36 research outputs found

    Automated scoring of pre-REM sleep in mice with deep learning

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    Reliable automation of the labor-intensive manual task of scoring animal sleep can facilitate the analysis of long-term sleep studies. In recent years, deep-learning-based systems, which learn optimal features from the data, increased scoring accuracies for the classical sleep stages of Wake, REM, and Non-REM. Meanwhile, it has been recognized that the statistics of transitional stages such as pre-REM, found between Non-REM and REM, may hold additional insight into the physiology of sleep and are now under vivid investigation. We propose a classification system based on a simple neural network architecture that scores the classical stages as well as pre-REM sleep in mice. When restricted to the classical stages, the optimized network showed state-of-the-art classification performance with an out-of-sample F1 score of 0.95 in male C57BL/6J mice. When unrestricted, the network showed lower F1 scores on pre-REM (0.5) compared to the classical stages. The result is comparable to previous attempts to score transitional stages in other species such as transition sleep in rats or N1 sleep in humans. Nevertheless, we observed that the sequence of predictions including pre-REM typically transitioned from Non-REM to REM reflecting sleep dynamics observed by human scorers. Our findings provide further evidence for the difficulty of scoring transitional sleep stages, likely because such stages of sleep are under-represented in typical data sets or show large inter-scorer variability. We further provide our source code and an online platform to run predictions with our trained network.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    The Effects of 5-Hydroxytryptophan in Combination with Different Fatty Acids on Gastrointestinal Functions: A Pilot Experiment

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    Background. Fat affects gastric emptying (GE). 5-Hydroxythryptophan (5-HTP) is involved in central and peripheral satiety mechanisms. Influence of 5-HTP in addition to saturated or monounsaturated fatty acids (FA) on GE and hormone release was investigated. Subjects/Methods. 24 healthy individuals (12f : 12m, 22-29 years, BMI 19-25.7 kg/m(2)) were tested on 4 days with either 5-HTP + short-chain saturated FA (butter), placebo + butter, 5-HTP + monounsaturated FA (olive oil), or placebo + olive oil in double-blinded randomized order. Two hours after FA/5-HTP or placebo intake, a C-13 octanoid acid test was conducted. Cortisol, serotonin, cholecystokinin (CCK), and ghrelin were measured, as were mood and GE. Results. GE was delayed with butter and was normal with olive (P < 0.05) but not affected by 5-HTP. 5-HTP supplementation did not affect serotonin levels. Food intake increased plasma CCK (F = 6.136; P < 0.05) irrespective of the FA. Ghrelin levels significantly decreased with oil/5-HTP (F = 9.166; P < 0.001). The diurnal cortisol profile was unaffected by FA or 5-HTP, as were ratings of mood, hunger, and stool urgency. Conclusion. Diverse FAs have different effects on GE and secretion of orexigenic and anorexigenic hormones. Supplementation of 5-HTP had no effect on plasma serotonin and central functions. Further studies are needed to explain the complex interplay

    Serotonin receptor type 3 antagonists improve obesity-associated fatty liver disease in mice

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    ABSTRACT Obesity is a major cause for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Previous studies suggested that alterations in intestinal motility and permeability contribute to the development of NAFLD. Serotonin and serotonin receptor type 3 (5-HT 3 R) are key factors in the regulation of intestinal motility and permeability. Therefore, we studied the effect of the 5-HT 3 R antagonists tropisetron and palonosetron on the development of NA-FLD in leptin-deficient obese mice. Four-week-old ob/ob mice and lean controls were treated for 6 weeks orally with tropisetron or palonosetron at 0.2 mg/kg per day. We determined markers of liver damage and inflammation, portal endotoxin levels, and duodenal concentrations of serotonin, serotoninreuptake transporter (SERT), occludin, and claudin-1. Tropisetron treatment significantly reduced liver fat content (Ϫ29%), liver inflammation (Ϫ56%), and liver cell necrosis (Ϫ59%) in ob/ob mice. The beneficial effects of tropisetron were accompanied by a decrease in plasma alanine aminotransferase and portal vein plasma endotoxin levels, an attenuation of enhanced MyD88 and tumor necrosis factor-␣ mRNA expression in the liver, and an increase of tight junction proteins in the duodenum. Tropisetron treatment also caused a reduction of elevated serotonin levels and an increase of SERT in the duodenum of ob/ob mice. Palonosetron had similar effects as tropisetron with regard to the reduction of liver fat and other parameters. Tropisetron and palonosetron are effective in attenuating NAFLD in a genetic mouse model of obesity. The effect involves the intestinal nervous system, resulting in a reduction of endotoxin influx into the liver and subsequently of liver inflammation and fat accumulation

    Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) Surgery during High Liquid Sucrose Diet Leads to Gut Microbiota-Related Systematic Alterations

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    Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery has been proven successful in weight loss and improvement of co-morbidities associated with obesity. Chronic complications such as malabsorption of micronutrients in up to 50% of patients underline the need for additional therapeutic approaches. We investigated systemic RYGB surgery effects in a liquid sucrose diet-induced rat obesity model. After consuming a diet supplemented with high liquid sucrose for eight weeks, rats underwent RYGB or control sham surgery. RYGB, sham pair-fed, and sham ad libitum-fed groups further continued on the diet after recovery. Notable alterations were revealed in microbiota composition, inflammatory markers, feces, liver, and plasma metabolites, as well as in brain neuronal activity post-surgery. Higher fecal 4-aminobutyrate (GABA) correlated with higher Bacteroidota and Enterococcus abundances in RYGB animals, pointing towards the altered enteric nervous system (ENS) and gut signaling. Favorable C-reactive protein (CRP), serine, glycine, and 3-hydroxybutyrate plasma profiles in RYGB rats were suggestive of reverted obesity risk. The impact of liquid sucrose diet and caloric restriction mainly manifested in fatty acid changes in the liver. Our multi-modal approach reveals complex systemic changes after RYGB surgery and points towards potential therapeutic targets in the gut-brain system to mimic the surgery mode of action

    Metabolic and Cognitive Outcomes of Subchronic Once-Daily Intranasal Insulin Administration in Healthy Men

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    Insulin acts in the brain to limit food intake and improve memory function. We have previously shown that 8 weeks of intranasal insulin delivered in four daily doses of 40 IU decrease body weight and enhance word list recall. In the present study, we investigated the effect on body composition, endocrine parameters, and memory performance of 8 weeks of once-daily administration of 160 IU in healthy men. We assumed that intranasal insulin administered before nocturnal sleep, a period of relative metabolic inactivity that moreover benefits memory formation, would be superior to insulin delivery in the morning and placebo administration. After a 2-week baseline period, healthy male normal-weight subjects (mean age, 27.1 ± 0.9 years) received either placebo, 160 IU intranasal insulin in the morning, or 160 IU in the evening (n = 12 per group) for 8 consecutive weeks. Throughout the experiment, we measured body weight and body composition as well as circulating concentrations of glucose, insulin, adrenocorticotropin, cortisol, growth hormone, insulin-like growth-factor 1, adiponectin, and leptin. Declarative and procedural memory function was repeatedly assessed by means of, respectively, word list recall and word-stem priming. We found that neither morning nor evening insulin compared to placebo administration induced discernible changes in body weight and body composition. Delayed recall of words showed slight improvements by insulin administration in the evening, and serum cortisol concentrations were reduced after 2 weeks of insulin administration in the morning compared to the other groups. Results indicate that catabolic long-term effects of central nervous insulin delivery necessitate repetitive, presumably pre-meal delivery schedules. The observed memory improvements, although generally weaker than previously found effects, suggest that sleep after intranasal insulin administration may support its beneficial cognitive impact

    The role of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the developement of ethanol sensitivity and tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Der Neurotransmitter Serotonin spielt ein Rolle bei der Entwicklung von Ethanoltoleranz und Alkoholismus. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersuchte die Funktion von Serotonin (5HT) im Bezug auf Ethanolsensitivität und Toleranz in Drosophila melanogaster. Pharmakologisch wurden die 5HT Konzentrationen durch Füttern eines Vorläufers der 5HT Synthese kurzeitig erhöht oder mit einem Syntheseinhibitor reduziert. Die Veränderung der 5HT Konzentrationen mittels dieser Pharmaka hatte jedoch keinen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung von Ethanolsensitivität oder Toleranz. 5HT wird durch den 5HT Transporter (SERT) aus dem synaptischen Spalt in die Präsynapse wieder aufgenommen. Die kurzzeitige Fütterung des SERT Inhibitors Paroxetin führt zu erhöhter Ethanolsensitivität und reduzierter Toleranz. Ein ähnlicher Phänotyp wurde in der hypomorphen sert55 Mutante, die eine reduzierte dsert Expression aufweist, beobachtet. Dies legt nahe, dass kurz- wie langfristige Reduktion der SERT Funktion die Entwicklung einer vollständigen Ethanoltoleranz verhindern. Folglich hat die Verlängerung der 5HT Signaltransduktion im synaptischen Spalt, nicht aber die allgemeine Erhöhung von 5HT Konzentrationen im Fliegengehirn einen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung von Ethanoltoleranz. Zur genauen Bestimmung der SERT Expression im adulten Gehirn der Fliege wurde ein Drosophila SERT (dSERT) Antikörper hergestellt. Mit Hilfe dieses Antikörpers konnte gezeigt werden, dass der dSERT mit serotonergen Somata, Axonen und Dendriten kolokalisiert. Ferner sollten 5HT Konzentrationen im synaptischen Spalt durch Überexpression des wildtypischen dsert in einem Großteil der Neurone mit Hilfe des UAS/GAL4 Systems reduziert werden. Diese Fliegen wiesen weder eine veränderte 5HT Konzentration in den Köpfen auf noch war die Ethanolsensitivität bzw. Toleranz verändert. Das kann einerseits daran liegen, dass der dSERT nicht in die Membran integriert wird oder andererseits daran, dass unser Konstrukt nicht funktional ist. Die Überexpression eines inaktiven dSERTs sollte theoretisch zur Erhöhung von 5HT Konzentrationen im synaptischen Spalt führen. Wurde ein inaktiver dSERT in den meisten Neuronen der Fliege exprimiert, erhöhten sich zwar die 5HT Konzentrationen in den Köpfen der Fliegen, dennoch war das ethanolinduzierte Verhalten nicht verändert. Zusätzlich wurde untersucht, welchen Einfluss die Inhibition der 5HT Ausschüttung auf die Entwicklung von Ethanolsensitivität und Toleranz hat. Zur Inhibition der Neurotransmission in serotonergen Zellen wurde ein Tetanus Toxin (TNT) Transgen in Verbindung mit verschiedenen GAL4 Treiberlinien eingesetzt. Die Inhibition von serotonergen und dopaminergen Neuronen mit Hilfe einer GAL4 Linie, die einen Abschnitt des Gens der Dopamin Decarboxylase (ddc) beinhaltet, führte zu keiner Veränderung von Ethanolsensitivität bzw. Toleranz. Für weitere GAL4 Linien wurde zunächst das Expressionsmuster neuroanatomisch untersucht. Von vier ausgewählten GAL4 Linien zeigten zwei Expression in serotonergen Neuronen. Die sert1+2-GAL4 Linie mit einem Stück Promotorregion des dsert zeigt Expression in 46% der serotonergen Neuronen. Wurden diese mit Hilfe von Tetanus Toxin inhibiert, zeigten die Fliegen eine leicht aber signifikant erhöhte Ethanolsensitivität und eine unveränderte Toleranz. Die zweite GAL4 Linie enthält ein Stück Promotorregion des 5HT1b Rezeptors und zeigt Expression in ebenfalls 46% der serotonergen Neurone, weitgehend überlappend mit der Expression der Linie sert1+2-GAL4. Jedoch exprimiert die 5htr1b-GAL4 Linie zusätzlich in vier serotonergen Neuronen, in elf dopaminergen und einem unbekannten Neuron. Interessanterweise ist nach Inhibition der Neurotransmission in diesen Neuronen eine stark erhöhte Ethanolsensitivität sowie eine reduzierte Ethanoltoleranz zu beobachten. Folglich könnte die Inhibition der Neurotransmission in dopaminergen Neuronen für die Reduktion der Ethanolsensitivität verantwortlich sein. Deshalb wurde die Neurotransmitteraussschüttung in dopaminergen Neuronen mit Hilfe der th-GAL4 Linie und TNT unterdrückt und diese Fliegen wurden auf ihre Fähigkeit untersucht, Ethanolsensitivtät und/oder Toleranz zu entwickeln. Nach Inhibition der von th-GAL4 getriebenen dopaminergen Neurone wurde eine erhöhte Ethanolsensitivität gemessen, aber keine signifikant veränderte Ethanoltoleranz. Da die ddc-GAL4 Linie im Vorfeld keinen ethanolinduzierten Verhaltensphänotyp gezeigt hat, sollte bestimmt werden, welche dopaminergen Neuronen der 5htr1b-GAL4 sowie der th-GAL4 Linie für die erhöhte Ethanolsensitivität verantwortlich sind. Serotonerge Neuronengruppen, die in die Entwicklung von Ethanolsensitivität und Toleranz involviert sein könnten, sind SE1, SE2, SE3, LP1, LP2, SP1, SP2 und IP, während es sich bei den dopaminergen Neuronengruppen um PAL1, PPL1, PPM2, PPM3 und SVP1 handeln könnte. Einige Neurone der 5htr1b-GAL4 Linie projizieren in den Ellipsoidkörper, eine Struktur des Zentralkomplexes, für die bereits gezeigt wurde, dass sie in die Entwicklung vonEthanoltoleranz involviert ist. Jedoch muss näher untersucht werden, welche Neuronen für die Innervation verantwortlich sind. Dafür sollten GAL4 Linien verwendet werden, die eine ähnliche Expression wie die 5htr1b-GAL4 Linie, aber ausschließlich im Ellipsoidkörper, zeigen. In dieser Arbeit konnte zum ersten Mal gezeigt werden, dass serotonerge und dopaminerge Neurone in die Entwicklung von Ethanolsensitivität und Toleranz in Drosophila melanogaster involviert sind. Ferner konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine veränderte 5HT Signaltransduktion zu einer reduzierten Toleranz führt. Weiterführend ist die Identifizierung von serotonergen Neuronen, die für die Entwicklung von Ethanolsensitivität und/oder Toleranz verantwortlich sind, von großem Interesse. Ziel ist es, die neuronalen Schaltkreise aufzudecken, die den Phänomenen Ethanolsensitivität und Toleranz zugrundeliegen.Serotonin dysregulation is strongly implicated in the development of ethanol tolerance and alcoholism. This work examined the role of the neurotransmitter 5HT in the development of ethanol sensitivity and tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster. Using a pharmacologic approach 5HT concentrations were increased after feeding a 5HT precursor or decreased after feeding a 5HT synthesis inhibitor. This change of 5HT concentrations did not influence the development of ethanol sensitivity or tolerance. Reuptake of 5HT into the pre-synapse is regulated via a 5HT transporter (SERT). After feeding the SERT reuptake inhibitor Paroxetin an increase in ethanol sensitivity and a reduction in tolerance was observed. A reduction of SERT expression in the hypomorph sert55 mutant leads to a similar phenotype. Supposing short-term as well as long-term reduction of SERT function inhibits the development of normal ethanol tolerance. Therefore, the prolonged 5HT signalling within the synaptic cleft, but not the overall raising of 5HT concentrations in fly brains has an influence on the development of ethanol tolerance. To determine the SERT expression in the adult brain of the fly, a Drosophila SERT (dSERT) antibody was generated. This antibody co-localizes with serotonergic somata, axons and dendrites. Furthermore, 5HT concentrations were reduced in the synaptic cleft, through over-expression of a wildtype dSERT in most neurons using the UAS/GAL4 system. Those flies neither showed a change in 5HT concentrations in heads, nor a changed development of ethanol sensitivity and tolerance. On the one hand this can be due to dSERT that is not integrated in the membrane of the pre-synapse or on the other hand that our construct is not functioning. Over-expression of an inactive dSERT should theoretically lead to an increased 5HT signalling in the synaptic cleft. The inactive dSERT was expressed in most neurons and increased 5HT concentrations in heads, but had no influence on ethanol induced behavior. Moreover it was investigated, what influence the inhibition of 5HT neurotransmission has on the development of ethanol sensitivity and tolerance. To inhibit the neurotransmission of serotonergic cells a tetanus toxin transgene in combination with various GAL4 driver lines was used. The inhibition of serotonergic and dopaminergic neurons using a GAL4 driver line that contains a fragment of the dopamine decarboxylase gene does not influence ethanol sensitivity, or tolerance. For additional GAL4 lines first the expression pattern was studied by neuroanatomy. Out of four selected GAL4 lines two showed expression in serotonergic neurons. The sert1+2-GAL4 line which included a fragment of the dsert promotor region shows expression in 46% of the serotonergic neurons. Inhibition of those neurons with tetanus toxin shows a slight, but significant increase in ethanol sensitivity, but normal tolerance. The second GAL4 line contains a promotor fragment of the 5HT1b receptor gene and also expresses GAL4 in 46% of the serotonergic neurons, largely overlapping with the expression pattern of the sert1+2-GAL4 line. However, the 5htr1b-GAL4 line in addition expresses GAL4 in four serotonergic, eleven dopaminergic and one unknown neuron. Interestingly, after inhibition of those neurons, increased ethanol sensitivity and reduced tolerance was observed. The inhibition of neurotransmission in those dopaminergic neurons could be responsible for increased ethanol sensitivity. In the next step, we therefore inhibited neurotransmission exclusively in dopaminergic neurons using a GAL4 line with a gen fragment of the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (th-GAL4) and tested those flies for ethanol sensitivity and tolerance. After inhibition of neurons driven by the th-GAL4 line increased ethanol sensitivity was measured, but normal tolerance. We wanted to find out, which dopaminergic neurons of the 5htr1b-GAL4 and the th-GAL4 line are responsible for increased ethanol sensitivity. Serotonergic groups of neurons that could be involved in the development of ethanol sensitivity and tolerance are SE1, SE2, SE3, LP1, LP2, SP1, SP2 and IP, whereas dopaminergic neurons that might play a role could belong to the groups PAL1, PPL1, PPM2, PPM3 and SVP1. Some neurons of the 5htr1b-GAL4 line project into the ellipsoid body, a structure of the central complex that was shown previously to be involved in the development of ethanol tolerance. Therefore it should be investigated which neurons are responsible for the innervation of the ellipsoid body. In this case GAL4 lines should be used, that show a similar expression pattern as our 5htr1b-GAL4 line, but exclusively express GAL4 in neurons that project into the ellipsoid body, to investigate if inhibition of a small subset of neurons influences ethanol sensitivity and/or tolerance. In this work, for the first time, the involvement of the serotonergic and dopaminergic system in the development of ethanol sensitivity and tolerance was demonstrated in the fly. Furthermore we showed that modified 5HT signalling leads to a reduced tolerance. The next step is to identify serotonergic and dopaminergic neurons that are responsible for the development of ethanol sensitivity and tolerance. Our intention is to reveal neuronal frameworks that underlie ethanol sensitivity and tolerance

    Metabolic and Cognitive Outcomes of Subchronic Once-Daily Intranasal Insulin Administration in Healthy Men

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    Insulin acts in the brain to limit food intake and improve memory function. We have previously shown that 8 weeks of intranasal insulin delivered in four daily doses of 40 IU decrease body weight and enhance word list recall. In the present study, we investigated the effect on body composition, endocrine parameters, and memory performance of 8 weeks of once-daily administration of 160 IU in healthy men. We assumed that intranasal insulin administered before nocturnal sleep, a period of relative metabolic inactivity that moreover benefits memory formation, would be superior to insulin delivery in the morning and placebo administration. After a 2-week baseline period, healthy male normal-weight subjects (mean age, 27.1 +/- 0.9 years) received either placebo, 160 IU intranasal insulin in the morning, or 160 IU in the evening (n = 12 per group) for 8 consecutive weeks. Throughout the experiment, we measured body weight and body composition as well as circulating concentrations of glucose, insulin, adrenocorticotropin, cortisol, growth hormone, insulin-like growth-factor 1, adiponectin, and leptin. Declarative and procedural memory function was repeatedly assessed by means of, respectively, word list recall and word-stem priming. We found that neither morning nor evening insulin compared to placebo administration induced discernible changes in body weight and body composition. Delayed recall of words showed slight improvements by insulin administration in the evening, and serum cortisol concentrations were reduced after 2 weeks of insulin administration in the morning compared to the other groups. Results indicate that catabolic long-term effects of central nervous insulin delivery necessitate repetitive, presumably pre-meal delivery schedules. The observed memory improvements, although generally weaker than previously found effects, suggest that sleep after intranasal insulin administration may support its beneficial cognitive impact