17 research outputs found

    Biocompatibility of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate with TiO2 Nanoparticles on Human Gingival Fibroblasts

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    The New compositions of white mineral trioxide aggregate (WMTA) or use of various additives like nanoparticles might affect MTA’s ideal characteristics This study was performed to evaluate the cytotoxicity of WMTA and WMTA with Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles (1% weight ratio) at different storage times after mixing on human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs). HGFs were obtained from the attached gingiva of human premolars. HGFs were cultured in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle medium, supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum, penicillin and streptomycin. The cells were exposed to WMTA (groups 1 and 2) and WMTA+TiO2 (groups 3 and 4). The fifth and sixth groups served as controls. Each group contained 15 wells. After 24h (groups 1, 3 and 5) and 48 h (groups 2, 4 and 6) of exposure, HGF viability was determined by Mosmann’s tetrazolium toxicity (MTT) assay. Statistical analysis of the data was performed by using one-way analysis of variance and Tukey post hoc test, with significance of p < 0.05. With both materials, the viability of HGFs significantly decrased with increasing the incubation time from 24h to 48 h (P0.05). Under the limitations of the present study, incorporation of TiO2 nanoparticles into MTA at 1 wt% had no negative effect on its biocompatibility

    The effect of photodynamic therapy and polymer solution containing nano-particles of Ag /ZnO on push-out bond strength of the sealers AH-Plus and MTA Fillapex

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    The aim of this in vitrostudy was to examine and compare the effect of photodynamic therapy and solution containing nano particles Ag/ZnO on adhesion of endodontic sealers to dentinal walls of human root canal. Ninty single-rooted human teeth were selected and their clinical crown was cut from the cemento-enamel junction zone. Canals were prepared by RaCe rotary system and the smear layer was removed using 17% EDTA and 5.25% NaOCl. Samples were randomly divided into two groups of AH Plus and MTA Fillapex based on the sealer type and each group based on antimicrobial method was divided into two sub-groups of photodynamic therapy and polymer containing nano particles of Ag / ZnO and a control sub-group (N = 15). After obturation of canals with gutta-percha and sealers mentioned, the samples were incubated for a week at a humidity of 95% and 37°C and then 2mm thick discs were prepared from the middle region of roots for Push-out test. The maximum failure force was recorded in newton and converted to MPa. Then, 3 random specimens of each subgroup were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy. Statistical analysis was performed by Two way ANOVA and (P<0.05) was considered significant. The highest (4.84 ± 1.63) and lowest (0.16 ± 0.075) push-out bond strength values were obtained in (AH Plus-PDT) and (MTA Fillapex-Ag/ZnO) respectively. Independent of antimicrobial method, AH Plus bond strength was significantly higher than the MTA Fillapex (p<0.001). For both sealers, PDT increased the bond strength significantly (p<0.001). Photodynamic therapy has a positive effect on the bond strength of AH Plus and MTA Fillapex sealers

    Zeolite-silver-zinc nanoparticles : biocompatibility and their effect on the compressive strength of mineral trioxide aggregate

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    This study was carried out to evaluate the biocompatibility of zeolite-silver-zinc (Ze-Ag-Zn) nanoparticles and their effect on the compressive strength of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA). Biocompatibility was evaluated by an MTT assay on the pulmonary adenocarcinoma cells with 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 5 mg/mL concentrations of Ze-Ag-Zn. For compressive strength test, four groups containing 15 stainless-steel cylinders with an internal diameter of 4 and a height of 6 mm were prepared and MTA (groups 1 and 2) or MTA + 2% Ze-Ag-Zn (groups 3 and 4) were placed in the cylinders. The compressive strength was evaluated using a universal testing machine 4 days after mixing in groups 1 and 3, and 21 days after mixing in groups 2 and 4. There was no significant difference between cytotoxicity of different concentrations. The highest (52.22±18.92 MPa) and lowest (19.57±5.76 MPa) compressive strength were observed in MTA group after 21 days and in MTA + 2% Ze-Ag-Zn group after four days, respectively. The effect of time and 2% Ze-Ag-Zn on the compressive strength were significant (P<0.05). Mixing MTA with Ze-Ag-Zn significantly reduced and passage of time from day four to 21 significantly increased the compressive strength. Mixing MTA with 2% Ze-Ag-Zn had an adverse effect on the compressive strength of MTA, but this combination had no cytotoxic effects

    Antibacterial Effect of Two Nano Zinc Oxide Gel Preparations Compared to Calcium Hydroxide and Chlorhexidine Mixture

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the antibacterial effects of two gels containing zinc oxide and zinc oxide/silver nanoparticles and a mixture of calcium hydroxide and 0.12% chlorhexidine as intracanal medicaments in root canals contaminated with Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) at different time intervals. Methods and Materials: After preparation and culturing of E. faecalis in 132 single root teeth, the initial count of bacteria was performed. Then, different materials as intracanal medicaments were used in periods of 3, 7 and 14 days (group 1: calcium hydroxide with 0.12% CHX paste; group 2 zinc oxide nanoparticles gel; group 3: zinc oxide/silver nanoparticles gel; group 4: normal saline as the control group). After the specified time, intracanal medicament was removed and the final count of bacteria was performed. Antibacterial effect of materials was counted by measuring the percentage reduction in the colony counts (RCC). Data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics (Mean±SD) and multi-factorial analysis of variance (by taking into account the effect of the time factor on the dependent variable). Results: There were no statistically significant differences among mean RCC of different time intervals in each group (P=0.09). However, the differences in mean RCC of different dressing materials were significant (P&lt;0.001). The effect of interaction between time and materials was significant (P=0.015). Comparison of the antibacterial effects of experimental agents at different time intervals showed that the mean RCC in group 1 was higher than other groups (P&lt;0.001). The difference in antibacterial effect between groups 2 and 3 was not significant (P&gt;0.05). The minimum antibacterial effect was observed in group 4 (P&lt;0.0001). Conclusions: The mixture of calcium hydroxide/chlorhexidine as an intracanal medicament was more effective than zinc oxide and zinc oxide/silver nanoparticles gels. Keywords: Calcium Hydroxide; Chlorhexidine; E. faecalis; Nanoparticles; Zinc Oxid

    Synthesis and characterization of nano Bi2O3 for radiology shield

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    Objective (s): Recently, the use of nanoparticles in medicine has increased for radiation protection purpose. So the aim of this study was application of nano Bi2O3 in prepared shield for dose reduction during medical imaging.Materials and Methods: Nano Bi2O3 shield with 90% silicon and 10% nano Bi2O3 was prepared and dosimetry test was down in radiology by PTW DIADOS E dosimeter.Results: The mean dose without using nano Bi2O3 shields were 421 µGy, 733 µGy and 1110 µGy for 60, 80 and 100 kVp , respectively. After using 0.5 mm thickness of nano Bi2O3 shield dose reduction in 60, 80 and 100 kVp was 42%, 35% and 31%. A comparison between increasing energy from 60 to 100 kVp and dose reduction showed a significant reverse effect.Conclusion: The results indicate that the new shields containing nano Bi2O3 particles have a high X-rays attenuation ability but the attenuation property of the shields was decreased by the increasing of the energy. Based on the results, this new shield can help social health and decline the radiation risk

    Effect of the TiO2 nanoparticles on the selected physical properties of mineral trioxide aggregate

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    Some of the efforts to improve the properties of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) include incorporation of some nanoparticles such as Titanium dioxide (TiO2). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of TiO2 nanoparticles on the setting time, working time, push-out bond strength and compressive strength of MTA. The physical properties to be evaluated were determined using the ISO 6786:2001 and 9917 specifications. Fifteen samples of each material (MTA or MTA with 1% weight ratio of TiO2 Nanoparticles) were prepared for any evaluated physical property. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and T-test. Statistical significance was set at P<0.05. There was the significant effect of the material type (presence and absence of TiO2 nanoparticles) on the push-out bond strength, compressive strength, working time and setting time, with significantly higher values achieved in the group with TiO2 nanoparticles than the group without these particles (P=0.01 for the setting time and compressive strength, P=0.03 for the working time and P=0.001 for the bond strength). Based on the findings of this in vitro study, incorporation of the TiO2 nanoparticles with weight ratio of 1% increased the setting time, working time, compressive strength and push out bond strength of MTA

    Inmovilización y microencapsulación de Lactobacillus caseii y Lactobacillus plantarum usando base de zeolita y evaluando su viabilidad en condiciones simuladas de gastroesofágico-intestino

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    This study was supported by Drug Applied Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. All experiences were done in Microbiology laboratory of Drug Applied Research Center. We thank general laboratory staff and Mr. Vatankhah for his collaboration.Aims: In order to improve survival in gastrointestinal conditions, probiotic bacteria, i.e. we developed a new encapsulation method of probiotics based on zeolite and by calcium-alginate zeolite-starch as an effective method for safer delivery of probiotics. Material and Methods: Lactobacillus casei (ATCC 39392) and Lactobacillus plantarum (ATCC 29521) were used as probiotics. After microorganism’s immobilization on zeolite base, encapsulation was done by calcium-alginate zeolite-starch with the extrusion method. Afterwards, they were incubated in the simulated gastric and intestinal condition. Viability of these bacteria was calculated on the basis of time required to reduce the logarithmic base in the microbial population. SEM techniques were used to study the appearance of the capsules. Results: after incubation for 120 min under simulated gastric condition and 180 min in intestinal juice conditions (pH=8.2), the count of alive L. casei and L. plantarum cells were 6.3 log cfu/ml and 7.3 log cfu/ ml. However, for controlling the cells, this value was zero and 2.1 log cfu/ml respectively. Conclusion: According to the results, we had an increase of the survival rate of L. casei and L. plantarum in gastroesophageal-intestine simulated condition. These results indicated good efficacy and high performance of zeolite for immobilization and microencapsulation of probiotics.Objetivos: Para mejorar la supervivencia en condiciones gastrointestinales de las bacterias probióticas, hemos desarrollado un nuevo método de encapsulación de probióticos a base de zeolita y almidón de zeolita de alginato de calcio como método eficaz para la administración más segura de probióticos. Material y métodos: se utilizaron Lactobacillus casei (ATCC 39392) y Lactobacillus plantarum (ATCC 29521) como probióticos. Después de la inmovilización del microorganismo en la base de zeolita, la encapsulación se realizó mediante zeolita-almidón de alginato de calcio con el método de extrusión. Posteriormente, se incubaron en la condición gástrica e intestinal simulada. La viabilidad de estas bacterias se calculó sobre la base del tiempo requerido para reducir la base logarítmica en la población microbiana. Las técnicas SEM se usaron para estudiar la apariencia de las cápsulas. Resultados: después de la incubación durante 120 minutos bajo condición gástrica simulada y 180 minutos en condiciones de jugo intestinal (pH = 8,2), el recuento de células vivas de L. casei y L. plantarum fue de 6,3 log ufc / ml y de 7,3 log ufc / ml. Sin embargo, para controlar las células, este valor era cero y 2,1 log cfu / ml respectivamente. Conclusión: De acuerdo con los resultados, tuvimos un aumento de la tasa de supervivencia de L. casei y L. plantarum en condiciones simuladas de gastroesofágico-intestino. Estos resultados indicaron buena eficacia y alto rendimiento de zeolita para inmovilización y microencapsulación de probióticos

    Effect of the of Zeolite Containing Silver-Zinc Nanoparticles on the Push out Bond Strength of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate in Simulated Furcation Perforation

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    Statement of the Problem: Recently, zeolite has been regarded to improve the properties of dental materials such as mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Purpose: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of incorporating zeolite/silver/zinc (Ze/Ag/Zn) composite at 2 wt% to MTA powder on the push-out bond strength in simulated furcation perforations. Materials and Method: Furcal perforations, measuring 1.3 mm in diameter and 2 mm in height, were simulated in 40 human mandibular first molars. The samples were allocated to two groups (n=20) based on the material used for the repair of perforations. In the group 1, MTA and in the group 2, MTA plus Ze/Ag/Zn (2%) was used. The samples were incubated at 37°C for 1 week. Then the universal testing machine was employed to measure bond strength. The resistance of materials to dislodgment was recorded in MPa. Data were analyzed using t-test. Statistical significance was set at p< 0.05. Results: The push-out bond strength in the group 1 (6.40±1.98 MPa) was significantly higher than that in the group 2 (2.1±0.6 MPa) with p= 0.001. Conclusion: Under the limitations of the present study, it can be concluded that incorporation of Ze/Ag/Zn at 2 wt% to MTA powder had a negative effect on the push-out bond strength

    A novel MRI contrast agent synthesized by ion exchange method

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    Objective: In this study, the zeolite-coated iron oxide nanoparticles were evaluated as MRI contrast agent and effect of the nanocomposite synthesis method on MRI contrast was tested. Materials and Methods: Ion exchange method was used for synthesis of iron oxide-zeolite and the as prepared nanocomposite was characterized by XRD, FESEM and TEM. The nanocomposite toxicity in the cell culture, and then their effect on MRI contrast were investigated. Results: The results showed a properly crystallized nanocomposite with the size of 120-180 nm. Iron oxide nanoparticles were capsulated in the pores of the zeolite. A very small amount of the nanoparticles were placed on the composite outer surface that led to enough free space on the zeolite surface. The nanocomposite was not toxic for the cell line and its MRI r2 relaxivity was calculated 127.14 mM-1s-1. Conclusion: Iron oxide-zeolite nanocomposite synthesized by ion exchange method is introduced as an MRI T2 contrast agent with a great potential for drug loading purposes

    The effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles deposition for friction reduction on orthodontic wires

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    Background: In the sliding technique, the reduced frictional forces are associated with rapid tooth movements and better control of the anchorage. Recently, wire coating with different nanoparticles has been proposed to decrease frictional forces. This in vitro study was carried out to coat stainless steel (SS) wires with zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles in order to determine the effect of this coating on friction between wires and orthodontic brackets. Materials and Methods: Eighty 0.016 inch and 0.019 inch × 0.025 inch SS wires with and without ZnO nanoparticles were used in 80 orthodontic brackets (0.018 and 0.022 systems). The coated wires were analyzed by SEM and X-Ray diffraction (XRD) observations. Kinetic friction between the wires and orthodontic brackets were calculated using a universal testing machine. Frictional forces were statistically analyzed using three-way ANOVA, one-way ANOVA, Student′s t-test and Tukey multiple comparison tests. Results: Coating with ZnO nanoparticles significantly influenced frictional force values ( P < 0.0001). In 0.019 inch × 0.025 inch wires, the frictional forces were 1.6912 ± 0.18868 and 3.4485 ± 0.32389 N in the coated and uncoated wires respectively, (51% reductions). In the 0.016 inch wires, the friction values were estimated to be 1.5668 ± 0.10703 and 2.56 ± 0.34008 N in the coated and uncoated conditions, respectively, (39% reductions). Conclusion: Due to the positive effects of ZnO nanoparticle coating on decreasing frictional forces, these nanoparticles might offer a novel opportunity to significantly reduce friction during tooth movement