236 research outputs found

    The Enzymatic Activity and Molecular Characterization of a Secreted Subtilisin-Like Protease in Microsporum gypseum and Trichophyton vanbreuseghemii

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    Background: Subtilisin -like proteases are the group of proteases including keratinases found in dermatophytes which de­graded keratin. Determination of the proteases activity of Trichophyton vanbreuseghemii isolates which were obtained from soil and clinical and soil isolates of Microsporum gypseum in Iran and characterization of their genome were aim of present study.Methods: Ezymatic activity was determined by use of chromogenic substrates. The genes, which coded subtilisin-like pro­teases in above-mentioned dermatophytes, was identified and amplified by using specific primers in PCR. Results: The highest yield of enzyme production was observed in only one isolate of T. vanbreuseghemii Ir-84 whereas low enzyme activity was observed in M. gypseum isolates. Homology study of obtained nucleotide as well as amino acid sequences indicated different rates of homology with other subtilisin-like proteases genes in other pathogenic dermato­phytes. Conclusion: Intra-strain differences were observed in production of serine proteinases and molecular characterization of genes encoding such enzymes could be of great interest for studies on pathogenicity and other purposes

    Rancangan Sistem Persediaan Bahan Baku dengan Mempertimbangkan Waktu Kadaluarsa di PT Wahana Interfood Nusantara

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    In Indonesia, the development of industry is developing and cause tight competition among companies so that company is prosecuted to work more effective and efficient. PT. Wahana Interfood Nusantara is a process industry that has high production volume characteristics and product standards. Expiration factor is a factor that must be considered for the company, because it greatly affects the quality of the resulting product. The basic model of inventory system used is the inventory model Economic Order Quantity (EOQ). It is developed into an Economic Order Interval (EOI) model with expiration time, as the raw material expiration period is known and the firm minimizes the amount expired by determining fixed material order intervals. Based on the inventory system design considering the minimization of total inventory cost, the company can determine the amount of raw material order and time of ordering

    Penerapan Pola Asuh terhadap Santri di Pondok Pesantren Al-amalul Khair Palembang

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    Pola asuh yang diterapkan di asrama cenderung bersifat otoriter atau berpusat pada satu figur saja. Melalui gaya pembinaaan yang seperti ini diharapkan santri akan patuh dan berkembang kearah yang diharapkan oleh pondok pesantren. Gaya pengasuhan yang otoriter berpengaruh terhadap kondisi santri yang tinggal di pondok pesantren bila dibandingkan dengan pola asuh yang lainnya seperti permisif dan demokratis. Pengaruh yang menonjol salah satunya terhadap kedisiplinan santri. Oleh sebab itu, Pembina harus membiasakan santri untuk mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pondok pesantren dan menaati peraturan yang berlaku. Strategi untuk mencapai tujuan mendisiplinkan santri antara lain melalui keteladanan pengasuhnya melalui nasehat-nasehat, bimbingan dan ta'zir (hukuman). Oleh karena itu, sangat menarik untuk mengambil penelitian tentang pola pengasuhan anak yang diselenggarakan di Pondok Pesantren Al-Amalul Khair Palembang.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui survey dengan mewawancarai sejumlah responden yang terpilih, yaitu pengasuh pondok pesantren, santri dan pengusaha yang berada di sekeliling pondok pesantren. Sedangkan pengumpulan data sekunder dilakukan pada penduduk di sekitarnya, tokoh masyarakat dan Ketua RT setempat. Analisis data dimulai dengan tabulasi data dilanjutkan dengan tabulasi silang dan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pesantren menerapkan aturan yang harus ditaati oleh setiap santri, apabila terjadi pelanggaran, santri akan mendapatkan hukuman dari riang sampai ke berat, seperti membersihkan pekarangan di sekitar Pesantren, dipukul pada bagian telapak kaki, dan dijemur dalam waktu tertentu. Disiplin dilakukan melihat situasi dan kondisi, adakala diperketat dan di hari lain diperlonggar. Kiyai selalu dijadikan figur bagi santri. Oleh karena itu, mereka sering mengadakan berkomunikasi dengan Kiyai, sedangkan Kiyai merespon semua keluhan santri. Di samping itu, Kiyai selalu memberikan wejangan kepada santri. Kiyai selalu memberikan kebebasan kepada para santri untuk menumbuhkem-bangkan bakat mereka, jika mereka mendapatkan prestasi akan diberi penghargaan/apresiasi oleh Kiyai. Kiyai selalu membangkitkan semangat para santri agar tidak terlalu bergantung kepada seseorang dan menekankan agar santri dapat hidup mandiri


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    The quality of education in Indonesia is still low based on data from international studies, namely the education development index shows that Indonesia has not moved from the medium or medium category, especially in the field of science. This fact assumes science learning as a problematic learning content. This study aims to develop a learning device that is able to overcome these problems on a local scale. This study uses the Design of Educational Research and its development model uses the Dick and Carey approach. The subjects used in the one-to-one test amounted to 3 people, the small group test amounted to 14 people, and the test of a large group of 60 class VII SMP students with a testing area in Banjarbaru. Learning outcomes show improvement in both the experiment and the control class with an increase category at the moderate level. Data shows normal distribution and both classes are considered homogeneous and the t-test shows that there is a significant influence between the use of guided inquiry models compared to conventional learning using developed tools.  Article visualizations

    Early predictors of smoking cessation after myocardial infarction

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    The determinants of long-term smoking cessation were evaluated in 80 patients who smoked cigarettes and survived a myocardial infarction. All patients underwent a program of rehabilitation and secondary prevention including in-hospital counseling and physician-guided reinforcing sessions at 1, 3, and 6 months after discharge. At 18 months of follow-up, 53 patients (66.3%) had quit smoking. Variables associated with smoking cessation were duration of hospital stay greater than or equal to 19 days (79 vs. 48%; p less than 0.005) and peak creatine phosphokinase (CPK) elevation greater than or equal to 500 U/l (76 vs. 54%; p less than 0.05). Males tended to quit in higher proportion than females (68 vs. 44%). Age, prior myocardial infarction, other cardiovascular risk factors, infarction location, Killip class at entry, and duration of stay in coronary care unit did not significantly affect the quitting rates. Logistic regression analysis singled out the duration of hospital stay as a significant predictor of smoking cessation (p less than 0.005). Early and intensive secondary prevention during the hospital stay is crucial in promoting sustained smoking cessation after myocardial infarction

    Legal considerations for urban underground space development in Malaysia

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    In 2008, the Malaysia land code, named the National Land Code 1965 (NLC 1965), was amended to add Part Five (A) to deal with the disposal of underground space. In addition, the Circular of the Director General of Lands and Mines No. 1/2008 was issued to assist the application of Part Five (A) of the NLC 1965. However, the legislation is still questionable and has instigated many arguments among numerous actors. Therefore, this research was undertaken to examine legal considerations for the development of underground space. The focus is on four legal considerations, namely underground space ownership, the bundle of rights, depth, and underground space utilization. Rooted in qualitative methods, interviews were conducted with respondents involved in the development of underground space in Malaysia. The obtained data were then analyzed descriptively. The findings differentiated the rights of landowners for surface land and underground space, and their liability for damages and the depth. It was indicated that the current legislation in Malaysia, namely Part Five (A) of the NLC 1965 and the Circular of the Director General of Lands and Mines No. 1/2008, is adequate to facilitate the development of underground space in terms of legal considerations. However, to further facilitate the development of underground land in the future, based on the research, four enhancements are recommended for legal considerations pertaining to the development of underground space in Malaysia

    A case study of green building in Malaysia: cost saving analysis

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    The building sector consumes about forty percent of world energy, making energy efficiency in existing buildings an important issue. This study has been undertaken to investigate energy consumption of a building that has been redesigned to incorporate energy efficient features. It was found that the introduction of energy efficient features has helped to achieve savings up to 46% of the total spent on energy particularly based on electricity bills