347 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Schapery viscoelastic material model for thermoplastic polymers

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    The nonlinear mechanical behavior of viscoelastic materials is modeled based on the Schapery integral model containing internal variables. In this context, a new approach for the strain-dependent material properties is introduced considering a one-dimensional formulation with strain-dependent nonlinear functions for an oscillatory load case. In addition to the viscoelastic storage and loss modulus, the higher order harmonic oscillations in the stress response are computed and compared to experimental data from Fourier transform rheology of Polyamide 6 (PA6). The comparison reveals a good agreement between the predictions of the nonlinear model and the experimental data for the higher harmonic intensity I$_{2/1}

    TanDEM-X Acquisition Planning and DEM Performance in the Third Year of Operation

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    TanDEM-X is a spaceborne SAR mission with the goal to derive a global Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The two incorporated satellites fly in a close formation with distances of around 500 m. These small baselines form a single pass bistatic interferometer for accurate DEM acquisitions. The final DEM product will enter a new level of detail and accuracy on a global scale. The absolute height error shall be less than 10 m in a 90% confidence interval at a pixel spacing of 12 m. The vertical height specification for the TanDEM-X mission foresees a 90% point-to-point error of 2 m (4 m) for areas with predominant terrain slopes smaller than 20% (greater than 20%) for a 1° by 1° cell. This presentation gives an overview about the planning and the actual status of the global DEM acquisition. This includes the acquisition plan after the first two years of operation, i. e. two global coverages, including the acquisitions of the Antarctica and difficult terrain. Also, the actual performance status in terms of absolute and relative height error and the narrow relation between the DEM acquisition planning and the performance evaluation is presented

    TanDEM-X Mission Status, Products and Perspectives

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    TanDEM-X is an innovative single-pass interferometric radar mission, which is comprised of two formation flying satellites. The TerraSAR-X (TSX) satellite was launched on June 15th 2007, and its almost identically constructed twin satellite TanDEM-X (TDX) was launched on 21st of June 2010. Together they supply high-quality radar data in order to serve two main mission goals: Scientific observation of the Earth and provision of remote sensing data for the commercial market (TerraSAR-X mission), and the generation of a global digital elevation model (DEM) of the Earth's surface (TanDEM-X mission). Between December 2010 and early 2015, radar data of all land surfaces has been acquired and as of September 2016 the final TanDEM-X DEM dataset has been available. This paper provides a final quality assessment of the TanDEM-X global DEM products with respect to the relative and absolute height accuracy and data coverage both at the global and geocell level. In addition, an overview on current mission status is given and new DEM products, which are currently in the scope of the TanDEM-X mission, are described

    Decreased reelin expression in the left prefrontal cortex (BA9) in chronic schizophrenia patients

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    Background: Reelin is under epigenetic control and has been reported to be decreased in cortical regions in schizophrenia. Methods: To establish if expression of reelin is altered in specific cortical, hippocampal or thalamic regions of schizophrenia patients, we measured gene expression of reelin in a postmortem study of elderly patients with schizophrenia and non-affected controls in both hemispheres differentiating between gray and white matter. We compared cerebral postmortem samples (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex BA9 and BA46, superior temporal cortex BA22, entorhinal cortex BA28, sensoric cortex BA1-3, hippocampus, CA4, mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus) from 12 schizophrenia patients with 13 normal subjects investigating gene expression of reelin in the gray and white matter of both hemispheres by in situ-hybridization. Results: The left prefrontal area (BA9) of schizophrenia patients revealed a decreased expression of reelin-mRNA of 29.1% in the white (p = 0.022) and 13.6% in the gray matter (p = 0.007) compared to the control group. None of the other regions examined showed any statistically significant differences. Conclusion: Since reelin is responsible for migration and synapse formation, the decreased gene expression of reelin in the left prefrontal area of schizophrenia patients points to neurodevelopmental deficits in neuronal migration and synaptic plasticity. However, our study group was small, and results should be verified using larger samples. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Base

    Kyleo® - Ein neues Breitbandherbizid für den Einsatz auf der Stoppel

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    Kyleo® ist eine Coformulierung auf der Basis von 160 g/l 2,4-D (als Säure) und 240 g/l Glyphosat (MIPA Salz), die sich durch eine besonders schnelle und tiefgreifende Wirkung gegen perennierende Unkräuter, Ausfallraps und Ausfallgetreide auszeichnet. Mit 2,4-D als synthetischem Auxin und Glyphosat als EPSP Synthase-Hemmer werden zwei komplementäre Wirkstoffe aus unterschiedlichen Gruppen von Wirkungsmechanismen kombiniert. Die innovative Fertigformulierung mit 200 g/l Cocoalcylamin (FHS) ermöglicht trotz extrem unterschiedlicher pH-Ansprüche der Einzelwirkstoffe eine Kombination ohne Wirkungsverlust im Gegensatz zur Tankmischung.Generell zeigt Kyleo eine im Vergleich zu reinen Glyphosat-Formulierungen stark erhöhte Wirkungsgeschwindigkeit. Die Wirkung auf dikotyle Unkräuter in größeren Entwicklungsstadien wird durch die Kombination der beiden Wirkstoffe verbessert. Ausfallraps im 8-10 Blattstadium wird bereits mit 3 l/ha sicher erfasst, Ausfallgetreide ebenso. Auf Ausfallerbsen und -bohnen kann mit Hilfe der Coformulierung eine erheblich bessere Wirkung als mit den Soloprodukten und eine synergistische Wirkung gegenüber der Tankmischung erreicht werden. Auf Ackerkratzdistel (Cirsium arvense) wurde mit 3 l/ha eine 95 %ige Wirkung erzielt. Gegen den Ackerschachtelhalm (Equisetum arvense) werden vier Wochen nach der Anwendung Wirkungsgrade von 82 % mit 3 l/ha und 92 % mit 5 l/ha erreicht. Die Ackerwinde (Convolvulus arvense) wird mit 3 l/ha zu 88 %, mit 5 l/ha zu 100 % erfasst. Gegen die Quecke (Agropyron repens) wird mit 5 l/ha Kyleo ein Wirkungsgrad von 96 % erreicht.Durch sein breites Wirkungsspektrum und insbesondere die gute Wirkung gegen perennierende Arten, eignet sich Kyleo sehr gut für den Einsatz in Anbausystemen mit Minimalbodenbearbeitung, aber auch auf Gleisen, im Obstbau oder zur Grünlanderneuerung.Stichwörter: Ausfallgetreide, Ausfallraps, Breitbandherbizid, 2,4-D, Glyphosat, Kyleo, perennierende Unkräuter, Stoppel, WirkungsgeschwindigkeitKyleo® - A new broad spectrum herbicide for use on stubblesKyleo® is a coformulation of 160 g/l 2,4-D (as acid) and 240 g/l glyphosate (as MIPA salt), with rapid action and excellent efficacy against volunteer oilseed rape, cereals and perennial weeds. Two complementary active ingredients with different MOA are combined in an innovative coformulation using 200 g/l cocoalcylamin (adjuvant) to handle the extremely different ph requirements of the actives, avoiding a loss of efficacy that often appears using the tankmix of both.Volunteer oilseed rape at 8-10 leaf stage is controlled already with 3 l/ha, volunteer cereals as well. The efficacy against volunteer beans and peas is improved significantly versus the use of the actives and a synergistic effect can be observed compared to the tankmix of both. At 3 l/ha respectively 5 l/ha the control levels against Equisetum arvense reached 82 % and 95 %, against Convolvulus arvense 88 % respectively 100 % and against Agropyron repens 96 % with 5 l/ha.With its broad spectrum and the good efficacy against perennial weeds, Kyleo is an excellent option for for minimum tillage systems as well as for the use on railways, in orchards and for grassland renewal. Keywords: Broad spectrum, 2,4-D, glyphosate, herbicide, Kyleo, perennial weeds, rapid action, stubble, volunteer crop

    The Global Forest/Non-Forest Classification Map from TanDEM-X Interferometric Data

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    In this paper we present the global Forest/Non-Forest Map derived from TanDEM-X bistatic interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data. The global TanDEM-X dataset has been acquired in stripmap single HH polarization mode and covers a time span from 2011 up to 2016. The volume correlation factor (or volume decorrelation), derived from the interferometric coherence, quantifies the coherence loss due to multiple scattering within a volume, a mechanism which typically occurs in presence of vegetation. For this reason, the volume correlation factor has been used as main indicator for the identification of forested areas. Quicklook images, a multi-looked version of the original full-resolution data at a ground resolution of 50 m x 50 m, have been used as input for the generation of the global product. The mosaicking process of multiple acquisitions is discussed as well, together with the identification of additional information layers, such as urban areas or water bodies. The resulting global forest/non-forest map has been validated using external reference information, as well as with other existing classification maps, and an overall agreement typically exceeding 90% is observed. The global product presented in this paper is intended to be released to the scientific community for free download and usage

    A Decade of TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X Operation: A Retrospective on the Performance of the SAR System and an Outlook to the Future

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    TerraSAR-X and its almost identical twin satellite TanDEM-X have provided high resolution radar images for years and Digital Elevation Models with unprecedented accuracy. The SAR image quality and accuracy has remained constant since launch and is owed to a very stable instrument. A thorough system health monitoring is utilized in order to maintain this stability. On the one hand a short-term verification of the individual acquisitions constantly exploits satellite telemetry from the SAR instrument and the on-board calibration system. Hence performance hanges, e.g. in terms of hardware degradation, can quickly be identified and corrected. For example by monitoring the antenna’s T/R modules via pseudo noise gating, dysfunctional modules could be detected in order to re-adjust the system accordingly. On the other hand a long-term system monitoring approach furthermore was designed to detect long-term system parameter trends and degradations that may affect data quality or imaging capabilities. In particular on-ground measurements are evaluated by continuously imaging globally distributed reference targets such as corner reflectors or test sights with a well-known topography. It was initiated with the launch of TerraSAR-X thus provides a variety of long-term parameter time series. Stimulated by this approach a study has been conducted to analyze the impact of solar events like radiation or the annual eclipse due to the satellites’ orbit geometry. Although the effects are taken into account by calibration the results provide valuable information to interpret monitoring results and gain a deeper understanding of the system. Besides retrospecting the SAR system the goal of this paper is also to give a summary of the TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X mission with focus on the calibration and the systems’ functionality. The mission status will concentrate mainly on the performance of the global Digital Elevation Model which was completed in September 2016. Having used precise calibration methods and improved processing algorithms, the dataset shows an outstanding quality. In the end up to 20.000 tiles with a size of 1° x 1° were generated yielding an overall absolute height accuracy of 3.5 meters and covering more than 99% of the globe. As the satellites are still in good condition and consumables are sufficient, the mission was extended to generate a change layer as an update of the global DEM. By adjusting acquisition strategies and processing methods, fewer acquisitions are sufficient to achieve the same accuracy as for the global DEM. Furthermore, a brief outline of the proposed future L-band satellite formation is drawn. The ambitious mission shall provide data to help solving pressing climate-related questions. As an example the proposed system will be able to penetrate forest canopy in order to estimate biomass on a global scale. Equipped with a reflector antenna and exploiting the innovative digital beamforming technique, Tandem-L will be capable of illuminating a 350 km wide swath on ground acquiring up to 8 terabyte of data per day. This enables a weekly global coverage, which is a precondition for observing dynamic processes in the bio-, geo-, hydro- and cryosphere

    Оценка устойчивости системы аварийного водоснабжения на предприятии ООО «ВОДСНАБ»

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    Целью данной работы, является: разработка комплекса мер по повышению устойчивости функционирования предприятия ООО "ВОДСНАБ" в случае аварии. В ходе выполнения работы был проанализирован уровень развития систем водоснабжения. Были выявлены проблемы связанные с износом оборудования. Был произведен расчет и разработка схемы насосной станции первого подъема.The purpose of this work is: development of a set of measures to improve the sustainability of the operation of the enterprise LLC "VODSNAB" in the event of an accident. In the course of the work, the level of development of water supply systems was analyzed. Problems related to equipment wear were identified. The calculation and development of the scheme of the first lift pumping station was carried out