16 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi daya dukung limbah tanaman pangan dan hijauan di Kecamatan Pancarijang dan Kulo, Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang sebagai sumber pemetaan wilayah terhadap pengembangan peternakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan data sekunder yaitu populasi ternak ruminansia dan luas panen tanaman pangan dan hijauan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan produksi bahan kering limbah tanaman pangan dan hijauan di Kecamatan Pancarijang yaitu 21.661,77 ton bahan kering (BK) dan Kecamatan Kulo sebesar 28.837,86 ton BK. Produksi limbah tanaman pangan dan hijauan tertinggi berasal dari Desa Rijangpanua, Kecamatan Kulo yaitu sebesar 8964,48 ton BK. Daya dukung untuk pakan yang berasal dari limbah jerami padi, jagung dan hijauan yaitu sebanyak 19.001,56 satuan ternak (ST) di Kecamatan Pancarijang dan 25.296,37 ST di Kecamatan Kulo. Hasil analisis location quotient (LQ) di Kecamatan Pancarijang menunjukkan LQ >1 untuk jerami padi terdapat berada pada lima Desa yaitu Rappang, Lalebata, Macorawalie, Kadidi, dan Timureengpanua, sementara Desa tempat program DKS memiliki LQ <1 untuk jerami padi, namun mempunyai keunggulan LQ>1 berasal dari jerami jagung dan hijauan. Demikian nilai LQ >1 di Kecamatan Kulo untuk jerami padi terdapat empat Desa yaitu Kulo, Maddenra, Bina Baru dan Abbokongang, sedangkan Desa Mario dan Rijangpanua memiliki LQ<1. Namun, kedua Desa tersebut memiliki keunggulan yang sama dengan wilayah DKS di Kecamatan Pancarijang yaitu memiliki jerami jagung dan hijauan yang dapat mendukung ketersediaan limbah tanaman pangan berdasarkan bahan kering sebagai pakan ternak ruminansia.
Kata kunci: Daya dukung, Hijauan, Limbah tanaman pangan, Location quotient, Produksi bahan kerin
Model Penataan Pemakaman Sebagai Ruang Terbuka Hijau di Kota Makasar
RTH in urban areas has undergone many changes into built-up land so that it has changed its function into settlements, hotels, restaurants and others due to the very high growth of urban activities in Makassar City. Cemeteries have the main function as a place of public service for the burial of bodies. Cemeteries can also function as green open spaces to add to the beauty of the city and can function as water catchment areas, protectors, ecosystem supporters, and unifying urban spaces. The research aims to determine the design of the appropriate burial area model that functions as green open space and determine the potential of green open space that can be maximized from the Makassar City cemetery area. Research using survey techniques and descriptive analysis of 7 TPUs in Makassar City, was carried out from July to August 2021. The results show that dense cemeteries with high land cover have reduced the function of TPU as City Green Open Space. The design of the TPU in the context of optimizing the green open space increases the capacity of the tomb and improves environmental functions and religious norms, through the addition of facilities and diversity of vegetation
Green Open Space Planning in Improving the Quality of Space in the Mamuju Urban Area
The increase in regional demographics certainly affects the use of energy for transportation and households which will ultimately have implications for greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions in the region. This study focuses on the planning of green open space in the Mamuju Urban Area in order to minimize the effects of greenhouse gases so that the quality of space in the area is maintained. This research is a type of quantitative descriptive research that explores the condition of green open space in the Mamuju Urban Area and takes into account the existing emission potential. The data analysis used is AHP (scoring and weighting) to determine the value and influence of each thematic, image digitization and field observations to determine the existing green open space in the Mamuju Urban Area, and overlay using the ArcGIS 10.8 application to combine maps that be a research indicator. The results obtained from this study are that the Mamuju Urban Area continues to grow from time to time, the distribution of existing green open space continues to decrease along with land use changes that continue to occur, and from the analysis of potential emissions, the largest green open space planning directive is private green open space planning with an area of 354, 14 Ha
A Spatial Decision Support System for Agricultural Land Management in Maros Region, Indonesia
Land management which is increasingly complex from time to time, land convertion due to increasing population have caused conflicting various interests. Land management models developed to date are less able to answer the problems quickly and dynamically. Maros regency is one of the biggest producers of rice in South Sulawesi Indonesia. Its variability is fairly complex, consisting of coast, low land, and high land. Having a border with Makassar, its population pressure causes a bigger change of land function. It thus needs a model that can provide an optimal solution of land use and land management. The purpose of this research is to develop a model of Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS), which can help spatial decisions for the best land management of food crops, and to test the validity and sensitivity of the models. In this study, SDSS development methods integrate fuzzy set, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and Compromise Programming modules, to produce spatial information on land management. SDSS design utilizes some knowledge input in the operation, including experts who understand the mechanism of the SDSS and its applications. The results of study are in form of spatial distribution of Land Suitability Index (LSI) resulting from land quality assessment. The results can be used to simulate food land management models in various scenarios. Compromised situation between biophysical and non-biophysical parameters provide distribution pattern of values of land management for food crops. Keywords: Spatial Decision Support System, fuzzy set, Analytical Hierarchy Process and Compromise Programmin
Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Kecamatan Tompobulu Kabupaten Bantaeng untuk Pengembangan Tanaman Lada (Piper nigrum L)
Potential land resources can be expected through land evaluation activities. This study aims to evaluate the suitability of Tompobulu Subdistrict of Bantaeng Regency for the development of pepper plant (Piper nigrum L). This research was conducted in Tompobulu Sub-district of Bantaeng Regency which started from March to July 2016. This research used qualitative method and to determine land suitability using simple limiting factor approach. Determination of observation points based on the overlapping results of the baseline maps that resulted in 6 units of observation (soil profile). Production data and management of pepper crop obtained from farmers of respondents amounted to 10 people. The result of the study shows that the climate type of the research area according to Oldeman is classified as B2 with the actual land suitability class which is quite suitable (S2) with 3,657 Ha and the marginal fit (S3) with 3,023 Ha with rainfall limiting factor, soil depth, Slope, and surface rocks whereas the suitability class is quite suitable (S2) with an area of 6,160 Ha and corresponding marginally (S3) with an area of 520 Ha with rainfall and soil depth limiting factors. The potential of pepper plant development in Tompobulu Sub-district of Bantaeng Regency is quite large indicated by the percentage of land area that is quite suitable (S2) (82.40%)
Gerakan tanah merupakan suatu peristiwa alam yang pada saat ini frekuensi kejadiannya semakin meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1). Memetakan daerah rawan bencana gerakan tanah di Kabupaten Sinjai (2). Mengevaluasi arahan struktur dan pola ruang berdasarkan sebaran daerah rawan bencana gerakan tanah di Kabupaten Sinjai. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Sinjai Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan, periode bulan Agustus-September 2012. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan melakukan analisis dokumen terhadap Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW), observasi dan wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan metode overlay (tumpang tindih) dengan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) terhadap parameter kemiringan lereng, geologi, struktur geologi, curah hujan penggunaan lahan dan infrastruktur menghasilkan sebaran zonasi kerawanan gerakan tanah, serta overlay peta rawan bencana gerakan tanah dengan peta rencana tata ruang wilayah untuk menghasilkan rekomendasi perencanaan pengembangan wilayah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daerah penelitian terbagi atas empat zona kerentanan gerakan tanah, yaitu (1) Zona kerentanan gerakan tanah tinggi, (2) Zona kerentanan gerakan tanah menengah, (3) zona kerentanan gerakan tanah rendah dan (4) Zona kerentanan gerakan tanah sangat rendah. Sedangkan evaluasi pemanfaatan ruang terdiri atas daerah yang sudah sesuai dan daerah yang belum sesuai peruntukkannya berdasarkan sebaran daerah rawan gerakan tanah. Kesimpulannya adalah Pada wilayah Kabupaten Sinjai terdapat empat zona kerentanan tanah yaitu zona kerentanan tinggi seluas 1352 Ha (1,6% dari luas wilayah kabupaten) lokasi dominan yaitu : Tompobullu, Bontokatute, Bijinangka, Gunung Perak, Pattongko, Kompang, zona kerentanan menengah seluas 37403 Ha (45,7% dari luas wilayah kabupaten) lokasi dominan yaitu: Bullupoddo, Barambang, Barania, Bonto, Bontolempangang, Lamatti rilau, zona kerentanan rendah seluas 43055 Ha (52,5% dari luas wilayah kabupaten) lokasi dominan yaitu : Biringere, Kampala, dan zona kerentanan sangat rendah seluas 186 Ha (0,2% dari luas wilayah kabupaten) lokasi dominan yaitu: Bongki, Lappa
Effectiveness of Pine Stands in Control Surface Runoff
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Pine stands in controlling surface runoff, as well as the relationship between rainfall, intensity and slope with the volume of surface runoff. This study was conducted from November 2016 to February 2017. The measurement of rainfall is done by using rainfall observatory on 40 rain events, measuring the volume of surface runoff at each rainfall event, on a plot measuring 22 m x 4 m. The runoff volume on the dense pine cover was 0.006 m3, smaller than the medium and rare pine cover, ie 0.015 m3 and 0.016 m3 respectively. This shows that pine stands can minimize the impact of rainfall, rainfall intensity, and slope on the amount of surface runoff
Effect of Biochar and Water Level on Increasing Availability and Water Use Efficiency for Maize in Vertisol from Jeneponto South Sulawesi
This study aims to determine the effect of biochar and water level on improving water retention and water use efficiency of corn crops in vertisol. The soil sample was taken from Jeneponto south Sulawesi. This research used split-plot design. The main plot treatment is a soil amendment consisting of two factors ie without biochar and Biochar,sub plot treatment is a water used level consisting of 4 levels ie 100%, 90%, 80%, and 70% field capacity. Observated parameters include field capacity, permanent wilting point, available water, the crops water consumption, crop matter use efficiency, and water use efficiency. The results showed that biochar was able to increase water retention and water use efficiency at low water used level conditions
Karakteristik Pori dan Hubungannya dengan Permeabilitas pada Tanah Vertisol Asal Jeneponto Sulawesi Selatan
This study aims to determine the characteristics of soil pores and therelationship of pore characteristics with soil permeability. Soil samples were collected from Punagaya Village, Bangkala District, Jeneponto Regency, South Sulawesi. Soil samples were taken from 20 observation points representing two types of land use ie cultivated land and fallow field at a depth of 0-60 cm. Soil analysis (pH, organic material, C-organic, cation exchange capacity, bulk density and soil texture), Pore characteristics(porosity, pore distribution and pore stability), and permeability. Analysis of soil properties and pore characteristics was descriptive, while the relationship between pore characteristics and permeability was analyzed by single or multiple regression and correlation analysis. The results showed that the permeability of soil vertisol 0.29 cm/h (slow) and the average value of soil pore characteristics of vertisol as follows: porosity ranged 56.49%, fast drainage pore 4.35%, water pore available 17.8% And 32.5% micro pores, and 36.46% pore stability. Based on the regression and correlation test, it is known that Porosity and porosity and pore stability index have the greatest influence on permeability
Hubungan Vegetasi Mangrove Terhadap Kelimpahan Makrozoobenthos di Pantai Pangkajene
Mangrove ecosystem is a habitat of various fauna, especially macrozoobenthos. The changing vegetation of the mangrove ecosystem will influence the abundance of macrozoobenthos. This study was conducted in April-August 2019 and aims to analyze the dominance and density relations of mangrove vegetation against the abundance of Macrozoobenthos on the Pagkajene coast. The research location is conducted on three stations, each station is divided into two sampling areas, and on each sampling area is placed six sampling points. Data collection of mangrove vegetation is used with a multilevel plot method and Macrozoobenthos using a plot 50x50 cm. correlation the dominance and density of mangrove vegetation towards the abundance of macrozoobenthos used linear regression analysis. The results of the study gained that the mangrove vegetation dominancy positively affects to the abundance of macrozoobenthos but insignificant. Meanwhile, the density of mangrove vegetation significantly negatively affects to the abundance of macrozoobenthos