26 research outputs found

    Trainwreck: A damaging adversarial attack on image classifiers

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    Adversarial attacks are an important security concern for computer vision (CV), as they enable malicious attackers to reliably manipulate CV models. Existing attacks aim to elicit an output desired by the attacker, but keep the model fully intact on clean data. With CV models becoming increasingly valuable assets in applied practice, a new attack vector is emerging: disrupting the models as a form of economic sabotage. This paper opens up the exploration of damaging adversarial attacks (DAAs) that seek to damage the target model and maximize the total cost incurred by the damage. As a pioneer DAA, this paper proposes Trainwreck, a train-time attack that poisons the training data of image classifiers to degrade their performance. Trainwreck conflates the data of similar classes using stealthy (ϵ8/255\epsilon \leq 8/255) class-pair universal perturbations computed using a surrogate model. Trainwreck is a black-box, transferable attack: it requires no knowledge of the target model's architecture, and a single poisoned dataset degrades the performance of any model trained on it. The experimental evaluation on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 demonstrates that Trainwreck is indeed an effective attack across various model architectures including EfficientNetV2, ResNeXt-101, and a finetuned ViT-L-16. The strength of the attack can be customized by the poison rate parameter. Finally, data redundancy with file hashing and/or pixel difference are identified as a reliable defense technique against Trainwreck or similar DAAs. The code is available at https://github.com/JanZahalka/trainwreck

    A Security Risk Taxonomy for Large Language Models

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    As large language models (LLMs) permeate more and more applications, an assessment of their associated security risks becomes increasingly necessary. The potential for exploitation by malicious actors, ranging from disinformation to data breaches and reputation damage, is substantial. This paper addresses a gap in current research by focusing on the security risks posed by LLMs, which extends beyond the widely covered ethical and societal implications. Our work proposes a taxonomy of security risks along the user-model communication pipeline, explicitly focusing on prompt-based attacks on LLMs. We categorize the attacks by target and attack type within a prompt-based interaction scheme. The taxonomy is reinforced with specific attack examples to showcase the real-world impact of these risks. Through this taxonomy, we aim to inform the development of robust and secure LLM applications, enhancing their safety and trustworthiness

    Blackthorn: Large-Scale Interactive Multimodal Learning

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    This paper presents Blackthorn, an efficient interactive multimodal learning approach facilitating analysis of multimedia collections of up to 100 million items on a single high-end workstation. Blackthorn features efficient data compression, feature selection, and optimizations to the interactive learning process. The Ratio-64 data representation introduced in this paper only costs tens of bytes per item yet preserves most of the visual and textual semantic information with good accuracy. The optimized interactive learning model scores the Ratio-64-compressed data directly, greatly reducing the computational requirements. The experiments compare Blackthorn with two baselines: Conventional relevance feedback, and relevance feedback using product quantization to compress the features. The results show that Blackthorn is up to 77.5× faster than the conventional relevance feedback alternative, while outperforming the baseline with respect to the relevance of results: It vastly outperforms the baseline on recall over time and reaches up to 108% of its precision. Compared to the product quantization variant, Blackthorn is just as fast, while producing more relevant results. On the full YFCC100M dataset, Blackthorn performs one complete interaction round in roughly 1 s while maintaining adequate relevance of results, thus opening multimedia collections comprising up to 100 million items to fully interactive learning-based analysis

    Exquisitor: Breaking the Interaction Barrier for Exploration of 100 Million Images

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    International audienceIn this demonstration, we present Exquisitor, a media explorer capable of learning user preferences in real-time during interactions with the 99.2 million images of YFCC100M. Exquisitor owes its efficiency to innovations in data representation, compression, and indexing. Exquisitor can complete each interaction round, including learning preferences and presenting the most relevant results, in less than 30 ms using only a single CPU core and modest RAM. In short, Exquisitor can bring large-scale interactive learning to standard desktops and laptops, and even high-end mobile devices