1,994 research outputs found

    Effective surface motion on a reactive cylinder of particles that perform intermittent bulk diffusion

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    In many biological and small scale technological applications particles may transiently bind to a cylindrical surface. In between two binding events the particles diffuse in the bulk, thus producing an effective translation on the cylinder surface. We here derive the effective motion on the surface, allowing for additional diffusion on the cylinder surface itself. We find explicit solutions for the number of adsorbed particles at one given instant, the effective surface displacement, as well as the surface propagator. In particular sub- and superdiffusive regimes are found, as well as an effective stalling of diffusion visible as a plateau in the mean squared displacement. We also investigate the corresponding first passage and first return problems.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure


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    Algoritma pencarian (searching algorithm) dilakukan untuk mencari data sesuai argumen kunci yang diterima. Dengan argumen kunci tersebut, hasil pencarian akan diperoleh salah satu dari dua kemungkinan, yaitu data yang dicari ditemukan (successful) atau tidak ditemukan (unsuccessful). Penelitian ini menggunakan algoritma backtracking untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan dalam menentukan penjadwalan mengajar di Sekolah Dasar (SD) Islam As-Shofa Pekanbaru. Tujuannya adalah untuk membuktikan apakah algoritma tersebut dapat menciptakan jadwal mengajar yang optimal atau tidak. Dari hasil pengujian disimpulkan bahwa algoritma backtracking tidak dapat menentukan jadwal mengajar secara keseluruhan. Hal ini disebabkan atas beberapa kendala diantaranya jumlah guru, jumlah mata pelajaran dan jumlah jam yang telah ditentuka

    Antimicrobial resistance in aerobic bacterial isolates from broiler lungs

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    Antibacterial resistant bacteria cause a big concern to poultry and to public health in general because some bacterial poultry pathogens can infect human or transfer their resistance ability to human pathogens. Non therapeutic use of antibacterial in poultry especially as growth promoters to increase feed conversion efficiency is thought to be one of the main causes of resistance. The study included pulmonary swab samples collected during necropsy from 120 poultry farms showing respiratory symptoms with mortality. The disc diffusion method for antibiotic sensitivity testing was performed and antibiotic disks for 21 antibiotics was used. The results showed that three antibacterials were sensitive to more than 50% of the isolates. The first is doxycycline and 69.9% of the isolates were sensitive. The second is Cefalexin with 60.5% sensitive isolates and third is Chloramphenicol with 55.2% sensitive isolates. In the rest of antibacterials, less than 50% were sensitive. Five isolates were found resistant to all antibacterials. Moreover, three samples were found negative with no bacterial growth. The present study concluded that 50% of the aerobic bacteria isolated from poultry lungs are resistant to 85% of the 21 antibiotics tested in the study

    Green Human Resource Management Practices Among Palestinian Manufacturing Firms- An Exploratory Study

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    Organizations are increasingly finding it challenging to balance economic and environmental performance particularly those that face competitive, regulatory and community pressure. With the increasing pressures for environmental sustainability, this calls for the new formulation of strategies by the manufacturers in order to minimize their products and services negative impact on the environment. Hence, Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) continues to be an important research agenda among the researchers. In Palestine, green issues are new and still developing. Constant study is needed to fully understand and update information regarding this area. Objective: The aim of this paper is to explore the views and level of acceptance of GHRM practices among manufacturing firms in Palestine. Results: Through the use of e-mail survey, 121 responses were obtained to generate the results of the study. The result showed GHRM practices have been practiced to somewhat to a greater extent a firms in Palestine. Findings can be extended to study on the issues in further. Academicians and practitioners can apply this result to their research and business strategies on how to improve sustainable performance and to effectively implement GHRM practices

    Effect of bilateral uterine artery ligation in cases of postpartum hemorrhage on ovarian reserve

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    Background: Bilateral uterine artery ligation (BUAL) is a fertility-preserving procedure used in women experiencing postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). However, the long-term effects of this procedure on ovarian reserve remain unclear. Aim to investigate the effect of BUAL in cases of PPH on ovarian reserve, Methods: This study was carried out at department of obstetrics and gynecology Tanta university on 40 patients divided into 2 groups: (The study group); included 20 patients underwent cesarean section with successful BUAL for intractable atonic PPH, (The control group); included 20 patients underwent cesarean section without BUAL; during a period between April 2020 and December 2021, Results: There is no-significant difference between study and control group according to AMH (ng/ml), resistivity index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI) of right and left uterine artery and ovarian artery after 6 months of bilateral UAL, Conclusions: Bilateral UAL had no negative effects on ovarian reserve or ovarian blood supply, so this treatment should be used as a fertility preservation technique to avoid hysterectomy in patients experiencing PPH

    Subdiffusion and weak ergodicity breaking in the presence of a reactive boundary

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    We derive the boundary condition for a subdiffusive particle interacting with a reactive boundary with finite reaction rate. Molecular crowding conditions, that are found to cause subdiffusion of larger molecules in biological cells, are shown to effect long-tailed distributions with identical exponent for both the unbinding times from the boundary to the bulk and the rebinding times from the bulk. This causes a weak ergodicity breaking: typically, an individual particle either stays bound or remains in the bulk for very long times. We discuss why this may be beneficial for in vivo gene regulation by DNA-binding proteins, whose typical concentrations are nanomolarComment: 4 pages, 1 figure, REVTeX4, accepted to Phys Rev Lett, some typos correcte

    Executing Quality Management Tools to Enhance Customer’s Journey at a Clothes Laundry Firm

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    Purpose: This project aims to assess and enhance the customer’s journey at a laundry company in Saudi Arabia from when the customer arrives at the parking lot of the laundry store until receiving the services and payment. Design, methodology, approach: A mixed-method approach was employed, in which qualitative data were gathered from focus group interviews and solo interviews, and quantitative data were gathered through the survey. Moreover, Quality Management Tools were used to build the action plan and offer conclusions and recommendations that would enhance the customer’s journey and improve satisfaction. Findings: Services quality issues are categorized into five categories: promotions, human resources; services; detergent products, and facilities. House of Quality represents the highest 15 prioritized solutions. These recommended solutions' relative weights range between 9% to 4%. The use of these tools highlights areas for improvement and the root causes of each issue. The seven quality tools are trustworthy tools to conquer challenges faced by the company and may be effective in improving service quality to positively strengthen organizational performance, customer satisfaction, and success. Originality, value: There are limited studies practically employing the seven Quality Management Tools to enhance customer satisfaction and improve their journey. The Saudi laundry market specifically has a dearth of this type of study. Furthermore, this market has seen rapid growth since it is known as a part of the SME sector in recent few years

    Pertanggungjawaban Pidana terhadap Perkawinan Poligami tanpa Persetujuan Istri yang Sah (Studi Putusan Mahkamah Agung No. 330k/pid/2012)

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    Criminal Responsibility is the continuation of reproach objective of the offenses and subjective to a person eligible to be sent to jail for his actions. Criminal Rensponsibility lead to comprehension basically bear the punishment of the perpetrators of criminal acts. Elements of criminal responsibility among others unlawful act, error, delibérate, responsable abilities. Arranged in polygamous marriage law No 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, Goverment Regulation No 9 of 1975 on The implementation of the law of Marriage and Compilation of Islamic law for the adherents of the religión of Islam. Polygamous marriages that do not meet the requirements as specified by law No 1of 1974 concerning Marriage, Goverment Regulation No 9 of 1975 in The implementation of the law of Marriage and Compilation of Islamic, one of them without the consent of the lawful wife (Study of The Supreme Court Decisión No 330K./Pid/2012) a criminal offensed. Criminal sanctions stipilated in Article 45 letter a Goverment Regulation No 9 of 1975 on The Implementation of the law of Marriage which is the crime of administration and also subject to the providions of Article 279 paragraph 1 of The Criminal Code which is a crime against civil position. This study was conducted to determine the criminal responsibility of the polygamous marriage without the consent of the legitimate wife (Study of The Supreme Court Decision No 330K/Pid/2012). Type of research is the study of normative. This study uses data collection methods legal literature. Data analysis was done qualitatively, making it easier to analyze the problems which will be discussed later , interpret and draw conclusions. Based of the result obtained can be concluded consideration of the judge to criminal liability study of The Supreme Court Decision No 330K/Pid/2012 polygamous marriage without the consent of the legitimate wife. The judge believes the defendant meets the criminal elements set forth in the provisions of Article 279 paragraph 1 of The Criminal Code and the defendant has meet the elements of criminal responsibility is unlawful act, error, delibérate, responsable abilities