960 research outputs found

    Open access repository for the brazilian literature on agroecology.

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    The Brazilian technical and scientific literature on Agroecology is plentiful, is scattered and of difficult access and the hypothesis is that the knowledge of the area was produced but is composed by a knowledge to be organized. These features are barriers and constrains for farmers to use agricultural information as well as for providers of extension services to meet information needs of farmers. In this direction there is a consensus among researchers who study the information that the adequate alternative and adopted in the entire world are the open access digital repositories. Besides taking into account all essential actions to manage technical and scientific information, the open access digital repositories contribute to better communication process of Science. This occurs because such tools create necessary conditions to researchers to have timely, quickly, easy and perpetual access to the information they need to develop their activities. Also help to disseminate the results and provide increase on citation, researcher and institution visibility. A digital repository can be institutional or by topic where the institutional manages and fosters the scientific production of the institution as a whole. Repositories by topic make evident the stage of development of a scientific community. The objective is to describe how the collection of journal and magazines articles, conference papers, documents published by NGOs, government papers, dissertations and thesis, documents on the Internet, agricultural research produced by institutes and universities, etc. will be redeem to create and manage an open access digital repository of the Brazilian bibliographic production on Agroecology host by the Organic Eprints

    un confronto

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    Il notaio, la societa e la mediazione in eta moderna nelle storiografie francese e italian


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    A calibração de Medidores Eletrônicos de Distância (MED) consiste na determinação do erro de zero, fator de escala e elementos do erro cíclico. Para tal, são necessárias três etapas envolvendo operações de campo e de laboratório. Essas etapas são: determinação do erro de zero (não coincidência entre o centro mecânico e o centro eletrônico do MED); fator de escala (variação na freqüência da onda portadora do sinal de medida); elementos do erro cíclico (amplitude e fase). Suas determinações são efetuadas respectivamente por meio de: observações em uma base para calibração em campo, tal como a disponível na UFPR; determinação do fator de escala em laboratório (medindo a freqüência da onda portadora) e determinação precisa dos elementos do erro cíclico (amplitude e fase) por observações em uma base em ambiente fechado. O presente trabalho aborda a determinação dos fatores de calibração dos MEDs em laboratório e compara-os com o valor obtido em campo. As principais fontes de erros nos MEDs estão diretamente relacionadas com as variações produzidas pelo envelhecimento e temperatura dos cristais que modulam o sinal utilizado para determinar a distância entre o emissor e refletor, e também mau uso do equipamento. Com relação à medida da freqüência o Professor Harald Schlemmer da Universidade de Darmstadt desenvolveu um fotodetector (EMI C536) cuja finalidade é captar o sinal emitido pelo MED, o qual é analisado por um freqüencímetro e por um osciloscópio de alta precisão disponível no (LAIG) e calibrados em laboratório credenciado pelo (INMETRO). O primeiro faz a medida da freqüência e o segundo mostra o comportamento da onda. Esses procedimentos permitem a determinação da diferença entre a freqüência nominal do equipamento fornecida pelo fabricante, e a freqüência obtida em laboratório. Essa diferença afeta o fator de escala. Com relação ao erro cíclico, a calibração em laboratório consiste em comparar deslocamentos dados pelo instrumento que está sendo calibrado e o mesmo deslocamento medido com um instrumento de alta precisão. Neste trabalho de pesquisa, o instrumento que será considerado como padrão primário é um interferômetro LASER, que nas condições em que está instalado permite definir deslocamentos com precisão de 10 mµ. No campo, são necessárias observações sobre uma base linear. Essa base deve ser medida, em uma primeira fase, com um MED de alta precisão e, posteriormente pelo processo de ajustamento, obtem-se os fatores de calibração dos MEDs de menor precisão ou equivalente. Neste processo é possível determinar também o erro de zero e uma estimativa do erro cíclico. O presente trabalho, além de apresentar a metodologia de calibração de MED com observações de campo e laboratório, faz um estudo da estabilidade de redes geodésicas para definir possíveis variações temporais dos pilares que compõem a base de calibração de campo. Obtaining calibration elements and certification eletronic measures of field and laboratory distance Abstract The calibration of Electronic Distance Meters (EDM) consists of the determination of the zero mistake, scale factor and elements of the cyclical mistake. For such, they are necessary three stages involving field and laboratory operations and of these stages are: determination of the zero mistake (no coincidence between the mechanical and electronic center of MED); scale factor (variation in the frequency of the wave bearer of the measure sign); elements of the cyclical mistake (width and phase). Their determinations are made respectively through: observations in a field base, just as the available in the extent of UFPR; determination of the scale factor in laboratory (measuring the frequency of the wave bearer); determination the elements of the cyclical mistake (width and phase) through observations in a base in closed atmosphere. The present work approaches the determination of the factors of calibration of MEDs in laboratory and it compares them with the value obtained in field. The principel error source in the EDMs are directly related with the variations produced by ageing and temperature of the crystals that modulate the sign used to determine the distance between the originator and reflector, and also bad use of the equipment. Regarding measure of the frequency the professor Harald Schlemmer of the University of Darmstadt developed a fotodetector (EMI C536) whose purpose is to capture the sign emitted by MED, which is analyzed by a freqüencímetro and for an osciloscópio of high precision, available in LAIG and gaged at laboratory accredited by INMETRO. The first makes the measure of the frequency and the second shows the behavior of the wave. Those procedures allow the determination of the difference among the nominal frequency of the equipment, supplied by the manufacturer, and the frequency obtained at laboratory. That difference affect the scale factor. Regarding the cyclical mistake, the calibration in laboratory consists of comparing displacements given by the instrument that is being gaged and the same measured displacement with an instrument of high precision. In this research work, the instrument that will be considered as pattern it is an interferômetro LASER, that in the conditions that it is installed allows to define displacements accurately of 10 micrometers. In the field, they are necessary observations on a base (as the one of UFPR). That base should be measured, in a first phase with a MED of high precision and later, through adjustment process, be obtained the calibration factors of MEDs of smaller equivalent precision. In this process it is possible also to determine the zero mistake and an estimate of the cyclical mistake. The present work besides presenting the methodology of calibration of MED with field observations and laboratory and makes a study of the geodesic stability of nets to define possible temporary variations of the pillars that it composes the base of field calibration

    The Symbolic Realm of Italian Migrants’ Post-WWII Houses in Australia

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    The Post-WWII period witnessed a large immigration flow of Italians towards Australia. This was facilitated by the assisted passage scheme funded by the Italian and Australian governments. Italian migrants, as well as diverse migrant groups, brought with them cultural practices and a way of life, which are nowadays part of the multicultural Australian society. Namely, it is argued that first generation Italian migrants’ houses are embedded by cultural meanings. Therefore, this research study investigates the symbolic realm of Post-WWII domestic dwellings built by Italian migrants in Brisbane, that is, the various meanings they associated with their homes. The data was collected from focus group discussion and in-depth interviews held at the Italian Club in Newmarket and at the residences of forty Veneto first generation migrants, who migrated to Australia in the Post-WWII period. The collected data has been subjected to thematic and to hermeneutic analysis. This procedure generated a list of various meanings embedded onto migrants’ houses in Brisbane. The revealed findings contribute (1) to explore a historically significant process of Australian domestic architectural development and (2) to expose the symbolic realm preserved into the built environment, which represent the national cultural heritage of Australia

    Post-WWII Italian Migration from Veneto (Italy) to Australia and Transnational Houses in Queensland

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    This paper explores the phenomenon of post WWII Italian migration (from the Veneto region) to the State of Queensland in Australia. The exploration is linked with the topic of the accommodations where respondents resided since their arrival in Australia. The data was collected in Australia from semi-structured interviews conducted with ten families native to the Veneto region, who migrated to Australia after WWII. All interviews were conducted in the language preferred by participants, which corresponded to their regional dialect and the Italian language interpolated with some Austral-Italiani words. The interviews have been transcribed and subjected to the first level of analysis - thematic analysis - following orthodox practices (Kitchin & Tate, 2000; Seale, 2004). The analysis of the transcript material generated a number of themes, which, after being subjected to a second level of analysis using phenomenological hermeneutics, have been validated by the respondents. The themes have been ordered into two groups corresponding to first and last (or permanent) dwellings’ migration experiences

    Built Form and Cultural Meanings of the Homes of Veneto Post WWII Italian Migrants in Australia

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    This study investigates the domestic dwellings built in Brisbane by twenty first-generation migrants, natives of the Veneto region in Italy, who migrated to Australia in the post WWII period and built their houses in the 1980s and 1990s in Brisbane. The purpose of this research study is to explore whether notions of culture were present in the homes migrants constructed in Brisbane, both in the material realm (interpreted as internal and external organization of space and the composition of the façade) and in the symbolic realm (the meanings attached to these houses by Italian migrants). The project is of qualitative nature and as primary sources of data uses semi-structured interviews, associated when circumstances made this possible, to photo-elicitation interviews, and focus group discussion. The semi-structured interviews were conducted both in Australia with twenty first-generation Italian migrants, and in Italy with another ten informants who are indigenous to the Veneto region and who built their homes there. These primary data are supplemented by (4) secondary data in the form of photographs and drawings. The findings reveal that home is both a physical structure and a set of meanings where these two components are tied together rather than being separate and distinct. It shows that there were two models the Veneto migrants chose for the erection of their houses in Brisbane and these correspond to: (1) the rural houses built in the 1970s and 1980s by their family and friends in the Veneto region and (2) the villas designed for noble families by the architect Andrea Palladio in the 15th century in the homeland of the respondents

    The Development of Vital Precincts in Doha: Urban Regeneration and Socio-Cultural Factors

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    Through the past few decades, Doha, the capital of the State of Qatar, has experienced an extraordinary economic growth and transformation of its built environment. This has been caused by post-WWII oil and natural gas production, which has transformed the economy of Qatar from fishing and pearling based to a differentiated economy. The State of Qatar is currently investing large funds into the transformation of Doha’s built environment and the development of new major urban public transit networks (i.e. the Doha Metro, the Lusail light rail transit (LRT) and a bus rapid transit (BRT)). Authorities are committed to have the new transport systems operational before the 2022 FIFA World cup competition. This paper discusses the key factors and/or challenges to be studied and considered for integrating Doha metro transport system with land use. Namely it is argued that the key factors for the design and planning of successful, functional and economically vital precincts developed in the proximity of the new Doha Metro stations are related to tangible or financial-economic aspects, as well as intangible or socio-cultural aspects

    Built Form and Culture: Italian Transnational Houses in Australia

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    Accordingly to Wagner, “Dwellings stand as the concrete expressions of a complex interaction among cultural skills and norms, climatic conditions and the potentialities of natural materials”. This study, beginning with an enquiry into the way trans-national houses are the physical expression of interacting cultural factors, provides a theoretical framework grounded on cross-cultural studies for understanding the way cultural needs have influenced the form of the archetypal post WWII ‘house on a quarter-acre block’ built in Brisbane by Italian migrants. The findings reveal that while the architectural form of the Italian Trans-national houses built in Brisbane is influenced by the need to continue architectural cultural traditions in the host country, the spatial distribution of the artifact was influenced by socio-cultural factors and urban fabric, from both the native and hosting built environment, in the attempt of re-establishing and enhancing the native way of life

    Post-WWII Italian Immigration to Australia: The Catholic Church as a Means of Social Integration and Italian Associations as a Way of Preserving Italian Culture

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    Historically, most Italians have been Roman Catholics. Also, the majority of Italian immigrants who migrated to Australia have remained Catholics. In Brisbane, in which a large number of Italian migrants migrated in post WWII period, immigrants were actively involved in activities performed around Catholic Parishes. Concurrently, driven by the need for interaction among themselves and also with Australians, Italian migrants built ethnic clubs and associations to facilitate social interaction. This study aims to investigate the extent to which the Catholic Church and cultural clubs and associations has contributed to the social integration process of post WWII first generation Italian migrants in Brisbane. The role of the Catholic Church and cultural associations was explored, namely those activities, which majorly involved Italian migrants within the community since their arrival in Brisbane. Forty participants were interviewed about their religious beliefs and congregational/community activities, which were central for them to enhance life satisfaction and consequently to integrate within the community. The findings reveal that being involved in social activities performed within the catholic parish helped them to give a meaning to their life in the Australian host environment and provided them a supportive community. Attending religious services and congregational social activities helped migrants to find strength and comfort, to overcome hardships, and more importantly to create friendships, which provided them a tool contributing to implementing their individual quality of life or life satisfaction and finally to integrating within the Australian society. In addition, for Italian migrants, the typical national and regional clubs became a recreation/social center, which helped them to preserve their national language, culture and identity

    Italo-Australian Transnational Houses: Critical Review of a Qualitative Research Study

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    The research study aimed to understand how first generation Italian migrants in Brisbane have influenced the form of a specific typology of dwelling, the archetypal ‘house on a quarter-acre block’, in the post WWII period. In order to understand the forces behind and outcomes of migrants’ influence on the form of their Italo-Australian transnational houses, qualitative data collected from the testimonies of Italian migrants in conjunction with evidence left from four houses were analyzed. The findings revealed that the architectural form of the house was influenced by architectural traditions, socio-cultural factors and urbanization patterns. It was shown that the form of the transnational house mirrored the cultures derived from the ways of life belonging to two societies. Therefore, the form of houses built by Italian migrants in post WWII Brisbane is the manifestation of the Italian and the Australian cultures. The purpose of this paper is to discuss and critically review the qualitative methodology adopted for the study, the limitations of the study and the recommendations for further exploration and development of both theoretical and applied areas of research