167 research outputs found


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    The impact of education on countries urbanism is clear as much as culture, economy, and politics are. In Egypt, although urban education is usually appended by architectural education; the current educational methods, and content in architecture schools do not grant the needed convergence between educational institutions and the needs of professional practice regulations. This paper focuses on curricula of architectural education for under graduate engineering programs in Egypt. It analyzes various programs of architecture in higher education referring to the practice regulations. As well as investigating if they are reflected clearly on the architecture education or not. Case studies will include four main Egyptian undergraduate architectural engineering programs. The study uses the qualitative approach in which descriptive analysis of different disciplines ratios, and study hours taught to students during undergraduate phase is done. As the qualitative approach in the exposure to the rules and regulations presenting Egyptian professional practice. Two comparisons are held during the discussion, one between different educational programs systems in Egypt, and another one about fulfilling the role of architect authorized by law, and regulations. Finally, the research ends with a number of conclusions concerning the analytical study, and recommendations on connecting three main pillars, including the architecture education, the laws and regulations, and the professional practice requirements

    Detection of SQL Injection Attacks: A Machine Learning Approach

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    © 2019 IEEE. With the rapid growth in online services, hacking (alternatively attacking) on online database applications has become a grave concern now. Attacks on online database application are being frequently reported. Among these attacks, the SQL injection attack is at the top of the list. The hackers alter the SQL query sent by the user and inject malicious code therein. Hence, they access the database and manipulate the data. It is reported in the literature that the traditional SQL injection detection algorithms fail to prevent this type of attack. In this paper, we propose a machine learning based heuristic algorithm to prevent the SQL injection attack. We use a dataset of 616 SQL statements to train and test 23 different machine learning classifiers. Among these classifiers, we select the best five classifiers based on their detection accuracy and develop a Graphical User Interface (GUI) application based on these five classifiers. We test our proposed algorithm and the results show that our algorithm is able to detect the SQL injection attack with a high accuracy (93.8%)

    A Qualitative Survey Study in Managing Patient Obesity for Exploring Self Efficacy among Saudi General Practitioners

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    This study aimed at investigate the management of obesity patients for exploring the self-efficacy among Saudi general practitioners in a qualitative survey methodology, by conducting interviews that were recorded digitally and transcribed verbatim by a professional transcription service. DE identified data were transferred into NVivo 10 for data organisation and coding. Data were analysed independently by the researchers and coded using social cognitive theory as a guiding framework. Twenty GPs recruited via a snowball sampling strategy to deliver a pilot of an obesity management program (“The Change Program”) participated in semi structured interviews before commencing the pilot. Of the 20 participating GPs (twelve  males and eight female), ages ranged between 33 and 55, and years working in general practice ranged between 5 and 25. The Interviews were face-to-face and were conducted in June and July of 2017. The study concluded that shifting the frame away from weight loss per se and towards these other goals might therefore allow for a more authentic GP-patient interaction and increase the self-efficacy of both GP and patient for healthy lifestyle changes

    CD146, a novel target of CD44-signaling, suppresses breast tumor cell invasion.

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    We have previously validated three novel CD44-downstream positively regulated transcriptional targets, including Cortactin, Survivin and TGF-β2, and further characterized the players underlying their separate signaling pathways. In the present study, we identified CD146 as a potential novel target, negatively regulated by CD44. While the exact function of CD146 in breast cancer (BC) is not completely understood, substantial evidence from our work and others support the hypothesis that CD146 is a suppressor of breast tumor progression. Therefore, using molecular and pharmacological approaches both in vitro and in breast tissues of human samples, the present study validated CD146 as a novel target of CD44-signaling suppressed during BC progression. Our results revealed that CD44 activation could cause a substantial decrease of CD146 expression with an equally notable converse effect upon CD44-siRNA inhibition. More interestingly, activation of CD44 decreased cellular CD146 and increased soluble CD146 through CD44-dependent activation of MMP. Here, we provide a possible mechanism by which CD146 suppresses BC progression as a target of CD44-downstream signaling, regulating neovascularization and cancer cell motility

    Multichannel blind deconvolution using a generalized Gaussian source model

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    In this paper, we present an algorithm for the problem of multi-channel blind deconvolution which can adapt to un-known sources with both sub-Gaussian and super-Gaussian probability density distributions using a generalized gaussian source model. We use a state space representation to model the mixer and demixer respectively, and show how the parameters of the demixer can be adapted using a gradient descent algorithm incorporating the natural gradient extension. We also present a learning method for the unknown parameters of the generalized Gaussian source model. The performance of the proposed generalized Gaussian source model on a typical example is compared with those of other algorithm, viz the switching nonlinearity algorithm proposed by Lee et al. [8]. © Association for Scientific Research

    Survival Rate of Patients with Cardiothoracic Injuries in Road Traffic Accidents, and their Relationship with ISS, GCS and blood transfusions.

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    Severe thoracic trauma is one of the major causes of injury-related mortality. In the United States, thoracic trauma results in one-fourth of all trauma deaths. Globally, cardiothoracic trauma is also a major contributor to mortality. The most common cardiothoracic injuries include rib fractures, thoracic vertebral fractures, haemothorax, pneumothorax, flail chest, and lung contusions. The purpose of the present study was to determine the survival rate of patients with cardiovascular injuries in road traffic accidents and its relationship with ISS, GCS and blood transfusions at King Khalid Hospital. This study is a useful addition to the literature, as research in this topic is lacking. A total of 189 patients were transported to the hospital with cardiothoracic injuries during the study period. Data was gathered regarding age, gender, nationality, vehicle user type, anatomical region injured, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admission, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), Injury Severity Score (ISS), blood transfusion, treatment and mortality rate. The neurological status was assessed using the GCS score. Injury Severity Scores were calculated to categorize the injury severity. The mean patient age was 31.81 years, with a peak age of between 21–30 years. Males predominated (93.7%) with a male to female ratio of 15:1. Most of the patients were Saudi nationals (61.3%). Overall mortality was 7.9%. Factors that were significantly associated with mortality were head and neck involvement, ICU admission, age (above 60), treatment delivered, and blood transfusions. Cardiothoracic trauma is associated with a high mortality rate, which may depend on the clinical presentation such as GCS, ISS, degree of shock, pattern of injuries, and associated injuries. Immediate management is vital for patients with life-threatening cardiothoracic trauma, as mortality is high if the diagnosis is missed, wrong or left untreated