281 research outputs found

    The Phonology-Syntax Interface in Avikam

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    Very often African languages have been claimed to have tones but no intonation which may be understood as some organization of complex prosodic or breath grouping, beyond the segment. However recent studies have shown that these languages may have complex prosodic structures. Avikam, an isolate lagoon language of the Kwa cluster spoken in the Ivory Coast, is investigated. The paper argues that Tone Lowering is a well established phonological rule that is constrained both by syntactic and prosodic domains, in a quite intricate way. This interaction points to an interface level between syntax and phonology, which may differ from a mere postlexical component. Based on the Tone Lowering rule, prosodic domains such as the phonological word, the phonological phrase and the tonal foot are identified. The paper provides evidence that recursion of the prosodic word is a common process similar to that attested in Leben and Ahoua (1997). The paper has implications for the strong version of the Strict layer Hypothesis (Selkirk 1978), for which some weakening may be required

    Towards an integrated formal model of fundamental frequency in overall downtrends

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    Although there are major differences in the various conceptual models of Fo scaling, we suggest that the corresponding mathematical formulations may be compatible and that the theoretical differences need not hinder the empirical aspects and practical uses of the theories as demonstrated in speech synthesis. The method follows standard practice in Mathematical Logics: combining and “rounding off” the formalisms of the different models, then allowing for a consistent interpretation of the new unified theory. The approach is applied to two current models of decay in intonation curves. The models and then the conflicts between them are described. These latter were used to construct the integrated model. Our short term objective is to validate the application of our approach by testing and implementing empirical instrumental data obtained independently

    Le nouveau droit de la restructuration des sociétés commerciales des pays de l'OHADA, comparaisons avec le droit français

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    In a context of globalization, the african companies have to adapt themselves permanently to economic legal or social contingencies. Conscious of that reality, african legislator set up within the OHADA reform legal measures to allow theme acclimatize to the tendencies and markets pression : the restructuring law which design all the technicals proceedings conceived by the legislator to reorganize the company. Those technicals was inspirated by French law restructuring which has been reorganized. The confrontation of both systems allows to notice that if in the fundamental principles they are the same objectives consisting in substainability of companies for their growth or their survival there are however pratical and technical differences materialized by the recents french reforms.Dans un contexte de mondialisation, les entreprises africaines doivent s'adapter en permanence aux diverses contingences Ă©conomiques, juridiques ou sociales. Conscient de cette rĂ©alitĂ©, le lĂ©gislateur africain a mis en place dans le cadre de la reforme de l'OHADA, un arsenal juridique afin de leur permettre de s'acclimater en permanence aux tendances et pressions du marchĂ© : le droit de la restructuration qui dĂ©signe l’ensemble des techniques conçues par le lĂ©gislateur pour rĂ©organiser l’entreprise. Ces techniques ont eu pour source d’inspiration le droit français des restructurations qui a connu des mutations. La confrontation des deux systĂšmes de droit permet de constater que si dans les principes fondamentaux les deux systĂšmes rĂ©pondent aux mĂȘmes objectifs Ă  savoir assurer la pĂ©rennisation des entreprises par la promotion de la croissance de l’entreprise et sa survie lorsqu’elle est le seuil de difficultĂ©s diverses, il existe toutefois des diffĂ©rences d’ordre pratique et technique consĂ©cutives aux derniĂšres rĂ©formes intervenues

    Evaluation of a 5-year programme to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection in Northern Uganda

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    Prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) is essential in HIV/AIDS control. We analysed 2000-05 data from mother-infant pairs in our PMTCT programme in rural Uganda, examining programme utilization and outcomes, HIV transmission rates and predictors of death or loss to follow-up (LFU). Out of 19,017 women, 1,037 (5.5%) attending antenatal care services tested HIV positive. Of these, 517 (50%) enrolled in the PMTCT programme and gave birth to 567 infants. Before tracing, 303 (53%) mother-infant pairs were LFU. Reasons for dropout were infant death and lack of understanding of importance of follow-up. Risk of death or LFU was higher among infants with no or incomplete intrapartum prophylaxis (OR = 1.90, 95% CI 1.07-3.36) and of weaning age <6 months (OR 2.55, 95% CI 1.42-4.58), and lower in infants with diagnosed acute illness (OR 0.30, 95% CI 0.16-0.55). Mother-to-child HIV cumulative transmission rate was 8.3%, and 15.5% when HIV-related deaths were considered. Improved tracking of HIV-exposed infants is needed in PMTCT programmes where access to early infant diagnosis is still limited

    Habitudes Alimentaires Liees A La Survenue De La Maladie HemorroĂŻdaire Chez Les Ivoiriens

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    A study was conducted in order to search for food habits related to the occurrence of hemorrhoid disease in humans, through a transversal and descriptive survey including 414 students of UniversitĂ© FĂ©lix HouphouĂ«t- Boigny (UFHB) of CĂŽte d’Ivoire. Respondents had diverse diets in which it was found the six groups of food, as described by Nicolet and Mautrait (1995). Additionally, spiced and exciting products were associated to this study. Hemorrhoid disease was diagnosed by anal examination, and the numeration of the blood formula was determined by a numerator spectrophotometer. Results revealed that 262 respondents (63.28 %) suffered from digestive disorders. Among them, 168 (64.12 %) had hemorrhoid disease. These ones used to eat, more than 3 times per week, red meat (beef, lamb, goat, pork). However, results of blood analysis showed that cases of hemorrhoid disease were neither associated with anemia nor infection (P≄0.05). These results demonstrate, for the first time to our knowledge in CĂŽte d’Ivoire, a cause and effect relationship between diets rich in red meat and the occurrence of hemorrhoid disease (P≀0.05)

    Death rates from malaria epidemics, Burundi and Ethiopia.

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    Death rates exceeded emergency thresholds at 4 sites during epidemics of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Burundi (2000-2001) and in Ethiopia (2003-2004). Deaths likely from malaria ranged from 1,000 to 8,900, depending on site, and accounted for 52% to 78% of total deaths. Earlier detection of malaria and better case management are needed

    Les classes nominales en kadile, parler senoufo de Cîte d’Ivoire

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    RĂ©sumé : Cet article prĂ©sente les classes nominales en kadile. C’est un parler senoufo qui ne dĂ©robe pas Ă  la rĂšgle des classes nominales dans les langues Gur. En ce qui concerne ce parler, cinq (05) classes nominales dĂ©nombrables et deux classes non dĂ©nombrables ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©nombrĂ©es. Ces classes sont pour la plupart des paires (singuliers pluriels) et comportent souvent plusieurs sĂ©ries de classe. Il prĂ©sente Ă©galement 4 (quatre) classes de dĂ©fini comptant chacune 2 (deux) morphĂšmes dont un singulier et un pluriel et 5 (cinq) classes de pronom anaphorique comprenant Ă©galement chacune 2 (deux) morphĂšmes (singulier ; pluriel). Ce qui a permis de dĂ©duire 5 (cinq) genres nominaux. Mots-clĂ©s: classes nominales; rĂšgles ; nombre ; singulier ; plurie

    Prevalence and Spatial Distribution of Entamoeba histolytica/dispar and Giardia lamblia among Schoolchildren in Agboville Area (CĂŽte d'Ivoire)

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    According to WHO, intestinal amoebiasis caused by Entamoeba histolytica is the third principal parasitic disease responsible for mortality in the world. This protozoal parasite infects approximately 180 million individuals throughout the world, among whom 40 to 110 thousand die from it each year. Giardiasis, caused by another protozoan parasite, Giardia lamblia, infects approximately 200 million individuals throughout the world, is a frequent cause of diarrhea in children, and can have negative impact on growth and development. Unfortunately, these intestinal protozoa are taken into account in few epidemiologic studies. The investigation we carried out to determine prevalence and spatial distribution of these infections shows the importance of these parasites in the Agboville department in southeast Cote d'Ivoire. Determination of spatial distribution of these parasites will help to focus delivery of chemotherapy in this area. In addition, our description of the relation of sources of drinking water with these parasitic infections will contribute to the development of an integrated treatment program for these parasites in this area of CĂŽte d'Ivoire. This work will help make the population and political powers aware of the importance of these parasites and the need for safe drinking water in all localities of this area
