60 research outputs found

    Analisis Human Error dengan Pendekatan Metode SHERPA dan HEART pada Produksi Batu Bata UKM Yasin

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    Kesalahan kerja yang terjadi banyak diakibatkan oleh manusia itu sendiri yang disebut dengan human error. Human error yang sering terjadi dalam kegiatan produksi bisa merugikan perusahaan dalam mewujudkan efektivitas dan efisiensi produksi. Oleh karena itu maka perlu dilakukan perbaikan performansi pekerja untuk mengurangi seringnya terjadi kesalahan kerja. Beberapa metode dalam mengidentifikasi human error diantaranya metode SHERPA dan HEART. SHERPA suatu metode kualitatif dalam menganalisis human error yang menjadikan task level sebagai dasar inputnya. Sedangkan HEART adalah metode dalam menentukan resiko human error yang cepat, sederhana dan gampang dimengerti oleh para engineers dan juga human factors specialists. UKM Yasin merupakan salah satu UKM yang bergerak dalam produksi batu bata di Kota Batam. Proses pembuatan batu bata melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu proses pencetakan, proses pengeringan dan proses pembakaran. Permasalahan yang masih sering terjadi yaitu kesalahan saat melakukan pekerjaan yang berakibat terhadap kecelakaan kerja dan juga berpengaruh terhadap output produksi batu bata, hal ini disebabkan oleh human error. Hasil penelitian untuk rekomendasi yang akan diperlukan untuk mereduksi error pada proses produksi batu bata dengan metode SHERPA yaitu melakukan pemeriksaan secara teliti dan rutin terhadap masing-masing proses dan memberikan pelatihan secara berkala terhadap pekerja. Peluang terjadinya error dalam setiap aktivitas pekerjaan pada produksi batu bata dengan menggunakan metode HEART dimana nilai human error probability yang paling besar yaitu 0.16. Proses yang mungkin terjadinya human error dalam tahapan proses produksi batu bata di UKM Yasin melalui nilai Human Error Probability (HEP) tertinggi yaitu 0.544 yang terdapat pada proses pembakaran batu bata

    Analisis Postur Tubuh Pekerja Manual Material Handling dengan Pendekatan Owas (Ovaco Working Posture Analysis System) di Indah Property

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    In the small and medium enterprises, the human factor is still very important in determining the productivity of a production system. However, safety and comfort are often overlooked, as is the case with profile companies in Indah Property. This is influenced by the condition of the company's work facilities that are less ergonomic, so it can endanger the worker's body. This study aims to identify and analyze the worker's posture in the printing and shipping department using the Ovako Working Posture Analysis System (OWAS) method. This study begins by evaluating workers' posture with and analyzing by OWAS method. From the OWAS method, worker attitudes of the Department of Printing are less than 50% of all workers classified as category 2. The work attitude in the Delivery Department is categorized as 4 by 57.14% for Dedi workers. While corrective action on the Department of Printing on the segment bending, bending and twisting, bending forward and sideways, the legs are standing resting on both legs straight, standing on one straight leg, with category 2 fixing in the future and category 3 that fix as soon as possible . At the Delivery Department for bending, twisting and tilting, bending and twisting, bending forward and sideways, standing resting on both legs with bent knees, standing resting on both legs with bent knees, kneeling on one leg or both knees, with category 2 ie fixing in the future and category 3 that is fixing as soon as possible


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    ABSTRACT This research is entitled thee effeect of thee work environment on employee productiviity at PT Eusun Technology Batam. Ths stuidy aims to determine thee effeect of thee worke environmeent orn employe productiviity. Thee population inthis stuldy werre all employesof PT Eusun Technology Batam as many as 466 people. This type of techniique in this study obtained a probability sampliing techniqque whih is asampling technique based on thee fact that every member of thee population has thee same opportunity to be selected as a sample, so that it has a sample of 82 respondents. Thee variable value of thee work environment description is 14.80 with a percentage value of 49.35%. This value is not good, which means thee work environment at PT. Esun Technology Batam. While thee average value of employee productiviity is 38.87 with a percentage value of 59.80%. This value is not good, which means thee productiviity of employees at PT. Esun Technology Batam. Thee results of this study using correlation analysis showed a sig (2-tailed) value of 0.001which meatns a significaant value of less than 0.05 which means correlated. While thee Pearson correlation value is 0.520


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    PT. Batam Aero Technic which is a subsidiary of Lion Air airline that focuses on Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) or maintenance of aircraft. One of the maintenance in the BAT hangar is the maintenance of the aircraft cabin section which is commonly called the Cabin Base Maintenance (CBM) Division. The CBM Division is responsible for the interior of the aircraft, starting from small to large scale repairs. In the initial observation, there was the biggest complaint of work posture of 66.67%, pain in the upper neck when lifting airplane seats manually and using stairs that did not fit properly. So it is important to design a tool to reduce musculoskeletal complaints. The aim of the research is to design ergonomic stairs using the EFD method to determine design specifications and meet user needs and anthropometric measurements with NBM. Then, a survey by distributing questionnaires to obtain the design parameters of the transportation equipment developed with the results of the unloading size with Dimension Platform 4,14 m x 404 m, Height Min 1 m | Max 4,5 m, Structure Materials Body and Frame : Structure Steel with Coating, Electrical Control Panel Specification Remote Control / Wireless, Control panel box, Motor 1.5 HP 380 volt 3 phase, Flow Rate 3.2 LPM/210 bar. Others Specification Included, Hydraulic Jack Mounting, Tire Wheel c/w steering towing, Aluminum platform layer Railing, Rubber Bumper, Manual Box, Safety Locking Devices, 2 sets of Rack Gear with Electric Solenoid Release. The design developed is valid according to user needs and according to the 5% significance level and is better than the prefix design due to a more ergonomic ladder position and faster loading/unloading seats

    Penyusunan Kriteria Rumah Tinggal Berkonsep Ergo-Ekologi dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kenyamanan Termal Penghuni

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    Nowadays, developers of residential houses often neglect to pay attention about the air circulation as one of the factors that affects thermal comfort zones inside the room environment. In general, people overcome the thermal discomfort using mechanical ventilation such as a fan or Air Conditioning (AC).This study measured the comfort zone of 32 row houses in the Batam city with two types of floor area (LT ≤ 36 m2 and LT > 36 m2). Other variables include Ceiling Height (Tpi), Aperture Area (Vi), Wall Materials (Bhi) and Orientation (Ori) were also considered in this measurement. The results show that thermal comfort zone was influenced by the wall material (Bh1) made from brick, aperture area (V2) > 20% of the floor area, and ceiling height (Tp2) > 3 m. While the house orientation variable can still be received by utilizing the architecture techniques to reduce direct solar radiation. This study also formulated three models of row house design with ergo-ecological concept,  which are  Ree = f {Lti, Bh, V, Tp2, Ori} atau Ree = f {Lt2, Bh, V, Tp1, Or2} atau Ree = f {Lt1, Bh, V, Tp1, Or1}.

    Analisis Pemindahan Material Secara Manual Pada Pekerja Dengan Menggunakan Metode Rapid Entire Body Assessment

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    PT Glory Propertindo, still manually moving material. Manual material removal is usually done by lifting, carrying, and laying. The activity raises several complaints from construction workers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceived grievances of manual material removal workers and to analyze the extent of injury risk based on the rapid overall body assessment (REBA) method. data were collected by using nordic body map questionnaires to 8 bronze and cement carrier workers and then analyzing the level of risk of injury on postural work assessment using Rapid Total Body Assessment (REBA) method. For the results showed the body parts that got the pain and the pain in the left and right shoulder, left and right upper arm, back, waist and lower waist, buttocks, left elbow and right elbow, left and right arm, left arm wrist And right, left and right hands, left and right thighs, left and right legs, left and right legs and potential diseases that occur are discoloration,kyphosis, lower back pain, bursitis, neck stiffness, cramps, and sprains. The result of the appraisal shows that the activity of laying concrete and cement has a very high risk, so it is necessary to take corrective action no


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    ABSTRACTThe assessments in the risk assessment are Severity (S) and Likelihood (L). One of the processes carried out at this company is the process of spray painting in confined space. Work accidents that have occurred are 75 incidents. The work accident was caused by spray material that hit workers causing injuries to the eyes, namely 12 (16%) incidents, work accidents caused by loose hose equipment that hit workers and caused injuries to workers' body parts, namely 60 (80%) incidents because the machine is 3 (4%) events. Based on the level of seriousness of the accident, fatal events have never occurred but there have been serious work accidents that have resulted in Loss Time Injuries, namely occupational diseases such as hearing loss, lung disease and eye disease. The results of the discussion show the highest score with a value of 12 with a high level of risk. The lowest score is with a value of 2 with a low level of risk. The moderate score is at a score of 6 with a moderate risk level. Handling carried out is engineering, administration and use of PPE

    Kajian Ergonomi Untuk Perancangan Alat Bantu Angkat Brush Seal Welding Fixture Dengan Pendekatan Quality Function Deployment (Studi Kasus Pada PT Fluid Sciences Batam)

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    Loading and unloading are the processes which are perform at before and afterwelding process. On this processes, there is a fixture-lifting activity from assembly table move to the Welding machine. The lifting activity as well is perform at after welding process; to uninstall the fixture from the machine then move it to assembly table. This process is performed by 2 persons, because the fixture is quiet heavy, 50 Kg with 40 Inches in diameter and 2.5 inches in the thickness. However, the distance from assembly table to the welding machine is 300 cm. Approximately By this condition, based on The Rapid Entire Body Assesment (REBA) Analysis is resulted Final Score 9 and categorized as a High Risk Level Process. As well based on the scoring of Nordic Body Map (NBM) shows result that there is a high potential pain on the nape, shoulders, arms, back, waist and calves, hence than this activity is consider as Not Ergonomic Process for the worker. Based on the condition as describe above, survey been conducted with Quality Function Deployment (QFD) approach, which concluded that the loading and unloading process is need a lifting tool or equipment to lift up and move the welding fixture. For this purposes to eliminate this difficulty, proposed to have a Lifting Equipment Design could be a trolley or a lifter


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    The piercing mill machine is one of the machines used by the company PT Rainbow Tubulars Manufacturing in producing Oil country Tubular Goods (OCTG) seamless pipes. The work process in operating the piercing mill machine includes sprinkling salt and pushing the pipe directly exposed to high heat, noise, smoke and extreme dust. The company has established controls such as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) training, but these control efforts have not been maximized, due to a lack of awareness and compliance in using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The purpose of this study is to identify the risks of operating a piercing mill machine using the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) method, calculate and analyze the value of the risk, and provide recommendations to the company. Research data was obtained by documentation, observation, interviews, and discussions with production supervisors and OSH experts. The results of this study obtained four job structures and 27 work stages and 31 sources of risk. There are three very high risks, including splashing of billet material with high temperatures, exposure to heat, dust and high noise. providing tools such as replacing tools that are no longer suitable for use
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