4,035 research outputs found

    Warga Negara Religius sebagai Identitas Kewarganegaraan di Indonesia

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    Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menggali kembali identitas kewarganegaraan Indonesia sebagai negara yang menjunjung tinggi nilai-nlai Ketuhanan. Secara formal agama bahkan dicantumkan dalam Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) seluruh warga negara Indonesia. Identitas kewarganegaraan Indonesia sangat penting untuk dibahas karena arus globalisasi dan gerakan kewarganegaraan kosmopolit (cosmopolitan citizenship) sangat mudah menghilangkan batas-batas identitas dan loyalitas warga negara. Sehingga negara akan mudah tenggelam dalam arus globalisasi dan warga negara lebih bangga menjadi warga negara global daripada warga negara Indonesia. Agama sebagai salah bentuk representasi religius warga negara memiliki posisi penting dalam kajian kewarganegaraan di Indonesia yang berlandaskan pada pluralisme nilai-nilai Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa. Hal inilah yang membedakan Indonesia dengan negara-negara sekuler di dunia. Identitas religius warga negara Indonesia dalam makalah ini akan digali melalui dasar negara Indonesia yakni Pancasila, Undang-Undang Dasar tahun 1945, Undang-Undang dan perturan-peraturan yang mendukung lainya. Selain itu, makalah ini akan didukung oleh hasil-hasil riset berupa jurnal nasional maupun internasional terkait dengan identitas religius warga negara Indonesia. Makalah ini juga akan memberikan rekomendasi upaya membangun pemahaman tentang pentingya menjaga identitas religius warga negara Indonesia melalui Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKn) sebagai mata pelajaran wajib diberbagai jenjang pendidikan di Indonesia


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    Penguatan SDM Indonesia menuju SDM unggul menjadi pekerjaan rumah besar Negara dan seluruh bangsa Indonesia. Kualitas SDM Indonesia dipandang masih rendah. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk menguji pengaruh kinerja keuangan daerah yang diproksikan dengan rasio derajat desentralisasi fiskal, rasio efektivitas PAD, dan rasio belanja modal terhadap IPM kabupaten/ kota di Jawa Barat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji regresi linier berganda melalui alat bantu SPSS ver. 26. Hasil pengujian dan analisis data menemukan bahwa secara parsial rasio derajat desentralisasi fiskal dan rasio efektivitas PAD berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap IPM. Sedangkan rasio belanja modal tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap IPM. Secara simultan ketiga variabel independen memiliki kemampuan menjelaskan variasi variabel dependen yaitu IPM sebesar 57,0%, sedangkan sisanya 43,0% dijelaskan atau dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain di luar variabel penelitian yang digunakan


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    Household violence is a serious phenomenon that should be catered for due to its seriousness; it is not only done by the husband, who its mostly the doer of the action, but also by the wife. As a result, it is urgent to put the laws forbidingthe practice of such a householdviolence into effect. The laws control the protection of the victims in a household. Paradoxically, the enforcement, however, may trigger new modes of household violence, namely the violence done by the wife. The modes of violence are various in type. In criminology studies, it is shown that the violence by the wife is caused by many causes. Further analyses (using a causalteit theory in criminal law) suggest that the violence by the wife is marely a negative reaction against the violence by the husband. On the basis of such of phenomenon, the law enforcement underscores socio-criminological aspects in order to realize a criminal individualization-based justice. Making a wife into a criminal case as a form of a repressive action of the violence just hide the real forms of household violence mostly done by the husband. Kata kunci: Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, kekerasan istri, penegakan huku

    Perbaikan Diri Menurut Mohammad Iqbal (Telaah Teori Filsafat Islam)

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    Indonesia's political chaos starting from corruption, collusion, and nepotism is an unresolved problem and there is no clear point until now. There is no proper formula and solution to solve this problem. Like a building, Indonesia is a strong country but very easily collapsed due to political problems, starting from individuals and groups. Therefore it is necessary to have a strong and sturdy construction to support the building so that it does not collapse easily. The reconstruction that was built by M.Iqbal with khudi gave birth to a healthy and dynamic politics. As for things that can strengthen khudi: Love, Faqr, courage or enthusiasm, tolerance, lawful business, and honest and creative work. This can be used as a reconstruction in contemporary Indonesian politics. A sense of love and full responsibility will color individuals who are involved in politics. Khudi as a philosophical thought serves to strengthen the foundation of Indonesian politics which is easily shaken. The type of research used in this research is descriptive analysis research in which in this case the political reconstruction will be based on M.Iqbal's theory, namely khudi. library research method. As a recommendation to address solutions to various contemporary Indonesian political problems, the political reconstruction offered by M.Iqbal with his khudi is considered necessary and able to answer these political problems

    Embryology of Swainsona formosa (Fabaceae): Anther and Ovule Development

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    Our study showed that floral morphology and anatomy in Swainsona formosa were typical of leguminous flower. The anthers were found to be tetrasporangiate, with a 3-layered wall below the epidermis. The wall was comprised of a layer of endothecium, middle layer and secretory tapetum. Pollen grains were triporate and shed at a two-cell stage. The ovules were campylotropous with a zigzag micropyle. Multiple embryo sacs were occasionally found but only one mature embryo was formed in the seed. Rubbing the receptive stigma with fingertip enhanced pollination, resulted in 100% pod formation on treated flowers. During fertilization, the pollen tube entered the embryo sac via one of two existing synergids, destroying the synergid in the process. The endosperm was of nuclear type, and only one or two layers of endosperm left as the seed reached its maturity. The seed coat was composed of a single layer of thick-walled palisade cells on the outside followed by a single layer hypodermal sclereids on the inside


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    AbstractThe development of sophisticated social media can post content in the form of text, video, sound and images freely which can be disseminated anywhere and anytime with the help of the internet network. Not infrequently social media users abuse social media as a means to vent their emotions, spread false news, bring down others, and even spread hatred to other people or groups. Not a few people who feel disadvantaged as a result of this hate speech. The author's purpose in raising this phenomenon is to find out how hate speech (hate speech) is in society according to theological studies. Methodologically, this study uses a qualitative research type with a library research approach. The factors that cause the perpetrators to do hate speech (hate speech), namely, factors from within the individual (internal) including the psychological and psychological condition of the individual and factors from outside the individual, namely environmental factors, factors of lack of social control, factors of community interest, factors of ignorance community, as well as facilities, facilities and technological and psychological or psychological progress of the actors, namely high emotional power, besides the factors of facilities, facilities and technological progress are also very influential because of the availability of facilities and facilities that are easily available and increasingly sophisticated technological advancements making it easier for each social media users access all information without limits. Efforts to overcome the occurrence of hate speech (hate speech) crime in social media that consists of penal and non-penal efforts. Where penalties consist of imposing sanctions on perpetrators by imprisonment in accordance with what has been stipulated in the ITE Law to provide a deterrent effect. While the non-penal effort is to provide counseling or outreach to the general public regarding information on the impact of electronic media if not used wisely, the ethics of using social media by providing legal knowledge about the ITE Law.           Keywords: Speech, Hate, Society, Theolog


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    The position of Pancasila as a staatsfundamentalnorm and Pancasila as an ideology is verymandatory to be instilled and implied specifically to the State elite from both the political andeconomic aspects of the nation and state. The problem is whether Pancasila is able toovercome the problems of the nation at this time. The method used is the Normative andEmpirical Juridical approach. Data is sourced from library studies and field studies. Dataanalysis was carried out qualitatively. The results of the study show that Pancasila as a stateideology is still very capable of overcoming the problems of the nation today, including aproblem that is tentative with the political elite in its existence for the welfare of the nationand state both in terms of politics, development and the economy. To construct it is verynecessary to do methods that include: 1) Development of state politics to maintain theintegrity and sustainability of the nation, 2) Developing the content of Pancasila in thenational education system and 3) Establishment of a special body for the formulation andcivilization of Pancasil

    Karakteristik dan Corak Pemikiran Teologi Islam Klasik dan Modern

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    Classical theology is a legacy from past theologies in the span of Islamic history and has apologetic characteristics (long debates on the area of mortal sin, eschatology, heaven and hell and the eternity of the Qur'an) and romantic remembers and longs for the greatness and excellence of past theologians without filling and preparing for global competition to be faced, while the style of modern theological thinking is to prioritize substance rather than form, and function Islamic values to overcome concrete community problems such as ignorance, poverty, unemployment, and social backwardness and develop science and science within the framework of prosperity and the peace of mankind on this earth. The two theological styles that exist in society make the color of the paradigm of Islamic theology must be able to be dialecticized by adherents of more moderate theology, so that abandoning classical theology does not mean leaving totality but changing the construct of thinking towards the substance of ijtihad in accordance with messages of humanist values
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