497 research outputs found

    Three dimensional adaptive method for compressible multi-fluids flows

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    In this paper, a hexahedral-mesh based solution adaptive algorithm for the simulation of compressible multi-fluid flows is proposed. The data structure, the refinement and coarsening process, and the solution adaptive method are described. The cells with different levels are stored in different lists. This avoids the recursive calculation of solution of mother (non-leaf) cells. Besides, the faces are separated stored into two lists: one for leaf faces and another for non-leaf faces. Thus, high efficiency is obtained due to these features. Numerical results show that there is no oscillation of pressure and velocity across the interface and it is feasible to apply it to solve compressible multi-fluid flows with large density ratio (1000) and strong shock wave interaction with the interface

    Global persistence exponent of the two-dimensional Blume-Capel model

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    The global persistence exponent θg\theta_g is calculated for the two-dimensional Blume-Capel model following a quench to the critical point from both disordered states and such with small initial magnetizations. Estimates are obtained for the nonequilibrium critical dynamics on the critical line and at the tricritical point. Ising-like universality is observed along the critical line and a different value θg=1.080(4)\theta_g =1.080(4) is found at the tricritical point.Comment: 7 pages with 3 figure

    Universality and scaling study of the critical behavior of the two-dimensional Blume-Capel model in short-time dynamics

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    In this paper we study the short-time behavior of the Blume-Capel model at the tricritical point as well as along the second order critical line. Dynamic and static exponents are estimated by exploring scaling relations for the magnetization and its moments at early stage of the dynamic evolution. Our estimates for the dynamic exponents, at the tricritical point, are z=2.215(2)z= 2.215(2) and θ=0.53(2)\theta= -0.53(2).Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Hamiltonian Theory of the Composite Fermion Wigner Crystal

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    Experimental results indicating the existence of the high magnetic field Wigner Crystal have been available for a number of years. While variational wavefunctions have demonstrated the instability of the Laughlin liquid to a Wigner Crystal at sufficiently small filling, calculations of the excitation gaps have been hampered by the strong correlations. Recently a new Hamiltonian formulation of the fractional quantum Hall problem has been developed. In this work we extend the Hamiltonian approach to include states of nonuniform density, and use it to compute the excitation gaps of the Wigner Crystal states. We find that the Wigner Crystal states near ν=1/5\nu=1/5 are quantitatively well described as crystals of Composite Fermions with four vortices attached. Predictions for gaps and the shear modulus of the crystal are presented, and found to be in reasonable agreement with experiments.Comment: 41 page, 6 figures, 3 table

    Quantum Correlated Interstitials and the Hall Resistivity of the Magnetically Induced Wigner Crystal

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    We study a trial wavefunction for an interstitial in a Wigner crystal. We find that the electron correlations, ignored in a conventional Hartree-Fock treatment, dramatically lower the interstitial energy, especially at fillings close to an incompressible liquid state. The correlation between the interstitial electron and the lattice electrons at ν<1/m\nu <1/m is introduced by constructing a trial wave- function which bears a Jastrow factor of a Laughlin state at ν=1/m\nu=1/m. For fillings close to but just below ν=1/m\nu=1/m, we find that a perfect Wigner crystal becomes unstable against formation of such interstitials. It is argued that conduction due to correlated interstitials in the presence of weak disorder leads to the {\it classical} Hall resistivity, as seen experimentally.Comment: 10 pages, RevTe

    Distributed phase-covariant cloning with atomic ensembles via quantum Zeno dynamics

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    We propose an interesting scheme for distributed orbital state quantum cloning with atomic ensembles based on the quantum Zeno dynamics. These atomic ensembles which consist of identical three-level atoms are trapped in distant cavities connected by a single-mode integrated optical star coupler. These qubits can be manipulated through appropriate modulation of the coupling constants between atomic ensemble and classical field, and the cavity decay can be largely suppressed as the number of atoms in the ensemble qubits increases. The fidelity of each cloned qubit can be obtained with analytic result. The present scheme provides a new way to construct the quantum communication network.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Scaling of anisotropy flows in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions

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    Anisotropic flows (v1v_1, v2v_2 and v4v_4) of light nuclear clusters are studied by a nucleonic transport model in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions. The number-of-nucleon scalings of the directed flow (v1v_1) and elliptic flow (v2v_2) are demonstrated for light nuclear clusters. Moreover, the ratios of v4/v22v_4/v_2^2 of nuclear clusters show a constant value of 1/2 regardless of the transverse momentum. The above phenomena can be understood by the coalescence mechanism in nucleonic level and are worthy to be explored in experiments.Comment: Invited talk at "IX International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions", Rio de Janeiro, Aug 28- Sept 1, 2006; to appear on the proceeding issue in Nuclear Physics

    Specific heat and high-temperature series of lattice models: interpolation scheme and examples on quantum spin systems in one and two dimensions

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    We have developed a new method for evaluating the specific heat of lattice spin systems. It is based on the knowledge of high-temperature series expansions, the total entropy of the system and the low-temperature expected behavior of the specific heat as well as the ground-state energy. By the choice of an appropriate variable (entropy as a function of energy), a stable interpolation scheme between low and high temperature is performed. Contrary to previous methods, the constraint that the total entropy is log(2S+1) for a spin S on each site is automatically satisfied. We present some applications to quantum spin models on one- and two- dimensional lattices. Remarkably, in most cases, a good accuracy is obtained down to zero temperature.Comment: 10 pages (RevTeX 4) including 11 eps figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Relationship between HPV16/18 E6 and р53, р21waf1, MDM2, Ki67 and cyclin D1 expression in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: comparative study by using tissue microarray technology

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    Aim: To investigate the role of human papillomavirus (HPV) HPV16/18 E6 oncogene in the carcinogenesis of esophageal cell carcinoma (ESCC). Materials and Methods: Tissue microarray (TMA) block was constructed from 60 cases of paraffin-embedded ESCC tissues and pair-matched controls (adjacent normal epithelium). Immunohistochemistry (IHC) methods were applied to detect the expression of HPV16/18 E6, p53, p21Waf1, MDM2, Ki67 and cyclin D1 proteins on TMA slides. In situ hybridization (ISH) targeting HPV gene was also used. Results: In ESCC samples, 18.3% (11/60) were revealed HPV16/18 E6 positive by IHC, while 40.0% (24/60) HPV positive by ISH; HPV16/18 E6 expression was significantly higher than that of control samples. In ESCC samples, the expressions of p53, p21Waf1, Cyclin D1, MDM2 and Ki67 were recorded in 60.0% (36/60), 40.0% (24/60), 51.7% (31/60), 65.0% (39/60) and 88.3% (53/60) cases respectively, In ESCC samples, p53, MDM2 and Ki67 expression correlated with the HPV16/18 E6 expression (p < 0.01), p21Waf1 expression — with these of MDM2 and cyclin D1 (p < 0.01) whilst expression of Ki67 — with ESCC grade (p < 0.01). Conclusion: HPV might be one of etiological factor of esophageal carcinoma in Shantou, China. p53, MDM2 proteins may play important roles in the pathogenesis of HPV-associated ESCC.Цель: исследовать роль онкогена HPV16/18 E6 вируса папилломы человека (HPV) в развитии плоскоклеточной карциномы пищевода (ESCC). Материалы и методы: исследованы 60 образцов ESCC и контрольные образцы нетрансформированной ткани (парафиновые блоки). Для выявления экспрессии белков HPV16/18 E6, p53, p21Waf1, MDM2, Ki67 и циклина D1 в срезах для тканевых микрочипов (tissue microarray, TMA) применен метод иммуногистохимии (IHC), для определения экспрессии генов HPV применяли гибридизацию in situ (ISH). Результаты: методами IHC, экспрессия HPV16/18 E6 выявлена в 18,3% (11/60) случаев ESCC, в то время как по результатам метода ISH, 40,0% (24/60) образцов признаны HPV-позитивными. В образ­цах ESCC экспрессия p53, p21Waf1, циклина D1, MDM2 и Ki67 выявлена в 60,0% (36/60), 40,0% (24/60), 51,7% (31/60), 65,0% (39/60) и 88,3% (53/60) случаев соответ­ственно, причем экспрессия p53, MDM2 и Ki67 коррелировала с экспрессией HPV16/18 E6 (p < 0,01), экспрессия p21Waf1 — с таковой MDM2 и циклина D1, а экспрессия Ki67 — со стадией развития опухоли (p < 0.01). Выводы: HPV может являться одним из этиологических факторов развития рака пищевода в провинции Шанту, Китай. Белки p53 и MDM2 могут принимать участие в патогенезе плоскоклеточного рака пищевода, ассоциированного с вирусом папилломатоза

    Dynamic structure factor of the Ising model with purely relaxational dynamics

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    We compute the dynamic structure factor for the Ising model with a purely relaxational dynamics (model A). We perform a perturbative calculation in the ϵ\epsilon expansion, at two loops in the high-temperature phase and at one loop in the temperature magnetic-field plane, and a Monte Carlo simulation in the high-temperature phase. We find that the dynamic structure factor is very well approximated by its mean-field Gaussian form up to moderately large values of the frequency ω\omega and momentum kk. In the region we can investigate, kξ5k\xi \lesssim 5, ωτ10\omega \tau \lesssim 10, where ξ\xi is the correlation length and τ\tau the zero-momentum autocorrelation time, deviations are at most of a few percent.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure