1,264 research outputs found

    Ceci n’est pas Science

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    Biomedical research is not immune to economic imperatives. But as the realities of profit encroach ever closer on what was once regarded as an idealistic and selfless endeavor, the author reflects on four trends that are hollowing out the research enterprise

    The Chick Chorioallantoic Membrane: A Model of Molecular, Structural, and Functional Adaptation to Transepithelial Ion Transport and Barrier Function during Embryonic Development

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    The chick chorioallantoic membrane is a very simple extraembryonic membrane which serves multiple functions during embryo development; it is the site of exchange of respiratory gases, calcium transport from the eggshell, acid-base homeostasis in the embryo, and ion and H2O reabsorption from the allantoic fluid. All these functions are accomplished by its epithelia, the chorionic and the allantoic epithelium, by differentiation of a wide range of structural and molecular peculiarities which make them highly specialized, ion transporting epithelia. Studying the different aspects of such a developmental strategy emphasizes the functional potential of the epithelium and offers an excellent model system to gain insights into questions partly still unresolved

    Growth-Promoting Interaction of IGF-II with the Insulin Receptor during Mouse Embryonic Development

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    AbstractGenetic analyses of dwarfing phenotypes resulting from targeted mutagenesis of the genes encoding the insulin-like growth factors (IGF-I and IGF-II) and their cognate type 1 IGF receptor (IGF1R) have demonstrated that this signaling system is a major determinant of mouse embryonic growth. Of the two IGF ligands, IGF-I interacts exclusively with IGF1R, whereas IGF-II recognizes an additional receptor (XR), because the growth retardation of embryos lacking both IGR1R and IGF-II (30% of normal birthweight) is more severe than that manifested in either class of singleIgf1rorIgf2null mutants (45 and 60% of normal, respectively). To determine whether XR is the insulin receptor (IR), we examined embryos nullizygous for bothIgf1randInsr.While the growth of embryos lacking solely IR is affected very mildly and only at the end of gestation, concomitant absence of IGF1R results in a severe growth-deficiency phenotype (30% of normal size at birth) that is first detected at Embryonic Day 13.5 and is also characterized by transient edema, curly tail, generalized organ hypoplasia, including the muscles, developmental delays in ossification, and thin epidermis. TheIgf1r/Insrdouble nullizygotes are phenotypically indistinguishable from double mutants lacking IGF1R and IGF-II and from other double and triple mutants in which all of the IGF ligand/receptor interactions have been eliminated. Therefore, these results provide genetic evidence that the growth-promoting function of IGF-II during mouse embryogenesis is mediated in part by signaling through the insulin receptor

    La Convenzione di Palermo e i negoziati per il rafforzamento della cooperazione internazionale

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    Il contributo analizza il ruolo svolto dalla delegazione italiana nei negoziati che hanno portato all’istituzione di un meccanismo di riesame della Convenzione di Palermo e offre spunti di riflessione in merito al conseguente rafforzamento della cooperazione internazionaleThis essay examines the role of the Italian delegation in the negotiations that led to the establishment of the Review Mechanism of the Palermo Convention and offers some thoughts about the subsequent strengthening of international cooperatio

    InsR/FoxO1 Signaling Curtails Hypothalamic POMC Neuron Number

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    Insulin receptor (InsR) signaling through transcription factor FoxO1 is important in the development of hypothalamic neuron feeding circuits, but knowledge about underlying mechanisms is limited. To investigate the role of InsR/FoxO1 signaling in the development and maintenance of these circuits, we surveyed the pool of hypothalamic neurons expressing Pomc mRNA in different mouse models of impaired hypothalamic InsR signaling. InsR ablation in the entire hypothalamus did not affect Pomc-neuron number at birth, but resulted in a 25% increase, most notably in the middle arcuate nucleus region, in young adults. Selective restoration of InsR expression in POMC neurons in these mice partly reversed the abnormality, resulting in a 10% decrease compared to age-matched controls. To establish whether FoxO1 signaling plays a role in this process, we examined POMC neuron number in mice with POMC-specific deletion of FoxO1, and detected a 23% decrease in age-matched animals, consistent with a cell-autonomous role of InsR/FoxO1 signaling in regulating POMC neuron number, distinct from its established role to activate Pomc transcription. These changes in Pomc cells occurred in the absence of marked changes in humoral factors or hypothalamic NPY neurons

    Altered Central Nutrient Sensing in Male Mice Lacking Insulin Receptors in Glut4-Expressing Neurons

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    Insulin signaling in the central nervous system influences satiety, counterregulation, and peripheral insulin sensitivity. Neurons expressing the Glut4 glucose transporter influence peripheral insulin sensitivity. Here, we analyzed the effects of insulin receptor (IR) signaling in hypothalamic Glut4 neurons on glucose sensing as well as leptin and amino acid signaling. By measuring electrophysiological responses to low glucose conditions, we found that the majority of Glut4 neurons in the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) were glucose excitatory neurons. GLUT4-Cre-driven insulin receptor knockout mice with a combined ablation of IR in Glut4-expressing tissues showed increased counterregulatory response to either 2-deoxyglucose-induced neuroglycopenia or systemic insulin-induced hypoglycemia. The latter response was recapitulated in mice with decreased VMH IR expression, suggesting that the effects on the counterregulatory response are likely mediated through the deletion of IRs on Glut4 neurons in the VMH. Using immunohistochemistry in fluorescently labeled hypothalamic Glut4 neurons, we showed that IR signaling promoted hypothalamic cellular signaling responses to the rise of insulin, leptin, and amino acids associated with feeding. We concluded that hypothalamic Glut4 neurons modulated the glucagon counterregulatory response and that IR signaling in Glut4 neurons was required to integrate hormonal and nutritional cues for the regulation of glucose metabolism

    Regulation of insulin-like growth factor–dependent myoblast differentiation by Foxo forkhead transcription factors

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    Insulin-like growth factors promote myoblast differentiation through phosphoinositol 3-kinase and Akt signaling. Akt substrates required for myogenic differentiation are unknown. Forkhead transcription factors of the forkhead box gene, group O (Foxo) subfamily are phosphorylated in an insulin-responsive manner by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase–dependent kinases. Phosphorylation leads to nuclear exclusion and inactivation. We show that a constitutively active Foxo1 mutant inhibits differentiation of C2C12 cells and prevents myotube differentiation induced by constitutively active Akt. In contrast, a transcriptionally inactive mutant Foxo1 partially rescues inhibition of C2C12 differentiation mediated by wortmannin, but not by rapamycin, and is able to induce aggregation-independent myogenic conversion of teratocarcinoma cells. Inhibition of Foxo expression by siRNA resulted in more efficient differentiation, associated with increased myosin expression. These observations indicate that Foxo proteins are key effectors of Akt-dependent myogenesis

    SirT1 Gain of Function Increases Energy Efficiency and Prevents Diabetes in Mice

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    SummaryIn yeast, worms, and flies, an extra copy of the gene encoding the Sirtuin Sir2 increases metabolic efficiency, as does administration of polyphenols like resveratrol, thought to act through Sirtuins. But evidence that Sirtuin gain of function results in increased metabolic efficiency in mammals is limited. We generated transgenic mice with moderate overexpression of SirT1, designed to mimic the Sirtuin gain of function that improves metabolism in C. elegans. These mice exhibit normal insulin sensitivity but decreased food intake and locomotor activity, resulting in decreased energy expenditure. However, in various models of insulin resistance and diabetes, SirT1 transgenics display improved glucose tolerance due to decreased hepatic glucose production and increased adiponectin levels, without changes in body weight or composition. We conclude that SirT1 gain of function primes the organism for metabolic adaptation to insulin resistance, increasing hepatic insulin sensitivity and decreasing whole-body energy requirements. These findings have important implications for Sirtuin-based therapies in humans