253 research outputs found

    Somatic chromosomal translocation between Ewsr1 and Fli1 loci leads to dilated cardiomyopathy in a mouse model

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    A mouse model that recapitulates the human Ewing's sarcoma-specific chromosomal translocation was generated utilizing the Cre/loxP-mediated recombination technique. A cross between Ewsr1-loxP and Fli1-loxP mice and expression of ubiquitous Cre recombinase induced a specific translocation between Ewsr1 and Fli1 loci in systemic organs of both adult mice and embryos. As a result Ewsr1-Fli1 fusion transcripts were expressed, suggesting a functional Ews-Fli1 protein might be synthesized in vivo. However, by two years of age, none of the Ewsr1-loxP/Fli1-loxP/CAG-Cre (EFCC) mice developed any malignancies, including Ewing-like small round cell sarcoma. Unexpectedly, all the EFCC mice suffered from dilated cardiomyopathy and died of chronic cardiac failure. Genetic recombination between Ewsr1 and Fli1 was confirmed in the myocardial tissue and apoptotic cell death of cardiac myocytes was observed at significantly higher frequency in EFCC mice. Moreover, expression of Ews-Fli1 in the cultured cardiac myocytes induced apoptosis. Collectively, these results indicated that ectopic expression of the Ews-Fli1 oncogene stimulated apoptotic signals, and suggested an important relationship between oncogenic signals and cellular context in the cell-of-origin of Ewing's sarcoma

    Precise Prediction of Right Atrium Position within Expiratory Phase Thorax

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    Fifteen patients who underwent CT during both the inspiratory and expiratory phases were retrospectively reviewed. The anterior posterior (AP) diameter of the thorax, the largest vertical distance from the uppermost RA level to the back surface (RA height), and the ratio of RA height to AP diameter of the thorax (RA thorax ratio) were determined. We then attempted to predict the expiratory RA height using the following 2 methods. Formula 1: Predicted expiratory RA height = Average inspiratory RA thorax ratio × Expiratory AP diameter of thorax. Formula 2: Predicted expiratory RA height = Each inspiratory RA thorax ratio × Expiratory AP diameter of thorax. In a Bland-Altman plot with Formula 1, the bias was –0.34 mm and limit of agreement ranged from –19.44 to 18.75 mm, whereas those were –1.31 mm and –9.72 to 7.10 mm with Formula 2. Our findings indicate that inspiratory CT imaging and expiratory phase thorax diameter can be used to precisely predict expiratory phase RA height in individual patients

    FMD and eGFR Slope in Males and Females

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    Aims: It is known that there are sex differences in vascular endothelial function and the development of chronic kidney diseases; however, it remains unclear whether sex differences influence the association between vascular endothelial function and renal prognosis. Methods: To clarify the relationship between vascular endothelial function and longitudinal eGFR changes in male and female patients with cardiovascular risk factors, we retrospectively evaluated 341 patients (176 males and 165 females) with cardiovascular risk factors in whom vascular function was assessed by flow-mediated dilation (FMD) and brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) and in whom 24-month longitudinal eGFR values were recorded after the vascular function examinations. Associations of values of FMD and baPWV with values of eGFR slope were statistically analyzed. Results: Simple regression analysis showed that the value of FMD was positively associated with eGFR slope in females (p=0.001) and non-smoking males (p=0.033) but not in smoking males. Multiple regression analysis showed that the value of FMD remains a positive contributor for eGFR slope in females (p=0.001) and non-smoking males (p=0.045) but not in smoking males. In contrast, values of baPWV had no significant association with eGFR slope regardless of sex and cigarette smoking. Conclusions: In individuals with cardiovascular risk factors, evaluation of vascular endothelial function enables prediction of renal prognosis in females and non-smoking males

    The effect of isoflavone-daidzein oral medication on cutaneous wound healing in female ovariectomized mice

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    This study investigated the influence of oral administration of isoflavone-daidzein on the cutaneous wound healing process in female ovariectomized mice. Eight-week-old female mice were divided into groups of ovariectomized mice and mice administered daidzein after an ovariectomy. Two full-thickness wounds on the dorsum were made in mice in both groups. There was no significant difference between wound areas of the two groups from wounding to healing during 15 days. The area in the group administered daidzein tended to be smaller than that in the ovariectomized group during the inflammatory phase 4 and 5 days after wounding . The rate of re-epithelialization in the group administered daidzein tended to be higher than that in the ovariectomized group in the inflammatory phase on day 3 (40.7 ± 17.6% and 21.0 ± 16.8%, respectively). Therefore, the administration of daidzein under lack of estrogen is expected to reduce the inflammation period and promote re-epithelialization. この研究は、卵巣摘出した雌マウスに皮膚創傷を作製し、経口投与したイソフラボン の一種であるダイゼインが、創傷治癒にどのような影響を与えるかを観察したもので ある。8 週令の雌マウスを卵巣摘出群と卵巣摘出し創作製した後にダイゼインを与え た2 群に分けた。両群共、卵巣摘出後、ダイゼインを含まない精製飼料で2週間飼育 後に、左右の背部に直径4mm の皮膚全層欠損層を作製した。創作製後、ダイゼインを 含まない飼料とダイゼインを含む飼料で2 週間飼育した。ダイゼインは、飼料1g に 0.01mg 含むように作製した。両群の創面積は、2 週間の間の毎日において、有意差は 見られなかった。しかし、炎症期である創作製後4 と5 日では、ダイゼイン食で飼育 した群が無ダイゼイン食で飼育した群が、やや創面積が小さい傾向がみられた(それ ぞれ、p 値が0.061、0.083 であった)。創作製後の3 日での、再上皮化の割合は、ダイゼイン群で40.7 ± 17.6%、無ダイゼイン群で21.0 ± 16.8%となり、ダイゼイ ン群はより上皮化が進んでいる傾向が見られた (p = 0.07)。これらの結果は、エス トロゲン欠乏状態で、ダイゼインの経口投与が、創傷治癒において、炎症を抑制し上 皮化を促進することを示唆している