386 research outputs found

    Le choix du lieu de résidence des jeunes familles : analyse multicritère appliquée au cas de la Ville de Sherbrooke

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    Le choix du lieu de résidence est généralement influencé par le cycle de vie d’une personne. Ce choix repose sur des critères pouvant varier tout au long de son existence, notamment par les étapes sociales et économiques qu’elle franchit. L’une de ces étapes, partagée par la majorité de la population, consiste à fonder une famille. L’objectif de cet essai est d’identifier les endroits propices à l’installation de jeunes familles sur le territoire de la ville de Sherbrooke. Pour ce faire, on a eu recours à une analyse multicritère, basée sur les critères de choix résidentiels des jeunes familles relevés dans la littérature. À la lumière des résultats obtenus, il apparaît que près de la moitié du territoire de la ville de Sherbrooke (44,8 %) est considérée propice à l’établissement de jeunes familles. Ces zones sont situées en milieu urbain et périurbain. Les endroits très limitants (9,5 %) sont généralement localisés en bordure d’autoroutes ou de voies ferrées. Au total, sept secteurs ont été jugés propices à l’établissement de jeunes familles sur le territoire de la ville. L’un des éléments communs à cinq de ces secteurs est qu’ils étaient situés en périphérie du noyau urbain au moment de leur construction. On constate aussi que les quartiers plus récents comportent davantage de familles avec des enfants à la maison. Cela laisse présager que les quartiers plus vieux également propices sont actuellement occupés par des familles dont les enfants ont quitté le foyer.Abstract: Housing choice is usually influenced by the lifecycle of a person. This choice is based on criteria that vary through the different social and economics stages which occur in one’s life. One of these stages is starting a family. The goal of this study is to identify the areas in the city of Sherbrooke which present the desired housing characteristics by young families. This will be achieved be performing a multicriteria analysis based on the criteria found in a literature review. The results of the analysis show that nearly half of the territory of the city of Sherbrooke (44.8%) appears to be moderately favorable or better for young families. These areas are located in the urban or periurban sectors of the town. The areas that are the least favorable (9.5%) are generally located close to expressways or railroads. A total of seven favorable areas for young families were identified. A common element of 5 of those areas is that they were located in the outskirts of the urban core at the time of their construction. It also appears that, generally speaking, recent developments contain more families with children at home than other older ones. This seems to suggest that the housing stock favorable for young families is still occupied by families with no children at home

    « Murayana va à Garma cette année ! » : cérémonies publiques et rituels contemporains du nord-est de la Terre d’Arnhem (Australie)

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    International audienceBuilding on the idea that Yolngu ceremonies from northeast Arnhem Land arise from dynamic negotiations between individuals, clans and ancestors, this article examines how a series of ritual exchanges were performed within the framework of a cultural festival open to tourists. I show how a digital archiving project provided momentum for ritual creativity in several localities within this region, and resulted in a deliberate campaign of self-representation at the Garma Festival, which is a large annual gathering that brings together participants from around the world. Through analysis of the events that first led to the Gupapuyngu clan’s participation in this festival, this article sheds light on some of the political processes that underlie contemporary ritual exchange in Arnhem Land.Partant de l’idée que les cérémonies yolngu du nord-est de la Terre d'Arnhem (Australie) relèvent de négociations dynamiques entre des individus, des clans et des ancêtres, cet article examine comment une série d'échanges rituels furent articulés dans le cadre d’un festival culturel ouvert aux touristes. Je montre comment un projet de patrimonialisation numérique insuffla un élan de créativité rituelle dans plusieurs localités de la région et aboutit à une véritable campagne de représentation de soi durant le Festival Garma, un vaste rassemblement qui réunit chaque année des participants venus du monde entier. À travers l’analyse des événements qui précédèrent la première participation du clan Gupapuyngu au festival, l’article propose un éclairage sur les processus politiques qui sous-tendent l’échange rituel contemporain en Terre d’Arnhem

    They Are Talking To Us!: Digital Heritage in the Making in Indigenous Australia

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    International audienceIn the early 2000, as Internet was reaching the remote Aboriginal community of Galiwin’ku, in north-east Arnhem Land, a group of ceremonial leaders set out to establish an Indigenous Knowledge Centre. Conceived around a complex database that would reflect the principles of Yolngu knowledge organization, the centre sought to establish relations with various institutions holding north-east Arnhem Land collections in order to initiate the digital repatriation of these materials. This ambitious digital heritage program, which involved new forms of reflexivity, self-representation and collaborative practice, was followed throughout the region by a myriad of creative experiments with new media technologies. Drawing from a number of these recent productions, this paper will reflect on the ways in which these digital cultural practices challenge common perceptions of what heritage is and how these may enable new perspectives on the value of museum collections

    Indigenous and Transnational Values in Oceania: Heritage Reappropriation, From Museums to the World Wide Web

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    International audienceWhat is the value of heritage? A source of explosive emotions which oppose the " value " of so-called Western expertise – history of social and human sciences and constant reevaluation of the heritage market – versus the values in " becoming " of the people who recognise themselves in this heritage and who claim it as a foundation for an alternative and better life? In this paper, we examine some of the ways in which different groups in the Pacific reinterpret their heritage in order to redefine their singular values as cultural subjectivities: individual, collective and national, diasporic or transnational in the case of some Indigenous networks (Festival of the Pacific Arts, Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, etc). ow can societies deal with different value systems in a way that does not lead to the total domination of one system by another? 1 The framework of our discussion builds on a trend of engaged French scholarship in the Pacific that is evidenced in a number of recent conferences and publications (Dousset, Glowczewski & Salaün eds. 2014). Our concern is to explore ways to " decolonize " the gaze we use in social sciences, to conceive of a paradigm that shifts the scientific values associated to the foundation and filiation of anthropology as a discipline in the light of the values promoted by the people whose practices and discourses we study in the field and, increasingly so, through a variety of new media such as the Internet

    Le traitement visuel est-il impliqué dans l'acquisition de l'orthographe lexicale ?

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    National audienceCet article présente d'abord un rappel des connaissances actuelles concernant l'acquisition des connaissances orthographiques lexicales. Une recherche expérimentale d'auto-apprentissage est ensuite présentée, dans laquelle l'influence du traitement visuel sur les acquisitions orthographiques a été étudiée. Pendant la phase d'apprentissage, certains items étaient présentés de façon à permettre un traitement visuel simultané de toutes les lettres du mot (c.-à-d. un traitement visuel "mot entier"), d'autres pas. Les résultats montrent que, au delà du décodage, le traitement visuel simultané de toutes les lettres d'un mot lu favorise l'acquisition de l'orthographe spécifique de ce même mot

    The case of Digital Writing in Instant Messaging: When cyber written productions are closer to the oral code than the written code.

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    International audienceThe use of New Information and Communication Technologies, or NICTs, has deeply changed the traditional reading and writing practices. It thus seems necessary to provide a definition of Digital Writing in Instant Messaging (DWIM) to better understand its grammatical, lexical and syntactic characteristics (these two last components define the traditional characteristics of both oral and written codes). Thirty-two French-speaking students around the age of 13 who were enrolled in 8th grade produced one hour of DWIM productions on an instant messaging website in groups of two. They were able to use as many cyber languages as they wanted (we referred the expression digital writing). This corpus helped to understand that this written structure is closer to the oral code than the written code (the studied population developed their language skills in constant contact with the written in its dual form). Indeed, we showed for instance that users of DWIM sometimes produced repetitions (whereas it is forbidden in traditional writing), never use subject-verb inversions in interrogative sentences, can replace punctuation with emoticons, or used undefined deixises in their sentences. We have also been able to show that having traditional reading and writing habits is not sufficient to create a predisposition towards the use of the DWIM code

    Orthographic learning during reading: the role of whole-word visual processing

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    International audienceThe self-teaching hypothesis suggests that knowledge about the orthographic structure of words is acquired incidentally during reading through phonological recoding. The current study assessed whether visual processing skills during reading further contribute to orthographic learning. French children were asked to read pseudowords. The whole pseudoword letter string was available at once for half of the targets while the pseudoword's sub-lexical units were discovered in turn for the other half. Then memorisation of the targets orthographic form was assessed. Although most pseudowords were accurately decoded, target orthographic forms were recognised more often when the pseudowords entire orthographic sequence was available at once during the learning phase. The whole-word presentation effect was signifi cant and stable from third to fifth grades. This effect was affected neither by target reading accuracy nor by target reading speed during the learning phase. Results suggest that beyond recoding skills, the ability to process the entire orthographic letter string at once during reading contributes to efficient orthographic learning

    La mémorisation de l'orthographe des mots lus en CM2: effet du traitement visuel simultané.

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    National audienceLexical orthographic acquisition is a complex and largely unknown process which occurs largely during reading. This acquisition could be influenced partially by decoding awareness, and by others under-specified factors. Both theoretical and empirical data suggest that the visual processing made during word reading could influence lexical orthographic acquisition. The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that simultaneous visual processing of all the letters of a word is important for lexical orthographic acquisition in long term memory. A self-teaching paradigm was used with fifth graders. During a reading phase, the possibility of whole-word visual processing was manipulated. After a delay of either one or seven days, the memorisation of targets' orthographic form was assessed. Results showed that, whatever the delay between reading and orthographic assessment, lexical orthographic acquisition is better after a whole-word visual processing

    Remediating sacred imagery on screens: Yolngu experiments with new media technology

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    When I first arrived in the Yolngu township of Galiwin’ku to undertake fieldwork for my doctoral thesis at the University of Melbourne and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, almost a decade ago to the day, a particular research question had been on my mind for some time. Over the past few years, I had been keenly following the development in Aboriginal Australia of several exciting projects making use of digital technologies – such as the Central Australian Ara Irititja interac..


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    Quatre mains autour d’une table, des plantes, et beaucoup de vert : la couverture de ce nouveau numéro, une photographie confiée par A-Tena Pidjo, prise lors d’un atelier de confection d’un herbier, illustre l’article « Recherche de sens et stratégies de soins chez les Mwalebeng de Pouebo (Nouvelle-Calédonie) ». Pidjo et ses co-auteur·es, Catherine Sabinot et Edouard Hnawia, y racontent l’entrelacs des pratiques traditionnelles et contemporaines que tissent les communautés kanak de la région ..
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