625 research outputs found

    The Concept Of Amanah In Informed Consent

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    Al-Quran. Allah Swt senantiasa menstimulus otak manusia agar digunakan secara maksimal untuk dapat mengenal lebih dalam -tentang kebesaran-kebesaran Allah, selain itu juga al-Qur’an mengajarkan agar manusia senantiasa mengungkapkan kebenaran dengan bukti-bukti nyata/konkrit sebagaimana yang ditetapkan dalam aktifitas penelitian. Manusia merupakan mahkluk yang dinamis dan akan terus menerus berkembang dari segala sisi, maka untuk mengoptimalkan perkembangan tersebut perlu adanya penelitian


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    Abstract: Islam has confirmed in the Koran that every human being created by Allah Swt has his potential and this potential dominates in every person. This dominating potential should be developed by humans to easily achieve the desired goals. As an example of the potential to educate, indeed every human being is gifted by Allah to be able to educate, either educating himself or others, but this potential is possessed by someone mediocre. There are several terms or lafadz in Arabic which contain the meaning of educator, these words are not only limited to language, but also contained in the verses of the Koran. Here are some of the educator lafadz found in the Koran, including mu'allim, mudarris, murabbi, and ad-Dzikru. The words or lafadz listed in the Koran indicate the degree and main duties of the educator in accordance with the lafadz they carry. To become the best educator who can produce reliable students, every educator must be able to develop the educational potential that is in him as much as possible, and he must be able to believe that the potential for education is more dominant in him when Allah Swt first gives nature or outward potential to him. As explained by Imam Zarkasyi, the spirit of an educator is more important than the educator himsel

    Penerapan Teknologi Informasi Menentukan Keberhasilan Dunia Perusahaan Industri

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan teknologi informasi dalam bidang industri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode tinjauan literatur (library research) yaitu penelitian yang didasarkan pada pendapat ahli dan hasil-hasil penelitian terdahulu. Penerapan teknologi informasi dalam bidang indrustri sekarang ini telah meluas dipergunakan karena memungkinkan proses produksi didalam industri lebih efisien dan lebih efektif. Di dalam proses produksi, komputer dapat digunakan untuk pengawasan numeric (numerical control) atau untuk pengawasan proses (process control). Pengawasan proses (process control) berarti menyediakan otomatisasi didalam operasi proses yang kontinyu. Komputer untuk pengawasan proses digunakan pada indrustri untuk membuat otomatis proses produksi dan untuk mengatur secara otomatis variable-variabel yang mempengaruhi proses produksi tersebut yang sulit dilakukan oleh manusia yang serentak


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    Tolerance is an attitude of respecting differences and cooperation to achieve a goals within the framework of diversity. Tolerance in Islam is n new, but it already exists and has been exemplified by the prophet Muhammad Saw since ancient times ago. Religious tolerance according to Islam is not to merge in one another’s beliefs, nor is it to exchange beliefs among different religious groups. Tolerance in Islam is in mu’amalah (social interaction), there are certain mutually agreed upon limits that may and may not be violeted. This is the goal of tolerance in which each party has to control himself and provide space to respect each other’s uniqueness without feeling threatened by their beliefs or right. The Al-Quran has guaranteed that there is no compulsion in religion, meanijng that Muslims are not justified in forcing other people to embrace Islam and the prophet taught not to be hostile to people other than Muslims except those who do not respect and insult Islam. Islam has been taught and developed with gentle practices full of tolerance and this has been proven by the glory of Islam for centuries so that the glory of Islam is recorded in he history world civilization until no

    The Concept Of Amanah In Infomed Consent: The Perspectives Of Health And Consumer Protection Law

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    The Appeal Decision of the Supreme Court of the (Putusan Republic of Indonesia Kasasi Mahkamoh Agung Republik lidonesia) Number 365K/Pid/20'L2 .granted the appeal requesr of public prosecutor (Jaksa Penuntut Umum) of Manado State Pubiic Prosecutor's office (Kejiksaan lDeeoc7iis Mioanna d(oP)'u. Ttuhsea Snu ppreemneg aCdouilrat na nnulled the Manado State Court Negeri Manado) Number 9a /PI.D.B/2011/pN.MDo, imposing 10 [ten) months criminal imprisonment to each defendant. This Appeal Decision was debated hotly at tire regional and national level for the past several weeks, when doctois demonsirated against the Decision and left medical treatment to patients. Indonesian Doctors Association (lkatan Dokter Indonesia) argued that the contract between doctor and patient is a contract of p.oiurr,-not a contract of result. At the very least, this Appeal Decision providld an avenue for legal experts to examine and evaluate philosophically and juridically the concept of informed consent, as well as rights and responsibility attached with the concept, especially regarding doc_tor and patient relationship. This paper argues that informed consent should be build on the framework of amaiah. wliich is an important concept in Islamic law, as Islamic law has contributed greatly to the development of national law, Islam being the majority religion in Indonesia. In national law, the relationship betwe"en doctor and patient could be seen simultaneously from two aspects, health law and consumer protection law. Doctrines contained in both health law and .onrrru. protection law could utilize the concept of amanah in the formulation of informed consent. Using juridical, normative, and qualitative methodology and statutes approach, several regulations related to ttr. topic of the paper were examined, such as Law Number 29 year 2004 on Medical practice ltlndyna-undang Nomor 29 Tahun 2004 tentang praktik Kedokteran), Law Number 36 Year 2009 on Health (undang-(Jniang Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 tentang KesehatanJ, and Law Number B year 1999 on consumer protection (undang-undang Nomor B Tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan Konsumen). This paper is divided into several sections, discusiing: The concept of Amaiah in Islamic Law, the Legal Relationship between Doctor and patient, the concept of Informed consent from the perspective of Health Law, The concept of Informed Consent from the Perspective of Consumer protection Law, and the Application of the concept of Amanah in Informed consent

    Implementasi Multiple Linear Regressing Dalam Memprediksi Income Penjualan Cctv Pada Cv. Bumi Rajasa Trading

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    CV. Bumi Rajasa Trading merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang kontraktor penjualan serta pemasangan CCTV. Tentu saja dari hasil penjualan dan pemasangan CCTV tersebut, maka CV. Bumi Rajasa Trading mempunyai kisaran pendapatan yang selalu berubah-ubah, tergantung dari pencapaian target pada setiap periode atau perbulannya.Untuk mengatasi masalah income atau pendapatan yang tidak menentu tersebut maka CV. Bumi Rajasa Trading harus dapat memprediksi income yang akan didapat pada periode berikutnya agar pemimpin perusahaan dapat mengambil sikap dalam melakukan perbaikan bak dari segi pelayanan maupun produk agar dapat lebih bersaing dengan pasar. Maka dari itu digunakanlah Data mining untuk memprediksi income menggunakan metode Multiple Linear Regression.Data mining dengan metode Multiple Linear Regression ini dapat membantu CV. Bumi Rajasa Trading untuk melakukan perencanaan dan perbaikan, baik dalam hal pelayanan, pengadaan stok barang ataupun peningkatan kualitas barang
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