87 research outputs found

    Cutting Holes into the Trash and Other Stories

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    OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen is an architecture studio based in Flanders. Their work precisely corresponds to their native landscape: the mediocre, confused and domestic sprawl of contemporary Flanders, here understood as one of the many episodes of a similar global condition, an evenly covered field, more or less coinciding with the entire planet. The rarefied rooms repeatedly designed by OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen cannot be thought to be outside of this field. While the rooms leave out the urban debris accumulated in this landscape, they would not make sense with- out it. There would be no pressure, no accumulated tension. The rooms extract power from the dirt around them; they burn into void the raw energy accumulated in the dirt. The rooms are defined by the absence of trash, and so trash plays a significant role in the definition of the rooms. Trash is the substance whose absence creates architecture. This also qualifies the architects’ method as potentially universal. It could probably work just as well in Egypt or Bangladesh, simply burning a different kind of trash, operating in a different degree of harshness

    Design or Extinction

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    L’ultimo capitolo di Vers une architecture s’intitola Architecture ou Révolution. Per Le Corbusier, nel 1923, le cose sono chiare: c’è una possibile rivoluzione e una architettura che potrebbe evitarla. La narrazione è una, il processo è uno, e i suoi possibili sviluppi sono due: una ottusa resistenza che provocherà una catastrofe, oppure una consapevole adesione. È lo stesso paradigma che definisce la storia europea dal 1789 al 1989: la reazione allo spirito del tempo distingue progressisti e conservatori, chi abbraccia le trasformazioni della modernità contro chi tenta di resistervi. L’urgenza delle scelte è tutta basata sul tempo: qualcosa di nuovo s’a accia sulla scena, e a questa novità bisogna reagire. La soluzione corretta si riduce a una sola mossa, un solo progetto, sempre nettamente opposto a un’alternativa in tut- to contraria.The last chapter of “Vers une architecture” is titled “Architecture ou Révolution”. For Le Corbusier, in 1923, matters were clear : there was a possible revolution and an architecture that could avert it. There was one narration, one process, with two possible developments: an obtuse resist- ance that would cause a catastrophe, or a conscious acceptance. It was the same paradigm that defines European history from 1789 to 1989: the reaction to the spirit of the times distinguished progressives from conservatives, those who embraced the trans- formations of modernity, and those who attempted to resist them. The urgency of these choices was all based on time: something new that would appear on the scene, a novelty calling for a reaction. The correct solution boiled down to one move and one design only, always sharply opposed to a totally contrary alternative

    Casa della memoria

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    The House of Memory is a house, a collective house in which Milanese citizens hope to find protection for the memories they want to preserve. Nobody inhabits this house, and in this case the word house is understood as an envelope, a protected space, or a shelter that crystallizes memory within the flow of the metropolis. So the house becomes an object to be both protected and exhibited, a treasury to be surrounded with an envelope that both defends and exposes its content. Stefano Graziani’s photographs depict the construction of the building, while the texts by Howard Burns, Jean-Louis Cohen and Kersten Geers try to interpret its significance in the context of contemporary architecture. The book includes a complete set of drawings of the building. AUTHORS Howard Burns is a 1961 graduate of Ancient and Modern History from Cambridge University where he was a King’s College Fellow. He later taught art and architectural history at the Courtauld Institute in London and held the titles of Slade Professor of Fine Art at the University of Cambridge and Fellow at King’s College. He was the Robert C. and Marian K. Weinberg Professor of Architecture at Harvard University, Professor at the University IUAV in Venice, Visiting Professor at MIT and Senior Lecturer in the History of Architecture at Harvard University. Jean-Louis Cohen is Sheldon H. Solow Professor in the History of Architecture at the Institute of Fine Arts at New York University. From 1997 to 2003 he directed the Institut Français d’Architecture and the Musée des Monuments Français. He has been a curator for numerous exhibitions including The Lost Vanguard at the Museum of Modern Art in New York (2007) and Scenes of the World to Come and Architecture in Uniform at the Canadian Center for Architecture (1995 and 2011). In 2014, he was the curator of the French pavilion at the Venice Biennale of Architecture. Since 2014 he is a professor at the Collège de France. Kersten Geers is a founding partner of OFFICE KGDVS. He was professor at the University of Ghent, and visiting professor at Columbia University, NYC, and the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio (CH), and is currently teaching at the EPFL, Lausanne (CH) and at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Stefano Graziani is a photographer. He has worked and published di erent portfolios for Domus, A+U, Numero Press, Camera Austria, Log, Repubblica, Cross, FlashArt Italia, Abitare, Monopol Magazine, Marsilio. His work has been exhibited at Fondazione Ragghianti (2006), GC.AC Monfalcone (2006/2009), Festival della Filoso a, Modena (2006), Villa Manin Centro d’arte Contemporanea (2007), Manifesta 7, and at the XIII, XIV and XV Venice Biennale (2012, 2014, 2016)

    Public Ambitions

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    Italy Under Construction Buildings, Landscapes, Positions in Contemporary Italian Architecture In a globalized yet fragmented world, how can architecture reevaluate its cultural and political role and enable practises of identification and belonging? What role does architecture occupy in shaping the relationship between regional cultures and international forces? Between the global hunger for the architectural icon and claims for the authenticity of regional craftsmanship, what is the architect’s agency within and against contemporary modes of architectural production? Italy Under Construction is a new programme of exhibitions and lectures on contemporary architecture in Italy. Presented by the Italian Cultural Institute in Toronto, the series investigates contemporary architectural practice and its interaction with culture, cities, and landscapes. The programme will bring together emerging and established voices from the architectural community, both from Italy and North America. With Toronto serving as a venue for transatlantic exchange, we hope to open a conversation on the relevance of new architecture in Italy within a broader discussion on architectural design challenges in a globalized world. Italy Under Construction will run for three years and host two exhibitions per year- the first will open in the fall of 2015 and the second in spring 2016. The fall series of exhibitions will focus on a pair of established architects, initiating a dialogue between different approaches to research, local context, and national processes. The spring exhibition is thematic in nature and will present new buildings from a selected group of architects organized around pressing contemporary issues such as the ambitions and opportunities of building public architecture, housing and urbanism, and the domestic landscapes of the private house


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    La costruzione di un’ipotesi di lavoro convincente per le aree di concorso deve misurarsi con tutto il territorio cittadino e deve conseguentemente affrontare il problema nella sua interezza, inserendo i tre ambiti all’interno di un discorso unitario. Per questo motivo abbiamo scelto di lavorare su tutte le tre aree di concorso, suggerendo una strategia unitaria, pur riconoscendo i tre temi come distinti e proponendo soluzioni rigorosamente indipendenti e contenute all’interno degli ambiti di concorso. Occuparsi di una sola area rischia infatti di restringere eccessivamente il campo della ricerca, limitando gli scopi del progetto ed incoraggiando a trascurare le conseguenze che si producono sulle altre parti della cittĂ . Al contrario, lavorare a tutte le tre aree contemporaneamente significa dotarsi, per ogni progetto, di ulteriori strumenti di verifica interna. L’identitĂ  delle singole aree di concorso emerge con maggiore nettezza dal confronto con le altre. La chiarezza del discorso globale si traduce in precisione delle proposte specifiche.La nostra proposta accetta alcuni suggerimenti dalla Torino storica: riconosce i tempi lunghi della crescita della cittĂ  e prescrive un'umiltĂ  di fondo per tutti gli edifici che propone di realizzare (propone di realizzare case che sanno di non essere le uniche al mondo). Dalla cittĂ  storica, accettiamo anche di pensare lo spazio pubblico come qualcosa di prezioso, e quindi relativamente raro, non esteso uniformemente in base a fraintesi criteri di equitĂ . Per avere qualitĂ , lo spazio pubblico deve infatti essere distribuito con precisione. Questa precisione Ăš possibile solo riducendo la quantitĂ  di spazio pubblico ed aumentandone la qualitĂ  e l’intensitĂ . In sostituzione di sconfinate estensioni di (presunto) spazio pubblico senza alcun tratto distintivo Ăš possibile introdurre ampie porzioni di verde privato o servizi, che possono contribuire alla figura della cittĂ  senza essere immediatamente accessibili a tutti. Il verde privato consente inoltre alla cittĂ  di produrre almeno una parte dei prodotti agricoli che consuma e di ridurre i costi di gestione di un verde pubblico comunque inefficiente, consentendo di concentrare le risorse su alcuni luoghi ben definiti. Si puĂČ cosĂŹ costruire una cittĂ  intensa e verde allo stesso tempo, capace di nutrire i suoi abitanti e capace di produrre la pressione urbana sufficiente ad attivarne gli spazi pubblici

    House of Memory

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    Of all building materials in the world, brick is one of the most enduring and ubiquitous. Traces of brickmaking date back to 7500 BC and fired brick first made its appearance in about 3500 BC. Since then, the trusty brick has shown amazing resilience and remains one of the mainstays of contemporary architecture. Rooted in tradition in countries as different as China and the Netherlands, it is inexpensive, flexible in use, and can also be ecologically fabricated. This comprehensive two-volume set tours the world to cover the most exciting and innovative brick buildings of the past 15 years, from Argentina to New Zealand. True to all TASCHEN architecture tomes, it includes new talents like Argentina’s Diego Arraigada and Vietnam’s Nguyen Hai Long as well as established starchitects such as Tadao Ando and Peter Zumthor. Featured buildings showcase the variety of brick applications across cultural, domestic, infrastructure, and leisure spaces, including Tate Modern Switch House by Herzog & De Meuron, Tidy Architects’ Amorio Restaurant in Santiago, and Mass Design Group’s Maternity Waiting Village in Kasungu, Malawi

    Die Architektur der Stadt. Das nicht gehaltene Versprechen

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    1966 veröffentlichte Aldo Rossi Die Architektur der Stadt. Das mindeste, was sich dazu sagen lĂ€sst, ist, dass es ein Buch voller MĂ€ngel ist: konfus, voller Redundanzen, ohne klare Aussage. Und dennoch setzte sich Rossis Buch mit der Zeit durch – ohne dass jemand genau wĂŒsste warum – als Grundlagentext, ja sogar als Klassiker. Die französische Architekturhistorikerin Françoise Choay hat Die Architektur der Stadt 1988 als eine „BlĂŒtenlese der AbsurditĂ€ten“ bezeichnet. Was hier wahrscheinlich als reiner Affront gemeint war, enthĂ€lt jedoch ein zutreffendes Urteil, das eine wesentliche Eigenschaft von Rossis Buch erfasst: Es ist tatsĂ€chlich eine BlĂŒtenlese, eine Sammlung disparater Elemente, die zusammen ein Bild ergeben, das schemenhaft erscheint, ohne sich zur GĂ€nze zu enthĂŒllen. In dem Buch wird tatsĂ€chlich keine prĂ€zise Theorie formuliert, keine Methode dargelegt, vielmehr entdeckt Rossi irgendetwas. Hier und da tauchen Fragmente auf (oft lapidare, zusammenhanglose SĂ€tze), die scheinbar einen völlig neuen Horizont fĂŒr die moderne Architektur eröffnen. Allerdings bleibt der neue Sinnzusammenhang, ganz gleich wie kategorisch er dargelegt wird, ziemlich unklar. Die Architektur der Stadt ist ein seltsames Buch: Einerseits kann man es nicht beliebig interpretieren, anderseits ist es nicht einfach, alle Teile zusammenzufĂŒgen. Das Buch bildet eine Landschaft, in der sich UnschĂ€rfe und Klarheit abwechseln. Man ist versucht, Die Architektur der Stadt wie eine Stadt zu lesen, die aus diffusen, ja sogar ziemlich mittelmĂ€ĂŸigen Vierteln und regelrechten Monumenten besteht. Wenn man derselben These folgt, die Rossi zu formulieren vergessen hat, ist Die Architektur der Stadt ein aus Einzelteilen zusammengefĂŒgtes Buch. Diese fragile theoretische Konstruktion, die im Buch nur angedeutet bleibt, wird von Rossi – der bald darauf (mit dem Friedhof von Modena) eine neue und weniger interessante Schaffensperiode beginnt – nicht weiterentwickelt. Rossis spĂ€tere Karriere ist, aus der Perspektive dessen, was sie 1966 versprach, ziemlich enttĂ€uschend. Gelegentlich taucht in seinem Werk noch eine merkwĂŒrdige GrĂ¶ĂŸe auf (wie beim Hotel in Fukuoka oder beim Theater Carlo Felice in Genua), aber insgesamt ist es nicht das, was man sich von Rossis weiterem Weg hatte versprechen können. Alles gleitet ins Autobiographische ab. Kollektive Gespenster werden zu privaten Gespenstern. Die Figuren der Erinnerung werden nicht mehr geteilt, sie sind der Abnutzung durch die Sprache, dem Verrat an der Bedeutung unterworfen. Dieser Text unternimmt den Versuch, den verworrenen Aufbau und die mögliche Weiterentwicklung von Rossis theoretischem Hauptwerk zu verstehen, auch unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der Fehler, die letztendlich dazu fĂŒhrten, dass das Buch sein Potential nicht voll entfalten konnte. Das Buch enthĂ€lt nĂ€mlich etwas, das verloren gegangen ist. Wir haben das Recht, es wieder aufzuspĂŒren.

    “Smart” Continuous Glucose Monitoring Sensors: On-Line Signal Processing Issues

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    The availability of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) sensors allows development of new strategies for the treatment of diabetes. In particular, from an on-line perspective, CGM sensors can become “smart” by providing them with algorithms able to generate alerts when glucose concentration is predicted to exceed the normal range thresholds. To do so, at least four important aspects have to be considered and dealt with on-line. First, the CGM data must be accurately calibrated. Then, CGM data need to be filtered in order to enhance their signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Thirdly, predictions of future glucose concentration should be generated with suitable modeling methodologies. Finally, generation of alerts should be done by minimizing the risk of detecting false and missing true events. For these four challenges, several techniques, with various degrees of sophistication, have been proposed in the literature and are critically reviewed in this paper

    Architecture without Content 4: Necessary Architecture

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    The Data Center is the most definitive and yet invisible typology of our contemporary world. It is the densest spot in our digital universe, a physically invisible space virtually visited by many. In a time when the collective spirit of the net itself is more and more in peril, these privately owned devices represent, in many ways, the pinnacle of our shared infrastructure. Therefore, Data Centers are intrinsically collective infrastructures. Unfortunately the buildings themselves remain largely invisible. Subject to technical and environmental requirements, they tend to hide in the fringes of our world; fringes that are increasingly scarce. The Cloud, inhabitant of the data center, struggles with its own invisibility as the place where our valuable content is stored. Both dynamics are problematic but offer an opportunity. As in our cities, what was formerly considered collective is increasingly privatized (one thinks of schools and communal offices). It might be argued that Data Centers are amongst the few leftover opportunities that, because of their intrinsic content, have the potential to acquire collective meaning. This is not the first time we have investigated this potential. Two years ago, in the first studio at Columbia called Architecture without Content we tried to portray the absolute potential of these big boxes because of the evident impact of their sheer mass when projected in the even covered field. In this studio Architecture without Content 4 we return to the center of the city and investigate the potential of these enormous buildings if they would be located on Roosevelt Island; formerly the outskirts of Manhattan, today the very center of New York. Roosevelt Island is strategically positioned and highly wired. It has a latent potential for symbolic representation, as was recently exemplified by the posthumous execution of Kahn’s Roosevelt memorial and the numerous paper projects that preceded that monument. In parallel, it is undergoing a process of reinvention as a new center of excellence, as exemplified by the recently announced plans of Cornell University to open a new hightech campus on the island. Within all this activity, an overall project is lacking. Architecture without Content 4 reconnects to Venturi’s concept of a Difficult Whole. The Difficult Whole is not a group form, nor a mere collection of elements, but a formal strategy that seeks for a cohesive composition of parts through inflection. Each of the parts influences each other, while the parts retain their individuality. Each of the Data Centers on Roosevelt Island aspire to do the same. Their content is an alibi for architectural form whereas their position is integrally part of the overall project for the island. The immutable forms of these big boxes are able to capitalize on their invisible content to create a disposable sanctuary for our contemporary Information Age. The project for Roosevelt Island announces its very decay the day of its completion—an empty civic center
