472 research outputs found


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    Woman Body Is A Symbol Of Moralty and therefore has a strategic value in a power struggle. Politics of womenë­© bodies have occurred since the era of the old oreder and become more massive in the era of feform. Many public policies are made in the era of reform aimed at controlling womensë­© bodies. This is done because the government in up holding the social order. Because women bodies have becomes a political commodity, women are no longer have authority over her own body. Political body makes womens should be subject to the policies of political an moral authority so tend to limit womenë­© activities in the public domain


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    ABSTRAKKata Kunci: Belajar dan Prestasi Belajar, MatematikaMatematika merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang ada di setiap jenjang pendidikan, baik di jenjang pendidikan dasar, menengah maupun perguruan tinggi. Bagi siswa, penguasaan matematika akan menjadi sarana yang ampuh untuk mempelajari mata pelajaran lainnya, karena matematika mengajarkan cara atau proses berfikir yang logis (rasional), kritis dan objektif. Oleh karena itu penulis melakukan penelitian dalam hal prestasi belajar matematika siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketuntasan belajar siswa dan untuk mengetahui penguasaan materi matematika siswa kelas VIII MTsN Model Banda Aceh serta untuk mengetahui kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa pada level kognitif tertentu. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII MTsN Model Banda Aceh yang terdiri atas 11 kelas, sedangkan sampelnya adalah siswa kelas VIII-3 yang berjumlah 35 orang. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari nilai tes berupa soal yang dibuat oleh peneliti. Persentase ketuntasan penguasaan materi matematika siswa kelas VIII MTsN Model Banda Aceh berdasarkan analisis butir soal pada materi lingkaran untuk butir soal pertama diperoleh 31,04%, yang kedua diperoleh 52,71% dan ketiga diperoleh 95,42%, sedangkan pada materi bangun ruang sisi datar untuk butir soal keempat diperoleh 55% dan kelima diperoleh 93,13%. Adapun kesulitan siswa yaitu pada level ranah kognitif C3 (aplikasi) dengan persentase 52,71% dan C4 (analisis) dengan persentase 34%. Analisis data dengan uji-t pihak kanan pada taraf signifikan a = 0,05 diperoleh (thitung< ttabel) artinya prestasi belajar matematika siswa kelas VIII MTsN Model Banda Aceh belum mencapai tahap berhasil atau belum tuntas


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    Keberadaan TPA seringkali berhubungan dengan masalah lingkungan yaitu pencemaran air tanah. Penggunaan metode pengolahan sampah yang kurang tepat akan menyebabkan tingginya resiko pencemaran akibat air lindi yang masuk ke dalam aliran air tanah pada sumur warga. Selain itu karakteristik sumur di sekitar TPA dapat mendukung sebaran kontaminan dari TPA yang menyebabkan penurunan kualitas air tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik sumur di sekitar TPA terhadap kualitas air tanah. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey dengan teknik analisis data regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, karakteristik sumur memiliki kedalaman antara 4,47-7,78 m (sedang) , ketebalan akuifer 1,37 – 4,04 m (sedang) , nilai konduktivitas (k) pada jenis akuifer basalt adalah 0,01 m/hari dan akuifer tufa sarang berwarna cokelat dan tufa putih keabu-abuan adalah 2 m/hari, jarak sumur dengan TPA Pasir sembung antara > 200 - >900 m, sudut alpha kemiringan dari TPA Pasir Sembung antara 0,037 – 2,514° , dan beda tinggi dari TPA antara 4,51 hingga 16,11 m. Kelas kualitas air tanah di sekitar TPA termasuk ke dalam kelas IV. Karakteristik sumur berpengaruh kuat dengan nilai koefisien determinasi antar 54,5 – 99,2% pada parameter kualitas air. Variabel bebas yang memiliki pengaruh dominan terhadap kualitas air tanah adalah jarak TPA terhadap sumur, jenis akuifer, kedalaman sumur, dan sudut alpha kemiringan.;---The waste disposal related to environmet problem such as groundwater contamination. The unsuitable method of waste will lead to pollution from a leachate into the groundwater flow in the wells. The well characteristic can also make a contaminan distritute from waste disposal that lead to water quality degression. The aim of this research to know the impact of well characteristic around the disposal area towards groundwater quality. The reasearch use a survey method and multiple linier regression to analyze a data. Based on the results, well characteristic has a depth between 4,47 to 7,78 m, aquifer thickness from 1,37 to 4,04 m, conductivity for basalt is 0,001 m/day and brown nest tuff and grayish-white tuff is 2 m/day, the well distance from waste disposal between 200 - >900 m, the alpha angle slope of the landfill between 0,037 to 2,514°, and the height difference of the landfill between 4,51 to 16,11 m. Class of groundwater quality around the disposal area is class IV. The well characteristic have a great impact with the coefficient of determination between 54,5 – 99,2% on each parameter of groundwater quality. The most dominant variable that impacted groundwater quality is the distance from waste disposal to the wells, the type of aquifer, the depth of the wells, and the slope alpha angle

    Analisis Sustainability Kebijakan Relokasi Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL) di Kota Surakarta

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    This study aims to evaluate the policy of relocating street vendors in the city of Surakarta judged from the Sustainability Governance Index (SGI), which includes indicators Status Index and the Management Index. Type of research is qualitative. Informants consisted of street vendors and street vendors associations, government agencies and officials associated with the Solo arrangement of street vendors, and local communities. Informants are determined by purposive sampling technique. The collection of data through observation techniques, in-depth interviews and focus group discussion (FGD) and data were analyzed using interactive analytical model. The study concluded that viewed from the Status Index, relocation policy shows good results from the criteria of democracy, social and security, but weak on economic criteria and resources. Judging from Management Index, policy of relocating street vendors in the city of Solo shows good results in terms of steering capability and institutional learning indicators, but less successful in terms of policy implementation. Therefore in terms of accountability to the public considered not in favor of the interests of business continuity of street vendors


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    The main focus of this research was to find out whether Project Based Learning motivated students in microteaching class. Evaluation for microteaching subject based on Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) curriculum which implemented in university needed more variety in producing qualified teachers. The tendency of Indonesian students in learning English was fragmented with the monotonous method, thus this research was conducted. This research was qualitative research with 15 sample students getting the project and they worked in team to have multi tasks. The execution of the integrated skills was observed by the researcher through guided observation from FFT Framework for Teaching, developed by Charlotte Danielson and semi-structured interview. The finding showed that by giving this project driven the students were more active and got high motivation in performing their microteaching practice


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    The aim of the study to find out whether or not it is effective to use one act drama in improving speaking ability to the eighth grade students of junior high school 44 of Palembang. The method used in this study was experimental method. The population of the study was all the eighth grade  students of junior high school 44 of Palembang consisted of 290 students. The number of sample was 74 students taken by using purposive sampling and divided into two groups namely, control and experimental. The data of test was analyzed by using t-test. The result of the study indicated that the mean of posttest in the experimental group was 69.86, and the mean of posttest in the control group was 68.33. t-obtained was 2.052 at the significance level of p> 0.05 (5%) in 2-tailed testing and degree if freedom (df) was 72, and critical value of t-table was 1.990. Since the value of t-obtained was higher than the critical value of t-table, the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. It means that improving students’ speaking ability through one act drama was effective

    Role of Mobile Phone for English Language Teaching

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    Mobile phone is a recent technology in teaching English. Mobile phone provides simple and easy way in developing teaching and learning activities, therefore, the researcher was interested in finding the data information about the role of mobile phone for English language teaching. The utilization of mobile phone offers valuable opportunities for creating an effective teaching strategy. The students' perspectives are crucial for getting their views of role of mobile phone in language teaching. This case study was to find out the students' perspectives of mobile phone role in English language teaching. A qualitative design was employed for the purpose of getting the data. Mainly semi structure interview was used as the research instruments. The result of her research finding showed that most students were having good response towards the usage of mobile phones in language learning but some findings shown that the problems were also occurred at the same moment of using it. These research findings were contributed the next research for more deeply dig for language learning

    Teaching Activity by Implementing Curriculum 2013 at SMP Negeri 23 Pekanbaru

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    The purpose of this study is to know the teaching and learning activity in implementing the 2013 curriculum. This research is based on a preliminary study of the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in some junior high schools around Pekanbaru by observing and interviewing English teachers. This research is qualitative. Researcher use observation sheet and interview to know the learning activities in SMP Negeri 23 Pekanbaru. Based on the research findings, first, the stage of teaching and learning process in the classroom, the teacher has not been able to carry out the ideal teaching step; second, professionally, the curriculum implementer has not received training from the government to support the teaching and learning process in the classroom and the last available resources and media Not yet supported. By doing this research, researchers hope that the government does the right training for all English teachers in applying the 2013 curriculum

    The Implementation of 2013 Curriculum at SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru

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    The aim of the research was to find out teaching and learning activities at SMA Negeri 12 in implementing 2013 curriculum. This research was based on the preliminary studies in some Junior and Senior High Schools around Pekanbaru by observing and interviewing the English teacher in excuting 2013 curriculum. The design of this Research was qualitative.The researcher used observation sheet and interview to find out the activities in SMA Negeri 12. Based on the research findings, first, the stage of teaching and learning process in the classroom, the teacher could not implement the step ideally, second, the professional curriculum from the government did not provide the available training to support teaching and learning in the classroom and the last the availability of resources and media were not supported yet. By conducting this research, the researcher hoped that the government conducting the appropriate training to all English teachers in implementing 2013 curriculum


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    This article is concerned with the diversity of gender in acquiring language in psychological perfectives. The language and gender are the main factors which the writer tries to expose. The language using for each gender is observed by the psychological perfectives and the data collected by using descriptive literature analysis. The fact showed that the factors of the diversity of language in each gender are contributed by psychological matter from their family background, the superiority, and socio cultural phenomenon
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