181 research outputs found

    Modelling of Parameterized Discrete Control Algorithms With Use of Finite State Machines in TIA Portal Environment

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    Abstract— There exist numerous modelling techniques and representation methods for digital control algorithms, aimed to achieve required system or process parameters, e.g. precision of process modelling, control quality, fulfilling the time constrains, optimisation of consumption of system resources, or achieving a trade-off between number of parameters.This work illustrates usage of Finite State Machines (FSM) modelling technique to solve a control problem with parameterized external variables. The structure of this work comprises six elements. The FSM is presented in brief and discrete control algorithm modelling is discussed. The modelled object and control problem is described and variables are identified. The FSM model is presented and control algorithm is described. The parameterization problem is identified and addressed, and the implementation in PLC programming LAD language is presented. Finally, the conclusion is given and future work areas are identified

    Brodziński under the pressure of Romanticism... : the critic's distance and the poet's (late) enthusiasm

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    Autor artykułu podejmuje problem rozmaitych reakcji Kazimierza Brodzińskiego na piśmiennictwo mieszczące się w pojęciu romantyzmu. Chodzi tutaj zarówno o jego liczne wypowiedzi o charakterze krytycznym , jak i twórczość poetycką, przede wszystkim tę, która powstała już po opublikowaniu przez niego w 1818 roku programowej rozprawy "O klasyczności i romantyczności tudzież o duchu poezji polskiej". W tym świetle Brodziński-krytyk, w latach 20. XIX wieku coraz częściej wchodzący w spór z ideologami i zwolennikami "nowej poezji", czego szczególnie wyrazistym przykładem jest wydana niedługo przed wybuchem powstania listopadowego praca "O egzaltacji i entuzjazmie", nie zawsze mówi tym samym głosem, co Brodziński-poeta. Te, biorące się także z estetycznej otwartości pisarza, różnice – stosunkowo wcześnie widoczne np. w wierszu "Widzenie na Górach Karpackich r. 1821" - nasilają się w rezultacie zmiany jego nastawienia do polskich spraw. Zmiany, która była spowodowana powstańczym zrywem i dramatycznymi dla Polaków konsekwencjami tegoż, i skutkowała w okresie polistopadowym powstaniem takich między innymi utworów, jak jawnie mesjanistyczny poemat "Rocznica".This article deals with the problem of Kazimierz Brodziński’s various reactions to the literature falling within the concept of romanticism. It concerns his numerous critical statements as well as his poetry, above all the one that was written after his publication of the treatise "O klasyczności i romantyczności tudzież o duchu poezji polskiej" (1818). In this light, Brodziński as a critic - in the 1820s, engaging in polemics with ideologues and enthusiasts of „new poetry”, a particular exam-ple of which is the work "O egzaltacji i entuzjazmie", published shortly before the outbreak of the November Uprising - does not always speak with the same voice as Brodziński the poet does. These differences were visible relatively early, also due to the writer’s aesthetic openness, for example, in the poem "Widzenie na Górach Karpackich" (1821). However, it is more important that they had increased as a result of a change in his attitude towards Polish affairs. The change, which was caused by the uprising itself as well as its tragic consequences for Poles and resulted in the creation of such works as the messianic poem "Rocznica"

    Socjaliści zachodniogalicyjscy wobec ruchu chłopskiego i jego liderów w latach 1892–1897

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    Western Galician Socialists and Their Attitude Towards the Peasant Movement and Its Leaders in the Years 1892–1897The Social-Democratic Party of Galicia (since 1899 – the Polish Social-Democratic Party) began its animated activity on the Galician political arena in January 1892. Initially, the Socialists devoted their entire energy to the creation of worker organizations in towns. Yet, they realized that the predominant part of the population of Galicia was made up of peasants. It was with a view of this part of the population that in the years 1894–1895, the party began to create its agrarian program; the latter was to make it possible to conduct agitation activity in villages. Yet, these attempts had failed.In 1896, the Austrian Parliament voted in a reform of the election law. A fifth electoral group was created whereby for the first time in Austria’s history, workers obtained the right to vote. The specific character of class elections (vast election numbers in the fifth electoral group, the right of the privileged classes to vote in the fifth electoral group) and a relatively small number of workers n Galician towns, forced the Socialists to look for potential allies among the leaders of peasant parties.An agreement was signed with Rev. Stanisław Stojałowski who having been persecuted by both the state and church authorities, was forced many a time to take advantage of the assistance offered by the Social-Democratic Party of Galicia. A decisively hostile attitude had been adopted by the Socialists towards the People’s Party which did not agree to “cede” the fifth electoral group to the workers.The alliance signed between the Social-Democratic Party of Galicia and Rev. Stojałowski survived until November 1897 when the supporters of Rev. Stojałowski decided to support the government of Kazimierz Badeni. From that moment onwards, a change had occurred in the mutual relations between the two sides and Rev. Stanisław Stojałowski became one of the most hated political opponents to the Socialists

    The efficiency of the respiratory system of men at risk of social exclusion

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    Background: Some part of the Polish society, after 1989, especially that coming from the remote farming areas – on the bankrupt State Agriculatural Farm could not cope in the new reality. Unemployment and the associated bad financial situation, poor housing conditions, and even homelessness, difficult access to medical care often generated the beginnings of social exclusion. Did those aspects also generate the impairment of the respiratory system or do the socio-demographic conditions demonstrate the relationship with the efficiency of the respiratory system? Material and Methods: 210 people from Tuchola County at risk of social exclusion underwent spirometry testing. The spirometry results were demonstrated against a background of the same measurements carried out on the group of 95 people – physical labourers and white-collar workers of Kazimierz Wielki University. Basic socio-demographic conditions of people at risk of social exclusion were surveyed. Results: Low efficiency of the respiratory system is a characteristic feature of people at risk of social exclusion. Social and living conditions (including housing conditions and unemployment period) demonstrate vital relations with the efficiency of the respiratory system. Conclusions: Poor social and living conditions and smoking of the examined people significantly change their chances of the standard spirometry results. However, good social and living conditions suggest that there is a possibility of the compensation of bad effects of smoking

    An effectiveness evaluation of the palmar fascia irradiation of patients suffering from Dupuytren’s disease

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    Introduction. Dupuytren’s disease (DD) is a fibroproliferative disorder of an unknown etiology manifested by a progressive contracture of fingers. The basic method of the treatment is surgery. Among non-surgical treatments, radiotherapy (RT) represents a relevant method. The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of palmar fascia irradiation in patients with Dupuytren’s Disease. Material and methods. The research included a group of 117 patients with Dupuytren’s disease irradiated in the Department of Radiotherapy in the Maria Skłodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology in Gliwice. Patients’ medical records from the Institute of Oncology in Gliwice and the Provincial Hospital of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery in Piekary Śląskie have been analysed retrospectively. The following were assessed: smoking history and the subjective evaluation of the effect of the therapy and its side effects before irradiation and check-up visits. All patients were irradiated to a total dose of 21 Gy given in 7 fractions. Results. After the RT, 35% of patients showed an improvement, in 58% of patients the disease progress stopped, whereas 7% of patients reported a deterioration. During the observation period, 7.5% of patients noted a deterioration of the contracture or the topical condition, in 35% stagnancy was observed, and 57.5% of patients showed a reduction of the contracture and an improvement in the topical condition. After the RT, 87.5% of patients had no side effects, in 7.5% there was a slight skin erythema, 2.5% had superficial epidermis exfoliation, and 2.5% reported dry skin. Conclusions. The obtained results allow one to conclude that palmar fascia irradiation is an effective method of treatment for patients with Dupuytren’s disease and it is characterised by a low proportion of complications

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    2D/3D ultrasonography for endometrial evaluation in a cohort of 118 postmenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleedings

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    Objectives: 2D/3D transvaginal ultrasonography in evaluation of endometrium in postmenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleedings (AUB). Material and methods: 2D/3D transvaginal ultrasonography (TVU) was performed in 118 menopausal women with AUB. Endometrial volume and thickness, uterine volume and endometrial vascularity were evaluated. Complete histologic evaluation of the endometrium was obtained through dilatation & curettage (D&C) and/or hysteroscopy. Accordingly, patients were divided into 3 groups: controls (no endometrial pathology, n = 49), GI (benign endometrial pathology, n = 37), GII (endometrial carcinoma, n = 32). Results: GII had greater thickness and volume of the endometrium, compared to GI and controls. The presence of arterial vascular flow was identified only in GI and GII (51.35% and 93.75%, respectively). Endometrial volume merged together with uterine volume measurements (TVU-3D) showed a strong, statistical significance between GI and GII, allowing differentiation of begin and malignant endometrial pathologies in postmenopausal women. Conclusions: In TVU diagnostics of postmenopausal women with AUB the following play the most significant role: 1) endometrial thickness (TVU-2D); 2) endometrial volume (TVU-3D); 3) uterine plus endometrial volume (TVU-3D); 4) vascularization within the endometrium, allowing to differentiate between pathological and normal endometrium (TVU-2/3D). Evaluation of the endometrial vascularity, both in TVU-2D and TVU-3D technique, does not allow for reliable differentiation between benign lesions and endometrial cancer