39 research outputs found

    Моќта на ендодонцијата ( case report)

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    Цел:Целта на овој труд беше да прикажеме успешна терапија на хронични периапикални лезии со не- хируршки ендодонтски ретретман кај заби со повеќе корени. Материјали и метод: Ретроалвеоларен РТГ наод кај 39г. маж кој се јави во нашата ординација со болка на џвакање во долен десен мандибуларен регион покажа присуство на периапикални просветлувања на 46 и 47 и на двата корена, што укажуваше на хроничен периапикален пародонтит. Исто така ренгенграфски се забележуваше и фрактуриран ендодонтски проширувач во МБ корен на 47, несоодветно наполнети коренски канали, метални колчиња во дисталниот канал и на двата молари. Ендодонтскиот ретретман беше спроведен со употреба на дентален микроскоп (Zumax, OMS2350). Коренските канали механички ги обработивме со XP Endo Shaper и XP Endo Finisher, а финалната иригација ја завршивме со 5,25% хипохлорид и 17% ЕДТА. Интерсеансно аплициравме меко полнење со калциум хидроксилен препарат 7 дена. Со техника на топла вертикална концензација (WVC) ги обртуриравме коренските канали. По поставување на фибер глас колчиња во дисталните корени направивме композитно надоградување. Реставрацијата ја завршивме со изработка на циркониумски коронки од Emax Zr Cad MT multi. Резултати: Контролниот РТГ по 6 месеци покажа целосно повлекување на хроничните периапикални лезии, и комплетно изчезнување на перкуторната и мастикаторната болка. Заклучок: Соодветнтно спроведениот ендодонтски ретретман е моќен да направи потполно излекување на хронични периапикални лезии и еден безнадежен случај да го претвори во успех

    Боја на забите и усогласување на нијанси во стоматологијата

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    Карактеристики на бојата на природното забало Бојата е безсомнение е еден од параметрите со најголема тежина кога станува збор за проценка на квалитетот на реставрацијата од пациентите, особено во естетската антериорна зона на усната шуплина Забот нема само една точно определена боја тие се полихроматски Жолта и сива се евидентни за окото, жолтата предоминантна во гингивална третина сивкаста во инцизална третина. Бојата најчесто варира по третини со оглед структурната градба - Најсветли се максиларните централни изнцизиви, па латералните а најжолти се канините

    Vizuelizacija plaka kao preventivni metod

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    Za razvoj karijesa i parodontnih bolesti, jedan od najvažnijih faktora je zubni plak. Njegovo neblagovremeno i nepravilno čišćenje izaziva širenje ove dve bolesti. Cilj ove studije je da pokaže da vizualizacija plaka olakšava oralnu higijenu. Za potrebe ove studije, izabrano je 80 učenika uzrasta 12-14 godina iz područne škole „Goce Delčev” u Demir Hisar. Napravljena je vizuelizacija reverzibiliteta i starosti zubnog plaka. Izvršene su dve kontrolne provere, jedna je napravljena pre datih saveta za kontrolu i čišćenje plaka, a druga nakon prve vizuelizacije i nakon datog saveta. Plak je pronađen u 100% ispitanika. Na prvoj kontroli utvrđeno je da ispitanici imaju 60% zreli plak, 20% plaka, koji stvara jaku kiselinu i 20% sveži plak. Na drugom kontrolnom pregledu, pronađeni su sledeći rezultati: 40% zrelog plaka 5% plaka koji stvara jake kiseline i 55% sveži plak. Vizualizacija i dati saveti pozitivno utiču na ispitanike. Vizualizacijom zubnog plaka ispitanici su uočili koje su greške napravili prilikom pranja zuba, na drugom pregledu su uklonjeni i znatno poboljšani

    Vizuelizacija plaka kao preventivni metod

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    Za razvoj karijesa i parodontnih bolesti, jedan od najvažnijih faktora je zubni plak. Njegovo neblagovremeno i nepravilno čišćenje izaziva širenje ove dve bolesti. Cilj ove studije je da pokaže da vizualizacija plaka olakšava oralnu higijenu. Za potrebe ove studije, izabrano je 80 učenika uzrasta 12-14 godina iz područne škole „Goce Delčev” u Demir Hisar. Napravljena je vizuelizacija reverzibiliteta i starosti zubnog plaka. Izvršene su dve kontrolne provere, jedna je napravljena pre datih saveta za kontrolu i čišćenje plaka, a druga nakon prve vizuelizacije i nakon datog saveta. Plak je pronađen u 100% ispitanika. Na prvoj kontroli utvrđeno je da ispitanici imaju 60% zreli plak, 20% plaka, koji stvara jaku kiselinu i 20% sveži plak. Na drugom kontrolnom pregledu, pronađeni su sledeći rezultati: 40% zrelog plaka 5% plaka koji stvara jake kiseline i 55% sveži plak. Vizualizacija i dati saveti pozitivno utiču na ispitanike. Vizualizacijom zubnog plaka ispitanici su uočili koje su greške napravili prilikom pranja zuba, na drugom pregledu su uklonjeni i znatno poboljšani

    Evaluation of lip position using different reference lines

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    Aim: The aim is to assess the position of the lips in relation to the three reference lines in individuals with class I, II and III malocclusion. Material and method: The sample includes 15 individuals (9 females and 6 males), aged 22 years without a history of previous orthodontic treatment, divided into three groups based on the Angle classification. The first group consists of subjects with class I malocclusion, the second group with class II malocclusion and the third group with class III malocclusion. Profile photographs were taken using a Nikon Z6 II-24.5 MP digital camera with a NIKKOR Z 85mm f/1.8 lens and a Godox AD200 flash. Reference planes used are the Steiner S-line, the Rickett E-line and the Burstone B-line. Results: The mean value of the position of the upper and lower lip was calculated. Rickett E-line in the first group (UL=-3.7; LL=-1.8), second group (UL=-4.87; LL=- 4.75), third group (UL=-6.5; LL=-4), while in relation to the whole sample the following results were obtained (-5.03; -3.52). S-line in the first group (UL=-0.5, LL=-0.2), second group (UL=-1.6; LL=-2.7), third group (UL=-3.1; LL=-1.8), whole sample (-1.7; -1.6). Burstone B-line in the first group (UL=3.75, LL=1.8), second group (UL =1.62; LL=-1.2), third group (UL=0.8; LL=0.51), whole sample (2.06; 0.37).Regarding the E line, the greatest retrusion of the upper lip was observed in the subjects with class III malocclusion, the highest values of the lower lip were obtained in class II malocclusion. When evaluated according to Steiner’s reference line, similar results were obtained. During the B-line analysis, the largest deviations from the reference values were observed in relation to the position of the upper lip in the subjects with class III malocclusion and the lower lip in the class II malocclusion. Conclusion: The position of the lips has been found to be related to the type of malocclusion

    Fatigue failure mode of porcelain veneers with different preparation designs

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    Introduction: Due to high aesthetic qualities, proven biocompatibility and prognosis for long term durability, porcelain veneers have become a routine restorative procedure for treatment of frontal teeth. The aim of this in vitro study was to examine the influence of the preparation designs on the fatigue failure of porcelain veneers. Materials and method: In this in vitro study porcelain veneers with three different types of preparation design – feather, bevel and incisal overlap – palatal chamfer were analyzed. The veneers were made on maxillary central incisor by refractory die technique. The samples from all three groups were loaded to failure in a testing machine TRITECH WF 10056. The force was applied at angle of 45° to the long axis of the tooth, with constant speed of 0,5 mm/min. The mode of failure was determined as debonding or fracture. The data were statistically analyzed using statistical program Statistica 7.1; SPSS17.0. Results: In feather preparation as a consequence of mechanical strength, fracture is registered in 20.0% of samples and debonding at 80.0%. In bevel preparation fracture is register in 93.3% and debonding in 6.7%. In incisal overlap – palatal chamfer due to mechanical strength is registered fracture in 96.7% and debonding in 3.3%. The percentage difference between the registered mode of failure – fracture against debonding between the groups according to Difference test was statistically significant between group I against group II, and I against III group, for p<0.05 (p=0.0438). Conclusion: The most common fatigue failure in porcelain veneers with feather preparation is debonding, while in other preparation designs fracture dominates. Key words: fatigue failure, fracture resistance, porcelain veneers, preparation designs


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    Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), also known as jaw joint or mandibular joint, is a bilateral synovial articulation between the temporal bone above and the mandible below. The TMJ is certainly one of the most complex joints in the body. The movements in both joints are synchronized and allow movement of the lower jaw. The term temporomandibular joint dysfunction is used for structural and functional disorders related to the temporomandibular joints, masticatory muscles, and surrounding structures. It is characteristic that all the signs and symptoms worsen with the movement of the lower jaw, which occurs: limited mobility of the lower jaw, increased sensitivity to palpation and pain in the masticatory muscles, increased sensitivity and pain in the joint, locking and squeaking when moving the lower jaw, pain during movement, improper movement of the lower jaw, headache, neck pain, possible hearing and balance problems. Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) can be classified into the following categories: Masticatory muscle disorders (muscle pain, muscle spasm, myositis and tendonitis); Derangements of the condyle-disc disorders (disk displacement with reduction, disc displacement without reduction, disc perforation, structural changes in the articular surfaces of the temporomandibular joint and temporomandibular joint dislocation); Inflammatory and degenerative disorders (arthritis and osteoarthritis); Limited mobility of TMJ – hypomobility (forward disc displacement, ankylosis and trismus) and Congenital and developmental anomalies. In order to successfully manage the temporomandibular disorders, we must consider that here are numerous types of problems and variety of etiologies that cause them. Separating these disorders into common groups of symptoms and classifying them is a process called diagnosis. This is very important because for each diagnosis there is an appropriate treatment. There is no treatment that is universal and appropriate for all temporomandibular disorders. In many situations, the success of therapy depends less on how the treatment is performed than on whether the therapy is appropriate and correct for the disorder. Therefore, making a correct diagnosis is extremely important for proper treatment. Keywords: classification, temporomandibular disorders, temporomandibular joint dysfunction

    Analysis of Golden percentage on Maxillary Anterior Teeth for Estethic Smile Design

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    Introduction The teeth in front are an important segment in the aesthetics of an individual, but the maxillary central incisors are the dominant element, they need to have appropriate proportions in terms of height and width in order to have the best possible aesthetic results. Aim The aim of this study is through digital photographs and computer analysis, to determine the Golden percentage according to Snow where the individual width of the front tooth is calculated as a percentage of the total width of the front six teeth, and for canines is 10%, for lateral incisions it is 15%, and for central incisions it is 25% of the total distance measured in the frontal segment, in patients with natural teeth. Material and Methods Frontal photographs were taken of patients with a posed smile, using a digital camera (NIKON) under standardized conditions, 1 meter away from the patient's, and the lens was aimed at the patient's lips. A digital computer program was used to process the photos and take the measurements. A total number of patiens is 15 respondents, aged between 18 to 30, of which 6 are men and 9 are women. An equal number of patients are included in the Angle classification. Results After the conducted analyzes and the summarized results regarding the gender classification, we obtained the following percentage representation in the male population is 12.49%, 14.83% and 21.95%, while in the female population it is 12.93%, 15.16% and 21.9%. Regarding the Angle classification in patients with Class I, we obtained the following percentage of 12.12%, 15.18%, 22.57%, in Class II 14%, 15.14% and 21.39%, while in Class III it is 13.74%, 14.72% and 21.45% . Conclusion According to the obtained results, the percentage of lateral incisions is the only one that is close to the golden percentage, while all other obtained results do not match. Key words: analysis, esthetic smile, golden percentage, maxillary anterior teeth

    Спектрофотометриска проценка на разликите во бојата кај максиларните централни инцизиви кај пациенти од различен пол

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    Цел Да ги одредиме разликите во бојата на забите помеѓу мажите и жените со спектрофотометриско мерење на бојата на централните максиларни инцизиви, како и влијанието на полот врз дистрибуцијата на бојата според три различни клучеви за избор на боја. Материјал и метод Бојата ја измеривме кај 250 пациенти на возраст од 18-69 години од кои 135 жени, a 115 мажи со спектрофотометар со оптичка геометрија 45/0° ShаdePilotТМ (Degu Dent, Germany). Поради критериумите за селекција од целокупниот број анализиравме 235 снимки. За да ја одредиме дистрибуцијата на бојата на забите ја избиравме најблиската нијанса измерена во средната третина на коронката според три различни клучеви Vita Classical, Ivoclar Chromascop, Vita 3D Master. Параметрите на бојата беа анализирани според CIE Lab системот. Статистичката обработка на податоците ја направивме со тестовите Pearson Chi-square и ANOVA/MANOVA Factorial Anova (F). Резултати Дистрибуцијата на нијансите помеѓу мажите и жените статистички значително се разликуваше кај трите клучеви. За Vita Classical p<0,01 (p=0,005), кај Ivoclar Chromascop p<0,001 (p=0,000) и Vita 3D Master p<0,001(p=0,000). Постои значајна разлика во светлоста на бојата L *(F=18,2 и p<0,001(p=0,000)). Жените имаат повисоки вредности за L* и тоа за 1,4 Delta L единици. Параметарот b* значајно се разликува помеѓу половите (F=37,79 p<0,001 (p=0,000)), мажите имаат значително повисоки вредности и тоа за 1,8 Delta b*единици. Заклучок Полот е значаен фактор кој треба да се земе во предвид при изборот на бојата на забите. Мажите имаат пожолти и потемни заби од жените според L*ab системот. Клучни зборови: нијанси на забите, клучеви за избор на боја, инструментално мерење на бојата

    The time duration of instrumentation with ProTaper Universal NiTi hand system, ProTaper Next NiTi rotary system and ProTaper Gold rotary system

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    Introduction: ProTaper systems are the most used in endodontic instrumentations. They have rotary and hand systems that create adequate cone form of mechanically treated root canal. Aim: The aim of this study was to calculate the incidence of time that we spent when we instrument the root canal of single rooted teeth with different systems. Material and metods: This study was conducted in September, in University Goce Delcev Stip, R. N. Macedonia. Thirty human extracted teeth were selected and kept in distilled water. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were used. Specimens with straight roots, single rooted and single canal were included in this study. Tooth with fracture lines, open apices, anatomic irregularities, calcified canal or multiple canals were discarded. The working length of the canals was determined by inserting a size #10 K file in the root canal, until the tip of the file was visible at the apical foramen and then we bring back 1 mm from the measurement. Also, the glide path was performed with the same size of this hand instrument. Then specimens preparation was made. The crowns were removed 2 mm above the proximal cemento-enamel junction. The irrigation was with 2% solution of sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine gluconate 3% and 17% of EDTA. We spent same time to irrigate the specimens. The specimens were randomly divided into 3 equal groups (n=10) and were subsequently prepared using hand or rotary system. Results: When we instrumented with the hand system we spent 18 minuts in average, when we instrumented with Pro Taper Gold rotary system we spent 14 minutes and with the Pro Taper Next system 9 minutes. Discussion: About the time, we spent more time to instrument with Pro Taper Gold than Pro Taper Next NiTi rotary system. The longest time we spent was with NiTi ProTaper Universal hand system. Conclusion: There was no significant difference found, when we compared the instrumentation between NiTi ProTaper Universal hand system, NiTi Pro Taper Next rotary system group and NiTi ProTaper Gold rotary system group. We think that the time duration is related to number of instruments from the system that we use during instrumentation. For example, the system of ProTaper Gold has 6 different sizes od instrument in compared to system of ProTaper Next that has 3 sizes. Also, we spent more time for calibration on every instrument (on the endomotor) of the system. So, the time duration for instrumentation with ProTaper Gold is longer that ProTaper Next. There is a need for further research to complete the whole image for this problem. Conflict of interest: Non