1,009 research outputs found
Masyarakat telah banyak memanfaatkan buah-buahan tropis sebagai makanan sehari-hari maupun pengobatan tradisional. Buah-buahan diketahui memiliki potensi terapetik dan bermanfaat untuk kesehatan karena kandungan fitokimianya. Salah satunya adalah tanaman terung (Solanum lasiocarpum). Tanaman S. lasiocarpum merupakan tumbuhan yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat sebagai makanan maupun obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk pengujian fitokimia dan aktivitas antioksidan dari ekstrak etanol buah S. lasiocarpum. Penelitian ini bersifat non-eksperimental. Sampel yang digunakan adalah buah S. lasiocarpum yang berasal dari Pidie Jaya, Aceh. Pengujian fitokimia dengan metode kualitatif sedangkan aktivitas antioksidan ditentukan dengan metode DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil). Hasil penelitian diperoleh ekstrak etanol buah S. lasiocarpum positif mengandung Alkaloid, Terpenoid, Saponin, Fenolik (Flavonoid dan Tanin) dan aktivitas antioksidan dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 64,532 ppm sehingga termasuk dalam kategori antioksidan yang kuat
Effect of calcium carbonate replacement on workability and mechanical strength of portland cement concrete
Abstract. The continued growth of the world construction sectors has resulted in high demand for concrete materials. The innovation of using filler as a replacement for cement is becoming a trend in order to reduce the cement consumption and provide benefit in various ways. Hence forth, 10% of cement was replaced by the calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in this study. CaCO3 is a natural material, which has a finer particles size as compared to the cement particles. This improves particle packing of concrete and give spacer effect. The concrete with CaCO3 replacement possess a higher slump, which increased the workability. The specimens were prepared in 150mm x 150mm x 150mm mould. At 28 days, the water absorbed by hardened concrete was lower for CaCO3 as microscopy analysis indicates very low porosity in CaCO3 concrete. Mechanical properties tests were conducted in 3, 7 and 28 days. The CaCO3 helps to increase the early strength, due to the accelerator effect and high rate of hydration which hardens the concrete quicker. At matured age, the concrete with the CaCO3 addition exhibits lower strength as compared with concrete without CaCO3, but still within the target strength.
Keywords: Calcium carbonate, ordinary Portland cement, particle packing, concrete workability and strengt
The Tolerant Classroom: Challenges in Fostering Multi-ethnic Tolerance in Visual Arts Education
AbstractUnity and tolerance are imperious in the development of educational policy in multi-ethnic Malaysia. Efforts are taken cautiously to implement an educational policy which would include and acknowledge the diverse cultural values in the curriculum. Visual Arts Education is conceded as a unifying tool in education and for life-long understanding and tolerance of ethnic diversity. This qualitative case study on a Visual Arts Education teacher with seventeen years of experience teaching the subject in a national school investigates factors which impede educators in the process of fostering multi-ethnic tolerance in the arts classroom. Some of these factors which become the challenges for Visual Arts Education teachers in fostering multi-ethnic tolerance in the classrooms are the nonchalant attitude towards visual arts education, ethno-centric grouping and the time fringe in completing the syllabus
Gambaran Pemeriksaan Volume Darah 1 cc Dan 3 cc Dengan Konsentrasi Antikoagulan EDTA Terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin Di Klinik Dewi Sartika
Salah satu pemeriksaan laboratorium dalam mendiagnosis suatu penyakit adalah pemeriksaan hematologi (Dacie,J.V.;Lewis,S.M.,2001:12). Pemeriksaan hematologi rutin adalah jenis pemeriksan yang memberikan informasi tentang sel-se darah dan merupakan tes laboratorium yang paling umum dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui gambaran hasil kadar hemoglobin pada volume darah 1 dan 3 cc dengan menggunakan antikoagulan EDTA.Metode Penelitian ini adalah observasi sederhana yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Klinik. Metode pemeriksaan menggunakan hematology analyzer metode flowcytometer. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa tingkat akhir Prodi D3 Analis Kesehatan Universitas MH.Thamrin sejumlah 32 orang yang bersedia dijadikan responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-ratakadar Hemoglobin (Hb) dengan spesimen darah EDTA 1 cc rata-rata 11,91 gr/dl dengan kadar minimal 8,0 gr/dl dan maksimal 14,9 gr/dl sedangkan spesimen darah EDTA 3 cc rata-rata12,52 gr/dl dengan kadar minimal 8,2 gr/dl dan kadar maksimal 15,3 gr/dl. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini selisih kadar rata-rata darah EDTA 1 cc (11,91 gr/dl) dengan darah EDTA 3 cc ( 12,52gr/dl ) adalah 0,61 gr/dl, artinya ada perbedaan kadar hemoglobin (Hb) yang diperiksa sebesar 0,61 dari nilai darah EDTA 1 cc dengan 3 cc. Disarankan kepada petugas tenaga kesehatan agar menggunakan sesuai dengan yang ditetapkan dari pabrik. Kata kunci : EDTA, Hemoglobin, volume darah 1 dan 3 c
Learning by nature: the implementation and evaluation of culturally responsive pictorial module of nature tie-dye batik craft / Siti Zuraida Maaruf and Ahmed Waliyuddin Basri
The aim of thisstudy isto determine the usefulness of Culturally Responsive
Pictorial Module ofNature Tie-Dye BatikCraft forteaching and learning the
topic ‘Batik Pelangi’in Visual Art Education (VAE). The pictorial module
was developed using the ADDIE Model that was supported by Zone of
Proximal Development (ZPD) – Scaffolding by Lev Vygotsky (1978). This
study usesthe Design Development Research (DDR) approach. The Pictorial
Module was evaluated by two expert panels which is one experienced VAE
school teacher and one Visual Art senior lecturer at a local university. A
purposive sampling consisting of 29 VAE students and one VAE teacher
were used in this research to measure their acceptance using the module.
Both the responding groups of students and VAE teacher provided positive
feedbacks toward learning and teaching using the module. Based on the
findings, the Pictorial Module isrelevant and appropriate to be implemented
at secondary school level for art education in Malaysia
Pemeriksaan Kualitas Bakteriologis Jus Jambu Biji Merah Yang Dijual Pedagang Kaki Lima Di Jalan Margonda Raya Kota Depok
Minuman Jus merupakan minuman sari buah yang diperoleh dari proses pemerasan mesin mixersehingga akan diperoleh sari dari buah atau sayuran. Jambu Biji Merah merupakan salah satu buah-buahan yang banyak diminati oleh masyarakat dan memiliki banyak khasiat bagi kesehatan. Jambu biji merah merupakan salah satu buah yang dapat diolah menjadi minuman jus. Tetapi juga dilaporkan banyak terjadi kasus keracunan yang disebabkan oleh mengkonsumsi minuman ini.Penelitian pemeriksaan kualitas bakteriologis terhadap 8 sampel jus jambu biji merah yang dijual dijalan margonda kota depok. Sampel diperiksa untuk mengetahui kualitas bakteriologisnya memenuhi persyaratan atau tidak berdasarkan Standar Nasional Indonesia 3719:2014 mengenai Mutu Minuman Sari Buah Sampel diperiksa menggunakan metode Most Probable Number(MPN), cara kerja berdasarkan SNI ISO ISO 7251:2005.Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan 6(75%)produsen tidak memenuhi persyaratan dikarenakan nilai MPN koliform melebihi ambang yaitu maksimal 20 MPN/ml. Dan MPN Eschericia colididapatkan 6(75%)produsen dengan hasil sampel positif mengandung bakteri E. coliyang melebihi batas persyaratan yaitu 3 koloni/ml. Kualitas Jus Jambu Biji Merah dapat dipengaruhi oleh kualitas air baku, mutu bahan baku, sanitasi peralatan, proses pembuatan, tindakan dan personal hygiene penjamah. Kata Kunci : Kualitas Bakteriologi, Jus Jambu Biji Merah, MP
The Development Of Mctim (Multicultural Textile Interactive Module) Using Delphi Technique
Multicultural education is prevalent in the development of the new generation while createing awareness of living in a multiracial nation such as Malaysia (Sharifah Norsana, 2012). This study focuses on the development of multicultural Textile Interactive Module (McTIM) for secondary teachers in art classes. In order to achieve the research objective, this article will discuss on how to design and develop McTIM using the Delphi Technique. Areas pertaining to the rationale of using the Delphi Technique, criteria for the selection of the expert panel, panel size and determining the number of rounds are described and discussed in the context of this study. For the present study, the researchers used the Delphi Technique as a medium to select suitable activities which should be incorporated in this pedagogical module for textiles syllabus in the visual art education subject. Findings from this study revealed that the expert panel from various fields provided positive feedback and reached a consensus. They also agree with the researchers to design and develop this module for secondary school teacher
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