86 research outputs found

    Thermal measurement

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    Táto práca sa zaoberá teóriou termovízneho merania a to ako po stránke fyzikálnej tak aj technickej. Práca popisuje základnú metodiku termovízneho merania a ďalej porovnáva niekoľko rôznych termovizných kamier na súčasnom trhu. Hlavná časť práce je venovaná skriptu, vytvorenému v programe Matlab, slúžiacemu k rozboru série termovíznych snímok zachytávajúcich vertikálne uložené potrubia, následnému zápisu zistených teplôt do Excelu a vykresleniu grafov zmeny priemernej teploty pozdĺž potrubia a histogramov teplôt daných snímok.This thesis deals with theory of thermal measurement with both physical as well as technical side. Thesis describes basic methodics of thermal measurment and further compares few different thermographic cameras at the current market. Main part of the thesis is focusing on a script, that has been created in program Matlab, serving for analysis of a series of thermographic pictures capturing verticaly placed pipes, following by registration of founded temperatures to Excel and drawing of diagrams of the change of average temperature along pipe and histograms of temperatures of given pictures.

    Estimation of fire resistance by means of calculation performed for atypical exterior wall of a woodstructure

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    The paper describes essential characteristics of a structural system for a wood structure, based on light composite wood stud, designed at Technical University in Zvolen.The system was reviewed by means of calculation method to prove fire resistance, respecting various relevant current standards of Slovak Republic and in accordance to eurocodes series. The methodology considered wider aspects of evaluation (properties, methods, carbonisation, minimal dimensions, cross sections, thermal field).Later, simple wall design alternatives were created by modification of inner part of the assembly, in order to examine the influence of the modifications to the total fire resistance of the wall

    Study of the thermal and light conditions in the automobile headlamp with built-in light source of the new generation

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    Táto práca sa zaoberá automobilovými svetlometmi, so zameraním na rozloženie tepelného poľa a jeho vplyvu na tepelné namáhanie materiálu, rozoberá ich históriu, druhy a v súčastnosti prebiehajúci vývoj. Práca v krátkosti popisuje svetlo a jeho vlastnosti, teplo a jeho prenos a spôsoby merania teploty. Hlavná časť práce je venovaná meraniu predného svetlometu funckie osvetlenia do hmly, konkrétne meraniu tepelného poľa a intenzity osvetlenia svetlometu v závislosti na teplote okolia. Práca pokrýva časti od prípravy merania, vyvtorenia meracieho obvodu, grafického naprogramovania obvodu pre spracovanie nameraných dát. Práca sa taktiež zaoberá porovnaním chladiča luxmetru, ktorého senzor bol vystavený vysokým teplotám okolia, a to medzi nameranými hodnotami a vytvorenou simuláciou.This thesis deals with automotive headlamps, focusing on layout of temparature field and its influence on thermal stress of used materials, describes their history, kinds and ongoing research. Thesis shortly describes light and its characteristics, heat and heat transfer and means of temperature measurement. Main part of the tesis is dedicated to measuring front headlamp serving as a fog light, concretely measuring temperature field and illuminance depending of ambient temperature. Thesis contains everything from the first preparations, creation of measuring circuit, programming of measuring to processing acquired data. Thesis also compares cooler used for cooling luxmeter sensor, the comparision is between measured values and created simulation.

    Određivanje zapaljivosti i obilježja gorenja drva smreke

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    This paper deals with the determination of selected fire properties of spruce wood. It describes the general characteristics of spruce wood, microscopic and macroscopic features. Broad application of this material requires the assessment of its properties regarding the fire aspects, being a cause of fire in forests or due to frequent occurrence of wildland fires in the Slovak territory, and being a flammable material used in building industry, furniture industry, etc. This paper analyses the following fire properties: flash-ignition temperature, spontaneous ignition temperature, mass burning rate, ignitability of material exposed to a small open flame.Tema rada je određivanje svojstava zapaljivosti i gorenja drva smreke. Opisuju se opća te mikroskopska i makroskopska obilježja smrekovine. Zbog široke primjene smrekovine vrlo je važna procjena njezinih svojstava zapaljivosti, posebno zato što su u smrekovim šumama na slovačkom području česti požari a smrekovo se drvo često koristi u graditeljstvu, industriji namještaja i sl. Svojstva zapaljivosti i gorenja analizirana u ovom radu jesu flash temperatura zapaljenja, temperatura spontanog zapaljenja, brzina gorenja te zapaljivost materijala izloženoga slaboj otvorenoj vatri

    Co-operative Kondo Effect in the two-channel Kondo Lattice

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    We discuss the possibility of a co-operative Kondo effect driven by channel interference in a Kondo lattice where local moments are coupled to a single Fermi sea via two orthogonal scattering channels. In this situation, the channel quantum number is not conserved. We argue that the absence of channel conservation causes the Kondo effect in the two channels to constructively interfere, giving rise to a superconducting condensate of composite pairs, formed between the local moments and the conduction electrons. Our arguments are based on the observation that a heavy Fermi surface gives rise to zero modes for Kondo singlets to fluctuate between screening channels of different symmetry, producing a divergent composite pair susceptibility. Secondary screening channels couple to these divergent fluctuations, promoting an instability into a state with long-range composite order. We present detailed a detailed mean-field theory for this superconducting phase, and discuss the possible implications for heavy fermion physics.Comment: 23 double column pages. 9 fig

    The six most essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis: A pluralogue part 2: Issues of conservatism and pragmatism in psychiatric diagnosis

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    In face of the multiple controversies surrounding the DSM process in general and the development of DSM-5 in particular, we have organized a discussion around what we consider six essential questions in further work on the DSM. The six questions involve: 1) the nature of a mental disorder; 2) the definition of mental disorder; 3) the issue of whether, in the current state of psychiatric science, DSM-5 should assume a cautious, conservative posture or an assertive, transformative posture; 4) the role of pragmatic considerations in the construction of DSM-5; 5) the issue of utility of the DSM – whether DSM-III and IV have been designed more for clinicians or researchers, and how this conflict should be dealt with in the new manual; and 6) the possibility and advisability, given all the problems with DSM-III and IV, of designing a different diagnostic system. Part I of this article took up the first two questions. Part II will take up the second two questions. Question 3 deals with the question as to whether DSM-V should assume a conservative or assertive posture in making changes from DSM-IV. That question in turn breaks down into discussion of diagnoses that depend on, and aim toward, empirical, scientific validation, and diagnoses that are more value-laden and less amenable to scientific validation. Question 4 takes up the role of pragmatic consideration in a psychiatric nosology, whether the purely empirical considerations need to be tempered by considerations of practical consequence. As in Part 1 of this article, the general introduction, as well as the introductions and conclusions for the specific questions, are written by James Phillips, and the responses to commentaries are written by Allen Frances

    The six most essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis: a pluralogue part 1: conceptual and definitional issues in psychiatric diagnosis

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    In face of the multiple controversies surrounding the DSM process in general and the development of DSM-5 in particular, we have organized a discussion around what we consider six essential questions in further work on the DSM. The six questions involve: 1) the nature of a mental disorder; 2) the definition of mental disorder; 3) the issue of whether, in the current state of psychiatric science, DSM-5 should assume a cautious, conservative posture or an assertive, transformative posture; 4) the role of pragmatic considerations in the construction of DSM-5; 5) the issue of utility of the DSM - whether DSM-III and IV have been designed more for clinicians or researchers, and how this conflict should be dealt with in the new manual; and 6) the possibility and advisability, given all the problems with DSM-III and IV, of designing a different diagnostic system. Part I of this article will take up the first two questions. With the first question, invited commentators express a range of opinion regarding the nature of psychiatric disorders, loosely divided into a realist position that the diagnostic categories represent real diseases that we can accurately name and know with our perceptual abilities, a middle, nominalist position that psychiatric disorders do exist in the real world but that our diagnostic categories are constructs that may or may not accurately represent the disorders out there, and finally a purely constructivist position that the diagnostic categories are simply constructs with no evidence of psychiatric disorders in the real world. The second question again offers a range of opinion as to how we should define a mental or psychiatric disorder, including the possibility that we should not try to formulate a definition. The general introduction, as well as the introductions and conclusions for the specific questions, are written by James Phillips, and the responses to commentaries are written by Allen Frances

    Order and quantum phase transitions in the cuprate superconductors

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    It is now widely accepted that the cuprate superconductors are characterized by the same long-range order as that present in the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) theory: that associated with the condensation of Cooper pairs. We argue that many physical properties of the cuprates require interplay with additional order parameters associated with a proximate Mott insulator. We review a classification of Mott insulators in two dimensions, and contend that the experimental evidence so far shows that the class appropriate to the cuprates has collinear spin correlations, bond order, and confinement of neutral, spin S=1/2 excitations. Proximity to second-order quantum phase transitions associated with these orders, and with the pairing order of BCS, has led to systematic predictions for many physical properties. We use this context to review the results of recent neutron scattering, fluxoid detection, nuclear magnetic resonance, and scanning tunnelling microscopy experiments.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, non-technical review article; some technical details in the companion review cond-mat/0211027; (v3) added refs; (v4) numerous improvements thanks to the referees, to appear in Reviews of Modern Physics; (v6) final version as publishe

    The six most essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis: a pluralogue. Part 4: general conclusion

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    In the conclusion to this multi-part article I first review the discussions carried out around the six essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis – the position taken by Allen Frances on each question, the commentaries on the respective question along with Frances’ responses to the commentaries, and my own view of the multiple discussions. In this review I emphasize that the core question is the first – what is the nature of psychiatric illness – and that in some manner all further questions follow from the first. Following this review I attempt to move the discussion forward, addressing the first question from the perspectives of natural kind analysis and complexity analysis. This reflection leads toward a view of psychiatric disorders – and future nosologies – as far more complex and uncertain than we have imagined