listrik (prosesfotovoltaik). Agar energi surya dapat digunakan pada malam hari, maka pada siang hari energi listrik yang dihasilkan disimpan terlebih dahulu ke baterai yang dikontrol oleh regulator. Keluaran regulator langsung dihubungkan dengan beban-beban DC. Dari simulasi PLTS yang dibuat, menghasilkan tegangan nominal sebesar 12V dan daya maksimum sebesar 60W.Kata kunci : Sel Surya, Fotovoltaik, Regulato
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