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    The main objective of this research was to determine the effect of Good CorporateGovernance to the financial performance of the company. Total observation are200 they are 20 companies that listed on Bursa Efek Indonesia by 2002 to 2011.They were chosen by purposive sampling method. Analysis model of the data usedin this research was a simple linear regression model. Corporate Governance asmeasured by CGPI based on the rating that has been prepared by IICG and thefinancial performance is measured by Return On Equity. The results of thisresearch show that GCG has no effect on the financial performance partially.ROE can not be explained by the GCG.Keywords: Good Corporate Governance, Return on Equit

    The Student\u27s Scientific Attitude and Creativity of Product in Environmental Issues Through Project Based Learning

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    The purpose of this research was to got the information about student\u27s scientific attitude and creativity of product and correlation both of it in enviromental issues through project based learning. This research was conducted from January to June 2015. Sample in this research were 34 students of 2014 grade in FKIP Biologi UR used parameters were (1) scientific attitude with 4 indicators (curiosity, cooperative, carefulness and discipline); (2) creativity of product. Observation instrument managed by reseacher and the realibility values based Alfa Cronbach is 0.70-0.87. The creativity was scored through product (report) by using portofolio instrument, with descriptors were: Initiative (collecting information), inovation (environmental issues that are happening), variation of idea (way of display data), and suitable idea and their solution. The data analyzed was using SPSS. Descriptive statistic were percent, mean, standard deviation and inference statistic (Multiple regretion). Mean values shows that student\u27s scientific attitude was 79,99 (good), and the creativity of product was 80,10 (good). Positive correlation among curiosity, cooperation, carefulness and discipline give contribution as 68% to determine the creativity of product. Separately, each aspect of student\u27s scientific attitude give contribution for creativity of product were: curiosity (60%), carefulness (57%), discipline (48%) and cooperative (47%). The conclusion is student\u27s scientific attitude and creativity of product is in good category. It means that there are correlation between student\u27s scientific attitude and the creativity of product in environmental issues through project based learning in FKIP Biologi UR

    Kompetensi Pengetahuan Pedagogi Konten melalui Workshop pada Peserta PPG SM3T Pendidikan Biologi-UR

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    This descriptive study was conducted from April 2015 to September 2016 which was aimed at investigating the competency profiles of PPG SM3T participants using workshop. It applied total sampling technique which involve 17 teacher candidates of PPG SM3T-UR. The parameters in this study were the competence which covers 8 aspect: pedagogical knowledge PK (Lesson plan, Student worksheet, Teaching materials, Instrument assessment); Conten knowledge CK (formatif test, local test and national test) and pedagogical content knowledge PCK (peerteaching). The data were gathered by means of observation sheet, porthpolio, and test. The data analysis was conducted by determining the mean scores, percentage which were tabulated, histogram and then descriptively analyzed.The findings demonstrated that the participants\u27 competence were categorized pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) into very good level attained the mean scores peerteaching (88.59), and pedagogical knowledge (PK) the mean scores (81- 85) which were categorized into good level. Content knowledge (CK) the mean scores formatif test, local tes and national test were 78,94; 78,44; 71, 86 which were categorized tendency to be into good level. aspect PK and CK that owned tendency determine for PCK. Whereas, the only aspect (PK) which had formatif test tendency to decline in the cycle-1. The other five cycle had tendency to increase. This study concluded that the workshop was fully evident to develop the good PK, CK were contribution for PCK of the PPG SM3T-UR\u27s participan

    The Use of Games and Pictures as a Technique of Teaching Vocabulary: the Case of the Fifth Year Students of Sdk Kanisius Jatingaleh Semarang in Th Eacademic Year of 2010/2011

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the contribution of games for improving vocabulary acquisition of the Catholic Elementary School of Kanisius Jatingaleh, compared to pictures for improving the same subjects of study. Participants were divided into two treatments groups, and each group was assigned to do the same test, containing sections which involved vocabulary items. Pre-test was given before the experiment and post-test was held immediately after the experiment was over. The Null hypothesis of no significant differences were constructed and tested, and then one-tailed t-test was used to compare the score of the games and pictures groups and to analyze the hypothesis. The results indicated that the score of the experimental group that it was taught by using games is higher than control group. It was proved that the students did better in mastering their vocabulary when they were taught by using games rather than pictures. Both of games and pictures contribute in that way : to help the students develop their inner self, to motivate the students to know more about the new vocabulary, to train the students in creative freedom as they feel less embarrassed or afraid and become more self confident, and to give a challenge to solve problem in enjoyable situation. ?é?


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    Penelitian ini di latar belakangi oleh fakta lapangan yang menunjukan rendahnya tingkat pendidikan pendidik di PAUD yang mengakibatkan penguasaan pendidik terhadap komponen kompetensi pedagogik masih rendah. Berdasarkan hal tersebut tujuan dari penelitian ini (1) Untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi objektif kompetensi pedagogik dari pendidik, (2) Untuk mengetahui Upaya pengelola PAUD dalam meningkatkan Kompetensi Pedagogik Pendidik, (3) Untuk Mengetahui Faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi upaya pengelola dalam meningkatkan kompetensi Pedagogik pendidik di PAUD Tarbiyatul Umat Subang. Landasan teori dari penelitian ini yaitu Konsep Pengelolaan Lembaga PAUD, Konsep Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan PAUD, Kompetensi Pendidik PAUD dan Kelembagaan PAUD sebagai satuan Pendidikan Luar Sekolah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi, subjek peneliti terdiri atas 4 orang yakni 1 pengelola dan 3 pendidik. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data diperoleh data, yaitu: (1) kondisi objektif dalam hal kompetensi pedagogik yang dimiliki oleh pendidik di PAUD Tarbiyatul Ummat Subang Amat Baik dalam memahami karakteristik peserta didik, merancang pembelajaran, melaksanakan pembelajaran, mengevaluasi hasil belajar, dan pengembangan potensi peserta didik. (2) Upaya pengelola PAUD dalam meningkatkan Kompetensi Pedagogik Pendidik di PAUD Tarbiyatul Umat Subang sudah cukup baik, hal ini dibuktikan dengan program yang telah dilakukan pengelola sesuai dengan rencana, terprogram, berkesinambungan serta konsisten (3) Faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi upaya pengelola dalam meningkatkan kompetensi Pedagogik pendidik di PAUD Tarbiyatul Umat Subang, yaitu 1) faktor Internal meliputi: latar belakang pendidikan guru, pengalaman guru dalam mengajar, kesehatan guru dan penghasilan guru. 2) faktor eksternal meliputi: Sarana pendidikan, disiplin dalam bekerja, dan pengawasan kepala sekolah. Saran untuk : (1) Pengelola mengikutsertakan pendidik dalam program yang dilaksanakan di luar lembaga, (2) Pendidik mampu memiliki motivasi yang tinggi untuk meningkatkan kompetensinya, (3) Orang tua siswa hendaknya mendukung setiap program yang dilaksanakan lembaga, (4) Peneliti selanjutnya hendaknya menindak lanjuti penelitian ini mengingat masih banyak kompetensi yang lainnya yang dimiliki pendidik yang meliputi kompetensi professional, sosial dan kepribadian. Kata kunci : upaya pengelola, kompetensi pedagogik, pendidik. This research is motivated by the facts in the field which indicates a low level of education in the early childhood teachers which is lead teacher mastery of the pedagogical component is still low. Based on the fact, the purpose of this study (1) To identify the objective conditions in pedagogic competence of teachers, (2) To know the efforts the management of the early childhood education in improving the competence of Pedagogic Teachers, (3) To Know the factors that may influence the efforts of the management in improving the competence of Pedagogic teachers in ECD at Tarbiyatul Umat Subang. The theoretical basis of this research is that the concept of an early childhood Institute Management, Teachers and Education Personnel concept of early childhood, early childhood teachers and Institutional Competence ECD as a unit of a non- formal Education. The method used is a qualitative approach to data collection through interviews, observation, and documentation study, the research subjects consisted of 4 people including managers and teachers. Based on the results of the data processing obtained data’s, they are: (1) the objective conditions in terms of pedagogic competence possessed by teachers in early childhood Tarbiyatul Ummah Subang is Very Good in understanding the characteristics of learners, in design learning, implementing the learning, evaluating the learning assesment, and the development of the learners potential. (2) The Efforts from the ECD manager in improving the competence of teachers Pedagogic in early childhood Tarbiyatul people of Subang is good enough, this is proofed by the programs that have been conducted by the management works as planned, well programmed, continuously and consistent. (3) Factors that can influence the management efforts in improving Pedagogic competence of the teachers in early childhood Tarbiyatul People Subang, are 1) Internal factors include: the teachers educational background, teachers' experience in teaching, teachers health and the teachers income. 2) External factors include: educations facilities, discipline in work and the supervision of the school principal. Suggestions: (1) the adminintrator/management involving teachers in the program conducted outside the institution, (2) Teachers are able to have a high motivation to improve their competence, (3) Parents should support every programs that are implemented by the institutions, (4) Further Researchers should continue this study since there are many other competencies that the teachers possessed. They are include professional competence, social and personality. Keywords: Efforts of the manager, pedagogical competence, teache


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    Anggota suku Solanaceae yang melimpah di Indonesia serta variasi morfologi yang tinggi, menyulitkan dalam proses klasifikasi, sehingga saat ini di Indonesia belum banyak dilakukan penelitian mengenai analisis filogenetik terutama berdasarkan karakter morfologi organ vegetatif. Telah dilakukan analisis filogenetik pada 19 jenis anggota suku Solanaceae berdasarkan karakter morfologi organ vegetatif (batang dan daun). Total karakter yang diamati berjumlah 20 karakter. Karakter tersebut diubah dalam bentuk skor, dilakukan penjajaran menggunakan program ClustalX versi 1.83, dan diubah ke dalam pohon filogenetik dengan metode Maximum Parsimony menggunakan program komputer MEGA versi 4.0.2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variasi morfologi organ vegetatif yang cukup tinggi. Berdasarkan pohon filogenetik diketahui bahwa seluruh jenis yang diamati membentuk tiga kelompok utama. Kelompok pertama terdiri dari Solanum wrightii Benth. Kelompok kedua terdiri dari Brugmansia suaviolens Willd., Brugmansia candida Pers., Solanum melongena L., Solanum mammosum L., Solanum torvum L., Solandra maxima Sesse & Moc., Petunia sp., dan Brunfelsia uniflora Pohl. Kelompok ketiga terdiri dari Solanum nigrum L., Physalis angulata L., Capsicum frutescens L., Capsicum annuum L., Petunia grandiflora, Nicotiana tabacum L., Solanum tuberosum L., Solanum lycopersicum L., Solanum macrocarrfum dan Cestrum nocturnum L. Untuk mendukung penelitian ini, penambahan jumlah karakter dan penelitian di bidang lain dapat menghasilkan pohon filogenetik yang lebih baik. Kata Kunci : filogenetik, kekerabatan, solanaceae, vegetatif The abundance of the Solanaceae family in Indonesia as well as its high variety of the morphological characters make the researcher to identify the classification so that up to the present time there are fewer studies, especially in Indonesia, pay attention to the analysis of phylogenetics, particularly which is based on vegetative morphological characters. This research aimed at exploring the phylogenetic relationship on 19 species of Solanaceae based on vegetative morphological characters. The total characters observed were 20 characters and the scoring was also performed. In order to form a phylogenetic tree, the scoring was analyzed using computer software ClustalX version 1.83 and Maximum Parsimony method using computer software MEGA version 4.0.2. The results showed that morphological variation of vegetative characters were quite high. From the phylogenetic tree, it was known that all species observed were classified into three main groups. The first group consisted of Solanum wrightii Benth., The second group consisted of Brugmansia suaviolens Willd., Brugmansia candida Pers., Solanum melongena L., Solanum mammosum L., Solanum torvum L., Solandra maxima Sesse & Moc., Petunia sp., dan Brunfelsia uniflora Pohl.. The third group consisted of Solanum nigrum L., Physalis angulata L., Capsicum frutescens L., Capsicum annuum L., Petunia grandiflora, Nicotiana tabacum L., Solanum tuberosum L., Solanum lycopersicum L., Solanum macrocarfum and Cestrum nocturnum L. Keywords : genetic relationship, phylogenetic, solanaceae, vegetativ


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    Earnings information which reported in a financial report is generally important, especially those who are using financial statements for a contract and decision making of investments. In the purpose of the contract’s perspective, earnings information can be used as basis in determining the salary alocation of an enterprise. In decision making investment’s perspective, earnings information important for investors to know more about the condition of a corporation so they became convinced to invest, therefore earnings profit information in the financial report of the company shall be qualified and in accordance with the accounting standard. This research aims to analyze the factors that affect the quality of earnings on manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange period 2006- 2010, those factors are the assignment period of public accounting, managerial ownership percentage, and size of period public accounting. Hypothesis testing in this research is multiple linear regressions. The results of this research indicates that the managerial ownership and public accounting size have positiveeffect on earning quality, means that the greater the percentage of managerial ownership, and the size of a public accounting firrm indicates that the earning information reported in the financial statements are more qualified. The assignment period of accountant public showed negative effect on earning quality, therefore the length the assignmentperiod of public accounting on an enterprise's information led to the earnings information in the financial statementsworst

    Etos dan Spirit Hidup Orang Manggarai: Ruku D'Itet Manggarai

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    The History of Urbanization in Java Island: Path to Contemporary Urbanization

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    The paper presents the historical analysis of the spatial transformation and emerging urban reality in Java Island. The historical approach used to understand the urbanization dynamics from the year 1200 until the present time. The study passes through important historical events: early Archipelago, precolonial, colonial state, late colonialization, Japanese occupation, Indonesia’s independence, Indonesia’s democratic experiment, guided democracy, new order, fall of the new order, and post-Suharto era, in which the history of urbanization pattern is also visualized on the map. From a long time frames the colonial state, new order, and the post-1997 financial crisis are the most important influence for Java’s urbanization. From the study, it reveals that the urbanization in Java Island has undergone a series of events that made the urban population contracted or expanded; hence its centers moved to different places. The study also underlines the influence of colonial and economic crises which made Java, and particularly Jakarta, to emerge as the epicenter of urbanization in Indonesia, as Jakarta’s urban development was further enhanced after Indonesia’s independence
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