23 research outputs found

    Model wyznaczania uszkodzeń krytycznych : część 2 : probabilistyczny model kształtowania Liczby Priorytetowej Urządzenia

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    The article consists of two parts which make for an integral body. This article depicts the method of designating the critical damages in accordance with lean maintenance method. Author considered exemplary production system (serial-parallel) in which in time Δt appeared a damage on three different objects. Article depicts the mathematical model which enables determination of an indicator called “prioritized digit of the device”. In the developed model there were considered some parameters: production abilities of devices, existence of potential vicarious devices, position of damage in the production stream based on the capacity of operational buffers, time needed to remove the damages and influence of damages to the finalization of customers’ orders - CEF indicator

    Model wyznaczania uszkodzeń krytycznych : część 1 : opis i analiza systemu produkcyjnego

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    Managing company in the lean way presumes no breakdowns nor reserves in the whole delivery chain. However, achieving such low indicators is impossible. That is why in some production plants it is extremely important to focus on preventive actions which can limit damages. This article depicts the method of designating the critical damages in accordance with lean maintenance method. The article consists of two parts which make for an integral body. Part one depicts the characteristic of a realistic object, it also contains productions capabilities analysis of certain areas within the production structure. Part two depicts the probabilistic model of shaping maximal time loss basing on emptying and filling interoperational buffers


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    Product customization and dynamically changing customer requirements causes multiple versions of the same product to be created with minute modifications, e.g.: different colour, material used, accessories, etc. Adapting to changing tendencies determines a manufacturer`s competitiveness. This article presents an analysis of the flexibility of a complex convergent production structure. The analysis has been conducted using the EPE (Every Part Every…) indicator. To maintain the accuracy of the system`s evaluation, the flexibility determining algorithm has been adjusted to the analyzed cell structure. A flexibility indicator EPE shows the lowest possible frequency at which the rotating production of a batch is repeated. In practice, it informs us after what time we may manufacture the same lot of goods again, taking into account the time necessary for delivering accepted orders. The conclusions from the conducted analyses helped develop strategic development plans which assumed increasing the volume of the manufactured assortment both in number and variety

    Adult form of Pompe disease

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    Pompe disease (glycogen-storage disease type II) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by a deficiency of lysosomal acid a-glucosidase (GAA), leading to the accumulation of glycogen in the lysosomes primarily in muscle cells. In the adult form of the disease, proximal muscle weakness is noted and muscle volume is decreased. The infantile form is usually fatal. In the adult form of the disease the prognosis is relatively good. Muscle weakness may, however, interfere with normal daily activities, and respiratory insufficiency may be associated with obstructive sleep apnea. Death usually results from respiratory failure. Effective specific treatment is not available. Enzyme replacement therapy with recombinant human GAA (rh-GAA) still remains a research area. We report the case of a 24-year-old student admitted to the Department of Pulmonary Diseases because of severe respiratory insufficiency. Clinical symptoms such as dyspnea, muscular weakness and increased daytime sleepiness had been progressing for 2 years. Clinical examination and increased blood levels of CK suggested muscle pathology. Histopathological analysis of muscle biopsy, performed under electron microscope, confirmed the presence of vacuoles containing glycogen. Specific enzymatic activity of a-glucosidase was analyzed confirming Pompe disease. The only effective method to treat respiratory insufficiency was bi-level positive pressure ventilation. Respiratory rehabilitation was instituted and is still being continued by the patient at home. A high-protein, low-sugar diet was proposed for the patient. Because of poliglobulia, low molecular weight heparin was prescribed. The patient is eligible for experimental replacement therapy with rh-GAA

    Logistics Engineering to Improve the Productivity Indicators

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    In the systemic approach, a production company is a complex system of objects and relations between the objects, as well as between the system and its surroundings. The large number of variables and company performance assessment indicators result in the constant search for the methods of formalising the mutual dependencies. The discipline which, through the integration of multiple processes, enables the discovery of practical solutions is logistics engineering. In Poland, the term is not very common, while in the USA (for example), logistics engineering – taking advantage of mathematical methods and cutting edge science, is a widely used tool supporting the everyday business activities of companies. The article describes primary tasks of logistics engineering in relation to production companies. Furthermore, original algorithms for the improvements of company productivity are presented

    Adult form of Pompe disease

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    Choroba Pompego (glikogenoza typu II) jest to zaburzenie genetyczne dziedziczone w sposób autosomalny recesywny, spowodowane niedoborem lizosomalnej kwaśnej α-glukozydazy (GAA). Niedobór enzymu prowadzi do gromadzenia się patologicznej ilości glikogenu w lizosomach komórek, głównie mięśni prążkowanych. U osób dorosłych jeden z objawów choroby Pompego - osłabienie siły mięśniowej - ma istotny wpływ na codzienną aktywność. Zmniejszone napięcie mięśniowe może prowadzić do wystąpienia niewydolności oddechowej oraz bezdechów obturacyjnych w czasie snu. Nie ma specyficznego, w pełni skutecznego leczenia. Stosuje się dietę bogatobiałkową z małą zawartością węglowodanów, rehabilitację oddechową, nieinwazyjną wentylację mechaniczną ciągłym dodatnim ciśnieniem w drogach oddechowych. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 24-letniego chorego z osłabieniem siły mięśniowej i niewydolnością oddechową, u którego potwierdzono chorobę Pompego na podstawie oceny histopatologicznej mięśnia szkieletowego oraz badań enzymatycznych i aktywności GAA leukocytów krwi obwodowej. W wyniku leczenia nieinwazyjną wentylacją mechaniczną ciągłym dodatnim ciśnieniem w drogach oddechowych, prowadzoną w systemie bi-level, rehabilitacji oddechowej, stosowania heparyny drobnocząsteczkowej oraz diety ubogocukrowej i bogatobiałkowej, stan kliniczny pacjenta uległ poprawie. Ustąpiły objawy osłabienia mięśni i cechy niewydolności oddechowej. Chory został członkiem międzynarodowej grupy wsparcia osób z chorobą Pompego. Zakwalifikowano go do terapii eksperymentalnej z zastosowaniem rhGAA.Pompe disease (glycogen-storage disease type II) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by a deficiency of lysosomal acid α-glucosidase (GAA), leading to the accumulation of glycogen in the lysosomes primarily in muscle cells. In the adult form of the disease, proximal muscle weakness is noted and muscle volume is decreased. The infantile form is usually fatal. In the adult form of the disease the prognosis is relatively good. Muscle weakness may, however, interfere with normal daily activities, and respiratory insufficiency may be associated with obstructive sleep apnea. Death usually results from respiratory failure. Effective specific treatment is not available. Enzyme replacement therapy with recombinant human GAA (rh-GAA) still remains a research area. We report the case of a 24-year-old student admitted to the Department of Pulmonary Diseases because of severe respiratory insufficiency. Clinical symptoms such as dyspnea, muscular weakness and increased daytime sleepiness had been progressing for 2 years. Clinical examination and increased blood levels of CK suggested muscle pathology. Histopathological analysis of muscle biopsy, performed under electron microscope, confirmed the presence of vacuoles containing glycogen. Specific enzymatic activity of α-glucosidase was analyzed confirming Pompe disease. The only effective method to treat respiratory insufficiency was bi-level positive pressure ventilation. Respiratory rehabilitation was instituted and is still being continued by the patient at home. A high-protein, low-sugar diet was proposed for the patient. Because of poliglobulia, low molecular weight heparin was prescribed. The patient is eligible for experimental replacement therapy with rh-GAA

    Logistics costs in the waste disposal system on the example of a steel mill

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    Tyt. z nagłówka.Bibliogr. s. 176.An industrial waste management system is a set of processes enabling space-time transformations along with quantity and quality changes aiming at the reduction of negative influence of the industry on the ecosystem. One of the ways of controlling the destructive impact of waste on the environment is recycling. There is no type of residue that cannot be reutilized having suitable technologies and financial resources. An important part of a company's development strategy is the profit and expenditure account. This article presents the overall costs generated within the waste management system of a full production cycle steel mill. The costs have been grouped by objects according to the criteria of main logistics processes realized within the waste management system.Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.KEYWORDS: industrial waste management, ecosystem, logistics system