792 research outputs found

    Representation, Interpretation, and Surrogative Reasoning

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    In this paper, I develop Mauricio Suárez’s distinction between denotation, epistemic representation, and faithful epistemic representation. I then outline an interpretational account of epistemic representation, according to which a vehicle represents a target for a certain user if and only if the user adopts an interpretation of the vehicle in terms of the target, which would allow them to perform valid (but not necessarily sound) surrogative inferences from the model to the system. The main difference between the interpretational conception I defend here and Suárez’s inferential conception is that the interpretational account is a substantial account—interpretation is not just a “symptom” of representation; it is that in virtue of what something is an epistemic representation of a something else

    Is The Evidence Worth It?

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    Representation, Interpretation, and Surrogative Reasoning

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    In this paper, I develop Mauricio Suárez’s distinction between denotation, epistemic representation, and faithful epistemic representation. I then outline an interpretational account of epistemic representation, according to which a vehicle represents a target for a certain user if and only if the user adopts an interpretation of the vehicle in terms of the target, which would allow them to perform valid (but not necessarily sound) surrogative inferences from the model to the system. The main difference between the interpretational conception I defend here and Suárez’s inferential conception is that the interpretational account is a substantial account—interpretation is not just a “symptom” of representation; it is that in virtue of what something is an epistemic representation of a something else

    Pagophagia And Hemoglobin Levels In Pregnant Women

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    Pica is a behavior characterized by the compulsive, persistent ingestion of non-food substances. It is a longstanding practice that has far-reaching implications for prevention and treatment. Pagophagia, or the excessive, compulsive consumption of ice, is a subcategory of pica. Although pica has been documented for centuries, there are limited studies regarding pagophagia and its effects in pregnant women. A comparative descriptive study was conducted to determine whether pagophagia is related to hemoglobin levels during pregnancy. Becker\u27s Health Belief Model was utilized as the theoretical framework. Data were gathered by means of retrospective chart audit. The hypothesis was there would be no difference in the hemoglobin levels of pregnant women who practiced pagophagia as compared to pregnant women who did not practice pagophagia. The sample included 100 pregnant women, 50 women who practiced pagophagia and 5 0 women who did not. Students t test and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. The hemoglobin levels were significantly (p \u3c .001) lower in pregnant women who practiced pagophagia. The researcher, therefore, rejected the null hypothesis. In this sample, ethnicity had no relationship to pagophagia. No other variables were discovered to be significant in the practice of pagophagia. Findings implied that health care providers should routinely assess all pregnant clients for pica and should carefully monitor hemoglobin levels in women experiencing the phenomenon. Recommendations include replication of the study using a prospective design in various geographic locations and among ethnically rich cultures

    Identification of Speed and Unique Letter of Handwriting Using Wavelet and Neural Networks

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    Handwriting  stroke  reflects  the  personality  and emotional    condition.    Graphology    is    scientific    method    to evaluation  personality  through  handwriting.  There  are  many features  in  graphology  to  identify  personality.  Several  previous researches  used  page  margins,  spacing,  baseline,  vertical  zone, font  size,  and  the  type  of  unique  letter  t.  Other  research  also identify the personality of signatures. This research uses feature writing  speed  and  the  type  of  letters  a,  d,  i  m,  and  t  to  identify personalities   using   structural   analysis   and   artificial   neural networks.  To  improve  accuracy,  image  writing  extracted  using wavelet transform. The system is built with the approach of the structure  and  symbol  has  been  implemented  in  software.  The results show a unique type of letter recognition by 74%, and the speed  feature  by  60%  recognition.  Variations  training  data greatly affect recognition results

    The Opinions and Attitudes of Police Officers to Proposed Changes to Law Enforcement

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    The field of policing has recently come under the public scrutiny due to the events surrounding the deaths of several citizens at the hands of police officers. Although not the first time policing has been criticized, the issues have caused the country to become increasingly divided on whether or not American police forces are in need of reform. There has been an overwhelming amount of complaints against law enforcement and suggestions to improve policies. As political and public figures have taken sides and police administration has made statements regarding the issues, the voices of those that would be most affected by change have been drowned out; the officers. This study has identified which issues have become most important to the public through a quantitative content analysis, obtained the reactions and opinions of law enforcement officers on these issues and suggestions, and developed an officer development model to determine which factors of the institution of policing are most influential in problem officer development. This study specifically focuses on rural law enforcement due to how underrepresented rural policing is in law enforcement literature

    The Effectiveness of Prophylactic Eye Drops on the Reversal of UV-Light Induced Cataracts

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    Cataracts are a cloudiness of the lens within the eye which obstructs vision. They are found in many species including rats, dogs, and humans. Vision is hindered where this cloudiness , made of water build up and broken crystalline, proteins take form. Oculvet is an eye medication, used by veterinarians, containing carnosine as its active ingredient. Topical application of carnosine is reported to be an effective treatment for the prevention and removal of pre-existing cataracts. For this experiment, Sprague- Dawley rats were anesthetized and exposed to ultraviolet radiation, UVB and UVC. They were divided into four groups (n = 32), three of which had cumulative exposures of 5,495 minutes (Group A), 8,810 minutes (Group B), and 13,250 minutes (Group C). The control group received no UV exposure. After UV treatment, each experimental rat had one drop (0.05ml) of Clear Eyes* brand eye drops mixed with 1% carnosine administered to the left eye. The right eye was treated with Clear Eyes® brand eye drops alone. After four weeks of daily treatment, the rats were sacrificed and the lenses of both eyes were removed. Extent of cataract formation in the lenses of the treated and untreated eyes were compared. We found that there were no significant difference between the treated and untreated groups after administering the carnosine solution. However, there was a significant difference found within the treated and untreated subgroups. For example, there was a difference found between the treated lenses of Group A and the treated lenses of Group C. From this experiment, we found that the amount of time that the lens of the eye is subjected to UV light is directly correlated with the extent of cataract formation. This experiment also shows that the active ingredient in Oculvet, carnosine, alone does not have a significant reversal effect on UV-light induced cataracts


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi, karena pentingnya pantun bagi kehidupan manusia karena mengandung berbagai nilai kehidupan dan pentingnya sastra daerah sebagai salah satu keanekaragaman sastra nusantara dan memiliki karakteristik serta makna dan tujuan tertentu. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah bentuk dan makna pantun muda-mudi bahasa Daya dialek Gedung Wani Kecamatan Runjung Agung Kabupaten OKU Selatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan bentuk dan makna pantun muda-mudi daerah Daya dialek Gedung Wani Kecamatan Runjung Agung OKU Selatan. Pendekatan yang digunakan pendekatan struktural dan pendekatan semiotik. Metode yang digunakan metode penelitian deskriptif. Teknik yang digunakan adalah, wawancara, dan perekaman. Hasil penelitian ini terdapat beberapa jenis pantun, Berdasarkan bentuknya pantun terdiri dari pantun kilat, pantun biasa dan pantun talibun, sedangkan berdasarkan isi atau maknanya yaitu pantun jenaka


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    There is general agreement on peripheral factors of muscle fatigue that develop within the muscle and impair muscle fiber contractile mechanisms and muscle performance. Central factors of muscle fatigue that arise within the central nervous system have also been suggested to influence muscle force during fatigue. However, no direct empirical evidence of their influence on muscle force capacity has yet been reported. We used a force model to investigate whether peripheral factors are sufficient to explain the loss of muscle force generation capacity during fatiguing submaximal voluntary contractions that is commonly attributed to central factors. Our simulations showed that the force behavior during fatigue could be explained solely by peripheral factors. These data raise concerns about the influence of central factors on muscle force generation capacity during fatigue


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    The problem of this study was concerned with the effectiveness of using Flipped Lesson Model in teaching reading comprehension. The objective of this study was to find out whether or not Flipped lesson model was effective to use in teaching reading to the students of English Education Study Program Baturaja University. In this study, pre-experimental method was used. The result it was found mean score of pre-test 48,33 and the mean score of post-test was 61,55 based on calculating of t-test, the value of sign. 0,000 less than the significance level (α = 0,05) the value of tobtained = 11,642 was more than ttable = 1,69 with df 29, and the value of sig. (2-tailed was 0,000). It less then the significance lavel (α = 0,05). Based on the result of t-test had been given, the researcher concluded that it was effective teaching reading by using Flipped Lesson Model to EFL Learners