537 research outputs found

    Oksidacijski stres i srčani biomarkeri u janjadi oboljele od enzootske ataksije: dijagnostičko i prognostičko značenje

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    Diagnostic and particularly prognostic biomarkers are essential for control of enzootic ataxia in lambs. Blood samples were collected from 32 lambs suffering from enzootic ataxia, and 15 healthy lambs as the control. Whole blood was used for estimation of hemoglobin (Hb) in diseased and healthy animals. The harvested serum was used for estimation of copper (Cu), ceruloplasmin (Cp), selenium (Se), Malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD), cardiac troponin I (cTnI), creatine kinase (CK) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels in diseased and healthy control animals. Clinical examination revealed anemia, a fall in body temperature, an increase in heart and respiratory rates and lack of coordination in diseased animals compared to the controls. The levels of malondialdehyde, cardiac troponin I, creatine kinase and aspartate aminotransferase were significantly higher, whereas those of superoxide dismutase and reduced glutathione were significantly lower in diseased animals compared to the controls. Successfully treated lambs (n = 14) had lower levels of cardiac troponin I, creatine kinase and malondialdehyde, but higher levels of superoxide dismutase, copper and ceruloplasmin compared to lambs with treatment failure. However, creatine kinase, superoxide dismutase and cardiac troponin I showed a high degree of accuracy in predicting treatment outcome (success vs failure). The areas under the curve for creatine kinase, superoxide dismutase and cardiac troponin I were 0·97, 0.94 and 0·92, respectively. Creatine kinase and superoxide dismutase showed nearly the same sensitivity and specificity (sensitivity = 94.44% vs 92.86% and specificity = 92.86% vs 93.75%, respectively), and better than that of cTnI (sensitivity = 88.89% and specificity = 85.71%). The current study suggests that creatine kinase, superoxide dismutase and cardiac troponin I could be used as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in lambs affected with enzootic ataxia.Dijagnostički, a posebice prognostički biomarkeri bitni su za kontrolu enzootske ataksije janjadi. Uzorci krvi uzeti su od 32 janjeta oboljela od enzootske ataksije i 15 zdrave janjadi kao kontrole. Razina hemoglobina (Hb) bila je određena u punoj krvi bolesne i zdrave janjadi. U serumu svih životinja bile su određene razine bakra (Cu), ceruloplazmina (Cp), selena (Se), malondialdehida (MDA), reduciranog glutationa (GSH), superoksid-dismutaze (SOD), srčanog troponina I (cTnI), kreatin-kinaze (CK) i aspartat-aminotransferaze (AST). Kliničkom je pretragom u bolesnih životinja bila ustanovljena anemija, snižene vrijednosti tjelesne temperature, povećane vrijednosti bila i disanja te neusklađeno kretanje. Razine malondialdehida, srčanog troponina I, kreatin-kinaze i aspartat-aminotransferaze bile su značajno povećane, dok su razine superoksid-dismutaze i reduciranog glutationa bile značajno smanjene u bolesnih u odnosu na zdrave kontrolne životinje. Uspješno liječena janjad (n = 14) imala je niže razine srčanog troponina I, kreatin-kinaze i malondialdehida, ali više razine superoksid-dismutaze, bakra i ceruloplazmina u odnosu na neuspješno liječenu janjad. Međutim, kreatin-kinaza, superoksid-dismutaza i srčani troponin I pokazivali su veći stupanj točnosti u procjeni uspješnosti liječenja (uspješno u odnosu na neuspješno). Površina ispod krivulje iznosila je za kreatin-kinazu 0,97, za superoksid-dismutazu 0,94 te za srčani troponin I 0,92. Kreatin-kinaza i superoksid-dismutaza pokazivale su gotovo jednaku osjetljivost i specifičnost (osjetljivost = 94,44% odnosno 92,86%, a specifičnost = 92,86% odnosno 93,75%) što je bilo bolje od vrijednosti za troponin koje su iznosile za osjetljivost 88,89%, a za specifičnost 85,71%). Istraživanje je pokazalo da se kreatin-kinaza, superoksid-dismutaza i srčani troponin I mogu rabiti kao dijagnostički i prognostički biomarkeri u janjadi oboljele od enzootske ataksije

    Impact of Environmental Conditions on a Structural Damage

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    This paper deals with a case history of a structural damage of college buildings lie in a nearly developed area at the north-east of Cairo. The building behavior and the factors cause the damage arc contributed. As a result, the light on the importance of topographical condition of the site is sighted and recommended for such similar cases

    Effect of Some Levels from Ziziphus Spina-christi Leaves and Choline on Acute Liver Disease in Rats

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    The study aims to investigate the effects of diets containing two levels of Ziziphus Spina-christi leaves, choline, and their combinationson nutritional evaluation, some biochemical analysis, anda histopathological examination of the livers of rats suffering from acute liver disease. This study involved the use of forty-eight male albino rats. Rats in this study were divided into2 main groups, as follows:The 1st main group (n=6 rats) was fed a basal dietas a negative control group. The 2ndmain group (42 rats) wasinjected subcutaneously with CCl4 in paraffin oil to induce acute liver disease in rats. The second main group of rats was divided into seven subgroups, each consisting of six rats,as follows: Subgroup (1)was only fed a basal diet (B.D.) as a control positive group. Subgroups 2 and 3were given diets containing 1% and 2% choline chloride, respectively. Subgroups 4 and 5were given diets containing 5% and 7.5% Zizyphus Spina-christi, respectively.Subgroups 6 and 7 were fed diets containing the combination of choline chloride and Zizyphus Spina-christi (1% choline chloride and 5% Zizyphus Spina-christi) and (2% choline chloride and 7.5% Zizyphus Spina-christi), respectively. The results indicated that injected rats with CCl4 increased liver enzymes, including AST, ALT, and ALP, while decreasing feed intake, body weight gain%, serum protein, albumin, globulin, and antioxidant enzymes, including (catalase "CAT", superoxide dismutase ("SOD"), glutathione ("GSH"), and glutathione peroxidase ("GPx"), as compared to non-injected rats. Treating acute liver disease rats with diets containing the two levels of Ziziphus Spina-christi leaves, choline, and their combinations improved all of these parameters and the histopathological changes in the liver as compared to non-treated rats. Conclusion: Ziziphus Spina-christi leaves, choline, and their combinationscan be used to reduce the side effects of acute liver diseases

    Some Aspects on the Falyum-Egypt Earthquake of October 12, 1992

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    A moderate size earthquake shocked the southern west part of Cairo by 35km at 15:15 P.M. local time on October 12, 1992 causing wide spread devastation leading to loss of many lives and structure damages along the surrounding big cities. The paper describes the behavior of two identical residential buildings constructed on two different site soil conditions. The lesson learnt from the performance differences are highlighted, and some geotechnical and structural aspects are recorded

    Biomarkeri ketoze u mliječnih krava u postpartalnom razdoblju: proteini akutne faze i proupalni citokini

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    Searching for new or additional biomarkers is an essential step toward the control of metabolic diseases such as ketosis. Acute phase proteins (APP) and pro-inflammatory cytokines were used successfully as prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers for many animal diseases. However, their use in the diagnosis of ketosis in dairy cows in the postparturient period has not been completely elucidated. Therefore, 25 cows suffering from ketosis in the postparturient period were used in the current study, together with 20 healthy cows who served as a control. Blood samples were collected from both diseased and healthy animals, and the harvested serum was used for determination of APP and proinflammatory cytokines. The obtained results indicated that there was a significant (P≤0.05) increase in the levels of β-Hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), APP, namely: haptoglobin (HP), Serum Amyloid A (SAA), Fibrinogen (Fb), ceruloplasmin (Cp), α1-acid glycoprotein (α1-AG), and proinflammatory cytokines, namely:, interleukins IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12), Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interferon gamma (IFN-γ) in dairy cows affected with ketosis compared to the control. A positive correlation was observed among traditional biomarkers (BHBA, NEFA) and suggested biomarkers (APP and cytokines) in cows affected with ketosis. Conclusively, APP and pro-inflammatory cytokines could be used as promising biomarkers for ketosis in dairy cows in the postparturient period.Pronalaženje novih ili dodatnih biomarkera bitni je korak u kontroli metaboličkih bolesti kao što je ketoza. Proteini akutne faze i proupalni citokini uspješno se koriste kao prognostički i dijagnostički biomarkeri za mnoge životinjske bolesti. Ipak, njihova primjena u dijagnostici ketoze u mliječnih krava u postpartalnom razdoblju nije u potpunosti razjašnjena. Stoga je u ovo istraživanje bilo uzeto 25 krava oboljelih od ketoze u postpartalnom razdoblju, zajedno s 20 zdravih kontrolnih krava. Uzorci krvi bili su prikupljeni od bolesnih i zdravih životinja te su uzorci seruma bili pretraženi na proteine akutne faze i proupalne citokine. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da se u krava s ketozom u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu značajno (P≤0,05) povećala razina β-hidroksibutirata (BHBA), neesterificiranih masnih kiselina (NEMK), proteina akutne faze i to haptoglobina (HP), serumskog amiloida A (SAA), fibrinogena (Fb), ceruloplazmina (Cp), α1-kiselog glikoproteina (α1-AG) i proupalnih citokina kao što su interleukini (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12), faktor tumorske nekroze alfa (TNF-α) i interferon gama (IFN-γ). Pozitivna korelacija utvrđena je između postojećih biomarkera (BHBA, NEMK) i novih predloženih na osnovi ovog istraživanja (proteina akutne faze i citokina) u krava oboljelih od ketoze. Zaključuje se da bi proteini akutne faze i proupalni citokini mogli biti obećavajući biomarkeri ketoze u krava u postpartalnom razdoblju

    Numerical analysis of reducing tunneling effect on viaduct piles foundation by jet grouted wall

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    Purpose. The target of this study is divided into two parts. The first part is concerned with capability of numerical model to simulate the tunneling process. The second part is related to studying the interaction mechanism between the tunnel, protection technique, and soil. This study themes are investigated by analyzing different protection technique configuration, considering different stiffness of the grouted wall, and applying different interface coefficient between the wall and the soil. Methods. The method used in this study to check the accuracy of the proposed numerical model is 4-D ABAQUS program. The typical excavation of a tunnel is simulated step by step with an assumed rate of tunnel advancement (0.5 to 1.5 m/hr). The soil material utilized in this model is elastic perfectly plastic (the Mohr-Сoulomb criterion), while elastic material is modeled as solid element (S4R) adopted for lining, grouting, filling gaps, shielding, constructing piles, and jet grouted wall. Findings. Results showed that the closer jet grouting to the tunnel with embedded length of 1.5 times tunnel diameter, the better effect on reducing the lateral deformation and bending moment generated on piles. Otherwise, increasing wall thickness more than double grouted column diameter would not affect its shielding efficiency. Furthermore, either increasing or decreasing friction coefficient even if rough between the grouted wall and soil had no effect on the pile behavior. Additionally, applying Mohr-Coulomb criteria for grouted wall with high stiffness allowed realistic response of the pile group. Originality. Capability of the proposed model is verified by back analysis of Changsha Subway Line 1 project, where the shield tunnel would be constructed near existing pile groups of L off-ramp of the Xinzhong Road viaduct. Practical implications. Increasing grouted wall configuration is more effective than mechanical properties or its interface coefficient with surrounded soil in mitigating tunneling effect on nearby piles.Мета. Виконати чисельне моделювання опису процесу проходки тунелю, а також вивчення механізмів взаємодії між тунелем, способом кріплення та підошвою за допомогою аналізу різних конфігурацій кріплення з урахуванням різної міцності залитої цементним розчином стіни й застосування різних коефіцієнтів межі розділу між стіною і підошвою. Методика. Для перевірки точності запропонованої чисельної моделі використовувалася програма 4-D ABAQUS. Проходка тунелю моделюється покроково при передбачуваній швидкість проходки від 0.5 до 1.5 м/год. Дана модель розглядає матеріал підошви як еластичний ідеально пластичний (за критерієм Мора-Кулона). Еластичний матеріал представлений в моделі як тверда речовина (S4R), що використовується для оброблення, цементування, заповнення пустот, щитової проходки, спорудження свай та залитих струменевим розчином стінок. Результати. Результати дослідження свідчать про те, що чим ближче розташована установка струменевої цементації до тунелю, довжина якого в півтора рази більше його діаметра, тим більший вплив вона чинить на зменшення бічних деформацій і згинальні моменти свай. Встановлено, що збільшення товщини стінок до величини, що вдвічі перевищує діаметр залитих струменевим розчином свай, не впливає на їх захисну здатність. Крім того, ні збільшення, ні зменшення коефіцієнта тертя між залитою цементним розчином стіною і підошвою не чинить істотного впливу на поведінку свай. Застосування критерію Мора-Кулона для високоміцної зацементованої струменевим розчином стіни дозволяє реалістично оцінити реакцію групи свай. Наукова новизна. Надійність даної моделі підтверджена зворотним аналізом в рамках проекту 1-й лінії метро Чанши, згідно з яким тунель буде побудований методом щитової проходки навколо існуючих груп опор на L з’їзді з віадука траси Ксінжонг. Практична значимість. Зміцнена структура зацементованої стінки дозволяє зменшити вплив проходки тунелю на сваї та підвищити надійність і стійкість споруди.Цель. Выполнить численное моделирование описания процесса проходки тоннеля, а также изучение механизмов взаимодействия между тоннелем, способом крепления и грунтом посредством анализа разных конфигураций крепления с учетом различной прочности залитой цементным раствором стены и применения различных коэффициентов границы раздела между стеной и почвой. Методика. Для проверки точности предложенной численной модели использовалась программа 4-D ABAQUS. Проходка тоннеля моделируется пошагово при предполагаемой скорости проходки от 0.5 до 1.5 м/час. Данная модель рассматривает материал грунта как эластичный идеально пластичный (по критерию Мора-Кулона). Эластичный материал представлен в модели как твердое вещество (S4R), используемое для обделки, цементирования, заполнения пустот, щитовой проходки, сооружения свай и залитых струйным раствором стенок. Результаты. Результаты исследования свидетельствуют о том, что чем ближе расположена установка струйной цементации к тоннелю, длина которого в полтора раза больше его диаметра, тем большее влияние она оказывает на уменьшение боковых деформаций и сгибающего момента свай. Установлено, что увеличение толщины стенок до величины, вдвое превышающей диаметр залитых струйным раствором свай, не влияет на их защитную способность. Кроме того, ни увеличение, ни уменьшение коэффициента трения между залитой цементным раствором стеной и грунтом не оказывает существенного влияния на поведение свай. Применение критерия Мора-Кулона для высокопрочной зацементированной струйным раствором стены позволяет реалистично оценить ответную реакцию группы свай. Научная новизна. Надежность данной модели подтверждена обратным анализом в рамках проекта 1-й линии метро Чанши, согласно которому тоннель будет построен методом щитовой проходки вокруг существующих групп опор на L съезде с виадука трассы Ксинжонг. Практическая значимость. Упрочненная структура зацементированной стенки позволяет уменьшить воздействия проходки тоннеля на сваи и повысить надежность и устойчивость сооружения.The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers and the editor for their valuable comments

    Defining genome-wide expression and phenotypic contextual cues in macrophages generated by GM-CSF, M-CSF and heat-killed mycobacteria

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    Heat-killed (HK) Mycobacterium obuense (NCTC13365) is currently being evaluated in the clinic as an immunotherapeutic agent for cancer treatment. Yet, the molecular underpinnings underlying immunomodulatory properties of HK M. obuense are still largely undefined. To fill this void, we sought to perform immunophenotyping, chemokine/cytokine release analysis and genome-wide characterization of monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) in which monocytes were originally isolated from healthy donors and differentiated by HK M. obuense (Mob-MDM) relative to macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-MDM) and granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-MDM). Immunophenotyping and cytokine release analysis revealed downregulated surface expression of CD36, decreased spontaneous release of CCL2 and increased spontaneous secretion of CCL5, CXCL8/IL-8, IL-6, and TNF-α in Mob-MDM relative to M-MDM and GM-MDM. Analysis of cytostatic activity showed that Mob-MDM exhibited similar growth inhibitory effects on immortalized and malignant epithelial cells compared with GM-MDM but at an elevated rate relative to M-MDM. To understand global cues in Mob-MDM, we performed comparative RNA-sequencing (RNA-Seq) analysis of Mob-MDM relative to GM-MDM and M-MDM (n = 4 donors). Clustering analysis underscored expression profiles (n = 256) that were significantly modulated in Mob-MDM versus both M-MDM and GM-MDM including, among others, chemokines/cytokines and their receptors, enzymes and transcriptions factors. Topological functional analysis of these profiles identified pathways and gene sets linked to Mob-MDM phenotype including nitric oxide production, acute phase response signaling and microbe recognition pathways as well as signaling cues mediated by the proinflammatory cytokine, interferon-gamma, and the intracellular pattern recognition receptor, nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 2. Taken together, our study highlights molecular immune phenotypes and global signaling cues in Mob-MDM that may underlie immunomodulatory properties of HK M. obuense. Such properties could be of valuable use in immunotherapy approaches such as adoptive cell therapy against cancer

    On direct measurement of the W production charge asymmetry at the LHC

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    The prospects for making a direct measurement of the W production charge asymmetry at the LHC are discussed. A modification to the method used at the Tevatron is proposed for measurements at the LHC. The expected sensitivity for such a measurement to parton distribution functions is compared to that for a measurement of the lepton charge asymmetry. The direct measurement approach is found to be less useful for placing constraints on parton distribution functions at the LHC than a measurement of the lepton charge asymmetry.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, v2: references and keywords updated v3: Additional paragraph discussing inclusion of W asymmetry in global fits adde

    Anti-biofilm Activity of Phage ΦKAB and Colistin Against Carbapenem Resistance Acinetobacter baumannii

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    Background: Carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii (CRAB) bacterium is difficult to treat with available antimicrobial agents leading to use a few antibiotics such as colistin as an option for treatment. However, the use of the colistin has serious side effects and leads to developing bacterial resistance. Objective: This study aimed to determine effectiveness of phage/colistin combination to inhibit biofilm formation of CRAB. Methods: Sixty clinical A. baummanii isolates were identified with the VITEKII system and 16S rRNA gene. The antibiotic susceptibility and detection of Oxacillinases genes were tested for all isolates. Results: The antibiotic sensitivity of A. baumannii isolates showed a high resistance percentage to Ceftriaxone (CRO) with 92% (55 isolates), and Cefotiam (CTF) with 87% (52 isolates), while the lowest percent related to Colistin (CO) with 17% (10 isolates). The results of antibiotic resistance and Oxacillinases genes reported that only 14 isolates from the current study were CRAB. Phage and host A. baumannii of phage were isolated and characterized previously. Biofilm production assay of CRAB isolates were showed that among 14 isolates including the phage host: 57% (8) was weak and 43% (6) was moderate biofilm producer. Therefore, the synergistic effect of a combination ΦKAB phage in MOI (10) and Colistin with MIC=8 µg/ml against CRAB isolates was evaluated and showed complete transfer of isolates by 100 % to weak biofilm producer compared with CRAB isolates. Conclusions: Among 60 isolates of A. baumannii, most isolates were MDR 44 (73.3%) and only 14 (23.3%) isolates were CRAB that were 57% weak and 43% moderate biofilm producers. The mixture of Colistin/ΦKAB phage could inhibit and reduce biofilm forming in CRAB isolates. Overall, the present study may provide evidence on the capability of the isolated phage to serve as a novel strategy to treat infections caused by MDR A. baumannii

    Pre-notched and corroded low cycle fatigue behaviour of a nickel based alloy for disc rotor applications

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    Currently there is doubt surrounding the suitability of chemically-induced stress independent pre-conditioning of specimens to simulate turbine corrosion prior to fatigue testing. the thick oxide scales developed using such techniques can lead to net section loss and typically a lack of grain boundary sulphide attack seen in components that experience stress. An alternative approach to a corrosion-fatigue test scenario is suggested by micro-notching fatigue specimens prior to low salt flux corrosion to form grain boundary sulphide particles within channel-like features akin to stress assisted morphologies. On fatigue testing, a trend was identified where a change of mechanism was observed. The grain boundary oxide likely formed in the wake of freshly precipitated sulphide particles fractures around segments of grains leading to a metal loss that contributes to a significant reduction in fatigue properties