1,387 research outputs found

    Concatenated dynamical decoupling in a solid-state spin bath

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    Concatenated dynamical decoupling (CDD) pulse sequences hold much promise as a strategy to mitigate decoherence in quantum information processing. It is important to investigate the actual performance of these dynamical decoupling strategies in real systems that are promising qubit candidates. In this Rapid Communication, we compute the echo decay of concatenations of the Hahn echo sequence for a solid-state electronic spin qubit in a nuclear spin bath using a cluster expansion technique. We find that each level of concatenation reverses the effect of successive levels of intrabath fluctuations. On the one hand, this advances CDD as a versatile and realistic decoupling strategy. On the other hand, this invalidates, as overly optimistic, results of the simple pair approximation used previously to study restoration, through CDD, of coherence lost to a mesoscopic spin bath

    Embroidered Coils for Magnetic Resonance Sensors

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    Magnetic resonance imaging is a widely used technique for medical and materials imaging. Even though the objects being imaged are often irregularly shaped, suitable coils permitting the measurement of the radio-frequency signal in these systems are usually made of solid copper. One problem often encountered is how to ensure the coils are both in close proximity and conformal to the object being imaged. Whilst embroidered conductive threads have previously been used as antennae in mobile telecommunications applications, they have not previously been reported for use within magnetic resonance. In this paper we show that an embroidered single loop coil can be used in a commercial unilateral nuclear magnetic resonance system as an alternative to a solid copper. Data is presented showing the determination of both longitudinal (T1) and effective transverse (T2eff) relaxation times for a flat fabric coil and the same coil conformed to an 8 cm diameter cylinder. We thereby demonstrate the principles required for the wider use of fabric based conformal coils within nuclear magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance imaging

    Numerical calculations of the phase diagram of cubic blue phases in cholesteric liquid crystals

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    We study the static properties of cubic blue phases by numerically minimising the three-dimensional, Landau-de Gennes free energy for a cholesteric liquid crystal close to the isotropic-cholesteric phase transition. Thus we are able to refine the powerful but approximate, semi-analytic frameworks that have been used previously. We obtain the equilibrium phase diagram and discuss it in relation to previous results. We find that the value of the chirality above which blue phases appear is shifted by 20% (towards experimentally more accessible regions) with respect to previous estimates. We also find that the region of stability of the O5 structure -- which has not been observed experimentally -- shrinks, while that of BP I (O8-) increases thus giving the correct order of appearance of blue phases at small chirality. We also study the approach to equilibrium starting from the infinite chirality solutions and we find that in some cases the disclination network has to assemble during the equilibration. In these situations disclinations are formed via the merging of isolated aligned defects.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Nuclear Spins as Quantum Memory in Semiconductor Nanostructures

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    We theoretically consider solid state nuclear spins in a semiconductor nanostructure environment as long-lived, high-fidelity quantum memory. In particular, we calculate, in the limit of a strong applied magnetic field, the fidelity versus time of P donor nuclear spins in random bath environments of Si and GaAs, and the lifetime of excited intrinsic spins in polarized Si and GaAs environments. In the former situation, the nuclear spin dephases due to spectral diffusion induced by the dipolar interaction among nuclei in the bath. We calculate the decay of nuclear spin quantum memory in the context of Hahn and Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) refocused spin echoes using a formally exact cluster expansion technique which has previously been successful in dealing with electron spin dephasing in a solid state nuclear spin bath. With decoherence dominated by transverse dephasing (T2), we find it feasible to maintain high fidelity (losses of less than 10^{-6}) quantum memory on nuclear spins for times of the order of 100 microseconds (GaAs:P) and 1 to 2 milliseconds (natural Si:P) using CPMG pulse sequences of just a few (~2-4) applied pulses. We also consider the complementary situation of a central flipped intrinsic nuclear spin in a bath of completely polarized nuclear spins where decoherence is caused by the direct flip-flop of the central spin with spins in the bath. Exact numerical calculations that include a sufficiently large neighborhood of surrounding nuclei show lifetimes on the order of 1-5 ms for both GaAs and natural Si. Our calculated nuclear spin coherence times may have significance for solid state quantum computer architectures using localized electron spins in semiconductors where nuclear spins have been proposed for quantum memory storage

    Qubit coherence control in a nuclear spin bath

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    Coherent dynamics of localized spins in semiconductors is limited by spectral diffusion arising from dipolar fluctuation of lattice nuclear spins. Here we extend the semiclassical theory of spectral diffusion for nuclear spins I=1/2 to the high nuclear spins relevant to the III-V materials and show that applying successive qubit pi-rotations at a rate approximately proportional to the nuclear spin quantum number squared (I^2) provides an efficient method for coherence enhancement. Hence robust coherent manipulation in the large spin environments characteristic of the III-V compounds is possible without resorting to nuclear spin polarization, provided that the pi-pulses can be generated at intervals scaling as I^{-2}

    Bijzonder bestraft: context, analyse en waardering van de bijzondere rechtspraak door de Kamer Groningen van het Bijzonder Gerechtshof Leeuwarden en van cassaties in Groningse zaken

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      During the Second World War the Dutch government in exile in London had enacted Decrees under Subjective (unwritten) State Emergency Law. In 1943 and 1944 a set of Decrees were established to be able to sentence people who had committed war related crimes, international war crimes or had collaborated with the German occupiers of the Netherlands. Special Criminal Courts and a Special Court of Cassation were to be installed to sentence war related crimes and international war crimes. By the beginning of 1946 all chambers were functioning. In this study all the sentences by the Groningen Chamber of the Special Court Leeuwarden and Cassation of the Groningen cases are analysed and valued Apart from the analysis and valuation of the sentences of the Groningen all the Decrees on special jurisdiction and the related Acts, Laws and Decrees are described. Furthermore, all the actors in the Special jurisdiction are extensively described. The conclusion of this study is that the Chamber Groningen and the Special Court of Cassation have sentenced fairly and the sentences were proportionate. In view of the problems identified in this study it would be wise to examine the current acts on state emergency and punishment after a war.  Criminal Justice: Legitimacy, accountability, and effectivit

    Electrooptic effect in cholesteric blue phases with small positive dielectric anisotropy

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    An electrooptic effect in the blue phase of the cholesteric mixture S811-and the nematic mixture N5 is reported. To demonstrate this effect ac voltages (ƒ = 1000 Hz) between 0 and 150 νwere applied. Wavelength shifts of 70 nm were obtained

    Quantum theory for electron spin decoherence induced by nuclear spin dynamics in semiconductor quantum computer architectures: Spectral diffusion of localized electron spins in the nuclear solid-state environment

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    We consider the decoherence of a single localized electron spin due to its coupling to the lattice nuclear spin bath in a semiconductor quantum computer architecture. In the presence of an external magnetic field and at low temperatures, the dominant decoherence mechanism is the spectral diffusion of the electron spin resonance frequency due to the temporally fluctuating random magnetic field associated with the dipolar interaction induced flip-flops of nuclear spin pairs. The electron spin dephasing due to this random magnetic field depends intricately on the quantum dynamics of the nuclear spin bath, making the coupled decoherence problem difficult to solve. We provide a formally exact solution of this non-Markovian quantum decoherence problem which numerically calculates accurate spin decoherence at short times, which is of particular relevance in solid-state spin quantum computer architectures. A quantum cluster expansion method is developed, motivated, and tested for the problem of localized electron spin decoherence due to dipolar fluctuations of lattice nuclear spins. The method is presented with enough generality for possible application to other types of spin decoherence problems. We present numerical results which are in quantitative agreement with electron spin echo measurements in phosphorus doped silicon. We also present spin echo decay results for quantum dots in GaAs which differ qualitatively from that of the phosphorus doped silicon system. Our theoretical results provide the ultimate limit on the spin coherence (at least, as characterized by Hahn spin echo measurements) of localized electrons in semiconductors in the low temperature and the moderate to high magnetic field regime of interest in scalable semiconductor quantum computer architectures.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figure

    Transverse NMR relaxation as a probe of mesoscopic structure

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    Transverse NMR relaxation in a macroscopic sample is shown to be extremely sensitive to the structure of mesoscopic magnetic susceptibility variations. Such a sensitivity is proposed as a novel kind of contrast in the NMR measurements. For suspensions of arbitrary shaped paramagnetic objects, the transverse relaxation is found in the case of a small dephasing effect of an individual object. Strong relaxation rate dependence on the objects' shape agrees with experiments on whole blood. Demonstrated structure sensitivity is a generic effect that arises in NMR relaxation in porous media, biological systems, as well as in kinetics of diffusion limited reactions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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