36 research outputs found

    Penyiram Air Otomatis Kumbung Jamur Tiram Pada Pesantren Ma. Mambaul ‘Ulum, Bengkulu Tengah

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    Pondok Pesantren MA. Mambaul 'Ulum, which is located in Bengkulu Tengah Regency, Bengkulu Province, has an oyster mushroom business unit to support the operational needs of the school. Maintenance, especially baglog watering on oyster mushroom house, is carried out conventionally. Through service activities, a baglog sprinkler automation system was built that works based on humidity and temperature in the mushroom house. The system utilizes electrical energy sourced from solar panels that are integrated with an automatic sprinkler system. The method used in the target audience of service (teachers and students) starts from the initial coordination, then the delivery of the material in theory and practice, followed by the installation of the system as a whole and running and testing the system. Based on the test results, it was obtained that the system can run properly according to the conditions set on the automated system. The watering automatic system active while the oyster mushroom house in non-ideal environmental condition


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    Rindu Hati Village, located in the Central Regency of Bengkulu, is one of the tourist villages in Bengkulu Province. This village has various natural tourist potentials such as waterfalls, expanses of plantations and rice fields, camping grounds, rafting, etc. However, access to electricity for this area is still very limited. It can be seen in the unavailability of streetlights on site, very limited lighting in tourist areas, etc. In fact, this area receives sunlight all day long throughout the year which can be applied for lighting using solar panels. The limited knowledge and skills of the community regarding the various variations of solar panel technology and the installation process are the reasons why this technology was not used. Therefore, in this service activity, various solar panel technologies were explained and training on their use, especially for tourism awareness groups in Rindu Hati village. This activity is divided into five stages, the first stage is exposure to the use of solar panel technology, followed by training on the installation of various forms of solar panels and the last stage installation solar panels for the lighting of the campsite. In addition, before and after the presentation and training, a questionnaire was handed out which aims to determine the public's knowledge of solar panel technology. The results of the questionnaire show that the public is already familiar with solar panels for producing electrical energy, but limitation in the form and variation. During the implementation of the activity, the community showed interest in using solar panels in their homes. In addition, this activity increases the knowledge and skills of the community in the use of solar energy by using solar panels for various purposes such as lighting and electricity for electronic devices in the househol

    Peningkatan Skill dan Pengetahuan Masyarakat tentang Instalasi Panel Surya sebagai Sumber Energi Listrik Alternatif

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    Bengkulu city has abundant solar energy that has not yet been utilized to optimize. Bengkulu people, especially the Muara Bangkahulu district, do not yet have the skills and knowledge to use solar panels to meet their daily electricity needs. In this activity, the workshop was carried out on the use and solar panel installation technique that could be used as an alternative source of electricity. Participants were the residents of RT.20/01, Pematang Gubernur sub-district, Muara Bangkahulu district, Bengkulu City. The workshop consisted of three main parts; they were filling out the questionnaire, presentation, and practice of installing a solar panel. The questionnaire was given at the time before and after the material and practice were done. Some household products that are using solar energy were delivered during the presentation. The next step was the installation practice of solar panels and their components. The questionnaire result shows that participants are attracted to use the solar panel as alternative electric energy. In addition, the community who initially has a limitation of knowledge to install a solar panel, after the workshop is carried out, they have the skill for that installation

    New Design of Potentially Low-cost Solar Cells Using TiO2/Graphite Composite as Photon Absorber

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    A solar cell design using the combination of titanium dioxide and graphite as active photon absorbing materials were proposed. The titanium dioxide absorbs photons of nearly ultraviolet wavelengths to produce electron hole pairs, while graphite is expected to absorb photons of longer wavelengths. Although many authors have claimed that graphite is not a semiconductor, we observed that a model of a solar cell containing titanium dioxide only as the active material behaves exactly the same as a model containing graphite only as the active material. Additionally, we observed that a model of a solar cell made using a composite of titanium dioxide and graphite as the active material had much higher efficiency than solar cells made using titanium dioxide only or graphite only active materials.Comment: 3 figure


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    Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan papan komposit berbasis limbah sawit berupa pelepah sawit. Dengan karakteristik material berpori yang dimiliki, papan komposit berbasis limbah sawit berpotensi dikembangkan sebagai material akustik. Untuk menghasilkan papan komposit, limbah pelepah sawit dikeringkan pada suhu 105 oC selama 24 jam dan kemudian dihancurkan untuk mendapatkan serbuk pelepah sawit. Tahap selanjutnya adalah pembuatan papan dengan menggunakan perekat PVAc sebagai matrik dan serbuk pelepah sawit sebagai filler. Pengujian akustik dilakukan menggunakan perangkat lunak Audacity dengan variasi frekuensi suara 100 Hz-500 Hz dengan kenaikan 100 Hz.  Hasil pengujian menunjukan kemampuan papan komposit untuk meredam/menyerap bunyi dengan baik. Lebih lanjut, papan komposit berbasis pelepah sawit menunjukan peforma yang baik untuk pengujian frekuensi yang lebih besar. Pada penelitian ini juga dilakukan komparasi peforma peredaman bunyi dari papan komposit dan papan yang digunakan secara komersial


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    The need for electrical energy is increasing in every area and year. However, not all sites can be fulfilled - incredibly outlandish locations. At the same time, the natural potential in there, such as river irrigation flows, can be used as an additional source of electricity for the area. This paper describes the science and technology-based community service activities by applying appropriate micro-hydro technology to produce electrical energy. This service aims to optimize natural potential in the form of rice field irrigation channels as street lighting in Rindu Hati Village, Central Bengkulu Regency. The methods are socialization and design of micro hydro systems with service participants. The service implementation consists of equipment preparation, socialization, and installation of a micro-hydro system with service participants from members of a group ‘Pokdarwis’ of the Rindu Hati Village. The involvement of participants with the service team made this activity possible to carry out properly so that street lighting with energy sources from irrigation channels could be realized. Monitoring the condition of the sustainability of the micro-hydro system was still carried out by appointing one of the service participants as the person in charge of the micro-hydro system.  ---  Kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap energi listrik setiap tahun terus meningkat. Namun tidak semua daerah dapat tercukupi kebutuhan listriknya, terutama untuk daerah yang terpencil, sedangkan potensi alam di daerah terpencil seperti aliran irigasi sungai dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber listrik tambahan bagi daerah tersebut . Tulisan ini memaparkan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berbasis iptek melalui penerapan teknologi tepat guna mikrohidro dalam upaya menghasilkan energi listrik. Tujuan pengabdian ini  untuk mengoptimalkan potensi alam berupa saluran irigasi sawah sebagai penerangan jalan Desa Rindu Hati, Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah. Metode yang digunakan adalah sosialisasi dan rancang bangun sistem mikrohidro dengan peserta pengabdian. Pelaksanaan pengabdian terdiri dari tahapan persiapan perangkat, sosialisasi dan instalasi skistem mikrohidro dengan peserta pengabdian yang berasal dari anggota Pokdarwis Desa Rindu Hati. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah terbentuknya sistem mikrohidro yang memanfaatkan aliran irigasi sungai sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber penerangan lampu jalan di lokasi tersebut.Pemantauan kondisi keberlangsungan sistem mikrohidro tetap dilakukan dengan penunjukkan salah seorang peserta pengabdian sebagai penanggung jawab sistem mikrohidro

    Kajian Kualitas Air dan Indeks Pencemaran Di Perairan Kampung Sejahtera Pulau Baai Kota Bengkulu

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    Water quality is one of the important factors supporting the growth of mangrove ecosystems. The activites of Kampung Sejahtera’s people were allegedly polluted the waters and disturbing the mangrove ecosystem. This study aimed  to identify  the status of water quality and pollution index in the waters of Kampung Sejahtera, Bengkulu City. The method used is a direct measurement at the research location which was carried out at 9 location points, 5 points representing the waters near the settlements of the prosperous village residents, and 4 location points representing the waters near the mangrove ecosystem. Then the results are compared with the Decree of the State Minister of the Environment No. 51 of 2004 concerning seawater quality standards for marine biota and to determine the status of water quality by using the pollution index method based on the Decree of the State Minister of the Environment No. 115 of 2003. The results of this study indicate that the temperature parameter, salinity, and pH met the quality standard while the TSS and DO parameters did not fulfill the quality standard. Based on the results of the calculation of the pollution index that the waters of Kampung Sejahtera are in the category of good condition to lightly pollute

    IoT Application of Simple Solar Intensity Monitoring System Using Photovoltaic Panel

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    Solar radiation data is useful for solar power plant (PLTS) development, the agricultural sector, renewable energy, transportation and communication, and other disciplines. This data is generally obtained from government agencies. The device used to measure solar radiation is a pyranometer. However, this equipment has limited availability and the data information is only owned by certain regions. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a simpler measuring instrument for the intensity of solar radiation. So that data information is obtained easily and the operation of tools is easy. In this study, photovoltaic panels were used to read the intensity of solar radiation. When this panel is exposed to the sun it will generate electricity and its output is proportional to its radiation. Data monitoring utilizes IoT. The measured results of measuring the intensity of solar radiation have a maximum value of 450.21 W/m2. The measured magnitude of the solar radiation value shows that the influence factors in the form of sunlight intensity, ambient temperature, and panel output power are proportional to the radiation value while environmental humidity is inversely proportional to the radiation value


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    Indonesia merupakan negara agraris yang mayoritas dari penduduknya berprofesi sebagai petani. Faktor utama dalam bidang pertanian berkaitan dengan kualitas tanah. Kualitas dari tanaman dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa parameter salah satunya pH (tingkat asam dan basa). Pada beberapa kasus, pengukuran pH tanah dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan kertas lakmus. Di sisi lain, sistem sensor dan instrumentasi telah berkembang sehingga memungkinkan dilakukan penelitian mengenai digitalisasi pengukuran pH tanah. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka dilakukan desain bangun pH tanah digital berbasis mikrokontroller. Perancangan sistem elektronik menggunakan beberapa komponen yaitu LED, LCD, buzzer dan sensor pH. Komponen tersebut dihubungkan dengan mikrokontroller sesuai perintah yang diinginkan. Ketika input masukan dari sensor terbaca maka LED, buzzer, dan LCD memberikan respon berupa cahaya, bunyi dan tampilan nilai output. Untuk mengetahui tingkat akurasi dari alat yang dibuat, dilakukan kalibrasi sensor pH tanah dengan membandingkan nilai keluaran pH standar terhadap nilai tegangan ADC (Analog Digital to Converter) pada sensor. Selanjutnya, dilakukan pengambilan data dengan sampel yang berbeda. Apabila tanah bersifat asam, LED 1 dan buzzer akan  hidup serta berlaku sebaliknya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan alat dapat mengukur pH pada range 3,5 -7 dengan error 2,40%,  untuk pH >8 error yang dihasilkan cukup besar sehingga alat ini cocok mengukur pH tanah dengan range <8


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    There are enormous of natural resources as alternative electrical energy to be developed in Bengkulu province. It’s located in west coast of Sumatera Island and faces on Indian Ocean make Bengkulu province abundant wind energy. Piezoelectric is a material that produces electrical while the pressure applied on the surface. In this research, a preliminary study of characteristic of piezoelectric was carried out to produce electrical from mechanical energy generated from wind. The output voltage from some piezoelectric configurations was measured. Furthermore, a prototype of wind energy conversion to electrical energy was enlarged to search piezoelectric characteristic too. The measurement results show that the series piezoelectric configuration produces a higher electric voltage than the parallel arrangement. The greater the mechanical energy received on the piezoelectric surface, the higher the electric voltage generated by the piezoelectric. Four piezoelectric in series configuration produce 3.5 volts of voltage while 3.6 joules mechanical energy applied on their’s surfaces. By using the prototype of wind energy conversion, it is found that the wind velocity influence the obtained of voltage. There is a linear relationship between wind speed and the voltage generated.  &nbsp