372 research outputs found

    Cultural Integration in Germany

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    This chapter investigates the integration processes of immigrants in Germany by comparing certain immigrant groups to natives differentiating by gender and immigrant generation. Indicators which are supposed to capture cultural integration of immigrants are differences in marital behavior as well as language abilities, ethnic identification and religious distribution. A special feature of the available data is information about overall life satisfaction, risk aversion and political interest. These indicators are also presented. All of these indicators are depicted in comparison between natives and immigrants differentiated by ethnic origin, gender and generation. This allows visualization of differences by ethnic groups and development over time. Statements about the cultural integration processes of immigrants are thus possible. Furthermore, economic integration in terms of female labor force participation is presented as an additional feature. Empirical findings suggest that differences among immigrants and between immigrants and Germans do exist and differ significantly by ethnic origin, gender and generation. But differences seem to diminish when we consider the second generations. This indicates greater adaptation to German norms and habits, and thus better cultural, socio-economic and political integration of second generation immigrants in Germany.cultural integration, immigrants, Germany, ethnic origin, gender, generation

    The iridium double perovskite Sr2YIrO6 revisited: A combined structural and specific heat study

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    Recently, the iridate double perovskite Sr2_2YIrO6_6 has attracted considerable attention due to the report of unexpected magnetism in this Ir5+^{5+} (5d4^4) material, in which according to the Jeff_{eff} model, a non-magnetic ground state is expected. However, in recent works on polycrystalline samples of the series Ba2x_{2-x}Srx_xYIrO6_6 no indication of magnetic transitions have been found. We present a structural, magnetic and thermodynamic characterization of Sr2_2YIrO6_6 single crystals, with emphasis on the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the specific heat. Here, we demonstrate the clue role of single crystal X-ray diffraction on the structural characterization of the Sr2_2YIrO6_6 double perovskite crystals by reporting the detection of a 2a×2a×1c\sqrt{2}a \times \sqrt{2}a \times 1c supercell, where aa, bb and cc are the unit cell dimensions of the reported monoclinic subcell. In agreement with the expected non-magnetic ground state of Ir5+^{5+} (5d4^4) in Sr2_2YIrO6_6, no magnetic transition is observed down to 430~mK. Moreover, our results suggest that the low temperature anomaly observed in the specific heat is not related to the onset of long-range magnetic order. Instead, it is identified as a Schottky anomaly caused by paramagnetic impurities present in the sample, of the order of n0.5(2)n \sim 0.5(2) \%. These impurities lead to non-negligible spin correlations, which nonetheless, are not associated with long-range magnetic ordering.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Current and past climate co‐shape community‐level plant species richness in the Western Siberian Arctic

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    The Arctic ecosystems and their species are exposed to amplified climate warming and, in some regions, to rapidly developing economic activities. This study assesses, models, and maps the geographic patterns of community‐level plant species richness in the Western Siberian Arctic and estimates the relative impact of environmental and anthropogenic factors driving these patterns. With our study, we aim at contributing toward conservation efforts for Arctic plant diversity in the Western Siberian Arctic. We investigated the relative importance of environmental and anthropogenic predictors of community‐level plant species richness in the Western Siberian Arctic using macroecological models trained with an extensive geobotanical dataset. We included vascular plants, mosses and lichens in our analysis, as non‐vascular plants substantially contribute to species richness and ecosystem functions in the Arctic. We found that the mean community‐level plant species richness in this vast Arctic region does not decrease with increasing latitude. Instead, we identified an increase in species richness from South‐West to North‐East, which can be well explained by environmental factors. We found that paleoclimatic factors exhibit higher explained deviance compared to contemporary climate predictors, potentially indicating a lasting impact of ancient climate on tundra plant species richness. We also show that the existing protected areas cover only a small fraction of the regions with highest species richness. Our results reveal complex spatial patterns of community‐level species richness in the Western Siberian Arctic. We show that climatic factors such as temperature (including paleotemperature) and precipitation are the main drivers of plant species richness in this area, and the role of relief is clearly secondary. We suggest that while community‐level plant species richness is mostly driven by environmental factors, an improved spatial sampling will be needed to robustly and more precisely assess the impact of human activities on community‐level species richness patterns. Our approach and results can be used to design conservation strategies and to investigate drivers of plant species richness in other arctic regions


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    Review of Sánchez Santiró, Ernest (2016). La imperiosa necesidad: crisis y colapso del Erario de Nueva España (1808-1821). México: Instituto Mora, 486 pp. By AGUSTÍN COMICCIOLLI Review of Candioti, Magdalena (2017). Un maldito Derecho. Leyes, jueces y revolución en la Buenos Aires republicana, 1810-1830. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Didot, 260 pp.By CRISTIAN POCZYNOK Review of Schwarcz, Lilia Moritz (2017). El Espectáculo de las Razas. Científicos, instituciones y cuestión racial en el Brasil, 1870-1930. Bernal: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 351 pp.By FRANCISCO SOSA Review of Fink, L. y J. M. Palacio (eds.). Labor Justice across the Americas. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 281 pp.By EDUARDO ZIMMERMANN Review of Karush, Matthew (2017). Musicians in Transit: Argentina and the Globalization of Popular Music. Durham; Duke University Press, 280 pp.By PABLO PALOMINO Review of Jung Garibaldi, María Eugenia (2018). La educación superior entre el reclamo localista y la ofensiva derechista. El movimiento pro-Universidad del Norte de Salto (1968-1973). Montevideo: CSIC-Udelar, 174 pp.By OLGA ECHEVERRÍAReseña de Sánchez Santiró, Ernest (2016). La imperiosa necesidad: crisis y colapso del Erario de Nueva España (1808-1821). México: Instituto Mora, 486 pp. Por AGUSTÍN COMICCIOLLI Reseña de Candioti, Magdalena (2017). Un maldito Derecho. Leyes, jueces y revolución en la Buenos Aires republicana, 1810-1830. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Didot, 260 pp. Por CRISTIAN POCZYNOK Reseña de Schwarcz, Lilia Moritz (2017). El Espectáculo de las Razas. Científicos, instituciones y cuestión racial en el Brasil, 1870-1930. Bernal: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 351 pp.Por FRANCISCO SOSA Reseña de Fink, L. y J. M. Palacio (eds.). Labor Justice across the Americas. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 281 pp.Por EDUARDO ZIMMERMANN Reseña de Karush, Matthew (2017). Musicians in Transit: Argentina and the Globalization of Popular Music. Durham; Duke University Press, 280 pp.Por PABLO PALOMINO Reseña de Jung Garibaldi, María Eugenia (2018). La educación superior entre el reclamo localista y la ofensiva derechista. El movimiento pro-Universidad del Norte de Salto (1968-1973). Montevideo: CSIC-Udelar, 174 pp.Por OLGA ECHEVERRÍ

    Photonic and Optomechanical Thermometry

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    Temperature is one of the most relevant physical quantities that affects almost all processes in nature. However, the realization of accurate temperature standards using current temperature references, like the triple point of water, is difficult due to the requirements on material purity and stability of the environment. In addition, in harsh environments, current temperature sensors with electrical readout, like platinum resistors, are difficult to implement, urging the development of optical temperature sensors. In 2018, the European consortium Photoquant, consisting of metrological institutes and academic partners, started investigating new temperature standards for self-calibrated, embedded optomechanical sensor applications, as well as optimised high resolution and high re- liability photonic sensors, to measure temperature at the nano and meso-scales and as a possible replacement for the standard platinum resistant thermometers. This article presents an overview of the results obtained with sensor prototypes that exploit photonic and optomechanical techniques for sensing temperatures over a large temperature range (5 K to 300 K). Different concepts are demon- strated, including ring resonators, ladder-like resonators and suspended membrane optomechanical thermometers, highlighting initial performance and challenges, like self-heating that need to be overcome to realize photonic and optomechanical thermometry applications.This work was carried out under the 17FUN05 PhotOQuanT project, which has received funding from the EMPIR program, co-financed by the Participating States and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation progra

    Developing a Nationwide Infrastructure for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Targeted Oral Anticancer Drugs: The ON-TARGET Study Protocol

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    Exposure-efficacy and/or exposure-toxicity relationships have been identified for up to 80% of oral anticancer drugs (OADs). Usually, OADs are administered at fixed doses despite their high interindividual pharmacokinetic variability resulting in large differences in drug exposure. Consequently, a substantial proportion of patients receive a suboptimal dose. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM), i.e., dosing based on measured drug concentrations, may be used to improve treatment outcomes. The prospective, multicenter, non-interventional ON-TARGET study (DRKS00025325) aims to investigate the potential of routine TDM to reduce adverse drug reactions in renal cell carcinoma patients receiving axitinib or cabozantinib. Furthermore, the feasibility of using volumetric absorptive microsampling (VAMS), a minimally invasive and easy to handle blood sampling technique, for sample collection is examined. During routine visits, blood samples are collected and sent to bioanalytical laboratories. Venous and VAMS blood samples are collected in the first study phase to facilitate home-based capillary blood sampling in the second study phase. Within one week, the drug plasma concentrations are measured, interpreted, and reported back to the physician. Patients report their drug intake and toxicity using PRO-CTCAE-based questionnaires in dedicated diaries. Ultimately, the ON-TARGET study aims to develop a nationwide infrastructure for TDM for oral anticancer drugs

    Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2018

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    Advances in Formal Slavic Linguistics 2018 offers a selection of articles that were prepared on the basis of talks presented at the conference Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL 13) or at the parallel Workshop on the Semantics of Noun Phrases, which were held on December 5–7, 2018, at the University of Göttingen. The volume covers a wide array of topics, such as situation relativization with adverbial clauses (causation, concession, counterfactuality, condition, and purpose), clause-embedding by means of a correlate, agreeing vs. transitive ‘need’ constructions, clitic doubling, affixation and aspect, evidentiality and mirativity, pragmatics coming with the particle li, uniqueness, definiteness, maximal interpretation (exhaustivity), kinds and subkinds, bare nominals, multiple determination, quantification, demonstratives, possessives, complex measure nouns, and the NP/DP parameter. The set of object languages comprises Russian, Czech, Polish, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian, and Torlak Serbian. The numerous topics addressed demonstrate the importance of Slavic linguistics. The original analyses prove that substantial progress has been made in major fields of research

    Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2018

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    Advances in Formal Slavic Linguistics 2018 offers a selection of articles that were prepared on the basis of talks presented at the conference Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL 13) or at the parallel Workshop on the Semantics of Noun Phrases, which were held on December 5–7, 2018, at the University of Göttingen. The volume covers a wide array of topics, such as situation relativization with adverbial clauses (causation, concession, counterfactuality, condition, and purpose), clause-embedding by means of a correlate, agreeing vs. transitive ‘need’ constructions, clitic doubling, affixation and aspect, evidentiality and mirativity, pragmatics coming with the particle li, uniqueness, definiteness, maximal interpretation (exhaustivity), kinds and subkinds, bare nominals, multiple determination, quantification, demonstratives, possessives, complex measure nouns, and the NP/DP parameter. The set of object languages comprises Russian, Czech, Polish, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian, and Torlak Serbian. The numerous topics addressed demonstrate the importance of Slavic linguistics. The original analyses prove that substantial progress has been made in major fields of research