20 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Untuk mengetahui Sejauh mana efektivitas simulasi tanggap darurat kebakaran dengan menggunakan Metode Prosedur standar Operasional di Barge Pelangi Tirtamas 2 PT. Pelangi Niaga Mitra Internasional di Kutai Kartanegara. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pengumpulan data melalui observasi dengan alat bantu check list. Kebakaran pada sebuah industri sering kali adalah suatu bencana akibat dari gagalnya sebuah sistem di dalam manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja. Oleh sebab itu maka sangat perlu sekali adanya sebuah tim khusus maupun pemberdayaan para pekerja di dalam perusahaan itu sendiri sebagai tim yang bertugas untuk memadamkan ataupun menahan penyebaran dari situasi kebakaran yang mungkin terjadi pada industri tersebut. Selain itu pula sebuah tim tanggap darurat kebakaran adalah sebuah komitment manajemen di dalam pemenuhan peraturan perundang – undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Akan tetapi kadang kala sebuah perusahaan yang memiliki sebuah tim tanggap darurat kebakaran hanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan kelengkapan di dalam suatu manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja tanpa adanya sebuah simulasi atau latihan dimana pekerja ditempatkan sedemikian rupa di dalam suasana yang menyerupai kejadian sebenar – benarnya. Hal ini sangat diperlukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kesiapan para pekerja dalam menangani sebuah situasi darurat kebakaran yang mungkin terjadi mengingat besarnya resiko – resiko tersebut seperti yang ada pada industri migas. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dan hasil analisa serta pembahasan hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa simulasi dilakukan dengan konsisten dan dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dan hasil analisa serta pembahasan hasil penelitian secara keseluruhan didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa efektifitas simulasi tanggap darurat kebakaran dengan metode prosedur standar operasional di barge Pelangi Tirtamas 2 masih pada tingkat persentase yang sangat baik

    Sosialisasi dan Bakti Sosial Covid-19 di Kelurahan Sepinggan Raya Balikpapan

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    Covid19 socialization and social serviceactivities are community service activities in an effort to help people filfill their life needs and solve the community problems by especially indealing withCOVID19 transmission activities are carried out through the Covid19 socialization and social service program which is a communityservice-based activity to increase public knowledge concerning effort to break the chain of Covid19 transmission carried out in RT 2, 3 and 4 of Sepinggan Raya District, Balikpapan City with service methods in the form of counseling activities, demonstrations, distribution of masks and basic necessities and spraying Disenfektan in residential areas. The results showed a positive response from the government and active participation of community.Covid19 socialization and social serviceactivities are community service activities in an effort to help people filfill their life needs and solve the community problems by especially indealing withCOVID19 transmission activities are carried out through the Covid19 socialization and social service program which is a communityservice-based activity to increase public knowledge concerning effort to break the chain of Covid19 transmission carried out in RT 2, 3 and 4 of Sepinggan Raya District, Balikpapan City with service methods in the form of counseling activities, demonstrations, distribution of masks and basic necessities and spraying Disenfektan in residential areas. The results showed a positive response from the government and active participation of community


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    The company mentions the frequent inaccuracies between coal unloading data on barges with coal availability in coal silos and stockpiles carried out by Coal handling Control Room (CHCR) operators. Moreover, unloading coal on barges by Ship Unloader (SU) operators took a longer time than the specified estimated time. Therefore, this study aims to investigate whether the physical workloads of CHCR and SU operators are heavy and cause fatigue, which eventually causes a number of problems that lead to company losses, or whether the cause of these problems is not in operator's physical workload. This study involved 16 CHCR and SU operators with 3 work shifts. Physical workload measurement is referred on operator's pulse and temperature. Pulse measurement is manually done to both working and resting operators. Meanwhile, body temperature measurement is done before, when, and after working by using digital thermometer. Cardiovascular Load (CVL) approach is used to check pulses, to find out whether the workload is considered as heavy or light, while body temperature is referred to indicators or normal temperature range. The results of pulse measurements were processed and analyzed using the Cardiovascular Load (CVL) approach. Then, body temperature measurement is carried out to the operator’s before work, during work, and after work using a thermometer. The results show that the physical workload of CHCR and SU operators are classified as light and do not potentially lead them to work fatigue. In other words, the source of company's problems is not from physical workloads of CHCR and SU operator but likely from other aspects. Keywords: body temperature, cardiovascular load, operator, physical workload, pulse rat


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    Mesin Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) pada PT. KDL Banten memiliki kapasitas 400 Megawatt. Turbin ini merupakan Penggerak Mula (Prime Mover) yang berpotensi menjadi sumber kecelakaan kerja dan penyakit akibat kerja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aspek keselamatan kerja dan kesehatan lingkungan di PLTU tersebut. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode wawancara dan observasi langsung melalui pemeriksaan visual dan pengujian turbin dan lingkungan kerja.Perlengkapan yang digunakan adalah berupa checklist,ohm meter, volt meter, sound meter, lux meter, vibro meter,dll. Pemeriksaan terhadap Turbin uap berdasarkan Permenaker no.04/Men/1985 tentang Pesawat tenaga dan produksi, peraturan menteri Ketenagakerjaan no.13/Men/X/2013 tentang nilai ambang batas fisika dan kimia dan PUIL 2011. Penelitian ini dlakukan pada bulan November 2016 di PLTU PT. KDL Banten. Pemeriksaan dan pengujian terhadap pondasi mesin dan konstruksi turbin uap dalam kondisi baik, Pemeriksaan dan pengujian terhadap bodu, packing dan gear box turbin uap dalam keadaan baik, pemeriksaan sistem piping pada turbin uap dalam keadaan baik, pemeriksaan kelengkapan turbin uap dalam kondisi baik, pemeriksaan dan uji fungsi sistem kontrol dan safety valve dalam keadaan baik dan berfungsi. Untuk pengukuran kebisingan diperoleh hasil kurang dari 85 DB kecuali pada WTP dengan nilai 85 DB. Untuk Penerangan : Workshop : 31 Lux, Area WTP = 86 Lux,ruang mesin WTP=131 Lux, Control Room = 391 Lux, Control room existing = 255 Lux. Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan dan pengujian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Turbin uap pada PLTU PT.KDL memenuhi syarat keselamatan kerja dan kesehatankerja. Kata Kunci: Pembangkit Listrik tenaga uap,, Turbin Uap, keselamatan kerja, kesehatan kerj

    The Implications of Quality Management System on Internal Services Quality, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance and Customer Satisfaction Prediction in Indonesian Oil and Gas Engineering Inspection Services Company

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    The purpose of this research is to examine and analyze the direct and indirect effect of quality management system on internal services quality, job satisfaction, employee performance and customer satisfaction prediction in Indonesian oil and gas inspection services company. The respondents used in this research are 102 employees of Indonesian Classification Bureau as prominent company of oil and gas engineering inspection services company in Indonesia. The methods used to analyze the hypotheses is the statistic method based on WarpPLS in attempt to get the result of casualty relationship among variables developed in the model.The result of statistic analysis are: 1) There is a direct and significant effect of Quality Management System on Internal Services Quality (coef. value = 0.670 and p<0.001). 2) There is a direct and significant effect of quality management system on job satisfaction (coef. value = 0.228 and p<0.001). 3) There is a direct and significant effect of quality management system on employee performance (coef. value = 0.414 and p<0.001). 4) There is a direct and significant effect of quality management system on customer satisfaction prediction (coef. value = 0.188 and p<0.001). 5) There is an indirect and significant effect of quality management system on customer satisfaction prediction through internal services quality (coef. value = 0.338 and p<0.001). 6) There is no indirect and significant effect of quality management system on customer satisfaction prediction through job satisfaction (coef. value = 0.248 and p=0.004). 7) There is no indirect and significant effect of quality management system on customer satisfaction prediction through employee performance (coef. value = 0.109 and p=0.129). 8) There is an indirect and significant effect of internal services quality on customer satisfaction prediction through job satisfaction and employee performance (coef. value = 0.670 and p<0.001). Keywords: Customer Satisfaction Prediction, Employee Performance, Internal Services Quality, Job Satisfaction, Quality Management Syste


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    The improvement of company management quality to achieve competitive advantage must be appropriate in the term of applying the concept or strategy of improvement, because it can affect the company's success in competition with its competitors. Total Quality Management (TQM) is one of the concepts which is in regard with improving the quality of company management by considering almost all company aspects. It is proven through the claim of most academics and practitioners who say that TQM can improve company's business performance. This research aims to find out the implications of TQM practices on the business performance of PT. XYZ which is engaged in cement business. There are 10 TQM indicators and 3 company’s business performance indicators used, as well as 250 respondents who involved in this research. The approach of Structural Equations Modeling (SEM) is used in data processing and analysis. The software used are SPSS version 22 and SPSS-AMOS version 21. The results show that the practices of TQM have a positive effect on company’s business performance significantly. Moreover, each constructs of TQM variables and company's business performance show the adequate level of validity and is declared as capable in representing each variable. After all, this research is adequate to prove that TQM practices can significantly bring positive impact towards the business performance of XYZ Ltd. Keywords: business performance, competitive advantage, management quality, structural equations modeling (SEM), total quality management (TQM


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui tingkat bahaya yang dihadapi pekerja pada kegiatan bekerja di ketinggian dan upaya pengendalian keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja di PT Dermaga Perkasapratama. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif. Data primer dikumpulkan dengan observasi lapangan dan wawancara serta data sekunder yang diperoleh dari perusahaan. Narasumber dalam penelitian ini adalah 5 (lima) orang pekerja dan 1 mekanik unloader Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan tabel HIRAC (Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Control) dan dibandingkan dengan standard dan teori yang ada. Metode yang digunakan penulis dalam melakukan identifikasi bahaya dan penilaian risiko mengacu pada aturan IBPR PT. Dermaga Perkasapratama. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat 2(dua) kegiatan bahaya yang teridentifikasi.Hasil penilaian risiko terdapat 21(dua puluh satu). Dan 12 (dua belas) bahaya dengan risiko sedang dan 10 bahaya dengan risiko rendah. Jenis pengendalian bahaya yang sudah dilakukan meliputi teknis, administrasi dan penyediaan alat pelindung diri. Manajemen perusahaan disarankan untuk meninjau kembali dokumen IBPR perusahaan dengan meninjau langsung lokasi, alat kerja, dan cara kerja sehingga potensi bahaya yang mungkin ada pada suatu kegiatan tersebut dapat teridentifikasi dan di tentukan tindakan pengendaliannya.The purpose of this study is to analyze and find out the level of danger faced by workers in working activities at heights and efforts to control occupational safety and health at PT Dermaga Perkasapratama. This research is qualitative. This research is qualitative. Primary data were collected by field observations and interviews and secondary data obtained from the company. Resource persons in this study were 5 (five) workers and 1 mechanical unloader Data obtained were analyzed descriptively using HIRAC (Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Control) tables and compared with existing standards and theories. The method used by the author in identifying hazards and risk assessments refers to the IBPR rules of PT. Perkasapratama Pier. The results showed that there were 2 (two) hazard activities identified. The results of the risk assessment were 21 (twenty-one). And 12 (twelve) hazards with moderate risk and 10 hazards with low risk. Types of hazard control that have been carried out include technical, administrative and the supply of personal protective equipment. Company management is advised to review the company's IBPR documents by directly reviewing the location, work tools, and ways of working so that the potential hazards that may be present in an activity can be identified and its control measures determined


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    This study aims to determine the level of conformity and the cause of the mismatch of shipping safety implementation, namely the life-saving appliances speedboat Eastkal 01 at Astra Infra Port Eastkal PT Pelabuhan Penajam Banua Taka. This study uses a qualitative method with an observational approach that is to determine the level of conformity and the cause of the incompatibility of the application of shipping safety, namely life-saving appliances with reference to the standards used to assess life saving appliances in Eastkal 01 speedboat type of passenger ship or passenger ship determined based on SOLAS Consolidated Edition 2014, especially in part III about Life Saving Appliances and Arrangments The results of this study determine that the application of shipping safety on the Eastkal 01 speedboat at Astra Infra Eastkal Port PT Penajam Banua Taka Port based on Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) standards is very suitable for speedboats with a gross weight of 21 GT with a total number of passengers transported as many as 30 passengers in terms of Life Saving Appliances, namely personal life saving appliance, Visual Signal or Distress Flare, Survival Craft and Communication as well as in terms of maintenance and care for the LSA to better ensure the condition of the LSA good when used, which is done once a month and once a year for maintenance and care The results of this study determine that the application of shipping safety on the Eastkal 01 speedboat at Astra Infra Eastkal Port PT Penajam Banua Taka Port based on Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) standards is very suitable for speedboats with a gross weight of 21 GT with a total number of passengers transported as many as 30 passengers in terms of Life Saving Appliances, namely personal life saving appliance, Visual Signal or Distress Flare, Survival Craft and Communication as well as in terms of maintenance and care for the LSA to better ensure the condition of the LSA good when used, which is done once a month and once a year for maintenance and care. But in this study, some attributes are lacking in personal life-saving appliance, namely lifejacket light, one of the complement of lifejacket that has not been implemented and lifebuoy self-activating smoke signal for lifebuoy by regulations or Safety of Life at Sea Chapter III standards regarding life-saving appliances and arrangments and Life Saving Appliance Code in Chapter II and drill or emergency training is still not often done by Eastkal employees.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesesuaian dan penyebab ketidaksesuaian penerapan keselamatan pelayaran yaitu life saving appliances speedboat Eastkal 01 di Astra Infra Port Eastkal PT Pelabuhan Penajam Banua Taka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan observasional yaitu mengetahui tingkat kesesuaian dan penyebab ketidaksesuaian penerapan keselamatan pelayaran yaitu life saving appliances dengan mengacu pada standar yang digunakan untuk menilai life saving appliances di speedboat Eastkal 01 jenis kapal penumpang atau passenger ship yang ditentukan berdasarkan SOLAS Consolidated Edition 2014, khususnya pada bagian III tentang Life Saving Appliances and Arrangments. Hasil penelitian ini menentukan bahwa penerapan keselamatan pelayaran pada speedboat Eastkal 01 di Astra Infra Port Eastkal PT Pelabuhan Penajam Banua Taka berdasarkan standar Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) sudah sangat sesuai untuk speedboat dengan berat kotor 21 GT dengan total jumlah penumpang yang diangkut sebanyak 30 penumpang dari sisi Life Saving Appliances yaitu personal life saving applaincenya, Visual Signal atau Distress Flare, Survival Craft dan Communication serta dari sisi pemeliharaan dan perawatan pada LSA untuk lebih menjamin keadaan LSA yang baik saat digunakan yaitu dilakukan 1 bulan sekali dan 1 tahun sekali untuk pemeliharaan dan perawatannya. Namun dalam penelitian ini terdapat atribut yang kurang pada personal life saving appliance yaitu lifejacket light salah satu pelengkap dari lifejacket yang belum diterapkan dan lifebuoy self activating smoke signal untuk lifebuoy sesuai dengan peraturan atau standar Safety of Life at Sea Chapter III tentang life saving appliances and arrangments dan Life Saving Appliance Code pada Chapter II dan drill atau latihan kedaruratan masih belum sering di lakukan oleh karyawan/i Eastkal


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    Purpose of the study: This study aims to determine factors that influence the practice of income smoothing in a company. Methodology: Method of analysis applied logistic regression. This study employed a logistic regression analysis. The use of logistic regression is because the dependent variable is a dummy variable. Main Findings: Results of the test results show that company size significantly influences the income smoothing practice; while for variables of financial leverage, profitability, and public ownership partially give no effect on the practice of income smoothing. Applications of this study: Observations were done in oil and natural gas mining companies during 2012-2016. Novelty/Originality of this study: The results of this study show that the size of the company affects the practice of income smoothing in the oil and natural gas mining companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 2012-2016 period. Meanwhile, the financial leverage, profitability, and public ownership partially have an insignificant influence on the practice of income smoothing

    Traffic performance analysis of unsignalized intersection using the Traffic Conflict Parameter technique

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    The unsignaled intersection of Jalan H Djole – Jalan Pasar Lama in Bekasi City is a densely populated commercial area with high economic activity. The lack of facilities and infrastructure that causes traffic jams at the intersection also raises the potential for conflict. This study aims to analyze the level of service, the type of conflict, and the traffic conflict complexity at an unsignaled intersection. The field survey method obtains primary data on the conflict approach and traffic volume. The analysis showed that the highest traffic volume was 3,810 passenger cars unit/hour with a DS value of 1.06 and LOS F. The number of conflicts that occurred during one hour of observation at peak hours was 420. Most of the conflicts that arose were straight-right, turned movements of 138