476 research outputs found

    Tameness in generalized metric structures

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    We broaden the framework of metric abstract elementary classes (mAECs) in several essential ways, chiefly by allowing the metric to take values in a well-behaved quantale. As a proof of concept we show that the result of Boney and Zambrano on (metric) tameness under a large cardinal assumption holds in this more general context. We briefly consider a further generalization to partial metric spaces, and hint at connections to classes of fuzzy structures, and structures on sheaves

    Cats, the downward l¨owenheim-skolem-tarski theorem and the disjoint amalgamation property

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    In this paper we prove that cats (compact abstract theories,see [Be03]) satisfy a version of Tarski-Vaught test (Theorem 3.1), a version of DLST (downward L¨owenheim-Skolem Tarski) theorem using density character instead of cardinality (Theorem 3.3) and the DAP property (disjoint amalgamation property, Theorem 4.3)

    Implementación de un plan estratégico de cobertura de clientes detallistas a nivel nacional aplicado a una compañia de consumo masivo

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    Nowadays the competence level among mass products companies is increasing and turning more aggressive. For this reason it is very important to have an efficient distribution system with the objective to offer product availability in the moment and place where the final consumer needs it. The proposal is to implement a strategy where the manufacturing company, who has the know-how of the market and products, gives this knowledge to the distributor in order to develop actions to incentive the distributor to get to the retailers and this way to accomplish a national coverage, and also sharing the operational and financial charges between the manufacturing company and the distributor

    Docente o investigador, ¿un dilema?

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    En la actualidad, al hablar de instituciones educativas, las palabras prestigio y ranking cobran un gran valor, el mismo que se genera a partir del nivel de publicaciones que estas posean. En el presente trabajo se realiza una revisión de literatura sobre el tema la cual, acompañada de una pequeña simulación, busca dar una explicación al movimiento de docencia a investigación, una interrogante que perdura hasta el día de hoy en los docentes
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