52 research outputs found

    Gut Microbiota Status in COVID-19: An Unrecognized Player?

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    Infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus causes cardiopulmonary and vascular complications, ranging in severity. Understanding the pathogenic mechanisms of the novel SARS-CoV2 infection and progression can provide potential novel targets for its prevention and/or treatment. Virus microbiota reciprocal interactions have been studied in a variety of viral infections. For example, the integrity of Coronavirus particles can be disrupted by surfactin, a bacterial surface molecule that targets other viruses, including that of influenza A. In this light, intestinal microbiota likely influences COVID-19 virulence, while from its side SARS-CoV-2 may affect the intestinal microbiome promoting dysbiosis and other deleterious consequences. Hence, the microbiota pre-existing health status and its alterations in the course of SARS-CoV-2 infection, are likely to play an important, still underscored role in determining individual susceptibility and resilience to COVID-19. Indeed, the vast majority of COVID-19 worst clinical conditions and fatalities develop in subjects with specific risk factors such as aging and the presence of one or more comorbidities, which are intriguingly characterized also by unhealthy microbiome status. Moreover, these comorbidities require complex pharmacological regimens known as "polypharmacy" that may further affect microbiota integrity and worsen the resilience to viral infections. This complex situation may represent a further and underestimated risk with regard to COVID-19 clinical burden for the elderly and comorbid people. Here, we discuss the possible biological, physiopathological, and clinical implications of gut microbiota in COVID-19 and the strategies to improve/maintain its healthy status as a simple and adjunctive strategy to reduce COVID-19 virulence and socio-sanitary burden

    Effects of a 300 mT static magnetic field on human umbilical vein endothelial cells.

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    none8This study describes the effects of a static magnetic field (SMF) on cell growth and DNA integrity of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Fast halo assay was used to investigate nuclear damage; quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR), standard PCR, and real-time PCR were used to evaluate mitochondrial DNA integrity, content, and gene expression. HUVECs were continually exposed to a 300mT SMF for 4, 24, 48, and 72 h. Compared to control samples (unexposed cultures) the SMF-exposed cells did not show a statistically significant change in their viability. Conversely, the static field was shown to be significant after 4 h of exposure, inducing damage on both the nuclear and mitochondrial levels, reducing mitochondrial content and increasing reactive oxygen species. Twentyfour hours of exposure increased mitochondrial DNA content as well as expression of one of the main genes related to mitochondrial biogenesis. No significant differences between exposed and sham cultures were found after 48 and 72 h of exposure. The results suggest that a 300mT SMF does not cause permanent DNA damage in HUVECs and stimulates a transient mitochondrial biogenesis. BioelectromagneticsopenPOTENZA L; MARTINELLI C; POLIDORI E; DONATI ZEPPA, S; CALCABRINI C; STOCCHI L; SESTILI P; STOCCHI V;Potenza, LUCIA ANNA MARIA; Martinelli, Chiara; Polidori, Emanuela; DONATI ZEPPA, Sabrina; Calcabrini, Cinzia; Stocchi, L; Sestili, Piero; Stocchi, Vilbert

    Cancer Related Anemia: An Integrated Multitarget Approach and Lifestyle Interventions

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    Cancer is often accompanied by worsening of the patient's iron profile, and the resulting anemia could be a factor that negatively impacts antineoplastic treatment efficacy and patient survival. The first line of therapy is usually based on oral or intravenous iron supplementation; however, many patients remain anemic and do not respond. The key might lie in the pathogenesis of the anemia itself. Cancer-related anemia (CRA) is characterized by a decreased circulating serum iron concentration and transferrin saturation despite ample iron stores, pointing to a more complex problem related to iron homeostatic regulation and additional factors such as chronic inflammatory status. This review explores our current understanding of iron homeostasis in cancer, shedding light on the modulatory role of hepcidin in intestinal iron absorption, iron recycling, mobilization from liver deposits, and inducible regulators by infections and inflammation. The underlying relationship between CRA and systemic low-grade inflammation will be discussed, and an integrated multitarget approach based on nutrition and exercise to improve iron utilization by reducing low-grade inflammation, modulating the immune response, and supporting antioxidant mechanisms will also be proposed. Indeed, a Mediterranean-based diet, nutritional supplements and exercise are suggested as potential individualized strategies and as a complementary approach to conventional CRA therapy

    Nutraceuticals and Physical Activity as Antidepressants: The Central Role of the Gut Microbiota

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common mental illness. Evidence suggests that the gut microbiota play an essential role in regulating brain functions and the pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric diseases, including MDD. There are numerous mechanisms through which the gut microbiota and brain can exchange information in a continuous, bidirectional communication. Current research emphasizes the interexchange of signals influenced by the gut microbiota that are detected and transduced in information from the gut to the nervous system involving neural, endocrine, and inflammatory mechanisms, suggesting a relationship between oxidative stress and the pathophysiology of MDD via the hyperactivation of inflammatory responses. Potential sources of inflammation in the plasma and hippocampus of depressed individuals could stem from increases in intestinal permeability. Some nutraceuticals, such as specific probiotics, namely psychobiotics, polyphenols, carotenoids, butyrate, and prebiotics, have been demonstrated to exert an antidepressant activity, but most of them need to be metabolized and activated by gut microorganisms. By inducing changes in the gut microbiota composition, physical exercise might also exert a role in alleviating depression-like symptoms. The mutual relationships among nutraceuticals, exercise, and depression will be discussed, and the potential role of the gut microbiota as a therapeutic target to treat depression will be explored

    Which are the nutritional supplements used by beach-volleyball athletes? A cross-sectional study at the Italian National Championship

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    Beach volleyball is an intermittent team sport played under high temperature and humidity. Given that some nutritional supplements can enhance sports performance, this study aimed to evaluate the quantity and the heterogeneity of the nutritional supplementation practices of amateur (n = 69) and professional (n = 19) beach volley athletes competing in the Italian National Championship; an online form was used to collect data about the supplementation habits. The latent class analysis was used to find sub-groups characterised by different habits regarding supplements consumption. The most frequently used supplements (more than once a week) are vitamins B and C (39.2% of athletes), protein (46.8%), and caffeine (36.9%). The latent class analysis revealed three different sub-groups of athletes: the first class (56.7%) included athletes who were used to take very few supplements, the second class (17.0%) was characterised by higher consumption of supplements and the third class (26.2%) was in the middle between the others two. Groups were characterised not only by the quantity but also by the category of supplements used. Our results highlighted a high heterogeneity in supplementation habits. A pragmatic approach to supplements and sports foods is needed in the face of the evidence that some products can usefully contribute to enhancing performance

    Nine weeks of high-intensity indoor cycling training induced changes in the microbiota composition in non-athlete healthy male college students

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    Background: The gut microbiota constitutes a dynamic microbial system constantly challenged by environmental conditions, including physical exercise. Limited human studies suggest that exercise could play a beneficial role for gut health, increasing microbial diversity, even if the effects of exercise on gut microbial microorganisms depends on its intensity and duration. This study aimed to investigate the effects of nine weeks of high-intensity interval exercise on gut microbiota composition in healthy young adults. Methods: The gut microbiota composition of seventeen healthy male college students was analysed before and after nine weeks of high-intensity interval cycling training by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. PERMANOVA for repeated measures was used to test pre-post differences in the relative abundance of all taxonomic levels, and correlations between variations in microbial composition and physical and dietary features were also assessed. Results: Physical exercise induced changes in microbiota composition, at all taxonomic levels analysed (phyla: F [1, 32]=3.97, p=0.029; classes: F [1, 32]=3.39, p=0.033, orders: F [1, 32]=3.17, p=0.044, families: F [1, 32]=1.54, p=0.037, genera: F [1, 32]=1.46, p=0.015, species: F [1, 32]=1.38, p=0.007). Conversely, no differences were found between pre and post-training conditions for microbial community richness (Chao1: V=105, p=0.06) or diversity (Shannon index: V=62, p=0.52; Simpson index: V=59, p=0.43). Changes in the relative abundance of eighteen genera were correlated to changes of twenty environmental factors grouped in physical features, sport-related features, and dietary features. Conclusions: Nine weeks of high-intensity exercise induced modifications in gut microbiota composition in healthy male college students, shifting the gut microbial population towards a healthier microbiome with benefit to human health in general

    Treatment of Achilles Tendinopathy in Recreational Runners with Peritendinous Hyaluronic Acid Injections: A Viscoelastometric, Functional, and Biochemical Pilot Study

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    Background: Achilles tendinopathy (AT) affects ca. 10 million recreational runners in Europe; the practice of hyaluronic acid (HA) infiltration is being increasingly adopted. The aim of this pilot study was to monitor the effects of a three-local time-spaced injections regimen of HA in the treatment of AT in middle-aged runners combining for the first time viscoelastometric, biochemical, and functional methodologies with routine clinical examinations. Methods: Eight male runners (Age 49.3 ± 3.9), diagnosed for unilateral AT, were given three ultrasound (US) guided peritendinous HA injections at the baseline (T0) and every fifteenth day with a follow-up on the forty-fifth day (T1, T2, and T3). At all-time points patients were assessed for viscoelastic tone and stiffness, maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), and pain level (Likert scale 0-5). The peritendinous effusions of the injured tendon were collected at T0 and T2 to quantify the volume variations and the IL-1β and MMP-3 levels. Results: At T0 MVIC and pain score were significantly lower and higher, respectively, in injured tendons. The volume, IL-1β and MMP-3 levels decreased in the course of treatment and the clinical endpoints ameliorated over time. Tone, stiffness, and functional performance also varied significantly at T2 and T3, as compared to T0. Conclusions: The sequential peritendinous injections of HA were effective in the amelioration of the clinical symptoms, as well as of the functional and viscoelastic state associated with AT. The determination of the viscoelastometric state may help to precisely evaluate the healing process in AT patients

    Effects of a commercially available branched-chain amino acid-alanine-carbohydrate-based sports supplement on perceived exertion and performance in high intensity endurance cycling tests

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    Background:Sports nutritional supplements containing branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) have been widelyreported to improve psychological and biological aspects connected to central fatigue and performance inendurance exercise, although the topic is still open to debate. The aim of the present study was to determinewhether the intake of a commercially available BCAA-based supplement, taken according to the manufacturer’srecommendations, could affect the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and performance indexes at the beginning(1d) and end of a 9-week (9w) scheduled high intensity interval training program, with an experimental approachintegrating the determination of psychometric, performance, metabolic and blood biochemical parameters.Methods:This was a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study. Thirty-two untrained, healthy young adults(20 males and 12 female) were enrolled. A high-intensity endurance cycling (HIEC) test was used to induce fatigue inthe participants: HIEC consisted in ten 90 s sprints interspersed by ten 3 min recovery phases and followed by a finalstep time to exhaustion was used. In parallel with RPE, haematological values (creatine kinase, alanine, BCAA,tryptophan, ammonia and glucose levels), and performance indexes (maximal oxygen consumption - VO2max,powerassociated with lactate thresholds - WLT1,WLT2and time to exhaustion - TTE) were assessed. All subject took thesupplement (13.2 g of carbohydrates; 3.2 g of BCAA and 1.6 g of L-alanine per dose) or placebo before each test andtraining session. Dietary habits and training load were monitored during the entire training period.Results:The administration of the supplement (SU) at 1d reduced RPE by 9% during the recovery phase, as comparedto the placebo (PL); at 9w the RPE scores were reduced by 13 and 21% during the sprint and recovery phase,respectively; at 9w, prolonged supplement intake also improved TTE and TRIMP. SU intake invariably promoted a rapidincrease (within 1 h) of BCAA serum blood levels and prevented the post-HIEC tryptophan: BCAA ratio increase foundin the PL group, at both 1d and 9w. There was no difference in dietary habits between groups and those habits didnot change over time; no difference in glycemia was found between SU and PL. VO2max,WLT1and WLT2valuesimproved over time, but were unaffected by supplement intake. Conclusions:On the whole, these results suggest that i) the intake of the BCAA-based commercially availablesupplement used in this study reduces RPE as a likely consequence of an improvement in the serum tryptophan: BCAAratio; ii) over time, reduced RPE allows subjects to sustain higher workloads, leading to increased TRIMP and TTE

    SiRNA delivery for control of cyclin d1 and e2f1 expression in crohn’s disease

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    Evidence in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) supports a connection between inflammation and cancer due to the alteration of the cell cycle with loss of control at the G1/S checkpoint. In this study, we analyze the expression and modulation of CyD1 and E2F1 in colon explants from Crohn's disease (CD) patients. We used ex vivo culture of colon explants from 4 CD patients and 2 healthy controls, stimulated with lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia Coli (EC-LPS). Commercial siRNAs for CyD1 and E2F1 inhibition were encapsulated in Invivofectamine® and in purposely produced nanoliposomal vectors to silencing CyD1 and E2F1 expression. Western blot analysis was used to investigate the effect of siRNA on CyD1, E2F1 and cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) expression. In CD patients colon explants, CyD1 and E2F1 increased after the inflammatory stimulus but siRNA silencing attenuated their expression and controlled the COX-2 expression too. These data represent a prelimiary exploration of in vitro siRNA use

    Ciclo biologico di Tuber borchii Vittad.: analisi di espressione e metodi di identificazione

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    Dottorato di ricerca in metodologie biochimiche e farmacologiche. 12. ciclo. A.a. 1996-99. Coordinatore Marina Dacha'Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal
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