27 research outputs found


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    Abstract Da`wah or preaching is the main task of the Prophets (a.s). Their most difficult and challenging target group are the aristocrats of the state leaders. This article discusses the Prophet’s (a.s) messages through their da`wah activities to the aristocrats. Comprehensive study about these messages are done through content analysis of the related Quranic verses and Hadith as well as from history books to identify the type of messages that are suitable for this group of people. The research finding shows that these da`wah messages of the Prophets (a.s) are based on the approach of accommodating the message with the target group. It is also found that the process of accommodating the message with the target group can be done by understanding  the situation and the background of the target group especially through the aspect of sociology and psychology. The finding gives the implication that preachers’s understanding of the sociology and psychology of the aristocrats is important to identify the suaitable message to them. Keywords:      da`wah; message of da`wah; state leader

    Forensic profiling of heroin seized from northern region of Malaysia

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    A strategic location connecting the Golden Triangle or Afghanistan has prompted Malaysia as a transit hub for trafficking activities of illicit drugs. An increasing source of illicit heroin, originating from these regions, has been transhipped to other parts of Asia and also Oceania countries. Therefore, forensic drug profiling could provide useful information on the trafficking routes and the origin of drugs for intelligence purpose. This study is aimed at establishing the possible relationship among the heroin samples seized from different sources for predicting the trafficking network of illicit heroin in northern region of Malaysia. One hundred and fifty-five seized heroin samples were examined physically to determine their colours and texture. Colour tests, namely Marquis, Foerhde, Janovsky dan Simon’s were used for screening purposes. Subsequently, all seized drug samples were analysed using three analytical techniques, namely Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infra-red spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionisation Detection (GC-FID) and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The analytical results were subjected to chemometric procedures for chemical profiling and subsequently cluster the seized heroin samples into possible groups. In this study, physical examination showed the appearance of four different colours and three varying textures among the seized samples. The positive reactions on Marquis and Foerdhe Reagents have shown the potential presence of opiate related substances, including heroin. An optimised and validated GC-FID method was used to analyse the samples. The method allowed rapid analysis of heroin samples within approximately 12 minutes per run, thus enabled simple, precise and accurate analysis in highthroughput procedure often encountered in Narcotic Laboratory. The presence of heroin was confirmed by using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Additional to GC analysis, ICP-MS has enabled the quantitation of trace elements in the seized samples. Trace elements present in seized heroin samples could be due to contamination from processing methods, cooking utensils and chemicals used during cutting and packaging process. Results of FTIR analysis were subjected to principal component analysis that revealed the formation of four different clusters of illicit heroin, namely samples of high purity, samples cut with polysaccharide and caffeine, as well as samples of very low purity. Hierarchy Cluster Analysis following the FTIR analysis allows the discrimination of drug samples into ten subclusters with the possibility of attributing similar refining process or cutting pattern during drug trafficking. In general, heroin samples seized from central regions of Malaysia gave significantly different profiles, separating them from those obtained in northern region. Chemometrics are good exploratory methods to extract information about the origin of seized heroin sample and their distribution chains. This comparative information offers beneficial forensic intelligence to help establish the existence of different clusters of trafficking network

    Pembinaan ujian tahap saiz kosa kata Arab

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    Antara masalah yang dihadapi oleh pelajar bahasa kedua ialah penguasaan tahap saiz kosa kata. Tujuan kajian rintis ini adalah untuk membina dan menentukan penguasaan tahap saiz kosa kata Arab. Ujian tersebut akan digunakan untuk mengenal pasti tahap saiz kosa kata Arab. Metodologi kajian melibatkan proses pembinaan ujian, proses pemurnian item ujian serta proses penyiasatan kebolehpercayaan serta kesahan ujian. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 30 orang pelajar pra universiti di sebuah sekolah menengah agama di Temerloh, Pahang. Kajian ini memilih untuk melalui proses ujian ketekalan dalaman bagi melihat pekali kebolehpercayaannya iaitu nilai korelasi antara uji dan ulang uji (test retest), nilai alfa Cronbach dan nilai Cohen Kappa. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa nilai korelasi adalah tinggi iaitu 0.84, pekali alfa Cronbach adalah tinggi iaitu 0.89 manakala pekali Cohen Kappa juga tinggi, iaitu 0.95. Bukti kesahan isi kandungan telah didapati daripada penyemakan oleh panel pakar. Implikasi hasil kajian ini adalah ujian tersebut boleh digunakan untuk mengenal pasti penguasaan saiz kosa kata Arab kerana ujian ini memenuhi kriteria ciri psikometri kebolehpercayaan dan kesahan

    An Intelligent Method. For Processing String In 3-D Based On Its Minimum Energy.

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    The problems associated with geometrical model of string (rope) in computer graphics are preserving topology and detail shape, and a large data volume in its processing. As an example, we consider string figures construction in Cat's Cradle game [3]


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    AbstractDa'wah is the main task of the Apostles (a.s.). The most demanding target of da'wah are the community leaders. This article discusses the preaching of da’wah of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. through his missionary activities to the community leaders. The study of this preaching of da’wah is done through the analysis of the Qur'anic verses and related Hadiths, including history books to identify suitable preaching technique for this group. The findings show that the Prophet s.a.w. always used tailor-made approach depending on the target group. Letters were used by the Prophet s.a.w. because of the far distance between the Prophet s.a.w and the communicty leaders which does not allow the occurrence of oral communication between them. However, the Prophet s.a.w. also conveyed oral messages to the community leaders through representatives who came to meet him. Based on the da’wah practices of the Prophet s.a.w., it was found that the preaching of da'wah through oral and written language communication had a great impact on the success of da'wah.Keywords: da'wah; preaching of the da'wah; Communicty leaders; Oral and written languageAbstrakDakwah merupakan tugas utama para Rasul (a.s.). Sasaran dakwah mereka yang paling mencabar adalah golongan pembesar. Artikel ini membincangkan wasilah dakwah Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. menerusi aktiviti dakwah baginda kepada pembesar. Penelitian mengenai wasilah dakwah ini dilakukan menerusi analisis terhadap ayat al-Quran dan Hadis yang berkaitan, termasuk kitab-kitab sirah bagi mengenal pasti bentuk wasilah yang sesuai bagi golongan ini. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan wasilah dakwah Nabi s.a.w. adalah berteraskan pendekatan menyesuaikan penggunaan wasilah dengan sasaran dakwah. Wasilah surat dipilih oleh Nabi s.a.w. kerana faktor jarak yang jauh antara baginda dengan pembesar yang tidak memungkinkan berlakunya komunikasi interpesonal antara mereka menerusi bahasa lisan. Namun demikian, baginda tetap menggunakan bahasa lisan dengan berpesan kepada wakil pembesar yang datang berjumpanya dengan pesanan-pesanan tertentu untuk disampaikan kepada pembesar mereka. Berdasarkan amalan dakwah Nabi s.a.w. didapati bahawa wasilah dakwah menerusi komunikasi bahasa lisan dan tulisan mempunyai kesan yang besar terhadap kejayaan dakwah.Kata kunci: dakwah; wasilah dakwah; pembesar; bahasa lisan dan tulisan

    [The Planning of Da’wah to the Natives (Peribumi) Sabah and Sarawak] Pelaksanaan Dakwah Kepada Masyarakat Pribumi Sabah Dan Sarawak

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    Preaching is a call that demands Muslims to convey the message of Islam through the implementation of welfare, respect for human values and appreciate the perfection of human nature. The natives (pribumi) society are receiving the missionary which has not been directly exposed to missionary approach using social welfare. They are the most numerous in a state of poverty and distress including their knowledge about Islam is very limited. Welfare approach is needed in preaching to the natives peoples in Sabah and Sarawak. Therefore missionary planning needs to be implemented through the preparation of missionary strategy, operational design, short and long term goals, practice of worship and missionary training to the natives communities themselves. This planning should involve government agencies, the private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the private preacher. Missionary approach for social welfare would succeed with the involvement collectively by missionaries and native communities in embracing the practices of Islam.   Key word: welfare, missionary, indigenous peoples, Sabah and Sarawa

    Effects of Salting Pretreatment on Quality and Safety of Shrimp (Parapenaeopsis Spp.) Powder.

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    Shrimps are well known as one of the healthiest seafood options, providing a huge amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals. However, shrimp is a highly perishable food, thus attempts to make innovative and healthy products may improve per capita consumption while lengthening the nutrient content shelf life. This research focused on the effects of different pretreatment salt concentrations at 0, 3, 6, and 9% on nutritional composition, microbial activity, and sensory evaluation of the shrimp powder samples. The analyses were performed in triplicate using the Association of Official Analytical Chemicals (AOAC) method for proximate analysis and physical analysis was used to determine pH, color, and water activity. The sensory attributes like saltiness, color, odor, texture, and aftertaste were measured using the hedonic scale method. Initial findings demonstrated significant differences in proximate composition, particularly protein content, ranging from 13 to 46% (w/w). There were also notable variations in color attributes among the shrimp powder samples. The lightness value varied, reflecting differences in the brightness levels of the powder, ranging from light to dark shades. The findings also revealed there were no significant differences in the total plate count among the shrimp powder samples which ranged from 3.50 to 2.69 Log CFU/g except shrimp powder treated with 0% salt concentration sample exhibited slightly higher counts compared to others which is 4.93 Log CFU/g. Sensory evaluation revealed variations in saltiness, color, odor, texture, and aftertaste profiles, with certain samples exhibiting stronger saltiness, color, odor, texture, and aftertaste, while others had milder attributes. These findings show that the most preferable salt concentration for brining shrimp is 3% because it can preserve protein content and have the best acceptability during sensory evaluation

    Mesej Dakwah Kepada Golongan Pembesar Serta Kesesuaiannya: Contoh Dakwah Kepada Pembesar di Nusantara

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    Satu perkara utama yang perlu dilihat dari kejayaan dakwah Nabi SAW kepadagolongan pembesar ialah kesesuaian penggunaan mesej kepada golongan sasar. Ini kerana iaadalah antara faktor utama kejayaan dakwah tanpa mengira apa jenis pendekatan yangdigunakan. Untuk mengenali mesej yang bersesuaian kepada golongan pembesar, situasi ataulatar belakang sebenar mereka dari pelbagai aspek perlulah diketahui terlebih dahulusebagaimana dapat difahami dari mesej-mesej dakwah Nabi SAW kepada pembesar