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    Este artículo aborda la autobiografía de Elias Canetti desde un punto de vista formativo buscando otro significado para el concepto de viaje, en el que no están presentes el deseo y el placer, como cabría esperar de una visita turística o de un trekking, sino un viaje que, involuntaria y forzosamente, atraviesa al individuo, (de)formándolo. Así, el refugio, la huida, el autoexilio, relatan un camino de tragedias personales que adquiere otros significados al ser narrado. La narración autobiográfica de Elias Canetti se divide en tres volúmenes - "La lengua absuelta", "La antorcha al oído" y "El juego de ojos"- y nos cuenta las rutas migratorias del autor a través de una Europa que se desmorona bajo las guerras y los regímenes totalitarios surgidos en la primera mitad del siglo XX.  Su testimonio es el relato de un mundo que vislumbra las experiencias totalitarias y la banalización del mal que marca la historia de la civilización occidental. Los escritos de Elias Canetti narran los caminos que tuvo que tomar para evitar el contacto directo con las Grandes Guerras, y exponen ciertos aspectos (de)formativos de la migración, así como la forma en que estas experiencias, tan abiertas a las incertidumbres y desprovistas de toda garantía, aparecen ante los ojos de un joven de familia rica, cuya madre trató de proteger de los peligros del mundo. Este rasgo es uno de los más destacados, un elemento sine qua non en sus relatos, porque es ahí donde radica todo el terror y el dolor de quienes huyen de su tierra natal para aventurarse en tierras extranjeras en un intento casi instintivo de sobrevivir. Es en este sentido que trabajamos el concepto de (des)formación en su relación con el concepto de viaje.This article addresses the Elias Canetti’s autobiography from a formative point of view  searching for another meaning for the trip concept, in which desire and pleasure are not present, as one would expect from a sightseeing tour or trekking, but a journey that, involuntary and forcibly, crosses the individual, (de)forming them. Accordingly, the refuge, the escape, the self-exile, they relate a path of personal tragedies that gains other meanings when narrated. Elias Canetti’s autobiographical narrative is divided in three volumes – “The tongue set free”, “The torch in my ear” and “The play of the eyes” – and tells us about the author’s migratory routes across a Europe crumbling under wars and totalitarian regimes which arose in the first half of the 20th century.  His testimony is an account of a world that catches a glimpse of totalitarian experiences and the trivialization of evil that marks the history of Western civilization. Elias Canetti’s writings narrates the roads he had to take to avoid direct contact with the Great Wars, and exposes certain (de)formative aspects of migration, as well as how these experiences, so open to uncertainties and rid of any guaranties, appear before the eyes of a young man from a rich family, whose mother tried to protect from the perils of the world. This feature is one of many highlights, a sine qua non element in his stories, because that is where all the terror and pain lie for those who flee their homeland to venture into foreign lands in an almost instinctive attempt to survive. It is in this sense that we work the concept of (de)formation in its relation with the concept of journey.This article addresses the Elias Canetti’s autobiography from a formative point of view  searching for another meaning for the trip concept, in which desire and pleasure are not present, as one would expect from a sightseeing tour or trekking, but a journey that, involuntary and forcibly, crosses the individual, (de)forming them. Accordingly, the refuge, the escape, the self-exile, they relate a path of personal tragedies that gains other meanings when narrated. Elias Canetti’s autobiographical narrative is divided in three volumes – “The tongue set free”, “The torch in my ear” and “The play of the eyes” – and tells us about the author’s migratory routes across a Europe crumbling under wars and totalitarian regimes which arose in the first half of the 20th century.  His testimony is an account of a world that catches a glimpse of totalitarian experiences and the trivialization of evil that marks the history of Western civilization. Elias Canetti’s writings narrates the roads he had to take to avoid direct contact with the Great Wars, and exposes certain (de)formative aspects of migration, as well as how these experiences, so open to uncertainties and rid of any guaranties, appear before the eyes of a young man from a rich family, whose mother tried to protect from the perils of the world. This feature is one of many highlights, a sine qua non element in his stories, because that is where all the terror and pain lie for those who flee their homeland to venture into foreign lands in an almost instinctive attempt to survive. It is in this sense that we work the concept of (de)formation in its relation with the concept of journey


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    Os docentes das universidades federais de ensino superior desenvolvem atividades que diferem do ensino, como pesquisa e extensão, além de atividades administrativas. Tal abrangência faz com que aja um planejamento das atividades docentes. Dessa forma delineou-se como objetivo deste artigo analisar a gestão do sistema PAAD da UFSC e como objetivos específicos: conhecer a legislação e o sistema PAAD da UFSC e identificar os principais desafios do referido sistema. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, de caráter descritivo e natureza qualitativa, que fez uso de pesquisa bibliográfica, análise documental e entrevista semiestruturada como instrumentos de pesquisa. Obteve-se como resultado, a discrição do sistema PAAD da UFSC que está estruturado para atender a Resolução n º 053/CEPE/9531 de agosto de 1995, além de sugestões de melhorias para este sistema, embasadas nos relatos obtidos nas entrevistas feitas com alguns dos responsáveis pelo PAAD na UFSC

    Apresentação de um caso de tuberculose primária com nódulos subcutâneos.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Pediatria, Curso de Medicina, Florianópolis, 197

    The role of Knowledge Media in Network Education

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    An efficient model of education is always closely related to a vision of society. The conception of network society places as a priority a network education model. The general objective of this article is to establish the foundations of network education and its relationship with the knowledge media. The methodology used in this research will be qualitative, descriptive with theoretical approach. The first section will establish the foundations of network education, based on the vision of network society, and its difference from distance education models based on the use of information and communication technologies. In the second section the concepts of “knowledge media” will be analysed and discussed. The third section will address the relationship between network education and the knowledge media. The fourth section will establish the possibilities and limits of network education within the scope of knowledge communication. The result of the theoretical reflection points to a network education model in the digital age based on the network society, within the scope of knowledge communication, aiming to establish the knowledge dialogue through knowledge media

    Creatividad y clima creativo entre alumnos de escuelas abiertas, intermediarias y tradicionales

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    Este estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de investigar a criatividade e percepção do clima de sala de aula de alunos de escolas consideradas abertas, intermediárias e tradicionais. Participaram desta pesquisa 174 alunos, que cursavam a 4a série do ensino fundamental, de oito escolas particulares de Brasília. Os resultados indicaram diferenças significativas entre alunos de escolas abertas, intermediárias e tradicionais somente em relação à fluência no subteste de criatividade Complementação de Figuras, bem como interação significativa entre gênero e tipo de escola em relação à dimensão originalidade no mesmo subteste. Em relação às medidas da percepção do clima de sala de aula, os resultados revelaram haver interação significativa somente entre gênero e tipo de escola para o fator Interesse do Aluno pela Aprendizagem.This study was conducted aiming to investigate the creativity and perception of classroom creativity climate of students from open, intermediary and traditional schools. One hundred and seventy-four 4th grade students from eight private schools in Brasilia participated in the study. The results indicated significant differences among students from open, intermediary and traditional schools regarding fluency in the creativity subtest Picture Complementation, as well as a significant interaction between gender and type of school in relation to the originality in the same test. About the perception of the classroom climate for creativity, the results revealed that there is a significant interaction between gender and type of school only regarding the factor Interest for the Student’s Learning.Este estudio ha sido dirigido con el objetivo de investigar la creatividad y percepción del clima en la clase de alumnos de escuelas consideradas abiertas, intermediarias y tradicionales. Han participado de esta investigación 174 alumnos de 4º grado de educación primaria, de ocho escuelas privadas de Brasilia. Los resultados han indicado diferencias significativas entre los alumnos de escuelas abiertas, intermediarias y tradicionales apenas en relación a la fluidez en el sub-test de creatividad Complementación de Figuras, así como interacción significativa entre sexo y tipo de escuela en relación a la dimensión originalidad en el mismo sub-test. En relación a las medidas de la percepción del clima en la clase, los resultados han mostrado la existencia de una interacción significativa apenas entre sexo y tipo de escuela para el factor Interés del Alumno por el Aprendizaje

    Effects of dietary restriction on metabolic and cognitive health

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    M. S. M. is a recipient of the Elphinstone Scholarship of the University of Aberdeen as well as Institute of Medical Sciences postdoctoral studentship. Work in B. P. and M. D. laboratories is funded by Alzheimer's Research UK, British Heart Foundation and Diabetes UK. Tenovus Scotland and BBSRC DTP studentship funded the published work on methionine restriction in M. D. laboratory.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Major Depressive Disorder: Too Many Patients; Too Few Treated

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    Only about half of Americans diagnosed with major depression in a given year receive treatment for it and even fewer – about one-fifth – receive treatment consistent with current practice guidelines, according to data from national surveys supported by the National Institute of Mental Health of the National Institutes of Health. Among the groups surveyed, African-Americans and Mexican-Americans are truly falling through the cracks, having the lowest rates of depression care. Major depressive disorders (MDD) is the main cause of disability in the United States, and it is projected that over the next 20 years MDD will be the second leading cause of disability around the globe. A team of researchers from Wayne State University, the University of Michigan, the University of California, Los Angeles and Harvard University have given a more a detailed picture of the care received for major depression among different ethnic/racial groups and factors that contribute to disparities. Their paper published in the January 2010 edition of the Archives of General Psychiatry reports that too few Americans with recent major depressive disorders receive adequate depression care, and most receive no care at all. Of those receiving care, most received psychotherapy versus medication treatment

    O expansionismo nos governos Lula e o BNDES

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    O artigo aborda o expansionismo econômico do Brasil rumo à América Latina e suas relações com o BNDES.O artigo aborda o expansionismo econômico do Brasil rumo à América Latina e suas relações com o BNDES