178 research outputs found

    The Book of Tasty and Healthy Food: Mythology or Pragmatics?

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    The article was submitted on 01.02.2018.Рассмотрен знаковый, но малоисследованный феномен советской повседневности – «Книга о вкусной и здоровой пище». Наиболее изученный аспект данного издания – идеологический, однако в представленной работе предложен совершенно иной ракурс ее рассмотрения. Главной задачей автора является обнаружение диалектики мифологического и прагматического в тексте и структуре книги. Любой миф (и современный не исключение) не просто формирует картину мира, а регламентирует и направляет практики повседневности. В статье на конкретном материале анализируется процесс формирования новых практик повседневности советского человека. Автор опирается на единство синхронического и диахронического аспектов исследования материала, поскольку важно не только понять, как изначально была сформирована структура текста, но и проследить трансформации, происходившие от издания к изданию. Книга переиздавалась множество раз, однако для строгости исследования в контексте советской культуры были выбраны четыре издания – 1939, 1952 и 1955 гг. Показаны практическая значимость «Книги о вкусной и здоровой пище» и отражение в ней реальных изменений домашнего быта советского человека.This article is devoted to an iconic but little-studied phenomenon of Soviet life, The Book of Tasty and Healthy Food. The most studied aspect of this work is the ideological one: however, this paper considers a completely different dimension. The main objective of the proposed analysis is to detect the dialectic of the mythological and the pragmatic in the text and structure of this book. All myths (and modern ones are no exception) do not simply form a picture of the world: they also regulate and direct the practices of everyday life. Using this specific text, the article examines the formation of new practices of everyday Soviet life. The author relies both on synchronic and diachronic analysis, as it is important not only to understand how the text of The Book of Tasty and Healthy Food was structured, but also to trace the transformation that occurred from edition to edition. The book was reprinted many times; this study focuses on four editions (1939, 1952, 1955). The article shows the practical significance of the book and how it reflects the real changes in the lives of Soviet citizens

    Problems and Prospects of On-Line Education in Russia

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    The article is devoted to the problems and prospects of online education in modern Russia. The situation of the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has brought the process of distance learning to a new level. The author makes an attempt to analyse the main forms and methods of online education from the point of view of developing students’ skills of critical literacy and the ability to form their own semantic field

    Environmental fluctuations of the Lake Chany complex in western Siberia based on NOAA images

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    The Lake Chany complex, located in Western Siberia, consists of the large shallow lakes with an average depth of about 2m. The lake area fluctuates according to water level that depends closely on the amount of inflow( snow-melt) and the evaporation, since the lake complex has no outflow river. Based on NOAA/AVHRR satellite normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data of the ice-free periods in 2000 and 2001, we evaluated the seasonal changes in the lake area and the surroundingu vegetations of the Lake Chany complex. In late April or early May, the maximum lake area was abserved and the lake area decreased drastically until late May or early June. Then, the lake area decreased gradually from early June to late August. The lake area in August was about 70% of the maximum. Then, the area tends to increase by early October. Compared with the ground truth in August 2001, the seasonally fluctuated areas on NOAA images corresponded to the vast vegetations with several km in width of reed (Phragmites communis) stands which seem to be influenced by the inflow of snow meltwater and the growth of reeds.Article信州大学山地水環境教育研究センター研究報告 2: 1-4(2004)departmental bulletin pape

    Preliminary studies on carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios analysis of food web in Lake Chany of Western Siberia

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    Lake Chany is an inland moderately saline lake in Western Siberia. Itconsists of three lakes, Bolshye (Large) Chany, Malye (Small) Chany and Yarkul Pool. Field survey of Lake Chany was carried out at four parts of the lake with different salinity to analyze their food web structures using carbon and nitrogen stable isotope as natusral tracers. The intruding river rigion (St.1) and Malye Chany (St.2) wwkth low salinity (0.9%), the central part of Bolshye Chany (St.3) with salinity of 5.7% and the innermost part of Bolshye Chany (St.4) with the highest salinnity of 6.3% were selected as study sites. Comparison of the isotope ratios of benthis incertebrate (Chironomidae; Diptera) among the sampling sites showed the lowest δ13C and δ15N values at St.1 and highest values at St.4. The benthic invertebrates at St.3 showed similar δ13C and δ15N values to those of St.4 and St.1, respectively. Similar trends but different values of the isotope raions among the sampling stations were observed in zooplankton, POM and sediment samples, indicationg the initial substances of the food chains were different at different parts of the lake.Article信州大学山地水環境教育研究センター研究報告 2: 21-24(2004)departmental bulletin pape

    Developed Subjectivity of Students as a Factor in the Formation of a “Pedagogical Polylogue”

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 12.02.2023 г.В статье исследуется проблема субъектности в образовании, в частности специфика взаимодействия с аудиторией, обладающей развитой субъектностью. На основе анализа конкретного педагогического опыта рассматриваются наиболее эффективные методы работы педагога с грамотной и высоко мотивированной аудиторией. Автор опирается на понятие «внутренней формы личности», сформулированное П. Щедровицким. Отказ от принципов исполнительской культуры в образовательном процессе возможен на основе широкого информационного поля, в рамках которого студенты должны выстроить собственную стратегию и определить основания систематизации материала с учетом сформулированной педагогом исследовательской парадигмы. Опираясь на методологию М. Бахтина, автор вводит понятие «педагогический полилог». Наличие развитой субъектности у обучающихся с необходимостью влечет за собой взаимодействие в формате «педагогического полилога», где педагог и студенты являются равноправными действующими, мыслящими, говорящими и оценивающими субъектами. Активная реализация субъектности как студента, так и педагога порождает ситуацию взаимообучения.The article explores the problem of subjectivity in education, focusing on the specifics of interaction with an audience that possesses developed subjectivity. Based on the analysis of specific pedagogical experience, the most effective methods of a teacher’s work with a competent and highly motivated audience are considered. In this regard, the author relies on the concept of the “inner form of personality” formulated by P. Shchedrovitsky. The principle of self-construction underlying the “inner form of personality” presupposes the presence of a wide information field within which students must build their own strategy and the basis for systematization of the material, taking into account the research paradigm formulated by the teacher. Based on the methodology of M. Bakhtin, the author, introduces the concept of “pedagogical polylogue”. The presence of developed subjectivity among students necessarily entails interaction in the format of a “pedagogical polylogue”, where the teacher and students are equal acting, thinking, speaking and evaluating subjects. The active realization of subjectivity of both the student and the teacher generates a situation of mutual learning

    Визначення стабільності електроліту та умов для осадження електрохромних плівок WO3

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    The present research is devoted to finding the condition and intricacies of WO3 film electrodeposition from peroxotungstic acid-based electrolyte that can be used for real production process. For deposition of electrochromic WO3 films, the galvanostatic regime with following parameters is proposed: cathodic current density -0.2 mA/cm2, deposition time 30 min. The films prepared under such deposition parameters are transparent and had good adhesion to the substrate – the glass coated with fluorine-doped tin oxide. The averaged coloration degree for film deposited from fresh electrolyte is 10%, while for film deposited from regenerated electrolyte – 5 %. During investigation, the potential window in which WO3 film could be colored and bleached, without reduction of SnO2 to metallic tin is established. It is also demonstrated that electrolytes containing peroxotungstic acid are unstable and degrade over time. It is proposed to use hydrogen peroxide for regeneration of electrolyte. It is demonstrated that electrolyte can be partially regenerated with hydrogen peroxide.Для осаждения электрохромных пленок WO3 предложен гальваностатический режим: ic=-0.2 мА/cм2, 30 мин. Пленки, полученные в таких условиях, прозрачные, качественные и имеют хорошую адгезию к основе. Показано, что используемый электролит нестабильный и со временем меняет свои свойства. Для восстановления электролита предложено добавлять перекись водорода согласно рецептуре.Для осадження електрохромних плівок WO3 запропоновано гальваностатичний режим: ic=-0.2 мA/cм2, 30 хв. Плівки, отримані у таких умовах прозорі, якісні та мають гарну адгезію до основи. Показано, що використовуваний електроліт нестабільний та з часом змінює свої властивості. Для відновлення електроліту запропоновано додавати перекис водню згідно з рецептурою

    Isotopic evidence for the spatial heterogeneity of the planktonic food webs in the transition zone between river and lake ecosystems

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    Resources and organisms in food webs are distributed patchily. The spatial structure of food webs is important and critical to understanding their overall structure. However, there is little available information about the small-scale spatial structure of food webs. We investigated the spatial structure of food webs in a lake ecosystem at the littoral transition zone between an inflowing river and a lake. We measured the carbon isotope ratios of zooplankton and particulate organic matter (POM; predominantly phytoplankton) in the littoral zone of a saline lake. Parallel changes in the δ 13C values of zooplankton and their respective POMs indicated that there is spatial heterogeneity of the food web in this study area. Lake ecosystems are usually classified at the landscape level as either pelagic or littoral habitats. However, we showed small-scale spatial heterogeneity among planktonic food webs along an environmental gradient. Stable isotope data is useful for detecting spatial heterogeneity of habitats, populations, communities, and ecosystems

    Redefinition of Aureobasidium pullulans and its varieties

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    Using media with low water activity, a large numbers of aureobasidium-like black yeasts were isolated from glacial and subglacial ice of three polythermal glaciers from the coastal Arctic environment of Kongsfjorden (Svalbard, Spitsbergen), as well as from adjacent sea water, sea ice and glacial meltwaters. To characterise the genetic variability of Aureobasidium pullulans strains originating from the Arctic and strains originating pan-globally, a multilocus molecular analysis was performed, through rDNA (internal transcribed spacers, partial 28 S rDNA), and partial introns and exons of genes encoding β-tubulin (TUB), translation elongation factor (EF1α) and elongase (ELO). Two globally ubiquitous varieties were distinguished: var. pullulans, occurring particularly in slightly osmotic substrates and in the phyllosphere; and var. melanogenum, mainly isolated from watery habitats. Both varieties were commonly isolated from the sampled Arctic habitats. However, some aureobasidium-like strains from subglacial ice from three different glaciers in Kongsfjorden (Svalbard, Spitsbergen), appeared to represent a new variety of A. pullulans. A strain from dolomitic marble in Namibia was found to belong to yet another variety. No molecular support has as yet been found for the previously described var. aubasidani. A partial elongase-encoding gene was successfully used as a phylogenetic marker at the (infra-)specific level