5,044 research outputs found

    Ein neuer Aufschluß im Überschiebungsgebiet des sĂŒdlichen HĂŒggel-Vorlandes

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    Im Steinbruch der Fa. SCHÖNHOFF, am Westrand des Silberberges (TK 25, BI. 3713 Hasbergen, R 342800/H 578695), wird Dolomitstein der Zechstein-Zeit, wahrscheinlich des Leine-Zyklus (HARMS 1981) abgebaut. In den letzten Jahren wurde der Abbau nach Nordwesten verlagert

    Coping with Childbirth: Brain Structural Associations of Personal Growth Initiative

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    Major life events require psychological adaptations and can be accompanied by brain structural and functional changes. The goal of the current study was to investigate the association of personal growth initiative (PGI) as a form of proactive coping strategy before childbirth, with gray matter volume after delivery. Childbirth is one of the few predictable major life events, which, while being one of the most positive experiences for many, is also accompanied by multidimensional stress for the mother. Previous research has shown that high stress is associated with reductions in gray matter volume in limbic cortices as well as the prefrontal cortex (PFC). We hypothesized that PGI before childbirth is positively related to gray matter volume after delivery, especially in the ventromedial PFC (vmPFC). In a prospective study, 22 first- time mothers answered questionnaires about their PGI level 1 month before birth (T1) and 1 month after delivery (T2). Four months after giving birth, a follow-up assessment was applied with 16 of these mothers (T3). Structural brain data were acquired at both postpartal measurement occasions. Voxel-based morphometry was used to correlate prenatal PGI levels with postpartal gray matter volume. Higher PGI levels before delivery were positively associated with larger gray matter volume in the vmPFC directly after childbirth. Previous structural neuroimaging research in the context of major life events focused primarily on pathological reactions to stress (e.g., post-traumatic stress disorder; PTSD). The current study gives initial indications that proactive coping may be positively associated with gray matter volume in the vmPFC, a brain region which shows volumetric reductions in PTSD patients

    Comparative study of physiological skin parameters affecting percutaneous penetration in different mammalian species

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    1\. Deckblatt 2\. Druckgenehmigung 3\. Widmung 4\. Inhaltsverzeichnis 5\. AbkĂŒrzungen 6\. Einleitung 7\. LiteraturĂŒbersicht 8\. Fragestellung und Zielsetzung 9\. Eigene Untersuchungen 10\. Diskussion 11\. Zusammenfassung 12\. Summary 13\. Literaturverzeichnis 14\. Danksagung 16\. Eidesstattliche ErklĂ€rungDie perkutane Penetration topisch applizierter Substanzen ist ein Prozess, der maßgeblich von den hautphysiologischen Gegebenheiten eines Organismus abhĂ€ngt. Dabei ist das Ausmaß der Penetration innerhalb der verschiedenen Tierarten sehr variabel. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Morphologie und Verteilung der Haarfollikel, sowie die Zusammensetzung der interzellulĂ€ren Lipidmatrix, vergleichend innerhalb verschiedener Haustier- und Versuchstierspezies analysiert. Im ersten Teil wurde die Haarfollikelmorphologie, sowie die Dichte der Follikel, mit Hilfe der Follikelbiopsie durch Cyanacrylat (CSSB) analysiert. Es wurde gezeigt, dass GrĂ¶ĂŸe und Verteilung der Follikel speziesabhĂ€ngig variieren. Hund und Meerschweinchen besitzen die grĂ¶ĂŸte SpeicherkapazitĂ€t in den Haarfollikeln. Mit der Kalkulation des follikulĂ€ren Volumens existieren nun Daten, die die ReservoirkapazitĂ€t der Follikel von Tieren nĂ€her charakterisieren. Mit der follikulĂ€ren OberflĂ€che, die auch als VergrĂ¶ĂŸerung der ResorptionsflĂ€che zu verstehen ist, wurde ein Parameter gefunden, dem im Hinblick auf die kutane PermeabilitĂ€t die grĂ¶ĂŸte Bedeutung beigemessen werden muss. Es wurde gezeigt, dass ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen der PermeabilitĂ€t der Haut von Tieren und der FollikeloberflĂ€che besteht. Damit muss den Follikeln beim Kaninchen und beim Hund die grĂ¶ĂŸte Bedeutung beigemessen werden, wĂ€hrend fĂŒr den Affen und das Schwein wurden die geringsten Werte ermittelt wurden. Die Vermessung der Haarfollikel durch die CSSB Technik bringt erstmalig, ĂŒber den bisherigen Stand der Literatur hinausgehende, objektive Parameter hervor, die die Morphologie der Follikel bei Tieren exakter beschreiben. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde die Zusammensetzung der interzellulĂ€ren Stratum corneum Lipide bei verschiedenen Tierarten untersucht. Die Anteile der Hauptkomponenten Cholesterol, Ceramide, freie FettsĂ€uren und Cholesterolester wurden in der isolierten Stratum corneum Lipidmatrix verschiedener Spezies analysiert. Der Vergleich der Zusammensetzung, sowie der VerhĂ€ltnisse der vier Lipidklassen zueinander mit der HautpermeabilitĂ€t der einzelnen Tiere zeigt deren Bedeutung fĂŒr das speziesabhĂ€ngige unterschiedliche Penetrationsverhalten. FĂŒr jede der vier untersuchten Spezies wurde in dieser Arbeit ein charakteristisches Ceramidmuster nachgewiesen. Einen weiteren neuen Ansatz fĂŒr das VerstĂ€ndnis der Rolle der Lipidzusammensetzung in der perkutanen Penetration bietet möglicherweise das Cholesterol Ceramid VerhĂ€ltnis, das erstmals fĂŒr eine Tierart evaluiert wurde. Damit bietet die vorliegende Arbeit neue grundlegende AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr das VerstĂ€ndnis der perkutanen Penetration bei Tieren. Die BerĂŒcksichtigung der erfassten morphologischen Unterschiede trĂ€gt entscheidend zur Optimierung individuell an die einzelne Tierart angepasster topischer Medikamente bei. Schließlich werden mit den vorliegenden Daten weitere Argumente geliefert, dass der Einsatz der Labornager, sowie des Kaninchens als Ersatzmodelle fĂŒr die Haut des Menschen in Ermangelung vergleichbarer hautphysiologischer Kriterien nicht empfohlen werden kann. DemgegenĂŒber stehen Schwein und Affe, deren Haut sowohl aus morphologischer Sicht der Haarfollikel, als auch hinsichtlich der Lipidkomposition des SC der Haut des Menschen am Ă€hnlichsten und kann demnach gut als Ersatzmodell eingesetzt werden.Skin physiology significantly influences percutaneous penetration and varies among mammalian species. The two major routes that substances pass through the skin are the follicular and the intercellular pathways. Both routes were investigated in animals. Hair follicle morphology and distribution were analysed using cyanoacrylate skin surface biopsies (CSSB). CSSB analysis of hair follicles revealed objective parameters characterizing hair follicle morphology in mammalian species for the first time. The follicular volume is a novel parameter describing reservoir capacity of hair follicles in animal species. It was proven that follicular surface and skin permeability are directly linked. For the first time, a comprehensive study involving numerous species and individuals demonstrated that individual hair follicle morphology is a key point for the understanding of skin permeability and follicular penetration. The four major components of the intercellular stratum corneum lipids: cholesterol, ceramides, free fatty acids and cholesterolester were analysed. The ratios of the four major lipid classes regarding skin permeability were examined. Four animal species were investigated: pigs and for the first time dogs, cats and rabbits. A characteristic species-dependent pattern of ceramides, representing the composition of the different ceramide classes, was proven to exist in stratum corneum lipid matrix. A further approach for understanding the relevance of the stratum corneum lipid composition is represented by the cholesterol-ceramide ratio. Thus, a correlation of lipid composition and skin permeability as demonstrated in human beings has been established in the four species. This study provides fundamental knowledge for the understanding of percutaneous penetration of animal species. The measurement of species-specific follicle parameters allows the calculation of the follicular reservoir capacity and resorption for substances applied to the skin and more accurately estimates follicular penetration. This knowledge is of particular relevance in the processing of topical drugs. The development of individually adapted drugs in veterinary medicine can be optimized if morphological differences among the species are adequately considered. Finally, the data in this work contributes to the evidence-based recommendation that laboratory animals such as mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits are not appropriate models for human skin research. The porcine pinna appears to be the most appropriate pragmatic experimental paradigm for the exploration of human skin pharmacolog

    The Relationship Between Law and Sin in Romans 7

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    It is the purpose of this thesis to develop an answer to the question, \u27\u27What is the relationship between law and sin in Romans 7? It is important to note that this inquiry is based on two presuppositions. The first is that there really is a relationship between law and sin in Romans 7. The second is that Romans 7 can validly be studied in the light of that relationship. The second assumption is based on the first and is more significant, because it determines the method to be used in answering the problem to which this thesis proposes to address itself. It is this second presupposition which makes it unnecessary to present a detailed exegesis of every aspect of Romans 7 within this dissertation. Our method will consist, therefore, in defining the terms law and sin as they are used by Paul and proceeding from there to show how law and sin interact when they meet in man

    Der Einfluss von Exporten auf die betriebliche Entwicklung

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    Exporte gelten als Wachstumsmotor der deutschen Wirtschaft und werden von der Wirtschaftspolitik auf vielfĂ€ltige Weise gefördert. Doch fĂŒhrt die Förderung der Aufnahme von Handelsbeziehungen mit dem Ausland durch Betriebe, die bislang nicht exportierten, wirklich zu einem Wachstum der ProduktivitĂ€t in der deutschen Wirtschaft? Oder werden besonders produktive Betriebe von sich aus zu Exporteuren und mĂŒssen nicht gefördert werden? Dies ist eine sehr interessante Frage fur die Wirtschaftspolitik und ihr soll in dieser Arbeit nachgegangen werden.export-led growth, trade, productivity, firm heterogeneity

    1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3-induced differentiation in a human promyelocytic leukemia cell line (HL-60): receptor-mediated maturation to macrophage-like cells.

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    The human-derived promyelocytic leukemia cell line, HL-60, is known to differentiate into mature myeloid cells in the presence of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25[OH]2D3). We investigated differentiation by monitoring 1,25(OH)2D3-exposed HL-60 cells for phagocytic activity, ability to reduce nitroblue tetrazolium, binding of the chemotaxin N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-[3H]phenylalanine, development of nonspecific acid esterase activity, and morphological maturation of Wright-Giemsa-stained cells. 1,25(OH)2D3 concentrations as low as 10(-10) M caused significant development of phagocytosis, nitroblue tetrazolium reduction, and the emergence of differentiated myeloid cells that had morphological characteristics of both metamyelocytes and monocytes. These cells were conclusively identified as monocytes/macrophages based upon their adherence to the plastic flasks and their content of the macrophage-characteristic nonspecific acid esterase enzyme. The estimated ED50 for 1,25(OH)2D3-induced differentiation based upon nitroblue tetrazolium reduction and N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-[3H]phenylalanine binding was 5.7 X 10(-9) M. HL-60 cells exhibited a complex growth response with various levels of 1,25(OH)2D3: less than or equal to 10(-10) M had no detectable effect, 10(-9) M stimulated growth, and greater than or equal to 10(-8) M sharply inhibited proliferation. We also detected and quantitated the specific receptor for 1,25(OH)2D3 in HL-60 and HL-60 Blast, a sub-clone resistant to the growth and differentiation effects of 1,25(OH)2D3. The receptor in both lines was characterized as a DNA-binding protein that migrated at 3.3S on high-salt sucrose gradients. Unequivocal identification was provided by selective dissociation of the 1,25(OH)2D3-receptor complex with the mercurial reagent, p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid, and by a shift in its sedimentation position upon complexing with anti-receptor monoclonal antibody. On the basis of labeling of whole cells with 1,25(OH)2[3H]D3 in culture, we found that HL-60 contains approximately 4,000 1,25(OH)2D3 receptor molecules per cell, while the nonresponsive HL-60 Blast is endowed with approximately 8% of that number. The concentration of 1,25(OH)2D3 (5 X 10(-9) M) in complete culture medium, which facilitates the saturation of receptors in HL-60 cells, is virtually identical to the ED50 for the sterol's induction of differentiation. This correspondence, plus the resistance of the relatively receptor-poor HL-60 Blast, indicates that 1,25(OH)2D3-induced differentiation of HL-60 cells to monocytes/macrophages is occurring via receptor-mediated events

    Mutagenicity testing with transgenic mice. Part I: Comparison with the mouse bone marrow micronucleus test

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    As part of a larger literature study on transgenic animals in mutagenicity testing, test results from the transgenic mutagenicity assays (lacI model; commercially available as the Big Blue(¼ )mouse, and the lacZ model; commercially available as the MutaℱMouse), were compared with the results on the same substances in the more traditional mouse bone marrow micronucleus test. 39 substances were found which had been tested in the micronucleus assay and in the above transgenic mouse systems. Although, the transgenic animal mutation assay is not directly comparable with the micronucleus test, because different genetic endpoints are examined: chromosome aberration versus gene mutation, the results for the majority of substances were in agreement. Both test systems, the transgenic mouse assay and the mouse bone marrow micronucleus test, have advantages and they complement each other. However, the transgenic animal assay has some distinct advantages over the micronucleus test: it is not restricted to one target organ and detects systemic as well as local mutagenic effects

    What makes a thriver? Unifying the concepts of posttraumatic and postecstatic growth

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    The thriver model is a novel framework that unifies the concepts of posttraumatic and postecstatic growth. According to the model, it is not the quality of an event, but the way it is processed, that is critical for the occurrence of post-event growth. The model proposes that meaning making, supportive relationships, and positive emotions facilitate growth processes after positive as well as traumatic experiences. The tenability of these propositions was investigated in two dissimilar cultures. In Study 1, participants from the USA (n = 555) and India (n = 599) answered an extended version of the Social Readjustment Rating Scale to rank the socioemotional impact of events. Results indicate that negative events are perceived as more impactful than positive ones in the USA, whereas the reverse is true in India. In Study 2, participants from the USA (n = 342) and India (n = 341) answered questions about the thriver model's main components. Results showed that posttraumatic and postecstatic growth are highly interrelated. All elements of the thriver model were key variables for the prediction of growth. Supportive relationships and positive emotions had a direct effect on growth, while meaning making mediated the direct effect of major life events

    Color and Sex in the Indian Walking Stick, Dixippus Morosus

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