1,075 research outputs found

    Review of: Robert M. Hardaway, Population, Law, and the Environment (Praeger 1994)

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    Review of the book: Robert M. Hardaway, Population, Law, and the Environment (Praeger 1994). About the author, acknowledgements, index, notes, preface, selected bibliography. LC-93-44501; ISBN 0-275-94570-7 [188 pp. $55.00 Cloth. 88 Post Road West, Westport CT 06881.

    Algebra of Non-Local Charges in Supersymmetric Non-Linear Sigma Models

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    We propose a graphic method to derive the classical algebra (Dirac brackets) of non-local conserved charges in the two dimensional supersymmetric non-linear O(N)O(N) sigma model. As in the purely bosonic theory we find a cubic Yangian algebra. We also consider the extension of graphic methods to other integrable theories.Comment: LateX file, 19 pages, figures included with epsf; file with figures has been replace

    Classical and quantum N=1 super WW_\infty-algebras

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    We construct higher-spin N=1 super algebras as extensions of the super Virasoro algebra containing generators for all spins s3/2s\ge 3/2. We find two distinct classical (Poisson) algebras on the phase super space. Our results indicate that only one of them can be consistently quantized.Comment: 10 pages, latex, no figure

    Topics in contact Hamiltonian systems:analytical and numerical perspectives

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    The work of this thesis explores contact Hamiltonian systems as ageometrical setting to study physical systems with dissipation. Unlikesymplectic dynamical systems, contact Hamiltonian systems do notconserve energy, allowing the description of systems with differenttypes of dissipation and forcing. The thesis is divided into threeparts: the first part provides background knowledge on contactmanifolds and introduces contact Hamiltonian systems with examples.The second part focuses on numerical methods for contact Hamiltoniansystems, including geometry preserving integrators and deep learningtechniques. The third part presents analytical results: thecomputation of the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula for certainalgebras and the study of symmetry and integrability in contactHamiltonian systems. The thesis builds on previously published workand includes unpublished work in progress

    On the quantum entanglement: a geometrical perspective.

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    Nella tesi viene affrontato il problema dell'entanglement da un punto di vista geometrico, usando sia la geometria differenziale che la geometria algebrica. Particolare attenzione viene data al problema della separabilità: ovvero il distinguere se uno stato è entangled o separabile. Nel primo capitolo si introduce il formalismo geometrico che verrà usato per analizzare la struttura della meccanica quantistica e dell'entanglement: vengono presentati elementi di geometria differenziale complessa, geometria proiettiva e geometria algebrica. Nel secondo capitolo, dopo un breve riepilogo sulla meccanica quantistica, vengono usati gli strumenti introdotti nel capitolo precedente per costruirne ed analizzarne la struttura differenziale. Nel terzo capitolo l'entanglement viene studiato con alcuni esempi ed applicazioni con metodo tradizionale, dopo di che anche gli aspetti geometrici vengono analizzati. Infine, nell'ultimo capitolo viene proposto un nuovo approccio di tipo algebrico derivato dalla dualità di Schur - Weyl

    Jasmin Donlic / Irene Strasser (Hrsg.): Gegenstand und Methoden qualitativer Sozialforschung. Einblicke in die Forschungspraxis. Leverkusen: Verlag Barbara Budrich 2020 (232 S.) [Rezension]

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    Rezension von: Jasmin Donlic / Irene Strasser (Hrsg.): Gegenstand und Methoden qualitativer Sozialforschung. Einblicke in die Forschungspraxis. Leverkusen: Verlag Barbara Budrich 2020 (232 S.; ISBN 978-3-8474-2326-3; 22,90 EUR)

    Superloop Equations and Two Dimensional Supergravity

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    We propose a discrete model whose continuum limit reproduces the string susceptibility and the scaling dimensions of (2,4m)(2,4m)-minimal superconformal models coupled to 2D2D-supergravity. The basic assumption in our presentation is a set of super-Virasoro constraints imposed on the partition function. We recover the Neveu-Schwarz and Ramond sectors of the theory, and we are also able to evaluate all planar loop correlation functions in the continuum limit. We find evidence to identify the integrable hierarchy of non-linear equations describing the double scaling limit as a supersymmetric generalization of KP studied by Rabin.Comment: 34 page