483 research outputs found

    Uniaxial anisotropy and enhanced magnetostriction of CoFe2_2O4_4 induced by reaction under uniaxial pressure with SPS

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    In this study, we have compared magnetic and magnetostrictive properties of polycrystalline CoFe2_2O4_4 pellets, produced by three different methods, focusing on the use of Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS). This technique allows a very short heat treatment stage while a uniaxial pressure is applied. SPS was utilized to sinter cobalt ferrite but also to make the reaction and the sintering (reactive sintering) of the same ceramic composition. Magnetic and magnetostrictive measurements show that the reactive sintering with SPS induces a uniaxial anisotropy, while it is not the case with a simple sintering process. The induced anisotropy is then expected to be a consequence of the reaction under uniaxial pressure. This anisotropy enhanced the magnetostrictive properties of the sample, where a maximum longitudinal magnetostriction of −229-229~ppm is obtained. This process can be a promising alternative to the magnetic-annealing because of the short processing time required (22 minutes)

    Analytical modeling of demagnetizing effect in magnetoelectric ferrite/PZT/ferrite trilayers taking into account a mechanical coupling

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    In this paper, we investigate the demagnetizing effect in ferrite/PZT/ferrite magnetoelectric (ME) trilayer composites consisting of commercial PZT discs bonded by epoxy layers to Ni-Co-Zn ferrite discs made by a reactive Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) technique. ME voltage coefficients (transversal mode) were measured on ferrite/PZT/ferrite trilayer ME samples with different thicknesses or phase volume ratio in order to highlight the influence of the magnetic field penetration governed by these geometrical parameters. Experimental ME coefficients and voltages were compared to analytical calculations using a quasi-static model. Theoretical demagnetizing factors of two magnetic discs that interact together in parallel magnetic structures were derived from an analytical calculation based on a superposition method. These factors were introduced in ME voltage calculations which take account of the demagnetizing effect. To fit the experimental results, a mechanical coupling factor was also introduced in the theoretical formula. This reflects the differential strain that exists in the ferrite and PZT layers due to shear effects near the edge of the ME samples and within the bonding epoxy layers. From this study, an optimization in magnitude of the ME voltage is obtained. Lastly, an analytical calculation of demagnetizing effect was conducted for layered ME composites containing higher numbers of alternated layers (). The advantage of such a structure is then discussed

    Direct calorimetric measurements of isothermal entropy change on single crystal W-type hexaferrites at the spin reorientation transition

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    We report on the magnetic field induced isothermal entropy change, \Delta s(Ha, T), of W-type ferrite with CoZn substitution. Entropy measurements are performed by direct calorimetry. Single crystals of the composition BaCo0.62_0.62Zn1.38_1.38Fe16_16O27_27, prepared by the flux method, are measured at different fixed temperatures under an applied field perpendicular and parallel to the c axis. At 296 K one deduces a value of K1_1 = 8.7 \times 10^{4} J m−3^-3 for the first anisotropy constant, which is in good agreement with the literature. The spin reorientation transition temperature is estimated to take place between 200 and 220 K

    Enhancement of the magnetoelectric effect in multiferroic CoFe2_2O4_4/PZT bilayer by induced uniaxial magnetic anisotropy

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    In this study we have compared magnetic, magnetostrictive and piezomagnetic properties of isotropic and anisotropic cobalt ferrite pellets. The isotropic sample was prepared by the ceramic method while the sample exhibiting uniaxial anisotropy was made by reactive sintering using Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS). This technique permits to induce a magnetic anisotropy in cobalt ferrite in the direction of the applied pressure during SPS process. Sample with uniaxial anisotropy revealed a higher longitudinal magnetostriction and piezomagnetism compared to the isotropic sample, but the transversal magnetostriction and piezomagnetism were dramatically reduced. In the case of magnetoelectric layered composite, the magnetoelectric coefficient is directly related to the sum of the longitudinal and transversal piezomagnetic coefficients. These two coefficients being opposite in sign, the use of material exhibiting high longitudinal and low transversal piezomagnetic coefficient (or vice versa) in ME devices is expected to improve the ME effect. Hence, ME bilayer devices were made using isotropic and anisotropic cobalt ferrite stuck with a PZT layer. ME measurements at low frequencies revealed that bilayer with anisotropic cobalt ferrite exhibits a ME coefficient three times higher than a bilayer with isotropic cobalt ferrite. We also investigated the behavior of such composites when excited at resonant frequency

    Effect of temperature and time on properties of Spark Plasma Sintered NiCuZn: Co ferrite

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    3 pagesInternational audienceSpark Plasma Sintering is a powerfal method to produce fine grain dense ferrite at low temperature. However, the process, usually conducted in neutral atmosphere in a carbon die, yields carbon surface deposition and reduction of Fe3+ into Fe2+. It's shown that subsequent annealing in air can remove carbon and, under some conditions, produce complete oxidation of Fe2+ ions. Regular values of the resistivity and permittivity (resp. 1 M­m, 13 "0) are recovered for most samples annealed not higher than 750±C. Relatively high value of the permeability (up to 240) and high merit factor (μs × fr > 5 GHz) have been achieved

    Le Musée d’Ethnographie du Trocadéro et ses transformations, 1878-1935 : configurations, espaces muséaux et réseaux

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    Fruit de la relance de la politique muséale par la troisième République et de motivations circonstancielles liées à l’Exposition Universelle de 1878, le Musée d’Ethnographie du Trocadéro est dès sa création le siège d’enjeux scientifiques, politiques et culturels qui se transforment au gré des reconfigurations de chacun des champs. Dans une approche diachronique, nous nous proposons d’examiner les activités muséales et leurs transformations, avec une attention particulière portée à la muséographie. Nous privilégions une approche croisée des développements scientifiques et muséaux pour répondre à cette problématique, angle d’étude qui devrait ainsi permettre de souligner le rôle des réseaux. Les quelques repères historiographiques que nous synthétisons ou proposons devraient permettre de rendre compte de la transformation des usages du musée au cours de son premier demi-siècle d’existence

    A method to decrease the harmonic distortion in Mn-Zn ferrite/PZT and Ni-Zn ferrite/PZT layered composite rings exhibiting high magnetoelectric effects

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    International audienceWe have investigated the magnetoelectric (ME) effect in layered composite rings subjected to circumferential AC magnetic fields and DC magnetic fields in radial, axial or circumferential directions. Bilayer samples were obtained combining different grades of commercial Mn-Zn ferrites or Ni-Zn ferrites with commercial lead zirconate titanate (PZT). Mn-Zn ferrites with low magnetostriction saturation () and low magneto-crystalline anisotropy constants show high ME capabilities when associated with PZT in ring structures. In certain conditions, these ME effects are higher than those obtained with Terfenol-D/PZT composites in the same layered ring structure. Magnetostrictive and mechanical characterizations have given results that explain these high ME performances. Nevertheless, Mn-Zn ferrite/PZT composites exhibit voltages responses with low linearity especially at high signal level. Based on the particular structure of the ME device, a method to decrease the nonlinear harmonic distortion of the ME voltages is proposed. Harmonic distortion analysis of ME voltages measured in different configurations allows us to explain the phenomenon
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