326 research outputs found

    Hardening of Ceramic Heat-protective Layers on Metallic Substances

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    We developed a technology of hardening heat-protective ZrO2-Y2O3 ceramic coatings. The method includes reinforcement of ceramics by ceramic fibers and reinforcement of metal substrates using nichrome spirals. The microstructure of the coating, strength characteristics and heat resistance were studied. Keywords: composite coatings, zirconium dioxide, yttrium oxide, ceramic fiber, metal substrates, heat resistance

    Peaceman Well Block Problem For Time-Dependent Flows of Compressible Fluid

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    We consider sewing machinery between finite difference and analytical solutions defined at different scales: far away and near the source of the perturbation of the flow. One of the essences of the approach is that coarse problem and boundary value problem in the proxy of the source model two different flows. In his remarkable paper Peaceman propose a framework how to deal with solutions defined on different scale for linear \textbf{time independent} problem by introducing famous, Peaceman well block radius. In this article we consider novel problem how to solve this issue for transient flow generated by compressiblity of the fluid. We are proposing method to glue solution via total fluxes, which is predefined on coarse grid and changes in the pressure, due to compressibility, in the block containing production(injection) well. It is important to mention that the coarse solution "does not see" boundary. From industrial point of view our report provide mathematical tool for analytical interpretation of simulated data for compressible fluid flow around a well in a porous medium. It can be considered as a mathematical "shirt" on famous Peaceman well-block radius formula for linear (Darcy) transient flow but can be applied in much more general scenario. In the article we use Einstein approach to derive Material Balance equation, a key instrument to define R0R_0. We will enlarge Einstein approach for three regimes of the Darcy and non-Darcy flows for compressible fluid(time dependent): $\textbf{I}. Stationary ; \textbf{II}. Pseudo \ Stationary(PSS) ; \textbf{III}. Boundary \ Dominated(BD).

    Investigation of waterflooding with surfactants of ash'alchinskoye oil-field sandstones using X-ray ct

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    © SGEM 2017. All Rights Reserved. The study deals with the features of using surfactants during waterflooding of an oilsaturated porous medium in the pore-scale. As an example of the study, we use natural sandstone from Ash'alchinskoye oil-field. For calculations the digital image of this sample is received with high resolution X-ray computer tomography use. The mathematical modeling of multiphase flow in porous medium is made on the base of Lattice Boltzmann equations and Color-field model. Numerical experiments are held for different values of surface tension and contact angle of wetting. It was found that at very low values of the capillary pressure in comparison with the hydrodynamic drop, the viscous "fingers" are formed in the porous medium. At comparable values of capillary and hydrodynamic pressures, the surfactant solution fills the pore space uniformly and more efficiently. A volume of produced oil increases with decreasing of surface tension and wetting angle with the same volume of injected solution after its breakthrough from outlet section, but before breakthrough it was observed an opposite effect


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    Currently, due to the reduced fund of prospective structures at shallow depths (2500-3000 m) annually increased amount of discovered and put in development oil deposits lying at greater depths. According to published works in various oil and gas provinces of the world within the depth interval 4500-8100m already being developed more than 1000 fields [1]Currently, due to the reduced fund of prospective structures at shallow depths (2500-3000 m) annually increased amount of discovered and put in development oil deposits lying at greater depths. According to published works in various oil and gas provinces of the world within the depth interval 4500-8100m already being developed more than 1000 fields [1

    Simulation of heat treating the oil collector using acid exposure on near-Wellbore zone

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    The study deals with the problem of thermal exposure on the oil reservoir using acidizing of near-wellbore zone. There is a comparison of the oil recovery factor in cases of conventional water flooding, water flooding with the injection of coolant, water flooding with acid exposure and mixed technology. The obtained results show that the joint exposure of heat and acid treatment is the most effective mode of the oil recovery


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    It’s recommended to utilize the proposed classification of reservoir types selection for the fields conditions of Fergana depression in the well drilling and site development. For increasing field development efficiency in depth of “bad” and “ugly” reservoirs it’s required more advanced specialized technologies that keep stability and wall-building properties of container rocks during filtration of formation fluids.It’s recommended to utilize the proposed classification of reservoir types selection for the fields conditions of Fergana depression in the well drilling and site development. For increasing field development efficiency in depth of “bad” and “ugly” reservoirs it’s required more advanced specialized technologies that keep stability and wall-building properties of container rocks during filtration of formation fluids


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    The article analyzes the views and ideas of the Tatar enlightener and theologian Gabdulla Bubi (1871–1922) on nasih and mansuh ayahs in Islamic theological culture. Gabdulla Bubi considers revision of the classical understanding of this issue and tends to show that there cannot be nash in the holy Quran. The article examines the category of nasih and mansuh in his own theological re-examination.В статье анализируется категория отменяющих и отмененных айатов в мусульманской экзегетике. По причине того, что «врата иджтихада» закрылись и большинство комментаторов Корана следовали авторитетам прошлых столетий, дихотомия «ан-насих– ал-мансух» стала причиной отмены большого количества коранических айатов. Ученые-богословы прошлых столетий посчитали отмененными неугодные им айаты. В противовес этим ученым-богословам, татарский просветитель и богослов Габдулла Буби предложил снизить количество отмененных коранических айатов, тем самым возвращаясь к первоначальному фундаментальному пониманию данной темы

    Modeling thermal treatment in combination with acid treatment of a multilayer oil reservoir

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    © 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York. The problem of combined thermal and acid treatment in a multilayer crude-oil reservoir is examined for two-phase flows of fluid (water and crude oil) in a porous medium. A model in the form of a "bundle" of cylindrical capillaries of different radii is used to describe changes in the porosity and permeability of the porous medium as a result of chemical reaction between the acid and rock matrix, and the coalescence rate of the channels due to dissolution of pore walls is calculated based on the Smoluchowski equation. The recovery of crude oil in conventional flooding is compared with flooding with injection of a heat-transfer agent, and flooding using acid and the combination technology. It is shown that thermal treatment combined with acid treatment of a multilayer crude-oil formation provides the most effective oil production conditions


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    The author of this article analyzes the religious and philosophical thoughts of outstanding Tatar theologian and enlightener Gabdulla Bubi (1871–1922) which were widespread among the students of madresah in the beginning of the 20th century. Especially the author of this article examines the polemical work Istina and treatise Zhenchini. Considers problems raised in the works of G. Bubi, gives his own assessment. Reviews the key terms of Quranic exegesis as abrogation (nasih we mensuh) and deals with the issue of free individual search in Quranic interpretation (idzhtihad) which is believed to be the core beliefs of life of G. Bubi. The translation and comments are presented by the author of this article.В статье рассматриваются основные идеи Габдуллы Буби (1871–1922), которые характеризуют его как религиозного философа и просветителя. В частности, анализируются его полемический труд «Истина» и трактат «Женщины». В статье отражается проблематика трудов, дается их оценка. Также в нем отражены ключевые для коранической экзегетики понятия «насих» и «мансух», затрагивается концепция «открытия дверей иджтихада» как идейный инструмент религиозно-философских размышлений Г. Буби