1,621 research outputs found

    Video med interview af Anne Grete Kongsted om forsøg pü Risbjerg og økologisk svinekød. Demonstrationsdag pü Risbjerg Landbrug

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    Der blev afholdt demonstrationsdag i projekterne "Robuste racer" og "Slagtesvin pü friland", tirsdag den 25. september 2012 hos Kirsten og Hans Erik Jørgensen. Pü demonstrationsdagen, som var besøgt af omkring 50 gÌster, blev der gjort status og man kunne blandt andet høre om de foreløbige erfaringer og se de diegivende søer med engelsk Saddleback og Duroc i generne samt slagtesvin, der boltrede sig pü marker med kløvergrÌs, kül og roer. Demonstrationsdagen var arrangeret af Videncentret for Landbrug, Økologi, Aarhus Universitet og Udviklingscenter for Husdyr pü Friland. Projekterne er støttet af Fonden for Økologisk Landbrug, EU´s Landdistriktsprogram, og Organic RDD programmet koordineret af ICROFS og finansieret fra NaturErhvervsstyrelsen. Video af Tomas Fibiger Nørfelt, Videncentret for Landbrug, Økolog

    Thaipusam KavadÄŤ - A Festival Helping Hindus in Mauritius Cope with Fear

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    With Hindus in Mauritius as a case study, this article will show how Thaipusam KavadÄŤ, a festival of piercing and procession of ancient Tamil origin, has become not only a modern expression of religious affiliation in diaspora, but also a way of coping with fear by trying to gain dispensation for possible religious or ethical misconduct in a time and a place where religion has become compartmentalised. To understand this development, the article gives a short introduction to the overall theme of fear, including theoretical considerations as a prism to understand the factors at play. This is followed by an introduction to Hinduism in Mauritius from a general point of view. Then, using a particular case study and participant observations as a point of departure, the article will explore how Thaipusam KavadÄŤ is conducted and what kind of meaning the participants attribute to their participation

    Responses to Covid–19: New Paradigms of Exclusion and Inclusion in Indian Society

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    This article will give a few examples of how the Covid–19 pandemic in India has sharpened pre-existing patterns. Religion was used for the purpose of a political argument during the course of the pandemic, and the resultant creation of ‘us’ and ‘them’ leaves a definite mark. The focus will be twofold: Firstly, I show how the government and the BJP are promoting themselves as the protectors of Hindu India against ‘intruders’ who are identified as the Muslims who live in the country. The popular viewpoint of Muslims being anti-national very quickly fed into the national narrative of Muslims being responsible for India’s first super-spreader events in early 2020. Secondly, I show how this point of view had repercussions on other aspects of social life and the very fabric of India. An interesting consequence of the religious angle is the creation of a new goddess or Shakti representation named Corona Devi (corona goddess), who some Hindus believe will be appeased by their worship. Thus, the article will highlight how, in the light of Covid–19, social, religious and political divides gain centre-stage

    The preservation of atmospheric nitrate in snow at Summit, Greenland

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    There is great interest in using nitrate NO3 isotopic composition in ice cores to track the history of precursor nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2) in the atmosphere. Nitrate NO3 however can be lost from the snow by surface processes, such as photolysis back to NOx upon exposure to sunlight, making it difficult to interpret records of NO3 as a tracer of atmospheric NOx loading. In a campaign consisting of two field seasons (May–June) at Summit, Greenland, high temporal frequency surface snow samples were collected and analyzed for the oxygen isotopic composition of NO3. The strong, linear relationship observed between the oxygen isotopes of NO3 in both 2010 and 2011, is difficult to explain in the presence of significant post depositional processing of NO3 unless several unrelated variables change in concert. Therefore, the isotopic signature of NO3 in the snow at Summit is most feasibly explained as preserved atmospheric NO3 deposition

    Physical anthropology in Europe and beyond

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    Methodologies and legislative frameworks regarding the excavation, retrieval, analysis, curation and potential reburial of human skeletal remains different throughout Europe. As work forces within Europe and beyond have become increasingly mobile and international research collaborations are steadily increasing, the need for a more comprehensive understanding of different national research traditions, methodologies and legislative structures within the academic and commercial sector of physical anthropology has arisen. Establishing how human osteoarchaeology is practiced and dealt with throughout Europe and beyond will promote sharing knowledge between countries and form the basis for pan-European exchanges and discussions on the best practice. The current paper focuses on an ongoing project entitled ‘Physical Anthropology and Legislation: European Perspectives and Beyond’ and provides insight into some of the results obtained so far

    Revision of the Xestia speciosa and X. alpicola complexes in Europe (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)

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    Xestia (Anomogyna) viridescens (Turati, 1919) stat. n. from the southern Alps is a species distinct from X. speciosa (Hi.ibner, 1813). The southern Fennoscandian subspecies of X. (A.) speciosa is ssp. baltica (Valle, 1940) stat. rev., and that of X. (A.) alpicola (Zetterstedt, 1839) is ssp. iveni (Hi.ibner, 1870) stat. rev
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