65 research outputs found

    Boltzmann equation approach to transport in finite modular quantum systems

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    We investigate the transport behavior of finite modular quantum systems. Such systems have recently been analyzed by different methods. These approaches indicate diffusive behavior even and especially for finite systems. Inspired by these results we analyze analytically and numerically if and in which sense the dynamics of those systems are in agreement with an appropriate Boltzmann equation. We find that the transport behavior of a certain type of finite modular quantum systems may indeed be described in terms of a Boltzmann equation. However, the applicability of the Boltzmann equation appears to be rather limited to a very specific type of model

    The severity of Puumala hantavirus induced nephropathia epidemica can be better evaluated using plasma interleukin-6 than C-reactive protein determinations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Nephropathia epidemica (NE) is a Scandinavian type of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome caused by Puumala hantavirus. The clinical course of the disease varies greatly in severity. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin (IL)-6 levels associate with the severity of NE.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A prospectively collected cohort of 118 consecutive hospital-treated patients with acute serologically confirmed NE was examined. Plasma IL-6, CRP, and creatinine, as well as blood cell count and daily urinary protein excretion were measured on three consecutive days after admission. Plasma IL-6 and CRP levels higher than the median were considered high.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that high IL-6 associated with most variables reflecting the severity of the disease. When compared to patients with low IL-6, patients with high IL-6 had higher maximum blood leukocyte count (11.9 <it>vs </it>9.0 × 10<sup>9</sup>/l, <it>P </it>= 0.001) and urinary protein excretion (2.51 <it>vs </it>1.68 g/day, <it>P </it>= 0.017), as well as a lower minimum blood platelet count (55 <it>vs </it>80 × 10<sup>9</sup>/l, <it>P </it>< 0.001), hematocrit (0.34 <it>vs </it>0.38, <it>P </it>= 0.001), and urinary output (1040 <it>vs </it>2180 ml/day, <it>P </it>< 0.001). They also stayed longer in hospital than patients with low IL-6 (8 <it>vs </it>6 days, <it>P </it>< 0.001). In contrast, high CRP did not associate with severe disease.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>High plasma IL-6 concentrations associate with a clinically severe acute Puumala hantavirus infection, whereas high plasma CRP as such does not reflect the severity of the disease.</p

    Transport und Relaxation in Quantenmodellen

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    Das Transport- und Relaxationsverhalten verschiedener Quantenmodelle wird untersucht. Den ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit bildet die Untersuchung der Transporteigenschaften von speziellen finiten modularen Quantensystemen bzgl. einer Boltzmann-Gleichung (BG). Diese Systeme, in denen unter bestimmten Bedingungen diffusiver Transport beobachtet werden kann, wurden mit verschiedenen Methoden zur Beschreibung von Quantentransport untersucht. Dabei zeigt sich, dass sich das diffusive Transportverhalten in diesen Systemen aus der zugrunde liegenden Schrödinger Dynamik heraus beschreiben lĂ€sst. Ob die diffusive Dynamik in diesen Systemen ebenfalls auf der Basis einer BG beschrieben werden kann, wird analytisch und numerisch untersucht. Im zweiten Teil wird die Relaxationsdynamik in quantenmechanischen Vielteilchensystemen untersucht. Speziell wird versucht, die Lebensdauern von angeregten Elektronen (Löchern) in Metallen, welche mit dem Fermi-See der Elektronen wechselwirken, mittels der zeitfaltungsfreien Projektionsoperator-Methode (TCL) zu bestimmen. Letztere liefert einen analytischen Ausdruck fĂŒr die DĂ€mpfungsrate (inverse Lebensdauer), welche temperaturabhĂ€ngig ist und im Rahmen von Standard-Streuprozessen interpretiert werden kann. Um dieses analytische Ergebnis zu testen, wird es angewendet, um die Lebensdauern angeregter Elektronen (Löcher) in Aluminium zu bestimmen, fĂŒr das ein Jellium Modell verwendet wird. Die Ergebnisse, die man ĂŒber Monte-Carlo-Integration erhĂ€lt, werden mit experimentellen und theoretischen Daten aus Selbstenergie-Rechnungen verglichen. Des Weiteren werden die Lebensdauern angeregter Elektronen in Kupfer ermittelt, fĂŒr das ein Tight-Binding-Modell verwendet wird

    Polymer electrolyte/electrode interfaces

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    The performance of rechargeable batteries based on metallic or inserted lithium anodes is strongly dependent on the nature and properties of the interfacial layer formed between the electrode and electrolyte. In terms of cyclability of the lithium electrode, a through understanding of the behaviour and nature of this interfacial layer, stability in case of open circuit and cell charge/discharge conditions is important.Amorphous form of the poly (ethyleneoxide) was synthesised to prepare a solid polymer electrolyte with lithium perchlorate salt. The thermal and electrochemical properties of the polymer and its electrolytes were investigated employing the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and ac impedance techniques.The interfaces between the polymer electrolyte and LixWO3 electrodes were examined in the symmetrical cells using the ac impedance technique. The investigations were carried out to explore the interfacial kinetics such as the charge transfer resistance and diffusion coefficient. The temperature, composition and salt concentration dependence of these parameters was examined. Compatibility of the polymer electrolyte in thin film cells within ITO thin film glass electrodes were examined. Li0.1ITO/polymer electrolyte interface was also investigated.A novel cell was developed to investigate the lithium metal/polymer electrolyte interface. The stability of the interface was investigated by the ac impedance. The effects of water on the planting/stripping cycling efficiency was examined using the galvanostatic technique. The effects of water on the interface was also investigated using the ac impedance, at different water concentrations.</p

    Financial instrument : A study of incoming replies on referral

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    Under Äret 2009 publicerade den internationella organisationen IASB ett internationellt redovisningsregelverk under namnet IFRS for SMEs. Denna sjÀlvstÀndiga redovisningsstandard komma att ligga till grund för det svenska redovisningsregelverket K3, som Àr avsett för icke börsnoterade smÄ och medelstora företag som upprÀttar Ärsredovisning. BFN började Är 2004 med ett nytt arbete med normgivning för icke börsnoterade företag, ett regelverk som kallas K-projektet vars syfte Àr att förenkla redovisningsarbetet. Samtliga onoterade företag som Àr bokföringsskyldiga skall innefattas, och beroende pÄ företagets storlek och utformning delas de in i olika kategorier (K1-K4).I september 2010 skickade BFN ut en komplettering av K3 pÄ en redan utskickad remiss. I kompletteringen Äterfanns det bland annat förslag med kapitel 11 och kapitel 12, som tar upp vÀrderingar och redovisningsprinciper för finansiella instrument. Remissen skickades ut till 34 institutioner och av dessa svarade 20. Vi har behandlat samtliga svar.Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka och redogöra för de olika attityderna som de olika instanserna har yttrat i sina remissvar gÀllande kapitel 11 och kapitel 12 ur K3-regelverket. Studien Àr av kvalitativ karaktÀr med en induktiv ansats, dÀr empirin har bestÄtt av institutionernas remissvar.Instansernas attityder har varit av olika karaktÀr och detsamma gÀller mÀngden av synpunkter som har framförts. Resultatet av studien visar att en minoritet anser att anvÀndarvÀnligheten i kapitel 11 och 12 Àr undermÄlig. VÄr slutsats Àr att varken kapitel 11 eller kapitel 12 i dagslÀget Àr tillrÀckligt vÀlutvecklat. Vi Àr av den uppfattningen att mer arbete mÄste lÀggas ner nÀr det kommer strukturen och vÀrderingen kring finansiella instrument trots att majoriteten av intressenterna sammantaget har positiva synpunkter kring regelverket.Program: Civilekonomprogramme

    Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Hydroxytyrosol from <i>Lactiplantibacillus plantarum</i> Fermented Olive Leaves: Process Optimization and Bioactivity Assessment

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    Olive leaves are important by-products for the recovery of phenolic compounds and extracts with high phenolic content using lactic acid bacteria during fermentation. Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (L. plantarum) strains as glucosidase-positive strains are starter cultures used to control the fermentation process. The main objective of the present work is to determine the most effective strain for the biodegradation of oleuropein to hydroxytyrosol using two L. plantarum strains for the fermentation of olive leaves. Box–Behnken experimental design was applied to determine the optimum ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) conditions to obtain hydroxytyrosol-rich extract using the brine of the fermented leaves. L. plantarum ATCC 14917 (hydroxytyrosol; 126.89 ± 1.59 mg/L) strain showed higher oleuropeinolytic activity than L. plantarum ATCC-BAA 793 (85.93 ± 0.70 mg/L) in olive leaf brine. When the UAE method was applied, it was seen that the hydroxytyrosol concentration of samples that were inoculated with L. plantarum ATCC 14917 (362.29 ± 2.31 mg/L) compared to L. plantarum ATCC-BAA 793 (248.79 ± 4.14) increased. The optimum UAE conditions were determined as 30% amplitude-5 min-30% ethanol for ATCC 14917 and 45% amplitude-9 min-10% ethanol for BAA 793 strain. This study showed that the brines of fermented olive leaves with oleuropeinolytic strains can be considered high added value products

    LC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS-assisted elucidation of the phenolic compounds in shalgams: Comparison of traditional and direct methods

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    PubMedID: 31606693Shalgam is a beverage which is produced by lactic acid fermentation of black carrot juice. Two commercial methods (traditional method - TM and direct method - DM) used to produce shalgams were compared with respect to their effects on the general compositions, bioactive phenolic compounds and antioxidant potentials for the first time. A total of 25 phenolic compounds comprising anthocyanins, flavonols, and phenolic acids were identified and characterized by LC-DAD-ESI/MSn. Cyanidin-3-xylosyl-galactoside and cyanidin-3-xylosyl-glucosyl-galactoside accounted for the highest amount of the total anthocyanins. Also, seven newly-identified anthocyanins including cyanidin 3-xylosyl-(caffeoyl-glucosyl)-galactoside, cyanidin 3-xylosyl-(p-hydroxybenzoyl-glucosyl)-galactoside, cyanidin 3-xylosyl-galactoside+vinylphenol, cyanidin 3-xylosyl-galactoside+vinylcatechol, cyanidin 3-xylosyl-(feruloyl-glucosyl)-galactoside+vinylcatechol, cyanidin 3-xylosyl-galactoside+ vinylguaiacol, cyanidin 3-xylosyl-(feruloyl-glucosyl)-galactoside+vinylguaiacol were found in the shalgam samples for the first time. Phenolic acids and flavonols of shalgam samples were studied for the first time. The major subclass of the chlorogenic acids was identified as 5-caffeoylquinic acid in the samples. Antioxidant capacities of the samples screened using ABTS and DPPH assays were in accordance with their total phenolic content. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed clear discrimination between the two production methods (TM and DM). This study demonstrated that the DM provided higher phenolic and antioxidant potential than the TM in the shalgam samples. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd17332003This research was made possible through the financial support from the Adana Alparslan Turkes Science and Technology University by means of a thesis Project (No: 17332003 ). The authors achnowledge Kilikya Shalgam Company for providing raw materials for shalgam production. The authors also thank to Kukre A.S. Food Company for direct method of shalgam production. We would like to thank Dr. Muharrem Keskin from Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey for his critical reading. Appendix

    The Frequency of Osteoporosis in Hemodialysis and Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Patients According to PTH Levels after Active Vitamin D Therapy during the Two Years Period

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    Aim: Osteoporosis is a skeletal disorder that is characterized by low bone mass, micro-structuraldegeneration of bone and high risk of fracture. In this study our aim was to detect the frequencyof osteoporosis in hemodialysis (HD) and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)patients according to Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) after vitamin D therapy during the two yearsperiod.Materials and method: 18 HD patients (12 male, 6 female) and 12 CAPD patients (8 male, 4female) undergoing to dialysis therapy in dialysis center of Medicine Faculty Hospital in DicleUniversity were enrolled to the study. The patients were evaluated with bone mineral densitywhich was measured by left heel quantitative ultrasound before and after the active vitamin Dtherapy. The blood samples were collected for biochemical analysis in the morning after 12hours fasting period before and after the active vitamin D therapy. Results: After the therapy T and Z scores bone mineral density and ALP values were increasedin the group that PTH values were between 120-250 pg/ml and more than 250 pg/ml. But theseparameters were decreased in the group that PTH were lower than 120 pg/ml. Osteoporosispercentage were 23 % in PTH value 250 pg/ml in the initial measurement. After the therapy these were 30 %, 0% and 20 % relatively.Conclusion: Before the treatment there was not a statistical difference between T score of 3groups. After the treatment there was a statistically significant difference. Especially T scorewas better after the therapy in the second group that PTH values were between 120-250 pg/ml
