3,926 research outputs found

    Exchange Market Pressure, Monetary Policy, and Economic Growth: Argentina in 1993 - 2004

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    The pressure in the exchange market against a particular currency has been frequently measured as the sum of the loss of international reserves plus the loss of nominal value of that currency. This paper follows the tradition of investigating the interactions between such measure of exchange market pressure (EMP) and monetary policy; but it also questions the usual omission of output growth in the empirical investigations of the interrelations between EMP, domestic credit, and interest rates. The focus of this work is Argentina between 1993 and 2004. As in previous studies, we found some evidence of a positive and double-direction relationship between EMP and domestic credit. But output growth also played a role in the determination of EMP, even more than domestic credit or interest rates. Also, there is some evidence that EMP affected growth negatively.exchange markets, international reserves, currency values, Argentine, exchange market pressure, monetary policy, output growth, domestic credit,

    Suddenly last summer: how the tourist tsunami hit Lisbon

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    En el presente artículo fijamos nuestra atención en la capital de Portugal, Lisboa, y su reciente proceso de turistificación, que ha forzado a una revisión colectiva de la identidad de la ciudad y sus narrativas patrimoniales, para encajar los crecientes contrastes entre marginalidad y centralidad, circulación y calma, abandono y atención pública, indigencia y afluencia, spleen y euforia. Después de introducir nuestro foco teórico en el problema de los “comunales urbanos” y de presentar nuestra metodología cualitativa, pasamos a describir el proceso histórico que ha conducido a la transformación de Lisboa: desde el mega-evento de la Expo’98 cuando Lisboa era todavía un destino turístico periférico, hasta la presente economía urbana, especializada en el turismo y los servicios. Vamos a centrarnos especialmente en los proyectos y políticas implantadas “desde arriba” durante aquellos años y en la crisis financiera de 2008, usada para liberalizar varios aspectos de la economía.In this paper, we focus our attention in Portugal’s capital city, Lisbon, and in the recent process of its touristification, which is forcing a collective revision of the city’s identity and its patrimonial narratives, to make sense of the growing contrasts between marginality and centrality, circulation and calm, abandonment and limelight, indigence and affluence, spleen and euphoria. After introducing our theoretical focus on the problem of “urban commons” and the qualitative methodology used in the article, we describe the historical process that led to the transformation of Lisbon: from the Expo’98 megaevent when Lisbon was a peripheral tourism destiny, to the present urban economy that is specialized in tourism and services. We will focus especially in the top-down projects and policies developed during those years and the use of 2008 financial crisis to liberalize many aspects of economy

    Wigner localization in quantum dots from Kohn-Sham density functional theory without symmetry breaking

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    We address low-density two-dimensional circular quantum dots with spin-restricted Kohn-Sham density functional theory. By using an exchange-correlation functional that encodes the effects of the strongly-correlated regime (and that becomes exact in the limit of infinite correlation), we are able to reproduce characteristic phenomena such as the formation of ring structures in the electronic total density, preserving the fundamental circular symmetry of the system. The observation of this and other well-known effects in Wigner-localized quantum dots such as the flattening of the addition energy spectra, has until now only been within the scope of other, numerically more demanding theoretical approachesComment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Persistent currents in Bose gases confined in annular traps

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    We examine the problem of stability of persistent currents in a mixture of two Bose gases trapped in an annular potential. We evaluate the critical coupling for metastability in the transition from quasi-one to two-dimensional motion. We also evaluate the critical coupling for metastability in a mixture of two species as function of the population imbalance. The stability of the currents is shown to be sensitive to the deviation from one-dimensional motion.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    25 propostes d'AmChamSpain per fer d'Espanya una economia més competitiva, productiva i internacionalitzada

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    A càrrec de Jaume Malet, president de la Cambra de Comerç dels Estats Units al nostre país (AmChamSpain) des del mes de juliol de l'any 2002. És consultor internacional, advocat i empresari, i es va formar a Barcelona i als Estats Units. És soci fundador de Malet & Asociados, firma especialitzada en transaccions internacionals i polítiques públiques en matèria d'energia, infraestructures, finances i sanitat. És membre del consell d'Administració de diverses empreses i organitzacions empresarials sense afany de lucre. AmChamSpain forma part de la US Chamber of Commerce i va ser fundada l'any 1917. Actualment, 400 empreses, aproximadament, hi estan associades. La facturació agregada de les empreses sòcies d'AmChamSpain representa, aproximadament, el 24% del PIB d'Espanya generant més d'un milió de llocs de trebal

    Phase diagram of a rapidly-rotating two-component Bose gas

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    We derive analytically the phase diagram of a two-component Bose gas confined in an anharmonic potential, which becomes exact and universal in the limit of weak interactions and small anharmonicity of the trapping potential. The transitions between the different phases, which consist of vortex states of single and multiple quantization, are all continuous because of the addition of the second component.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Joan Miró 1893-1993, a Centenary Exhibition

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