40 research outputs found

    Characteristics Of Bacteriocin Producing Lactococcus Species Isolated From Processed Meat

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    The bacteriocin producing Lactococcus species, isolated from processed meat (smoked beef) by serial dilution and poured plate inoculation were biochemically similar to Latococcus lactis subsp. lactis strain. The bacteriocin (s) produced by the three isolates have MW similar to nisin. They also have wider antibacterial range against Gram-positive pathogenic and spoilage bacteria similar to nisin. Plasmid profile showed UW1 and UW2 are similar but different from UW3 and all three isolates are different from the seven known nisin producing strain of L. lactis subsp. lactis. (DL, 150, 7690, Tis Sik, ATCC11454, 354/07, and 148). Furthermore, amino acid sequence analysis is needed to identify whether unknown bacteriocin is nisin or not


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    The bacteriocin producing Lactococcus species, isolated from processed meat (smoked beef) by serial dilution and poured plate inoculation were biochemically similar to Latococcus lactis subsp. lactis strain. The bacteriocin (s) produced by the three isolates have MW similar to nisin. They also have wider antibacterial range against Gram-positive pathogenic and spoilage bacteria similar to nisin. Plasmid profile showed UW1 and UW2 are similar but different from UW3 and all three isolates are different from the seven known nisin producing strain of L. lactis subsp. lactis. (DL, 150, 7690, Tis Sik, ATCC11454, 354/07, and 148). Furthermore, amino acid sequence analysis is needed to identify whether unknown bacteriocin is nisin or not. Keywords: Bacteriocin, isolate

    Milk Fermentation and Making of Syrup Using Microflora as the Constituen of Yogurt Starter

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    Fermented milk is one of important source of human nutrition, but not every one able to digest it properly, which can cause lactose intolerance. One alternative solution is milk should be fermented. Lactose in milk is broken down into glucose and galactose by the starter culture activity and decrease the digestion problem. There are milk based syrup which is potential to be improved in Indonesia as diversification product of fermented milk. Research has been conducted in Milk Processed Laboratory, Agriculture Department, of Syiah Kuala University. The experiment divided in to two phase which were 1) to determine milk fementation process by different pecentage of bacteria and 2) making syrup by adding sugar in fermented milk. Completely Random Disigned (CRD) was used based on sugar and yoghurt ratio in several species of microflora. namely Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophillus and Streptococcus thermophillus. Te result of the first phase showed that milk completely fermented by adding 5 percent of bacteria and significantly (p<0,05)effect the pH, lactic acid level and unsignificantly effect fat and protein level. In the second phase showed that the best syrup performance is 50 percent fermented milk added with 5 percent sugar. The addition of different percentage of starter very significantly (P<0,01) effect on pH, lactic acid level and also effect hedonic test. Furthermore, that treament given did not effect any of fat, protein, colour and aroma. In conclusion, percetage of sugar and starter addition will influence the flavor of fermented milk syru

    Kajian Kualitas Yogurt Menggunakan Starter Komersil (Lactobacillus Bulgaricus)

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    The objective of this experiment was to study the quality of yoghurt produced by using a commercial starter culture of lactobacillus bulgaricus. Raw milk which was prepared by mixing 12 % powder milk into distilled water was placed into 12 Erlenmeyer glasses of 250 ml each. The glasses were divided into 3 groups of 4 glasses each as replications. Each group of milk in the glasses was added 3 different levels of 5; 7.5 and 10 % of commercial starter of L. bulgaricus. After well mixing, the Erlenmeyer's were incubated in an oven with temperature of 40 - 45oC for 5-6 hours to produce yoghurt. The yoghurt products were chemically analyzed for determination of pH, lactic acid, and fat and crude protein content. Data were statistically analyzed for variance analysis in a completely randomized design. Results showed that there were no significant efects of using different levels of starter culture. The quality of yoghurt products in term of pH, acidity, protein and content satisfied the quality standard

    Aktivitas Antimikroba Khamir Asal Dadih (susu kerbau fermentasi) Terhadap Beberapa Bakteri Patogen

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    Antimicroba activity of yeast dadih (buffalo milk fermentation) origin on pathogenic bacteria ABSTRACT. Research was carried out to study the effect of antimicrobial activity of yeast found in dadih. Yeasts chosen were isolated from dadih (traditionally buffalo milk fermentation). The objective is to know the ability of yeast to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria in milk. They were Candida curiosa, Brettanomyces custersii, and Kluyveromices lactis. Kluy. lactis has strong antimicrobial on Bacillus subtilis with zone of inhibition ± 5mm, C. curiosa on E.coli (5mm) and C. curiosa and Brett. custersii also have strong antimicrobial on S. aureus consecutively 5,75 and 7 mm. As a conclusion the result showed that all of three yeasts selected have capability to stop the growth of pathogenic bacteria of buffalo milk origin in five days

    Milk fermentation and making of syrup using microflora as the constituen of yogurt starter

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    Fermented milk is one of important source of human nutrition, but not every one able to digest it properly, which can cause lactose intolerance. One alternative solution is milk should be fermented. Lactose in milk is broken down into glucose and galactose by the starter culture activity and decrease the digestion problem. There are milk based syrup which is potential to be improved in Indonesia as diversification product of  fermented milk.  Research has been conducted in Milk Processed Laboratory,  Agriculture Department, of Syiah Kuala University. The experiment divided in to two phase which were 1) to determine milk fementation process by different pecentage of bacteria and 2) making syrup by adding sugar  in fermented milk. Completely Random Disigned (CRD) was used based on sugar and yoghurt ratio in several species of microflora. namely Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophillus and Streptococcus thermophillus. Te result of the first phase  showed that milk completely fermented by adding 5 percent of bacteria and significantly (p0,05)effect the pH, lactic acid level and unsignificantly effect fat and protein level. In the second phase showed that the best syrup performance is 50 percent fermented milk added with  5 percent sugar. The addition of different percentage of starter very significantly (P0,01) effect on pH, lactic acid level and also effect hedonic test. Furthermore, that treament given did not effect any of fat, protein, colour and aroma. In conclusion, percetage of sugar and starter addition will influence  the flavor of fermented milk syrup

    Aktivitas Antimikroba Khamir Asal Dadih (susu kerbau fermentasi) Terhadap Beberapa Bakteri Patogen

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    Antimicroba activity of yeast dadih (buffalo milk fermentation) origin on pathogenic bacteriaABSTRACT. Research was carried out to study the effect of antimicrobial activity of yeast found in dadih. Yeasts chosen were isolated from dadih (traditionally buffalo milk fermentation). The objective is to know the ability of yeast to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria in milk. They were Candida curiosa, Brettanomyces custersii, and Kluyveromices lactis. Kluy. lactis has strong antimicrobial on Bacillus subtilis with zone of inhibition ± 5mm, C. curiosa on E.coli (5mm) and C. curiosa and Brett. custersii also have strong antimicrobial on S. aureus consecutively 5,75 and 7 mm. As a conclusion the result showed that all of three yeasts selected have capability to stop the growth of pathogenic bacteria of buffalo milk origin in five days

    Potensi Madu dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Minuman Kefir

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    Suatu penelitian telah dilakukan tentang manfaat madu sebagai salah satu senyawa yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas kefir. Tujuannya adalah ingin mengetahui pengaruh penambahan madu tehadap kualitas kefir sebagai minuman yang bersifat terapeutik. Rancangan Acak lengkap pola faktorial digunakan dalam penelitian ini yang terdiri dari dua faktor masing-masing faktor A adalah persentase starter yang terdiri dari     2 level yaitu 7,5 dan 15%, faktor B adalah persentase madu yang terdiri dari  3 level yaitu  0, 4 dan 8%  serta setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Parameter yang diamati antara lain pH, kadar protein dan kadar antioksidan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan madu berpengaruh sangat nyata P (<0.01) terhadap pH kefir dan kadar  protein serta meningkatkan kadar antioksidan. Terdapat interaksi antara persentase starter dan madu pada level  masing-masing 15 %  dan 4 %. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penambahan madu mampu menigkatkan nilai pH pada kisaran 3,60 sampai 3,77, pada level starter 7,5 dan 4 % madu. Interaksi antara level starter dan madu berpengaruh terhadap kadar protein,  dan  terjadi peningkatan kadar antioksidan pada penambahan madu 4%. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa madu merupakan bahan yang sangat potensial dalam meningkatkan kualitas kefir sebagai minuman fermentasi pada level 15% starter dan 4% mad

    Analisa Keasaman dan Total Bakteri Asam Laktat Yogurt Akibat Bahan Baku dan Persentase Lactobacillus casei yang Berbeda

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    Analyze of acidity and amount of lactic acid bacteria of yogurt made from different milk types and lactobacillus casei percentageABSTRACT. The objective of this experiment is to determine the effect of milk types and percentages of Lactobacillus casei as a starter to the amount of Lactic Acid Bacteria in yogurt and its pH value and Lactic Acid value.  Factorial Completely Randomized Design with two factors and three replications was applied.  The A factor was the milk types that were a1 = Powder Milk, a2 = Fresh Milk and a3 = UHT milk.  The B factor was the percentages of Lactobacillus casei  (b1 = 5% and b2 = 10%).  Parameters observed were the level of lactic acid, the pH value of yogurt and the amount of lactic acid bacteria.  The result showed  significantly difference (P0.01) from the use of milk types and Lactobacillus casei percentages on the lactic acid level, and there are no interaction between factors.  There was also significant different (P0.01) showed from pH value and an interaction between both factors was presented.  In addition there was significant difference (P0.05) showed by the amount of lactic acid bacteria, and an interaction between both factors was also existed.  The research concluded that the higher the percentage of starter, the higher the level of lactic acid and the amount of lactic acid bacteria of yogurt that made from all milk types.  On the contrary, the higher the percentage of starter, the lower the pH value of yogurt