702 research outputs found

    Technical efficiency of small scale food industries: The case of Kedah and Perlis

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    This study attempts to examine technical efficiency of small food industries in the states of Kedah and Perlis. The most important problems of entrepreneurs found in this study were limited export market thus limit for further expansion of small scale food industries.In addition the entrepreneurs still adopting the traditional type of production which may be time consuming and this lead to become inefficient in the process of production.An econometric technique of the Stochastic Frontier Production function approach was applied whereby technical efficiency was measured.The results showed that technical efficiencies were rather low among the small scale food manufacturers.This is due to changing structure and labor saving technologies which focus towards modernization of the food industry. However several policy reforms are needed to enhance the competitiveness of the food industries especially pertaining to export markets.It can be conclude that improved extension linkage to sentisize the producers of the need to increase the production to cater for export market.In addition, the government must make every efforts of some joint cooperation between these small medium industries with the Government Link Companies

    Planar electromagnetic sensor based estimation of nitrate contamination in water sources using independent component analysis

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    The main advantages of electromagnetic sensors can be listed as low-cost, convenient, suitable for in-situ measurement system, rapid response, and high durability. In this paper, the output parameters of the planar electromagnetic sensor have been observed with different kind of water samples at different concentrations. The output parameters have been derived and tested to be incorporated with independent component analysis (ICA) and used as inputs for an analysis model. The analysis model targeted to estimate the amount of nitrate contamination in water samples with the assistance of ICA based on FastICA fixed point algorithm under the contrast functions of pow3, tanh, gauss, and skew. Nitrates sample in the form of ammonium nitrates (NH 4NO 3), each of different concentration between 5 mg and 20 mg dissolved in 1 litre of deionized water (Milli-Q) was used as one of the main references. The analysis model was tested with eight sets of mixed NH 4NO 3 and (NH 4) 2HPO 4 water samples. It is seen from the results that the model can acceptably detect the presence of nitrate added in Milli-Q water and capable of distinguishing the concentration level in the presence of other type of contamination. The system and approach presented in this paper has the potential to be used as a useful low-cost tool for water sources monitoring

    Evolusi Institusi Pendidikan Islam Klasik Evolution of Classical Islamic Education Institutions

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    This article aims to export the History of Islamic Education which has lasted approximately 14 centuriesago, that is, since the prophet Muhammad was sent to be an apostle. Initially education took place simply,with the mosque as the center of the learning process, the Koran and Hadith as the main curriculum of theProphet himself acted as a teacher in the education process, but after the Prophet's death Islam continuedto develop to the end of the Arabian peninsula. Islamic educational institutions are very important inachieving the success of the education process, because the institution functions as a mediator inregulating the course of the educational process. Nowadays it seems that education cannot be called ifthere is no institution. Because education plays a central role in Islam. Science becomes the backbone ofIslamic teachings. More than 800 verses of the Qur’an mention, allude or discuss the importance of science.Just a comparison, only 90 Qur'anic verses discuss fiqh or Islamic jurisprudence. Islamic education, is veryclosely related to educational institutions because an Islamic education has an institution that helps.Islamic educational institutions are a place or place where the process of Islamic education takes placesimultaneously with the process of civilization, and it starts from the family environment

    An ultrasonic system for profiling bubblers in water

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    Multi-phase flow occurs as two or more discrete phases flow in a closed pipe or a vessel. Examples of phases include gas, liquid or solid and also different immiscible liquids or solids[1]. Two phase flow of fluids (e.g. gas/liquid, liquid/liquid, etc.) is an important phenomenon in which two immiscible phases coexist in a thermodynamic equilibrium. As a two phase flow regime, bubbly flow column are intensively used as multiphase contactors and reactors in chemical, biochemical and petrochemical industries. Investigation of design parameters characterizing the operation and transport phenomena of bubble columns have led to better understanding of the hydrodynamic properties, heat and mass transfer mechanisms and flow regime characteristics ongoing during the operation[2, 3]. Due to the stringent regulations on precise flow control especially in the case of two phase fluid flow,, there has always been a necessity for developing an easier to use, yet more precise approaches or instrumentation. Accordingly, tomographic measurement is more significant and attractable especially in today's industrial process .


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    Dalam upaya generalisasi hasil pembangunan, di daerah IBT (Indonesia Bagian Timur) mendapat perhatian khusus untuk meningkatkan pembangunannya, berhasil seperti di sektor material dan juga di non material. Untuk mewujudkannya, telah dilakukan upaya pemeliharaan dan peningkatan kualitas berjalan. Salah satu proyek yang ada adalah "Proyek peningkatan Jalan Barru - Parepare Paket Perbaikan Secondary-24". Target Penulisan ini adalah rencana jadwal pengulangan yang kita anggap lebih efisien untuk mencapai hasil yang optimal. Dalam penelitian ini, kami menggunakan metode penulisan berikut: hasil untuk mendapatkan teori untuk kami menggunakan penelitian bibliografi dan untuk mendapatkan data atau informasi yang kami gunakan bidang yang dibakar. Perhitungan peralatan dengan jenis pekerjaan penggalian untuk parit drainase dan saluran air menggunakan ekskavator diperoleh kapasitas menghasilkan jam (Q) = 22,41 m3 / jam dan dump truck yang diperoleh dengan kapasitas menghasilkan / jam (Q) = 12,11 m3 / jam. Perhitungan waktu Duration in dig bekerja untuk drainase dan equaduct adalah 3 hari. Proyek Eksekusi menurut hasil mengevaluasi 323 hari, lebih cepat dari rencana dari awal yang 450 hari. Untuk mempercepat waktu pelaksanaan proyek, kegiatan yang berada di lintasan kritis saja dipercepat? Dalam pembatasan durasi proyek, kemungkinan akan dibentuk oleh lintasan kritis baru sehingga pengamatan pelaksanaan proyek harus kita tingkatkan

    The Role of Customer Satisfaction and Trust as Mediation on The Influence of Service Quality and Corporate Image to Customer Loyalty

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    This study aims to analyze the factors that affect customer loyalty and also factors that affect customer satisfaction and trust. In addition, it also analyzes the factors of customer satisfaction and trust as a factor mediation on the relationship in question. Sample amounted to 270 customer of internet service provider. Primary data were obtained through questionnaire distribution. Data were analyzed using confirmatory factor anaysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). The result showed that 2 exogenous variables significantly influenced directly to endogenous variables, but also 2 exogenous variables influenced through endogenous variables mediation (customer satisfaction and trust). The results of research besides can add to the treasury of research results about consumer behavior, but also that is very important for ISP management in improving customer loyalty through customer satisfaction and trust. Keywords : Customer loyalty, satisfaction, trust, service quality, corporate imag

    Analisis Hubungan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Sebagai Penunjang Prestasi Mahasiswa Fasilkom UNSRI melalui Metode Uji Chi-Square

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    The chi-square test is a hypothesis test of the comparison between the frequency of observation and the frequency of expectations based on a particular hypothesis in each case or the data taken to be observed. From the research test with the title "Testing the relationship between the use of IT on student achievement levels". In total 50 respondents from the scope of the Faculty of Computer Science, Sriwijaya University, and after spss test and significance test can be produced that t count = 0.867 <t table = 9,488 means that Ho is accepted so that the conclusion is there is a relationship between the use of IT to the level of student academic achievementUji chi-square adalah  sebuah uji hipotesis tentang perbandingan antar frekuensi observasi dengan frekuensi ekspektasi yang di dasarkan oleh hipotesis tertentu pada setiap kasus atau data yang diambil untuk diamati. Dari uji penelitian dengan judul “Menguji keterkaitan antara pemanfaatan TI terhadap tingkat prestasi Mahasiswaâ€. Di dapat total responden 50 orang dari ruang lingkupnya yaitu Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya, dan setelah di lakukan uji spss dan uji signifikansi dapat di hasilkan bahwa t hitung = 0.867 < t tabel = 9.488 itu artinya Ho nya di terima dengan begitu dapat kesimpulan bahwa tidak terdapat keterkaitan antara pemanfaatan TI terhadap tingkat prestasi akademik mahasisw


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    Digital divide in rural areas becomes important to be investigated so that later the results of this study can become literacy for the community in increasing the potential of human resources and social living standards through the use of information and communication technology. Research objectives (1) analyze the level of global information accessibility among rural communities in 4 community groups namely, groups of farmers, civil servants, students and housewives. This study uses a descriptive quantitative approach with a survey method to the study population originating from Belopa Village and Desa Senga Selatan. Samples taken amounted to 100 respondents with stratified sampling technique. Descriptive statistical analysis techniques are used to analyze the level of global information accessibility among rural communities. The results showed that (1) the level of global information accessibility among rural communities in the farmer group was quite low, where none of the 100 respondents surveyed used digital devices to access information through online media, (2) the level of global information accessibility in the group Civil servants are good enough where out of 100 respondents the most active PNS groups access information through online media, (3) the level of global information accessibility in the group of housewives is quite low where of the 100 respondents studied only 6% access information through online media


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      Keterlambatan pekerjaan sering terjadi akibat faktor dari segi biaya kontraktor, kondisi lokasi, produktivitas tenaga kerja, material, perubahan desain dan pengaruh cuaca. Mengantisipasi keterlambatan bisa dilakukan percepatan dengan alternatif penambahan tenaga kerja menggunakan metode crashing, namun tidak lupa harus memperhatikan juga dari segi faktor biaya. Percepatan pelaksanaan bisa dilakukan dengan alternatif penambahan tenaga kerja. Tujuan dari pada penelitian ini yaitu menentukan durasi pada pelaksanaan pekerjaan proyek konstruksi, perbandingan biaya dan waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan proyek sebelum dan sesudah percepatan proyek. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode crashing dengan alternatif penambahan tenaga kerja terhadap jumlah pekerja normal dilapangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis jaringan kerja dan percepatan pekerjaan dilakukan yang berada pada lintasan kritis atau durasi terpanjang. Pada hal ini, bangunan yang akan diteliti oleh penulis ialah proyek pembangunan gedung kantor pusat unit pelaksana irigasi modern Kabupaten Pinrang. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil percepatan pada analisis crashing yang di mana dengan alternatif penambahan tenaga kerja terhadap jumlah pekerja normal di lapangan dengan per item pekerjaan yang ditinjau, dapat mempercepat durasi proyek konstruksi menjadi 15,50 hari lebih cepat 40% dari durasi normal 39 hari setelah analisa teknis pekerjaan, artinya proyek lebih cepat selesai 23,50 hari. Namun konsekuensi setelah dilakukannya percepatan, biaya langsung (direct cost) mengalami perubahan di mana biaya semula Rp. 82.756.144,37 menjadi Rp. 115.858.602,12. Dengan terjadinya durasi percepatan pekerjaan proyek, maka untuk biaya tidak langsung semula Rp.14.604.025,48 mengalami perubahan menjadi Rp.8.762.415,29. Biaya awal proyek sebesar Rp.97.360.169,85, dan mengalami pertambahan biaya setelah dilakukan percepatan yaitu sebesar Rp.53.442.618,30, sehinggan nilai total proyek sebesar Rp. 150.802.788,1
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